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Nick Fuentes will never recover after his latest stream.
Instantly irrelevant.
whast stream>?
Which day does the spamming stop? Maybe regroup and form a new lie.
It’s less of a stream, more like a babbling Brooke
how come?
Lol drew you should get some sleep. You have a big day worshipping jewish cock

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Why does rampant degeneracy only occur in white countries?
I'm pretty sure donkey shows happen daily from Mexico. Also Thai ladyboys. And there was a story about shitskins in borneo pimping out a shaved orangutan. I think the examples you've provided should be considered jewish or jew adjacent.
You cant engage in degeneracy or morality if you are worried about where your next bag of rice will come from. Wealth creates opportunities to play, which in adults often means games of sex and power, and well as opportunities to focus on higher things. Most people live like starving animals, and are focused on nothing but survival.
>Why do degenerate things happen in degenerate places corrupted and subverted by the jews?

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Is this an accurate portrayal of modern America?

America is literally the greatest country on earth. Any disagreement is pure cope.

There are 20% Muslims in Israel.
However, there is no Muslim country with more than 1% Jews.
Imagine the miles of superior Palestinian cock she took before they shot her dead
Go back to Pakistan, Abdul.

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Bird Flu Jumps From Cow to Human in The US: Experts Confirm First Case

It's now official: the highly pathogenic bird flu A(H5N1) that's been spreading across the globe since 2020 has now been passed from a cow to a dairy farmer in the US, the first confirmed cow-to-human transmission of this virus on record.
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So you're going to try the 'pull my finger' trick again?
>Bird Flu Jumps From Cow to Human in The US
Bullshit, of course.
>bird flu A(H5N1) that's been spreading across the globe since 2020
also bullshit.
H5N1 bird flu went around in 2010, and the eighties, and many times before. It's not a 'novel virus' and the risk to humans is low. Get ready to hear about even more chickens being culled but that's it.
>Zero mortality rate
>Oh my gosh it has infected one person over the course of many years
>Odds are there is no dairy farmer that has been infected and yet people still trust the establishment and what they have to say after the whole Covid 19 debacle
Based on the other times humans have caught it, >50%. Not entirely sure, but I think the number is 56%. Of course this is just poor malnourished shitskins, so they probably would have died anyway. Mortality rate is probably barely even there for actual people

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Why should I marry a tattooed and used up roastie with zero life skills, an inability to pair bond, and a bad attitude when I can just get a loli bride who will be a loving and devoted wife and mother?
can you?
Don't see why not

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Yet another plagiarism scandal at MIT
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Filmmaker makes movie about US decadence, critics are furious:
>The setting is manifestly Manhattan, though it has the trappings, nomenclature and costumery of ancient Rome. Coppola’s screenplay is based on the first-century-BC Catilinarian conspiracy, his grand thesis seemingly being that the US too is a decadent empire teetering on the edge of collapse. Luckily, this hasn’t occurred to anyone over the past 40 years.
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>The epidemic of bogus science
>In a 2022 interview with Retraction Watch, a website that monitors papers under suspicion (for unintended errors as well as fraud), Wise itemised how brokers hook up with unscrupulous academics: “There’s this entire economy, ecosystem of Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups, Telegram channels selling authorship for papers, selling citations, selling book chapters, selling authorship of patents.” All pollute the knowledge pool.
Info: ? flag = thread was moved to /pol/ from another board.
If their goal is to imitate and criticize everything that came before their illustrious entry into higher civilization, then they only plagiarize.

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Pierre hate you and wants all whites to be extinct.
Isn't it obvious? Also the president of France, Macron is gay.
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quadruple prebunked
maybe the rcmp had the right idea with the fruit machine

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How do we save dutch women?
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Wait until the nigger collects the toll. That’s what you do.
Just kill her or throw acid in her face
Also cut her clit off
KYS paki
Fuck off roastie, or I'm cutting your clit off.

