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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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I'm considering a brand new Q8 V6 Mhev(petrol). Is it a good reliable car or will it turn into a nightmare? What are you general thoughts? I'm also considering bulletproofing.
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The thing is: I have done the math, and leasing is just not worth it. It's way more "profitable" to invest the monthly payments i would otherwise be making.
There are some models that can take E85. I'm not aware of any engine aside from the 2.0T with the aluminum intake that are designed to run on E85. As for tuning potential? You're asking the wrong guy
As for differential services. There's no specified service interval but I have seen a handful of high milage audis come in needing a replacement rear differential because the axle bearings inside have gone bad. So while Audi doesn't say it needs to be serviced it's a "lifetime fluid". I think 100k is a good interval on the differential. All wheel drive gear fluid is also a good thing to change. Those tend to bind and make strong vibrations after a long time. Only had a few that needed replacement under warranty
Nice bait
Are you factoring in the $1200 oil changes and $2k repair bills in to that "profit"? How about the $20k depreciation hit you're going to take as soon as you drive off the dealer lot?

new edition
put /dbt/ in the title edition

>Motorcycle bingo
>Twist of the Wrist 3
>pop a wheelie i pop a boner
>Too Many nobikes
>scooters / EVbikes dont belong here
>take the warning stickers off your bike
>take the anime stickers off your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>don't squid, even in summer, wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course

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is this the one where fortnine masturbated about the lines for 30 minutes straight?
Would lane split in rush hour traffic on.
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>bah snaccsss!!!
>bah sockkyyy
hes so cute omg
>did 400km today
>body feels fine but pretty sure I have mild heat stroke and definitely sunburns
what do I do in the future to avoid those issues? sun screen on my face? more frequent stops maybe, but I drank every 100km
>what do I do in the future to avoid those issues?
Take the truck, might as well.

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Is the g body currently the best budget project car platform in the US right now?
>most a bodies are extremely overpriced and came with lackluster engines
>f bodies are in a similar vein of costing more with little benefit except drivetrain options
>other platforms are either a bit heavy (c10, caprices, etc), or are too niche to be accessible for anyone other than fabricators
>g bodies were and still are one of the defacto racing platforms for stuff like oval racing, meaning aftermarket high performance brakes and suspension are available for relatively cheap
>ls swaps have been a thing on them for 2 decades now, and if not, small blocks can be thrown in for $500
>one of the few cars you can still find in running condition for $2500 with an old 305 in it
Yeah I think this is the way. I'm sick of overpriced and ugly f bodies, and the ongoing boomer mafia that gatekeeps 60s and 70s coupes. Time to embrace peak malaise mobiles and their velvety seats
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I'm on track to gross a quarter mil this year, I'm just not going to pay spics 8k for a rusty 1980s equivalent of a pentastar dodge charger.
>*pipe flutes intensify*
Remember the extra wheel straps so it doesn't fall into the sun
Remember the extra rear wheel straps so it doesn't fall into the sun
I didn't realize they shared blazer parts too. Thats sick. I knew blazers had b body front ends so that means there's probably even more interchangibility

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tl;dr, why do you hate ford? why shouldn't i purchase an f150 over a 1500 gm/chrysler truck?

the ENTIRE fleet of vehicles at my job are fords, with the exception of a handful of macks, a few internattys, freightliners, and an oshkosh. these trucks take a beating like no other. from 150s to 550s, almost all of them plow. other than oil changes and new tires, maintenance isn't egregious. my 2016 f350 rides nice, hauls trailers perfectly well, just hit 190xxx, and still runs like a top. why shouldn't i buy an f150 for personal use? don't misinterpret my post as me simping for ford, just my observations.

also ford hate/discussion thread
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>The V6 S195 had defective driveshafts that would explode at 130 mph.
Why the fuck would anyone take a v6 S197 up that fast to begin with. Inb4 v6 poorfag benchracer cope
Put a Bullitt intake manifold on it
>>built to the cheapest levels possible to the point of having no washer fluid reservoir sensor from factory

Really? My 40+ year old NISSAN has a still functioning washer fluid level sensor. That’s right, a fukn Nissan!

