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Do you roll your own cigs?
Is it worth it?
It's around £20 for the cheapest rolling tobacco here, the only affordable way to smoke is buying blackmarket tobacco from dodgy foreign shops
I roll my own, but it's barely worth it. Can roll perhaps 10-20 more cigarettes more than the cheapest packet of 20 cigarettes. out of a 30g bag and some papers - the tobacco has to be some almost blackmarket crap
>Is it worth it?
according to the identity property, yes, "it" is always worth "it"

>be pic related
>young eye doctor in london and not even interested in politics
>your brother dies
>find yourself all of sudden the leader of the only secular country in the middle east but majority of your country are mentally ill muzzie subhumans
>your dad already ruined all relationships with the west and allied himself with the soviet union that collapsed a few years ago
>the west says you are an easy game
>the west start their kikery against arab boomer dictators
>all your other dictator friends who have double your age of experience get killed, mutilated and pegged with sticks
>your country is next
>billions of dollars spent on getting rid of you
>america, israel, western europe, turkey, all gang up on you
>every terrorist organization rushes to your country
>terrorists from all over the world somehow find their way to your country
>people give you 2 years max to either get killed or run away
>lose 80% of your territories

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>fight/genocide muh christians
Daesh enslaved some even when they choosed to flee the area or actually wanted to pay the jizza tax ir how its called.
Because he is the Lion of Syria, chaddest political figure of the 21st century by far.

Israelis did this and much more lmao the israeli flag is just being dishonest.
I mean, it did fail in the end.
He knows that. He's either a fed or a neocon.
Occupied by US-backed rebels: At Tanf
Occupied by kuds: basically everything east of the Euphrates
Turks: Idlib, northern border
see: https://southfront.press/military-situation-in-syria-on-may-14-2024-map-update/
Iran and Russia actually help their allies instead of plunging them to Civil War.
this, unironically
there are literally more mudslime sunni subhumans in germany and turkey today than in syria.
I bet this will have a good effect on the syrian stock.
The only area in syria where isis is still active are the American occupied areas.
The only reason why the American didn't bombed Assads palace was because you didn't want an direct confrontation with Russia

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Why is /pol/ so opposed to walkable cities?
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Weimar-tier degenerates like these make me want to pump CO2 into the atmosphere out of spite, but the Fuhrer forbids it
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Trips of truth lol, thermometers are the great unifier

True freedom is the ability to choose the lifestyle that suits you
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A literal opinion of 14 year old in the throes of puberty.
Because Trump shilled them as, "freedom cities" so now they are good but only for that reason.
I'm from Amsterdam.

><no car culture
We have street races every week and almost every family owns a car.
>legalised sex work
It's actually legalised trafficking of minors. Prostitution is the foil.
>beautiful canals
They're full of trash bags, tourist piss and bicycles.
And the sides are littered with fat Americans, fat Jewish tourists, and recalcitrant English lads.
>weed is legal
In most of America too, so not as big an argument as the idiot thinks.
>everyone rides bikes
Everyone drives cars. Cycling's only done by the enthusiasts and the poor.
Even the migrant population doesn't ride bicycles. They steal fatbikes and tune them to go faster than mopeds and scooters for the bragging rights.

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Pakis and Indians being lynched and killed in Kyrgyzstan! Even Kyrgyz are fed up with jeets! It is always a glorious day when South Asians suffer and die!
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there are kyrgyz flags on /int/.
I came across one here too

ah, the faggot has turned on his bangladeshi flag now!

these are paid shills; paid to sow division and hatred.

You'll never see a meaningful post from this faggot.

All his posts would be meant to cause anger and hatred
>mfw hating street shitters now means sexually submission to....well, someone.
Malaun cope is hilarious
what's wrong with "division" and hatred?
Who would I be dividing?
>bragging about being a rapist
This is some weird flex/cope combo.

>Genuinely believe in the ideals of Marxism/Communism and that’s it’s what’s better for mankind
>Very conservative socially, hates trannies and typical sjw talking points.