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Tyson Fury vs. Oleksandr Usyk
Jai Opetaia vs. Mairis Briedis
Joe Cordina vs. Anthony Cacace
Sergey Kovalev vs. Robin Safar
Mark Chamberlain vs. Joshua Oluwaseun Wahab
Frank Sanchez vs. Agit Kabayel



Daniel Lapin vs. Octavio Pudivitr

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zionist shiilling campaign
clearly a bad faith actor
I'm rooting for the White man.
wasn't Usyk at a war, going soggy in a trench? How is that fair? I guess he needs the money for war effort, but still?
what is OP the glownigger sliding is the real question
what's the real happening?

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7 Ukrainians walked around Germany carrying nazi flags

German government got offended

The Ukrainians got deported into Poland and it is not known what Poland will do with them, force them into Ukraine or not?

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but Poland isnt Ukraine so its fine..
>Die Bundesregierung sieht keine Gefährdung eines möglichen Friedensprozesses in der Ukraine durch extreme ukrainische Nationalisten

>sieben Fälle festgestellt worden, bei denen Soldaten rechtsextremistische Symbole trugen. Die Ausbildung der betroffenen ukrainischen Soldaten sei in Abstimmung mit den ukrainischen Streitkräften sofort beendet und die betroffenen Personen in die Ukraine zurückgeführt worden.

Correction: They were active duty and supposed to be trained here. They were not refugees or draft dodgers but azov recruits.
And what of it?
That only shows that Germany doesn't have freedom of speech.
Im still unshure who do i hate the most, Europeans, Ukranoids or Nazis
>we must denazify Germany
>azov gets kicked out of Germany
>noooooooo not like that!
>deport afghan refugees? nah
>deport syrian refugees? nah
>deport ukrainian refugees? YES
To. The. Last. Ukrainian.

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Why is /pol/ so opposed to walkable cities?
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No reason
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Nipper literally every single city in America used to be walkable before drugs and prostitution got banned. Did prohibition prevent solve alcoholism or prevent organized crime? Didn't think so, fucking retards
>dude weed lmao!
Amsterdam sucks fucking ass
full of shitskin that will stab you or shoot you if you look at them the wrong way.
The dem side should have ho.eless shitting all over the streets and the stores all closed or being robbed by junkies. Illegals should also be raping the people on bikes.

Is Bill Maher based or not?

It seems like he's the only mainstream "liberal" figure to ever think like a normal human being for a moment and not pearl-clutch at everything.
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He is only doing this because he realizes trump will be better for israel than biden it is so transparent
It's pretty easy to understand the criticism. The left cannot survive in a world of free speech and debate. They HAVE to control every aspect of the narrative or they wither and die. It's why every unrestrained free area online eventually tilts towards conservative and even straight up racist (at least in non leftist-approved fashions).

They are blatant bigots even in Congress (bald black woman whining about white men failing upwards as pure projection). Hollywood pedos use any chance to soapbox about straight up communism and hatred of white people all the time. But a christian football player giving a speech at a christian university says christian things? *clutching pearls intensifies
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>Is Bill Maher based
No, he's a Jew.
Picrel is why you ALWAYS name the Jew.
Playing good cop is a part of narrative building.
Then they can say, "See? Not all of us are evil?"
And then those "good cops" will back up the evil genocidal ones.
Bill Mahar will not condemn his genocidal fellow Jews in Israel.
He'll just say he "disagrees with them."
Good Jews ALWAYS side with genocidal Jews.
This is just the way it is.
Name the Jew.
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>Another day, another escalation
- Lawyer: Joost didn’t do anything wrong
- The national police apparently has a ‘Jewish police network’
- Stopera shortly occupied by pro-Palestine protesters
- New kabinet wants to move embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
- SGP wants to pull the plug from digital ID + CBDC
- AIVD/MIVD funded ‘experts’ that pushed the COVID’ vaccines’
- Pro-Palestine protestors removed from University of Utrecht by riot police
- Formation talks resulted in agreement between PVV, VVD, NSC & BBB. Prime minister still unknown
- Farmers Defense Force has started a donation campaign
- WHO pandemic law has been approved by demissionair cabinet despite wishes of the House by D66 whore Pia Dijkstra. Mandatory vaccination can be forced, if this happens people WILL DIE
- Counter protesters have infiltrated pro-palestine protest and used fireworks and STOK to attack them
- Joost Klein ask ‘Why not’ as a reaction to the Israeli Golan, she declined to answer if her presence would endanger the songfestival. Joost also got disqualified for ‘harassing’ a journalist and destroying a camera
- Police unions seething because of the riots, days off have been revoked, shifts to long and police presence is even less. Amazing opportunity
- There will be less choice in consumption and traveling too. Fuck that, fight back

