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The roll out is going global this is the start of their demise
Kys glowbot, while you shill here your mother is being railed by 2 niggers
That Ukrainian set him up.


I don't think the elites have realized how bad they've fucked up
They think releasing daily soldier gore films will """demoralize""" their enemies, but its having another effect:
Millions of men, all across the world, are seeing how fucked up, depressing and retarded modern war is
There is no honor or glory, young men are being sent to die by soulless machines

Mark my words, when NATO starts drafting, there will be mass riots and societal collapse
Too many men know the truth about zog wars know, the illusion is gone
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Jammers have become pretty common. Lancets and atgms still function but usually those are for vehicles. The drones get knocked out just from tanks driving by with noise on them. That one tsar tank took out like 50 drones. They were just dropping near it.
The FPVs have forward inertia
Once its on a collision course it doesnt matter if the control/video link is jammed
Hahaha imagine going through this life while being a retarded as this guy
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ARMA 3 is a pretty good battlefield sim. When assigned to any armored vehicle I always run away and hide behind a wall to avoid being slaughtered when it gets hit by a TOW rocket.

I found I survived a lot longer that way. Watching all the videos of the Ukraine war has convinced me of the validity of this approach.
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The thing about WWI that really appalls me is that in 1918 the Allied forces invaded Russia to stop the revolution. Canadians were taken prisoner. The government seems to have disowned them, abandoned hem to their fate. Solzinitsen, in the 1950's when he was in the gulag was still encountering those 1918 Canadian prisoners in Siberia working as slave loggers.

In Indians believe in reincarnation then why are they such nasty people?

Don't they know this is only going to make it worse for them in their next life? Even more dumber are those Brahmins who are going to throw away all their goodwill accumulated.

Or let me guess there's a special clause that says it doesn't count?
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I dunno. Im kinda scared of being reborn as a pajeet.
i hope you get born as a deformed pajeet, just for using a memeflag
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Because there's nowhere any lower than India they could possibly be born in.
The only thing that's possibly worse is being born a downie or other such major genetic failure in India.
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>be made anew
>still retain some memories from previous life
>start hearing the sound of tuktuks and motorcycle honking while still in the womb
>twist as hard as you can to kys with the umbilical cord as a slipknot
Nice try, Demiurge!

>play lottery
>impossible odds
>prize is paying $1000/mo + tip rent for a small apartment
Why is this a thing and why are articles written about it? Obviously jews, but what exactly is the purpose? Is this just entertainment for them?

I’d still take it
>1 bedroom
Choose one.
I own a 120 sq m 1-bedroom condo with 5.5 m high ceilings. The main room is a former storefront with a 15 m array of 3 m high windows plus transoms above. It's gorgeous, made with high end materials, and situated 2 minute walk from a popular train station in Boston

I paid $500K for it about a decade ago, before the neighborhood fully gentrified. Similar units in my building are now selling for $1.5M (but they're not storefronts, so they're not as nicely lit as mine.)

I currently live in a house with land in the suburbs with my family, but wife and I will send the kids to their aunt and stay the night in Boston about twice a month at our pied-à-terre.

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I can bring you to the light
I can answer any question you have
If you hate religion and want to vent, i am here for you too.


Christian Codex
I. Face evil and defeat it, do so without becoming evil yourself
II. Take what you’ve been given and make it better
III. You can be in pain and be happy, you can have pleasure and be unhappy
IV. The goal is to be remembered as a good person and the one who spreads happiness. Not the best, richest, or most powerful
V. Hatred ugliness and evil are viruses spread from person to person. Christianity is the cure. Your hatred ugliness and evil stop with me. I will not spread it to anyone else.
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Doesn't always work that way bud. Would you still love your pedophile son the same as you'd love your retarded kid?
I just don't see a need to treat evil with respect or kindness. There is no need to be cruel to it either. Just dispatch it and move on.
when are you going to fix the damage you've done with immigration?

I didnt cause immigration or am i for all of it. Not all people belong together. I believe in Synergy. Some people belong together others do not. In my community some people adopt black children and ive spoken to them and asked them why they think what theyre doing will be anything different than what happened in Chicago or Baltimore or Chicago. They never have an answer for me.

You dont see a reason? I see millions everyday of my life everywhere. We live in a time where almost everyone on this planet takes something bad thats happened to them and makes it a million times worse. Just recently i dealt with someone who was insulted by someone and then his response was to threaten them with a gun. This happens everywhere.