How do we fix this? Why did a workers movement get adopted by trannies and soiboys?

It’s obviously a jewish psyop to taint the righteous ideology by associating it with degeneracy and nonsense.
Stalin was a strong, hardened man that hated degeneracy.
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It was explicitly atheistic. A tranny ideology from the beginning. Equality isn’t real. Repeat it to yourself until it sinks in
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lol i used to be like you until i picked up a book and read what degenerates like you had to say
>picked up a book and read what degenerates like you had to say
Like what?
Fact: 90% of communists will commit ad hominems right before avoiding to explain why their ideology is perfect

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>praising Iran, Bashar or supporting the rafida in any way
>working or co-operating with rafida shia
>eating the sacrifices of rafida shia (meat of Jews and Christians is permissible)
>Celebrating birthdays
>swearing and cursing
>card games and any form of gambling

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Rip shawty low
Why was she acting like a whore in a historically Muslim land, then? A bunch of Russkis, Eastern Euros & Africans larping as indigenous to that region doesn't change the fact that she alongside her brethren are essentially perma-tourists.
She wanted it to happen, that´s why.

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This image speaks volumes
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>everything I don't like to hear is demoralizing
Truth hurts.
>a tradwife trend is somehow supposed to take off despite most women never seeing it
Holy fuck why are us flags all 70 iq subhumans fucking kill yourself you reject
It's to monetize views you dumbasses, thats it. Once again woman figured out how to milk you for your money


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>age of consent is 14
Gercucks, explain yourselves. Is this a holdover form Weimar?
Why the fuck haven't you corrected it?
Zoomers are americanized so the aoc will be changed to 18 soon.

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Now, they’re back. “Investor home purchases are rising—albeit slightly—for the first time in almost two years,” according to Redfin. In a newly published analysis, Redfin found investors bought 44,000 homes in the first quarter, up half a percent from a year earlier. (Redfin defines an investor as “any institution or business that purchases residential real estate.”)

Investors bought almost 19% of homes sold in the first quarter this year, so roughly one in five homes, per Redfin. That’s fewer homes than before and throughout the pandemic, but it is the highest share in close to two years, the analysis read.

The rationale behind the return being, “with home prices and rents back on the rise and the initial shock of elevated mortgage rates in the rearview mirror, investors are easing their foot off the brake pedal,” according to Redfin. That being said, they’re making more money than they were a year ago, too. In March of this year, the typical home sold by an investor drove a slightly more than 55% return, or close to $175,000 profit. Last year, in the typical situation, an investor sold a home for more than $146,000 than they bought it for, or above 46%. Fewer investors sold at a loss too.

Redfin’s analysis found investors are buying both more expensive homes than before—and a record share of the most affordable homes in the country. “The typical home bought by investors in the first quarter cost $464,560, up 9.2% from a year earlier,” it said. “Investors purchased $31.3 billion worth of homes in the first quarter, up 6.6% year over year.”

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666 but hell ain't real
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I checked our HOA directory the other day and that sounds about right. 1 in 5 house owners had an "LLC" in their name.
So when is someone going to Johnny Silverhand Blackrock tower?

>Big surprises about gas chambers in WWII Germany and Austria: showers, delousing, US & Soviet built.
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Summer Camps Holohoax Videos:

Part 1:

Part 2:

YOUTUBE LINK at 40min30s:

Catbox Link:
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Silence Satan, the Britons were heavily involved in many of the Crusades. Englishmen and Scots put aside their disagreements to help the Spanish in their Reconquista, with Englishmen who had actually fought against Robert the Bruce following a Scottish general who brought his heart along as a holy relic. Every Crusade the English took part in was successful. It was the English and the Scots who were, other than Germany, the great sponsors of the Teutonic knights, and who were best represented among their troops aside from the Teutons and Livonians (who admittedly were the overwhelming majority); who ground the Mongol down in endless skirmishes and kept them out of the heart of Europe.

And it was the British who would decisively go forth and crush the pagan and the saracen across the world with the advent of our Empire!