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Hnnngggggg seeeeks
Nannie aub
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six million desktop PC computers end up in landfill on November 2025

>Windows 10 support is end

>computers are too old to run Windows 11


six million computers is a huge pile, average computer in 2012 was half a meter tall and half a meter deep and at least 20 centimeters wide

this changed and computers got smaller by 2015 but we are talking especially about 2012 computers because they are the ones getting dumped on a landfill

12 year old CPU cannot run Windows 11 and Windows 10 support is ended

it is doubtfull many of these computers are saved by linux altough modern Linux has no artificial restrictions on running on old computers like Windows 11 has

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Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC
been using it since launch, works fine, even for gaming
>does 4chan still work with old chromium or older firefox
Absolutely. I recently tested it on an xp machine running Firefox 52 and it will work with MyPal, which is the newest updated fork of Firefox that was made for XP. It hasn't been updated in a couple years, though. You can also use K-Meleon 75 on XP for 4chins.
I was thinking captcha would be a problem but nice if it works
OK I'm issuing a correction here.
I just tested posting on /ck/ using XP and you're right, the captcha is now rejecting those browsers I just mentioned.
I don't know what the requirements are for cloudfare. Before cloudfare took over posting from XP still worked.

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America is a massive country. Israel is a tiny country. Objectively Israel cannot accommodate millions of Palestinians. America can easily. It is a good alternative to genocide which /pol/ is suddenly against.
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>Objectively Israel cannot accommodate millions of Palestinians.
I objectively disagree. Israel made this mess, it is in their responsibility to handle the question of palestine.
Otherwise Israel is no better than 3rd world shitholes dumping their problems on Europe/US via pushing out your undesirables.
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Israel shows its appreciation for the support it receives from the west by sending them infinity brownoid migrants.
You are being trolled, anon. Look at the buzzwords:
>/pol/ is for/against X
>greater Israel
Their solution is genocide.
>Who gave Israel the privilege to kick them out?
Several wars which they won kek.

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Swedish Antifa just dropped a hit piece against the German, pro-Israel "antifa":


> For a long time now we have closely followed, with disgust, the pro-Israel German anti-fascism, or the antideutsche movement as they are called in Germany, and we have never considered ourselves to share anything in common with the groups that represent this obscure current.

> However, with the ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians, it is long past time for us to officially disassociate ourselves from all left-wing and anti-fascist groups, both inside and outside Germany, that support the state of Israel.

> These “anti-fascists”, who are anti-fascist neither in theory nor in practice, and who align their anti-fascism with the interests of the political establishment, are not our comrades.

> It is a responsibility for all of us to draw up principles for anti-fascism, for example that it must be revolutionary, for example that it must be class-based, and internationalist, so that neither social-democrats nor German Zionists can dilute its concept and impact.

> Based on our analysis of fascism and anti-fascism, we see clearly that the pro-Israel left is not only wrong, but downright dangerous.

> On the one hand, they reject German nationalism, which is rightly claimed to have historically led to fascism, while on the other hand they fanatically support ethno-nationalism in the Middle East. The moral is thus that nationalism for white Europeans is somewhat unfashionable, while the devastating consequences of nationalism for Arabs are a worthy price to pay. The product we are left with is a deformed, imperialist and racist type of “anti-fascism”, well suited to the interests of capitalism and nationalism.

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>Stockholm syndrome antifa
Very good description of swedish antifa.
The immigration has fucked up their country so bad that they ended up loving the immigrants
Just like Stockholm Syndrome
And just like the battered spouses who stay with their abusive husbands
No wonder why many in the antifa movements are women or their beta-orbiter male feminists
>German anti-fascism, or the antideutsche
Why yes, yes they are.
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Oh no, not the heckin commies.
Right, because Swedish antifa isn't anti-Swede.
Just more infested with islam.
>No wonder why many in the antifa movements are women or their beta-orbiter male feminists
Here its entirely paedophiles. There are a lot of antifa bars and flats (that they rent out to illegals who cant produce an id to rent) here. Anti capitalism in action.
Every time I talk to one they end up at getting rid of Nazis to lower the age of consent.

