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1. If other men (and I'm not talking about broke and thirsty incels) see you with a female like that we aren't jealous as opposed what you think.
We may look at the ass because we're always dtf but we don't see it as the trophy you think we see it as.
We know that this whore will end up either taking your money, your kids or your reputation and by parading her around you're just showcasing how ignorant you are to those dangers, how thirsty you are for validation from others and as a consequence how untrustworthy you are.
2. I'd you parade a whore like this it doesn't make you like the big boss but instead it makes you look like the big cuck.
Women have a double dating strategy where once they secured a beta cuck provider (you) they are hardwired to constantly scan the environment for the alpha seed.
By parading her around you look like the cuck who is in the process of being fucked out of his money and is asking to be literally cucked by other men.
While you're thinking "god these plebs must be so jealous" were thinking "she's already fucking His whole friend circle behind his back and this retard is now asking the room to cuck him even more"
parading around whores (and I'm not talking about onlyfans) makes you look like a cuck while you think it makes you look admirable
Men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos

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I'm truly niggled when the Aryan race is impostered by brown people.
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i already answered your question its right here. >>468429365 you only hate Italians because they slaughtered your precious jew rat people back in the day
Its the classic example of knuckleheaded Neo-Nazism that Jews love to paint us all as. They think we believe race is color or get some sick kick out of arbitrarily dividing 'us' and 'them', because people like OP enable that narrative.
It kills any attempts at honestly assessing these ideas, because they're tarnished and deconstructed to what amounts to sportsballs.
Yeah true, if theres any whites who genuinely believe this, theyre just trailer park trash, low iq genetic refuse that needs to be culled from our movement

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This image speaks volumes
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I’ll bang them, if you know what I mean
It’s very sad when you see a woman who is clearly lost in terms of her true identity and what kind of person she is, they cling to the trad wife thing harder than others
it’s very sad

everybody should just be themselves, social media is turning us all into the same people
>women must be trad and wife
>NO not like that! Still a whore. See, this is why I'm a virgin and I'm not talking to them


>we must spread epic memes of tradwifery. Women doing housework, massaging husbands' feet, serving husbands drinks, being beaten, locked in cages, tortured, raped, mutilated, burned alive, used as a food source,
>wtf why are they making being a tradwife popular???? It's supposed to be a VIRAL SENSATION, but now they're making it popular!! Wtf, /pol/ was supposed to popularize tradwife, not tiktok! Th3se women aren't even being fucked in the ass while having their heads shoved in toilets!!!! Gay!!!!!!!!
A woman who can put together a simple meal is now "trad". What the fuck are people doing.
Nuke be upon ye
>social media addicted attention whore

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Tiger Woods is also a descendant of black samurai
anon, he posts AI generated goyslop as proof, it's just enough to ignore him.
Yasuke was the inventor of the first falsified 20 yen banknote which he used to buy sake xo
my poop is brown color i think me and yasuke relative

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Why does he wear the X?
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Because it's cool and a recognizable symbol. That's it.

>its daaa antichrist
Please grow up.

Elon musk is not Jewish despite having a Hebrew name and please avoid using the k-word as it's incredibly offensive. There is no place for bigotry or antisemitism in this world.
correct because the antichrist cannot be jewish
well, doing rituals is good for the business as it attracts more clients. I do some chicken sacrifices
I'm the antichrist not elon.
you are the antichrischan

>be pic related
>young eye doctor in london and not even interested in politics
>your brother dies
>find yourself all of sudden the leader of the only secular country in the middle east but majority of your country are mentally ill muzzie subhumans
>your dad already ruined all relationships with the west and allied himself with the soviet union that collapsed a few years ago
>the west says you are an easy game
>the west start their kikery against arab boomer dictators
>all your other dictator friends who have double your age of experience get killed, mutilated and pegged with sticks
>your country is next
>billions of dollars spent on getting rid of you
>america, israel, western europe, turkey, all gang up on you
>every terrorist organization rushes to your country
>terrorists from all over the world somehow find their way to your country
>people give you 2 years max to either get killed or run away
>lose 80% of your territories

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Nah, he made a deal with a rogue kike witch king that took pity on him.
The whole thing was over once Russians arrived to provide air support to ground troops. ISIS folded immediately and everyone yanked their terrorist funding to go cause a new war elsewhere.

Can't mossad the Assad
He is a white middle eastern chad, ngl
That was only when Trump got in power, before that Obongo was actively aiding all the terrorist groups there like Al Nusra the 'new' Al Qaeda who magically denounced attacks against US

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You came at the king with your little online antisemitisms, and you missed.
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Unironically this. Kikes are 4-6x as likely as goyim to have mental illness. Jewish insanity is thing, known extensively by the kike community, with them often even authoring medical studies on the topic. They have lots of schizo genes, and due to being so inbred, they have tons of schizo and paranoia in their kike communities. Hell, it's why (((they))) have so much friendly fire in gaze & israel, since they just shoot anything that moves, thinking that its a threat. Even seeing things that are imagined, and then killing other jews thinking that they truly are the enemy

Let alone their high rates of ASPD and NPD (aka. ASPD = psychopaths if genetic, sociopaths if environmental, and NPD = hardcore narcissists, on a completely diff level than normal narcissists) due to the talmud, torah, and jewish society where rabbi's lead the community and push talmud/torah culture in their speakings

It's malignant narcissism. Narcissists are predators that also genuinely feel they are victims, even though they are cognitively predatory. Their minds are compartmentalized and engage in extensive use of hypocrisy and double-think.