Its like a cause and effect failure. Something bad happens to person (A). Person (A) responds by either adding fuel to the fire or they literally take an action that destroys their own life.

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>they took ur jerbs
remember when the smug leftists and plebbitors were making fun of us?
they're not laughing now kek
so it's safe to say we were right again.
tap yourself on the shoulder and let's continue making accurate observations long time into the future, shall we, my dear /pol/ bros?
>inb4 post link nigger
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You sound like a faggot >>468433198
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anon this is considered far-right wing media in canada
the commentators are conservatives, all parties except the small PPC still proclaim immigration is a godsend for canada's economy
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i need to get my money up and move to the states already
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>what would you say to the fact that the province says we dont have any more space for these people?
>these people? would you clare to-c-c-clare to clarify what you mean by these people?
>well the protestors
>ok 'cuz you might want to watch your language a little bit too
>did i say something wrong
>yes *those* people is not appropriate theyre protesting and they have the right to do that
Even in the US at 50% (supposedly), that's still 150 million people and the other 50% established themselves as not cool people to share a nation with.
Collapse would be fucking ideal right now.

>Jewish dentist said I had 4 cavities
>Could not afford fillings at the time
>Went to a Pajeet dentist today and he said I have no cavities
Who is lying?
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>went to two dentists and paid them money because you dont trust dentists
You got played son. Poojeet wants your teeth to fail so he can do expensive rootcanals and implants when your teeth fail. Jew wanted to be proactive so you keep coming back for similar but different reasons. It's like going to a legit tire store who wont sell you used tires for safety reasons, but the mexican llantas usadas will hook you up with whatever you need.
Both. You probably actually have cavities and are dentally fucked. But they just want to fleece you in different ways.
maybe get better dental insurance so you don't have to worry about the costs
You'll never fucking know.
Get a third opinion from a White dentist. Also report this incident to the health department and probably the police too.

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>Israel is bad because they dont want their country to be filled with brown violent inbred muslim shitskin migrants just like Europe
absolute state of /pol/ in 2024
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Netanyahu plans to create millions of Arab Muslim refugees and then dump them all on Europe and North America.
Either support him or support the Palestinians if you fags want to support Palestine then put your money where your mouth is and support them
Jews fund and run most of the NGOs that promote open borders and mass immigration of third-worlders to Europe and North America.
>muh moosoolemmm
its not 3 jews. its a zionigger tradition. you don't have to be a sand nigger to hate the same rats that formed the ADL
their hypocrisy pisses me off to no end. and now that leftoids hate them all kikes can do is say "ur a moosoolem if u don't support us" what does that imply? mudslimes are the only shitskins that don't support you yids?

>6 ton electric suv putting 100 giganewtons of force on the pavement any time it starts rolling
Ahhhh, he is so green! No road taxes for you!

>tiny roadster

The EU is a fucking joke
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I remember some guy told me he got a Corvette because of the fuel economy. My first thought was that's stupid. But then I thought it's a lightweight car with a highly tuned engine, it makes sense you can get 30 mpg easy if you drive it sensibly.

So yes, it makes sense to do a 'green tax' based solely on weight if you want to go that route.
I was bitching only about mistaken emporial lbs for kg 1 to 1
thats what we get for allowing russians to infiltrate our governments
god, everytime someone says, "the eu has CARS!" i just think to myself how fucked in the head you people are.

jesus was the END of the jew line
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The punchline about EVs is the infrastructure to charge them all is no there, which is the point. Banning working gas cars with battery cars will create rationing of electricity. Then comes the cards you need to charge your car at certain days (similar to the vax passports) that will be shut off as soon as you step out of line. I'm convinced this is why that inorganic push for WALKABLE CITIES hit here. You have a house with a garage and your own charger, you'll still be able to function almost as well as when you had a gas car

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>just randomly threw my mouse against the wall and completely destroyed it

I came back from a walk outside and basically talked to myself (sometimes out loud) how being an ugly sub5 man is basically the same as being a shunned societal reject. Even if you get a job and do everything society expects from you, nothing will change.

Got so pissed when I thought about how women consider people like me literal subhumans and how amny instances I had in my life where it was blatantly obvious but back then I was still stupid and naive.

This happened repeatedly over the last several weeks. As an ugly 5'8" 29 year old touchless virgin with no money, dead poorfag family and zero friends I just find myself faced with my rejection by society and the inability to achieve things that are percieved as normal and easy by normalfags.