I saw an early 90s foxbody mustang filling up with gas today too.
>tl;dr, why do you hate ford?
Because I have the 5.4L 3V Triton, and if you don't hate Ford after that, then you are either a masochist or have another mental illness.
At least the triton sounds sweet. Shame about the rest of it though

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Will there ever be anything like a Gen 2 Prius again? Over-engineered to achieve amazing reliability (i.e, 500k+ miles with only routine maintenance), great interior space and simple layout, and a non-aggressive / fancy exterior?

I feel like this was the greatest car of all time, and I'm upset that I don't have the opportunity to buy a new one and am stuck searching for used ones. The newer models have less interior space and look too edgy.
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>Is it humanly possible to have fun driving one? If so I might consider it.

You can haul ass in one and the cops wont notice you and they tend to spin out if you take it through the corner too quickly

I dunno, if you consider that fun, sure
Is it at least more fun to drive than a Chevy Trax? Because that's probably the most boring and gay vehicle I've ever driven.
>hideous expensive battery service
>It was so slow I feared interstate driving.
You should try an air cooled VW beetle.
EV batteries don't need service.

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How does /o/ feel about Drake crushing a perfectly good Dodge Caravan just to intimidate Kendrick?
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and he's one of (((them))).
niggas always be sayin uhhh uhhh
>my jungle beats and destruction!!!
kek, your race can only destroy, there's no creation with you feral beasts
At least he does have a massive penis

>haha what if we made the 5th gen corvette the single best one except we're gonna make it butt fucking ugly for no reason
seriously what the fuck was their problem? every other gen before and since has looked beautiful and cars in general looked quite good in the 90s, they really just went and fucked this one up for the kek of it
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>C4's ass is its best beature
>C6's ass is its best feature
>C5's ass is its worst feature
How is that even possible when they all have the same ass?
And here's me thinking I'd be the one with the worst taste in the thread
>400R not circled
I am disappointed
looks like a riced out shitbox.
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These things look like clown shoes from the back, and retarded salamanders from the front. There's literally no way you can look at the inbred dodge stratus front end and think "yeah this car looks SICK and AGGRESSIVE". They very much cleaned them up with the following gens' styling, but the initial designs looked stupid

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how come no car comes with a 5.1 sourround sound system? Instead they all use inferior 2 channel systems
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>audio fidelity in a vehicle
>a vehicle, where typically the background noise level is 60 decibel or greater
>and commonly 70 decibel and above
Anon it's just wasted money and multi-channel systems are highly position dependant so what sounds good for a driver sounds like muddled, offputting shit to anyone else in the car.

I have a custom made 5.1/7.1 system in my PC room. Built custom boxes for hand selected component sets that match my 7.2 reciever's ideal volume and channel resistance. A beefy subwoofer that can do 16Hz at 105decibel and is EQ matched for flat response. Whole thing is tuned and placed for the room acoustics. Npthing crazy lile stupid gemstone cables or other retarded audiophile shit, just a good well made surround system.

My car has independant channel amps on 50watt rms/85w peak speakers and a tuned 8 inch sub under the rear seats. Stock head unit. I use the poweramp EQ app with some measurements to give it flat response at 90decibel.
You dont need anything better than that (and my car audio is NOTHING special nor expensive at all)
You dont need it because cars are noisy, shitty environments to try to have high quality audio in.
Pointless. What are you going to do? Play a video game in it? Watch a movie in it? Depending on where you sit in the car the image is going to be way off. Fucking stupid
>how come no car comes with a 5.1 sourround sound system?
Because the driver does NOT sit in the center of the car. The 5.1 surround sound system needs the person to sit in the center for appropriate sound effects. Using 5.1 surround inside a car's relatively tiny air chamber results in worse sound for everyone
By that logic you should only be using mono in a car. Stereo isn't stereo either if you're not sitting in the middle.