Jews are also ahead of the narrative. They know if the world wakes up to what they really are, that they will be gassed for real this time.
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Oy Vey Goyim! How can you be so antisemitic like that?! Oy Vey! To be as bold as to say us jews have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, how can you be such an anti-semite. Then you'll claim that it's due to the talmud and torah, and jewish communities being run by rabbi's, who push jewish historical texts in their speaking and advice. Ay Gavalt! Next you'll be slandering us by claiming that we also have ASPD, meaning psychopaths if genetic and sociopaths if environmental from the life that they live as they grow up. Ay Gavalt Goyim! Ay Gavalt....
I just happen to be the king of antisemites. Check mate, m8
>It's malignant narcissism. Narcissists are predators that also genuinely feel they are victims, even though they are cognitively predatory. Their minds are compartmentalized and engage in extensive use of hypocrisy and double-think.
this. If everyone here learned more about NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) they'd be in for an eye-opening experience.

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Both are evil middle eastern barbarians.
I wish they would keep slaughtering each other for decades to come.

And to any jews or arabs reading this:
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Please do tell me about my country, ottoman cumrag #6
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>lives on a beach side resort
The white man (jews) will sort them out
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I don't really care about either of them.
The only thing that irks me is that Israel gets to put their "undesirables" in a ghetto open air prison and then slaughter them until they are all dead or evacuated, but if we did that to OUR "undesirables" they would call us the most evil people since Hitler.
It's even more irksome because jews ARE (part of) our "undesirables".

I swear by divine right, that when I am supreme Galactic Emperor, I will give every race of human their own planet. For some peoples (whites) it will be a paradise, while for others (blacks and jews) it will be like going to hell.
it's eh, mileikowsky. nice beer tho, at least some use of being under the german boot.
Very interesting, thanks

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Can i join to you guys my fellow aryans?
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5,746,366 Views: Oct 7, 2019

Dr. William Luther Pierce Speech Given To: National Alliance Units


TGSNT Current Mirror: 520,000+ Views

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Previous: >>468417031
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral -https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow -https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's -https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) -https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) -https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" -https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region -https://archive.today/78iGs

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America has a habit of waging wars for 20+ years and losing them do I can see why nobody would feel threatened.
>I mean it's a well-known fact the Russians genocided most of the Germans east of Berlin
No, it’s not. Where do you retards get this from?
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Don't lose hope! Remember, there was the other anon just like you who managed to do just that but to Slovakia! (or some other country, don't remember exactly and I don't know much about european flags).
Godspeed anon!
more illegal destruction in kharkyiv

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>claims to be "pro-palestinian" and waves the palestinian flag because islam is peaceful.
>is angry at wwe and ufc for hosting events in saudi arabia because islam is backwards, violent, homophobic, misogynistic, and repressive.

I don't get it. Why liberals like this?
Saudis have culpability in the Gaza massacre
good morning sar today we must realize america isreal 2 nations 1 people

She planned to kill as many unbelievers in the name of Islam as possible, being dressed in a black dress, using a mohakh axe and a knife. She was part of an ISIS telegram channel. Her parents thought she was just addicted to insta and TikTok.

Could you have saved her?
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Side note, I only know about Styria because in EUIV the best way to cripple the Hapsburgs is to force them to release Tyrol and/or Styria.

I know more about Europe then my own state because of da vidya.
vidya is frying your brain

go to bars to fuck cougars
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The cougars run wild here and will curl up on my porch in the morning.
shiiiet, pet em
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>14 year old girl
>close combat rampage
*stronk women intensifies*

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What are the political (and anthropological) implications of KIRAC 23?
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>Degenerate sexual behaviour has been part of leftism/communism from the start.
yes, also bolshevism
he even made me write learn instead of read out of rage, that's why I deleted the first comment
I hate retards so fucking much
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>Check out how hard I can pee

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>Rebecca Joynes: Teacher found guilty of sexual activity with two schoolboys

>Dancehall star Sean Paul backs calls to make Jamaica a republic and slams UK visa restrictions

>Boy, 5, who died in fall from block of flats named locally as Aalim Makail

>Man jailed for life after Israel-Gaza ‘revenge’ murder in Hartlepool
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22:55 pm open free illegal stream. Watch fight. Close window.
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I've been noticing a pattern with the Green party.
That's not me, I don't samefag.
Some spackers never learn and will spend all day arguing on here it's so pointless.
what the hell you saying nigga

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Israel Purchases AI Systems to Counter ‘Clear Loss’ on Digital Battlefield – Haaretz

Israel has reportedly purchased artificial media intelligence systems in an attempt to influence world public opinion and defend its narrative of the war on Gaza.