Ironically I only go to interview the foreigners who usually come thinking that antifa are on their side only to find them being paedophile retards with no understanding of the world around them.

here is a tactic ive learned to fight these kikes on 4chan frens. Simply say "you re jewish" and leave. When they respond, say "you are jewish". They re okay being called communists, leftists, republicans, or democrats, but feel absolute repulsion when you name them
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hen pecked doesn't mean old
cackle of hens doesn't mean old

you need to work on your idioms, my bong friend, the purpose of names is to create identifiers to point towards.
surely you know this.
hence the identifier of weasel, rat, snake, etc, for shifty and overall untrust worthy individuals
no surgery scars around her nose

The leader of the White's in America land is a Homosexual Test Tube mexican mutt that posted Gay porn.

You will never accomplish win.

>T. Basque
Okay jew.
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Did your kin know about this place? Just curious, also what do you think about people reifying IDF into Negev? I would prefer you having her as a pet rather than what japs did as I don't like furries and unlike them you actually have a large percentage of female soldiers so it doesn't look off.

>Big surprises about gas chambers in WWII Germany and Austria: showers, delousing, US & Soviet built.
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>Now they're paying the price for that Hubris.
without the poison of jew worship no european people would have ever succumb to their non european enemies
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Without Judaism. Without Jews. Christian and Islam wouldn't exist, and neither would their fabled civilisations. How in God's name can a people be so narrow minded to not see that Jews are the Grit in the Oyster.
>You can outright prove the holocaust didn't happen, but it doesn't matter. Humans will always stick to the lies they were taught as children as long as enough people around them fortify the lie.
Like the lie Kate Middleton is alive, people stick to lies until it's no longer punished to repeat the truth.

I remember the Challenger explosion: two straight decades of public ridicule in the US towards anyone who claimed the astronauts were still alive instead of immediately dead. How dare anyone suggest Christa McAullife, super teacher, died freaking out and scared out of her mind all the way down.

All of that chiding and ridicule has been replaced as US GenX got older, with shrugs that of course they were still alive. Here are official transcripts.

Declassification is a bitch. Media complicity is more of a bitch. Memory-holing the manipulations of public knowledge is the lowest bitch of all.

The Holocaust being a lie is already falling apart. Don't know what will happen to the Holocaust museums built to enshrine lies, though. Parents can soft force the issue by refusing to let their children attend Holocaust school tours. No explanation necessary.
Brother, read this:

It is treachery at the highest levels. We are not being repaid for 'past sins' (except perhaps not being intolerant enough and immediately purging the filth in our lands), we did not vote ourselves into this, we were not let down by greedy boomers, it was not stupid women who brought us low; we have been locked in a battle with Jews, Sabbatean-Frankists, Free Masons and a host of related factions, including today NATO, the WHO and the WEF, and it is they who have done this to us without our knowledge. These people have been waging a war against us while we've all been believing that we live in happy little representative democracies.

Over the past 30 or so years it has become abundantly clear that 'our' democratic 'representatives' do not represent us. They are beholden to other powers. If we actually look into the ideologies behind those groups I just mentioned, we can find out who; and it mirrors what the Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

It is time for the men of the West to rise up and rally behind our King who is Jesus Christ, and purge the devil and his followers from our lands. Let them call us 'bigots', that supposed slur means 'by God'; and by God we reject their evil.
She looks like a serial killer who has peeled off someone else's face to wear.

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>it’s real
yea I’m thinking we’re fucking back Biden bros
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>L, D and Q
Ligma Dong, Queer?
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joe's a nigger. sage
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Trump trash BTFO!!!
Blumf has been humiliated again
>pretend like inflation isn't real
>let money retreat into equities and drive up valuations
>look how great the economy is

they think we're fucking stupid

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