Anyone else can relate?
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>if an ugly subhuman like me would pester women with this shit, they would tell me to fuck off and
and thus, his attitude has already defeated him, he wont even try because he has convinced himself that 'its not worth it bro' or 'im just too short' You have the same will to power and life as a lettuce, an inanimate rapidly rotting veg.
They went to war about it. You go to a therapist and whine about it to your internet buddies. Don’t even try to compare yourself to them.
Create your own gang and commit vandalism
You can always kill yourself. I am about to go to lunch with a girl ten years younger than me. Probably bring her back to the pool for a fuck and a swim.
OP make another post

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Kikes got blasted by a tank operated by a fellow member of the tribe
High IQ my ass.
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Niggerjew, these retarded kikes had to turn their tank around and fire on the place they just drove away from
should have disabled friendly fire kek
>biggest friendly fire incident
No, that was 7 October.
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(Picrel) Behold the tank crew. The IDF trains retards :https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/in-first-11-developmentally-disabled-soldiers-sworn-into-idf-485334
>he thinks jews know how to fight

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This has been circling around my local airport. Anyone know what it is
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Can it land on 8k ft runway
Don't think so. Surprised they're still flying. C-17 retired them for a bunch of reasons. Cool aircraft tho. Fun to fly on.
That is a plane
Made a super low bank turn right over the house. What a beast
These are called airplanes.
How to identify them:
>if parts like doors and wíndows fall off of it/them, they are made by Boeing and are made in the US
>if no parts fall off, they are made by Airbus or Tupolev.

>existed for thousands of years
>were nothing but slaves throughout most of history
>didn't contribute a single thing to humanity
>literally nobody knows that they even exist
give one good reason why they shouldn't be absorbed by a bigger nation
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Latvian but was educated in Russia. Pretty similar pattern when it comes to buttbelter personalities.
They help kill Russians.
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They're subhumans, racially mongrels. Keep them separate from Germans. By the time the Jews are done with Europe all of Europe will be begging for German rule again. Germans are like guardian angels who protect everyone else from Jewish demons.
Don't forget that Levi Strauss was a Latvian immigrant.
They’re a hideous looking people, something really uncanny about them. Every time I see a balt I want to throw up.

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Why do chuds always seem like they're describing their grandma when they're talking about the ideal tradwife?
If incels are so lonely and thirsty, why don't they at least fantasise about something more exciting?
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everything is fake. I don't give a shit
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the woman i'm marrying next year

how did I do, bros?

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How are they going to replace the USD like this bros? Russia is going nuts printing money lmao!
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is mass QE combined with high rates a winning formula though?

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Which is more fulfilling: having a large, loving family or making a lasting mark in history?
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Making mark on society, how many children did Hitler have?

Families are a distraction, like paying for a house, having a job, or or college fund planning

Impregnate philipinas and don't worry about it
all public figures are puppets
This 100%.
Probably if you look statistics you'll find that almost every great and famous person is somehow already distinct from his peers by the time they are out of high school.

Either they've already demonstrated exceptional talent or character in some way, or they have some kind of connections or network or pedigree that will help them establish a place in history at a later date, even if a thousand poorfags actually had the same or better ideas first/better.

Where's the balance? I'm not sure. You don't want to become some kind of faggot commie class-determinist type about it, but you also have to be realistic.

Point is, if you aren't already clearly on the path to greatness by the time you're like 18-20, you're chances are probably statistically diminishing on an exponential curve every year.

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nick or alex?!
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Since when is Nick pro China?
Alex... Fuentes is still stupid and young
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>wait .. those are circles ...
>oh riiiight ..
>I get it now
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Is the current state of /pol/ a circlejerk over faggot e celebs

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>American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief - one firmly rooted in history - that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse "gay rights" and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called "social issues."

American Jewish Journalist Charles E. Silberman (1985) "A Certain People"

>Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins quotas since the 1920s….

(Hugh Davis Graham, Collision Course, 2002, pp 56-57)

>In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia Policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-white immigration to Australia.


>Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy
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why does the average middle class suburban area in the UK look like this
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Nah in Beverly it’s really close like 5 minute to Main Street, it’s suburban
in my neighborhood a five minute walk, train station to NYC is a mile away
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Brits are "updating" their housing stock.
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grim if true
500k would get you pic related in Germany jus saying
>middle class
>average sold house price in Caldervale Road, London SW4 is £1,810,000
>2.1 million Euro
>2.29 million USD

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This is progress and beautiful
to perform art on stage with people you're not married to?
that's been going on for thousands of years, anon.
Jews are raping children and committing genocide in gaza..

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