In a report published on Tuesday, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz cited “numerous sources with knowledge of the matter” as saying that Israel has responded to “its ‘clear loss’ to Hamas on the digital battlefield by making its first-ever purchase of a technological system capable of conducting mass online influence campaigns”.
According to Haaretz, “The technology was purchased as part of a wider attempt by Israeli bodies, both civilian and military, to address what sources termed ‘Israel’s public diplomacy failure’,” following the Hamas military operation on October 7 and the subsequent genocidal war on Gaza.

The system aims to counter anti-Israel online content, including “Anti-Israel posts expressing political support for the Palestinians and opposing Israel’s conduct.”

“Israeli civilian volunteers have tried to make Israel’s case online, as well as reporting posts that break platform rules,” the report added.
The “civilian volunteers”, however, seem to be part of a larger scheme.
In fact, according to the report, “a few weeks into the war, Israel set up a ‘hasbara forum’ comprising government agencies, offices and ministries, as well as military, defense and intelligence bodies – including the IDF, the Shin Bet security service and the National Security Council – alongside tech firms, civilians volunteer initiatives and even Jewish organizations, that meets weekly.”

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jews must always cheat, they can be organic
/pol/ is the digital battlefield that bogged down into trench warfare.
Well, they wont be able to convince anyone that they are anything but murdering fanatics so expect a different approach:
Mass tracking, social canceling and suing of any antisemite who dared to talk against the chosen tribe

Even people in normal reddit-like sites (non US of course) are borderline asking to send all jews into concentration camps and that sionists shouldnt be considered humans. Things are getting hairy so expect some 1984 levels of internet control from now on
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>2 seconds before disaster
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Cool story meme flaggot
Silence Kike! I've heard Nick Fuentes speak, I've seen his faggot and pedo associates.
He's a faggot.
The fact that this retarded shit was posted a few days earlier proves 100% that this is all fake and gay. Anyone with braincells watching that video could see it was all lies. This new thing is just as fake.
the Fagtholic Church is every closeted fag's prefered destination
And yet blasting porn is what Jews did at Ramallah and everyone knows they are behind the porn industry.

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Previous: >>468419919

▶Day: 815 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea
>Budanov: Kharkiv region "stabilising" and "is not catastrophic"

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New GUR phone intercept

>The conversation of residents of the Russian Federation from the Graivoron direction of the Belgorod region regarding the ban on mass gatherings of people.
Tl notes:
>Slightly less than a minute long;
>Vodka male says that the only exception to the ban of mass gathering is "a memorial service in the church on Monday";
>Although from the following context its not exactly clear if its "mass gatherings are banned except church stuff" or "mass gatherings are banned, but people will go to the church anyways";
>Dick mentioned 0 times.
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>where it's basically illegal to be pro-russian

Yes, what's the downside?
>what's the downside?
It's not yet illegal to just be Rusian
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Numbers of the day
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As an island they could control immigration so much better as let's say France or Germany. Unfortunately, they are even worse off.

What caused this??

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The problem is the American constitution. The constitution says Judaism is equal to Christianity. The only valid religion is Christianity. Theocracy for Christians is the solution
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Only white Americans support modern jews and Israel. Some things haven't changed. Praise be to Jesus and Mary. If you're not Catholic you don't count
White Americans pay for zelenskys cocaine. He only does the pure stuff. You need Jesus to win. Christ is king

Perfect logic that I've used countless times on here, Where are our open borders to get away from this shithole
>women have suicidal empathy that can easily be manipulated.

Think about how far things have fallen for women, the moment that the 'future is female' became a slogan. It just empowered so many mentally retarded women in their teens and 20's, and now that they have 'power' most are just bitter because they never had any children or will never become a mother, and just continue to be cunty bitches. As someone who was born in Canada. I never supported this movement once in my life. Most of the mentally retarded cunts in Israel who just monitor most of you on this board, and just becoming bitter old hags. Seriously. There is nothing more to it than that.

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Sing Mack the Knife
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Way down the play list. Probably won't be playing until the afternoon

What are the political implications of being able to purchase a bride in 2024?
This is a very important geopolitical concern when accounting for increasing male sexlessness and its shaping of the economy and society at large.

And why is it mostly in Muslim countries? Should this practice be banned?? Because like it or not, this is probably coming to England very soon...
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Lmfao what a fucking loser
As if you could afford one
>NOOO this disgusting leftists objectify women!
>Muslim pays dowry
>The bride keeps the money to do with as she pleases
Oy very this is literally slavery! Think about the women!

>16 year old prostitutes herself to hundreds of men on the streets of LA
This is womens liberation!

>spends 20 years bombing the ever living fuck out of Afghanistan, killing hundreds of thousands of women
>pretends to care about afghan women
I fucking hate kikes with every fiber of my being
What race and height are you
Chuslims are retarded. That's why they keep losing.

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