When will looping roads come to reality?
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you go first
Based and hotwheelspilled.
Get the cool shoeshine!
Just watch out for the giant moose that lays behind.
That and make sure you got a V8 small block swapped Meyers Manx
gorillaz was such a shit group, the only reason anyone liked them was because of that one music video
literally kino/10, would pay to drive there
and by literally kino I mean it looks like it came out of a classic film

Previous thread: >>27560452

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.neocities.org/goodies/clover

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).

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which one of you faggots with the strawberry license plate is parked in front of my apartment.
I want to give you a firm handshake
that cat look stress
got to the new place a few days ago. waiting on some furniture for the house and tables/desks for the shop. soon big decals will be available, either our designs like the city pop collection, or if you want something custom i'll be able to do that too :) unfortunately my car doesnt like the new location and is acting up ;-;
I wish the old osg op was around. He had so many old, awesome photos of people's stickers and cars.
Someone PLEASE print another smoking Mary-san diecut NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW

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pentastar bros we're so back
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What if Chally has no Wally
>super track pack and an LSD

And a drug stash if you want it extra black
>Challys don't hit the Wal-ACK!
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What’s poppin guys? It’s ya boy Colonel Sanders here. Today we will be reviewing a V6 Chally Wally

>*slowly bankrupts tesla in your path*
nothing personel
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are /o/chuds still pretending cybertruck failed?
>it was supposed to be released in 2021
>it was supposed to cost $39k
>it was supposed to revolutionize truck design
>it was supposed to not rust

It's almost like it's a novelty vehicle that, despite failing at every one of its stated goals, is still propped up as being a huge success by EV enthusiasts and people who are jacked to the tits in TSLA options.

If a person likes the car that's cool whatever, but let's not pretend that it's been a rousing success.
>tesla shills on /o/
>russia shills on /k/
>roid shills on /fit/
>rei shills on /out/
something needs to be done about this
This lol, the unwarranted narcissism of dead 4chan boards never ceases to amaze me. Same when they claim paid shills post on /p/.
Dude... what's more likely? That a multimillion company decides to invest some of its money on an obscure board on 4chan that has no impact and where people mostly own sub $5k cars or that fanboys shill their favorite brand? There's no return on investment for shilling here.
too many retards with trucks have no idea how to carry a bike in the bed without
>scratching the shit out of their tailgate
>fitting it in the bed
Quick release front wheels have been a thing for so long and stupid ass niggers don't want to take the 30 seconds to not damage their vehicle

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QTDDTOT because there isn't one and because this is a stupid question:

6.9 lbf ft - yes it's the workshop manual, but this won't crack the battery casing right ? Feels like this thing just keeps spinning but I guess it's compressing the little pad the battery is sitting on until it can't. Or should I shoot for a little less.
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Look up if the bolts are torque to yield or not. If they are.then you do not want to reuse them
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How would you make sure that a deranged troon and/or fed didn't try to sabotage your car in an attempt to murder you? Asking for a friend.
Mount a trail cam overlooking where you'd park it, or just keep it in a garage. Could pull double duty with a camera in the garage but if you're worried about feds and asking this question your car's already got a tracker on/in it. If it's new enough they've already issued subpoenas for your driving analytics to the insurance company and manufacturer which yes is legal, no they don't have to tell you and yes they do it all the time.
What if I'm more concerned about physical sabotage?
I.e. how do I vet my car to make sure they didn't already fuck something up?

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Should I get a Camaro?
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Perfect for that locale
>the camara is straight bubble boy ass

camara ORDERED
shiiiiid he in the bando cookin sum
Get gun. Shoot things. Sell bits of dead things for food. Sell food for car and gtfo.
Have you ever considered getting a job and moving out

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