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God has forsaken me, my guardian angels have left me, fate is not on my side anymore, im doomed to a lifetime of hatred and mockeries, my father and mother will condemn me, my friends will betray me, my love will commit adultery
take it to /x/
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>God has forsaken me, my guardian angels have left me, fate is not on my side anymore, im doomed to a lifetime of hatred and mockeries, my father and mother will condemn me, my friends will betray me, my love will commit adultery
>a jewnigger demon
later loser
Retard. God never forgets. It’s you who refuse to listen to your consciousness and his suggestions. How you want universe to dance around you, if you are so depressed cause of demoralisation trick?
I don't even had any friends, never learned to be social, and my parents fucked me up and they gaslight me about it. My existence is pointless.

A reminder anti-abortion fags will stop medical groundbreaking stem cell research because "muh magical Jew"
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Stem cells are the best thing a nigger fetus could ever hope to contribute to the world. I think we need to let them live up to their full potential and offer free abortions. If you're the type to be yeeting your niglet it's probably for the best that you stop pissing in the gene pool anyways.
Quote that verse right now.
You do realize that God demanded Israel wipe out the people in the land of Canaan BECAUSE they were sacrificing children right?
>Quote that verse right now.
Kek you actually need someone to quote you the sodom and gomorrah story?
just stop eating sugar, useless fat mutts.
Let me know when it cures type 1. Because diet and exercise cures type 2.

The ONLY reason you post with a meme flag is because you are embarrassed of the country you live in which makes you an INSECURE LITTLE BITCH
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Its mostly JIDF desperately attempting to sway opinions in there favor.
They buy up Facebook accounts and do the same on twitter/ig as well.
Holy shit if this is real how do I sign up?
Step 1: Install violentmonkey
Step 2: Install 4chan X
Step 3: Add script to Filter 1pbtID
Your time spent on this board has now drastically improved.
Step 4: Profit.
/Black Nationalist/

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Why do you guys oppose increasing the minimum wage? You don't hate poor people do you?
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If democrats truly cared about the poor why are blue states filled with homeless people?

It just boils down to people who are well off not wanting to have a little less so everyone else can have a little more.

The same people that pay private security to keep minorities out of their neighborhoods.

The same people exploiting labor to get richer.

Who virtually make it impossible for the poor to rise by making it impossible to secure certain loans, join certain groups, pay for certain universities etc. forcing them to have to use "banks and credit scores" to get ahead just to fuck them some more.

Same people that out source the labor to other countries to cut corners etc

But keep telling yourself it's the blacks. Keep telling yourself it's the transexuals that are the reason this countries collapsing in on itself and not the fact that the rich man's greed is unsustainable.

I'm not saying it's white people because it's really not. It's the haves and the haves nots. There are all types of different people in both these groups.
If you give people more money, the cost of everything goes up. I'm in Seattle, the minimum wage is $19 and tiny studio apartments are like $2000 a month.
The rent didnt increase because of minimum wage. It increased because you continue to import chinks and poojeets who live on the dole and get priority over poor actual canadians.
Number go up doesn't have a great track record of reducing poverty. Make the minimum wage infinity dollars.. dear God, why is everybody starving?

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Israel is right and you cant deny anything. The only way to treat arabic barbarians is simply to erase them.
And they're still the master race. How does that make you feel?

no, jews
Jews are goyim and they know it.
It motivates everything they do.
genocide is just the wrong term, just like white genocide, it's easy to argue against it because nobody is doing an active murder campaign against whites, but shit is still going on that will lead to terrible outcomes, might even be a kike tactic to call it a genocide for this reason

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>2 seconds before disaster
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"Catboy Kami" makes a living putting on school girl dresses and showing horse cock dildos up his ass. At what point will you just accept that nick the spic is just as fucking gay?
I very sincerely don't mind if Nick is gay. I have nothing against gay people. His work against Israel is all that matter. He's doing incredible work
It's watermarked "groyprape", it couldn't be anymore obvious.

Go back to plebbit.



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>option a: man calling out kikes is growing in popularity and got hacked by kikes
>option b: somehow accidentally streamed gay watermarked porn from telegram on only one of his streams during a simulcast

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God put that river there to keep it isolated. Bridges are a sin against God's design.
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>post Halo pic
>shitolele or qualco- OH fuCK I eat to much Little Caesars pizzas

>play lottery
>impossible odds
>prize is paying $1000/mo + tip rent for a small apartment
Why is this a thing and why are articles written about it? Obviously jews, but what exactly is the purpose? Is this just entertainment for them?

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How much tax do you pay to keep it and why don't you sell it?
Living in the city at ground level near a train station sounds like the perfect location to be harassed by niggers, but I'm glad you enjoy sending your kids there while you are safe in the suburbs.
Can't read ass nigger. He says he send the kids to the Aunt and he spends the night there. Jealous little shit too lmao.
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You've never been to Boston, you seething poorfag. I bet I have more acreage in the suburbs than you do in your "muh palatial country estate".