... However, you are right that a lot of Britons are incredibly ignorant of this history. We were there though, our men spilled their blood with our brothers and cousins on the continent against the mohammadan and the mongol. So don't you go looking down on us!
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US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says NATO will deploy troops to Ukraine

In a major escalation of the US-NATO war with Russia in Ukraine, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Q. Brown told the New York Times Thursday that the NATO military alliance will “eventually” send significant numbers of active-duty NATO troops to Ukraine, which the newspaper said meant the deployment was “inevitable.”
He won't do shit.

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>throwing sodomites into an eternal lake of fire

Based God
do you think God makes you fart too?
you choose to act on your impure thoughts anon. its not a life or death situaiton. you dont need to have gay sex or even kiss a man. none of it is necessary
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believers also get the rope

Who’s next?

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Previous: >>468414239

▶Day: 815 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea
>Budanov: Kharkiv region "stabilising" and "is not catastrophic"

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Total zigger discombobulation
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>kay, fine you were right, they aren't banned,
They will and have been be banned. And they will not be allowed to speak openly about their politics, or they will be sued for hate speech. What more do you want?
Meanwhile in the west:
>Höcke, a former history teacher, closed his remarks at the time with the rallying cry “everything for Germany”. The presiding judge found on Tuesday that he knew of its Nazi connotations when he said it and fined him €13,000. Prosecutors had demanded a six-month suspended sentence while defence attorneys called for acquittal.

>Höcke, who faced a maximum sentence of three years in prison, remained defiant throughout the proceedings, which began last month with anti-AfD protesters gathering outside the courthouse.
Shame. Doubt Russians will notice any difference to their shitty lives.
>gets beaten down by a woman
>pulls her shirt up to get a look at titty
At least he has his priorities straight despite being an alcoholic waste of space.

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>just randomly threw my mouse against the wall and completely destroyed it

I came back from a walk outside and basically talked to myself (sometimes out loud) how being an ugly sub5 man is basically the same as being a shunned societal reject. Even if you get a job and do everything society expects from you, nothing will change.

Got so pissed when I thought about how women consider people like me literal subhumans and how amny instances I had in my life where it was blatantly obvious but back then I was still stupid and naive.

This happened repeatedly over the last several weeks. As an ugly 5'8" 29 year old touchless virgin with no money, dead poorfag family and zero friends I just find myself faced with my rejection by society and the inability to achieve things that are percieved as normal and easy by normalfags.

Anyone else can relate?
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If you get together with a lot of other ugly men you can form a militia...
I'm a massive Warhammer painting autistic weirdo that loves dumping on random women at social events with HOURS of unsolicited dune lore dumps and I've still been married for nearly a decade you doomer faggot, go out there an go get some puddin'
How tall are you?
You're 6'2" and good looking, he's 5'8" and ugly asf
assisted suicide seems comfy

Anon, would I have some chances of being accepted in the ethnostate?
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Race is far more than just skin color, retard. No one is falling for your Kike tricks anymore. The obvious answer is: No, you're not White.
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And me?
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why do you shave your arms?
Prettier aesthetic anon
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Definitely, glory to Ukraine

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on-topic edition, botniggers not welcome
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Thanks leaf. Blessing is appreciated.
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Or its a zoomer who doesnt know his own neighbors and wont help the walker bound grandma he lives next to.
Or its a paid service and people dont get paid to do that side, simple as.
You never know and the memes with random pictures followed by some bullshit opinion are probably more toxic to our times than logposting, ai prompt gen'd trash, and i may even dare say, the banana fag. Why?
Because they are catchy, you almost always instantly believe whatever propaganda was written, and the image usually out of context.

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It's crafted.

He has always been writing about the destructive nature of obsessing over women and pornography. If it's intentional? Idk.

Like right before his feminism thing he wrote a comic about
>lol no matter what happens draw pretty women! Always works lol!

And then everyone thinks he is a feminist for some reason as he accelerates into feminism for a literal decade before ending on trannies.

That's maybe not very deep but it's an almost computer level of relevant.
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You're a Jew, and no one cares.

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