My condo in the seaport Airbnbs for $350 / night and I have about 80% utilization. My property manager takes 5%, leaving me with about $8K a month. Property tax is about $20K a year. HOA fees are $350 / month. Because this is a business, these are all tax deductible, and I also depreciate the property (plan on using it as my primary residence for two years before I sell so I don't have to pay depreciation back to the IRS)

Enjoy poverty.
I wasn't seething. Just pointing out that your place has easy access to niggers and curious about why you would keep an weekend getaway that has rather expensive holding costs. You didn't mention that you were a jew who lets strangers pay you to stay there. Also $20k property tax is significantly lower that what it would be if your home was worth what you claim so it's pretty clear you are larping as a jewish landlord. And worse. You're probably a jew larping as a jewish landlord. Thanks for explaining.

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Tyson Fury vs. Oleksandr Usyk
Jai Opetaia vs. Mairis Briedis
Joe Cordina vs. Anthony Cacace
Sergey Kovalev vs. Robin Safar
Mark Chamberlain vs. Joshua Oluwaseun Wahab
Frank Sanchez vs. Agit Kabayel



Daniel Lapin vs. Octavio Pudivitr

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Bet on Usyk.
OP is a bad faith actor
act with extreme caution ITT
Safar looking pretty good

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>Politically incorrect
>Can't have politically incorrect opinions on a politically incorrect board.
>if you do you get instantly banned.
child sexual abuse might turn a yt man gay. Thats a reason good enough to off all pedophiles
>well adjusted
What kind of metric is this? Is being well adjusted to our profoundly sick society a good thing?

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Why are Japanese's people such Niggers ?
Stick to JAV guys
female version better

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>go to 4plebs.org
>click the search box
>Country > sweden
>type "arab" or "muslim" in the search
get some popcorn, sit and enjoy the seethe

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When will this madness finally end? I want my clear deep-blue sky back
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They're doing this all over the globe, burgerbro
That’s fuckin weird
Chemtrails are an externality of free whatever.
it's literally just condensation forming clouds
that's how clouds work
you people are retarded

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I can't, mine died years ago
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uwat mate.jpg
ESL can be an issue. I was thinking of Ms Khazar Milkers, not the sci-fi author. Who is on my list, but I've never got around to.
Abby comes with Ben attached like a small evil homunculus, so she can't be saved.
Around to reading, that is.
So... final score:
2 of howmany spoil the Earth right now.
>Waiting for accomplishment
>sci-fi author. Who is on my list, but I've never got around to.

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What do rusnigger shills have to say now? Muh based russia
all Russia supporters on pol and fucking brown eyed 2nd gen shitskins, they have low IQs so it wont register
Russia is a prostitute semen pit
>BLM flag
>has gay interracial porn on his computer
checks out

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Previous: >>468421178
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral -https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow -https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's -https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) -https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) -https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" -https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region -https://archive.today/78iGs

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Hohols only chimp out if something is Russia or Moscow related
We should present their situation as:
>Russian general Sirsky is drafting hohols!
>It's Moscow who wants Ukrainian government to stay!
>20 million population country struggling to find soldier sor even pay them out attritioning a 145 million country paying soldiers quite a bit with volunteers still coming




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is this the god emperors sisters of battle?
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furfag coal kys

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Every day I watch Republicans call this Catholic man a Nazi and it's got me rethinking things bros
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Like what? Please, share your dumb opinions OP.
he's a jew on the inside
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Suddenly the left is pretending they were the nazis all along
If the Dems didn't pander to open, unabashed degeneracy so much I would be right in line to vote for them.
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2025 is Indian year
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>This is good for /pol/, it will be an aryan victory as aryan indians breed the world into high class aryans.

I AM EURASIAN TIGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Australia is fast tracking all pajeets ahead of all others. One million so far this year. Strange isn't it.
No, they need to dump rupees that they have collected.
I will dump the rupees in a blonde woman!

Europeans are the subset of homo sapiens whose neurology is most affected by the emotions of love, compassion, and affection.
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I wish it wasn't like this because now every eurofaggot wants to bring in even more migrants and donate their money to the poor ones to kill our countries for good
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To be fair, the most advanced and dominant subspecies in planetary history, after the greatest war in its history, during which it discovered weapons which could kill all life on the planet, wanting to force everyone to live together is not entirely ignoble
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It is when you know about the vast wealth of studies showing negatives to diversity for all races.

Yeah, probably.
>love, compassion, and affection.
Those things are definitely homo
Yeah they're Homo, Homo sapiens that is. Lesser extant hominids wouldn't understand.

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Because of your gracious military spending into Nato, Countries all across Europe can have cheap affordable Healthcare and free education. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that Americans love us so much that they would happily spend 860 billion dollars into Nato, Practically subsidizing our military just so that we can have priveleges that they could only dream about.
I hope Trump wins and pulls the USA out of NATO.
Go ahead and call us Russians I don't give a fuck.
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We are at 100bn US right now already

And US spending is mostly fluff
I hope he doesn't win so that you keep spending money on us. I would really hate it if I had spend an ounce of my money on defense, That's your job not mine.
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