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Ram is sales are down. Product line isn't competitive with GM or Ford.
Maserati sells shit nobody wants and also the MC20.
They are doing what large merged companies always do: The core brand is always going to be the dominant part of the ownership, meaning models and engines it always flows from France in this case
>But doesn't that mean Fiat Chrysler has become less competitive since 2019?
What is gooing to happen down the line is that only Peugeot is the "alive" part of the company. Sure there is going to be factories and markets, R&D, and compliance cars in various markets... but long term the only development of the brand is going to be Peugeot. Enjoy your Peugeot 1,6l diesel + whatever drivetrain the automaker is going to make. And whatever is going to make FIAT the premium small city car brand, which essentially mean 1,2l turbo boosted engines that self destruct when out of warranty.
Because its not the 90s anymore. We are in the age of internet connected globalism. Its not a significant workload to get to South America to inspect and lineup your factories, nor is it significant to mono setup your factories long term.

Long term this means whatever the fuck is their NA branch is going to 100% die. What they will do is to sell a upbrand or downbrand version of whatever Peugot is offering.
If whatever the sub-brand is offering gets outdated, they either has to sell the outdated engines, or it gets axed/replaced by the virtue of the new Peugot platform being different.
Supposedly the gas cummins is getting a new HD ZF
I thought they were trying to get 8 speeds behind all the Cummins.

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let me guess, you NEED more
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I need exactly as much.
i don't need 4x4 city car
Cant be that simple can it?
I mean to adjust from where you take the air on that there is a buttom, while theres a lever otherwise.
You can import any age if you use it for off-road use only.
>still see zero jimny's in America, further proof that "off-roaders" are all LARP
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They are breety good.
top speed is lacking so dont expect it to be the perfect highway vehicle
on not well maintained / dirt roads with big potholes. its great
even in the city its good since it is so square, you can see the edges of your car and estimate "will it fit" more easily.
Also it is tiny which helps with parking and driving in crammed euroshitty streets
sadly Euro emission cuckholdery have limited it to 2 seats only.
A shame,
coluld have been the cutest, most practical city vehicle with both style and offroad capability only sacrificing highway speed.
BUT NOOO, iT DoEsNt PaSs EuRo 7, iT OnLy PaSsEs EuRo 6 StaNDARDS

THEREFORE IT Is OnLy A LuGgInG VeHiClE. Fucking bEuro-Crettins

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/o/ humour rekt thread
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Holy based. I've played his before.
>I've played his before.
I've played this before. Hate typos.
You can delete posts
I own up to my mistakes like a man. Deleting and redoing a post is the coward's way.
Fags who over react need to have their license suspended

>warming up a bit
>see so many people with windows open on the highway
>Imagine the buffeting
>mfw perfectly functioning AC
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>middle of winter
>have heater turned up to about 80F
>crack window open a couple of inches for the delicious icy blast while enveloped elsewhere by warmth
You can not convince me that there’s a better feel.
yeah they're pretty good. can crack the windows open when it's raining
>AC on full blast
>"It's too cold, need to roll down my window to counter"
>Now have AC on full blast with nice warm breeze floating through window
It's that simple
Project harder
my AC works perfectly fine but i like driving with my windows down in the summer, as long as there's good air movement.

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who was in the wrong here?
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Thanks for helping with the Boeing 737 software, btw.
this gay ass video didn't need its own fucking thread.
>miles of space in front of me
>miles of space behind me
>driver merging onto highway puts their car on a direct collision course with mine
every single time. why do they do this?
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go eat your shit visajeet
The poo is in the wrong. Not even watching the vid

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guess what bullies?
I have found your discord.
Now i can see what you are planning before you gang up on me again here.
You won't stop me and other new members from joining.
Also stop saying i am transgender, and calling me milhouse
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Well why does he stay? I have no clue what his channel is, looking it up brought nothing and he can’t self promote. What a failure.
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Very funny bullies.
Guess what? I've been doing some new coursework and i can now tell that you are just aberrated beings.
Are you the guy with the Shelby? I’m out of the loop
he doesn’t have one he MIGHT launch one soon

my brother in basket weaving this isn’t the time or place you have done nothing to earn respect here. Do something notable then come back and lurk more newfag
He's just optimus primefag copying trolling tactics he saw on /p/

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I deliver pizza with a 2011 Toyota Corolla. I run the oil and tires. Also it has 250k miles, I plan to do the job with this car for another 5 years. The car is a workhorse.
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You plan on delivering pizza for five more years? Dream big anon.
and sometimes wings, too
you are the backbone of our economy
its a common second job nowadays since it’s mostly at night and has flexable hours
>I deliver pizza with a car
America is such a retarded country, lol

What do Australians drive?
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we're not all fucken millionaires m8
God I want one of these so I can larp as an aussie
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who cares, the average australian on 4chan is a yellow chink ricedick so whatever they do is irrelevant
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Fuckin mazdas out the arse. If not that then turbo diesel twin cabs, big lifted 4x4s that never leave the black top. The companies that convert yank garbage trucks to RHD can't keep up with demand too.

It's gonna be so fun the drive this on the weekends when they let us outside of our 15-minute cities.
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>nooooooooo im not free unless im stuck in traffic on government roads for hours every day

why are americans like this
any M series is faster than AM. You are twelve or retarted. ZL1 and gt500 outperform BMW in every aspect.
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gas yourself and fuck off back to /n/ you fucking subhuman faggot
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>sports car
>automatic only

Meanwhile in China.
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>Everyone on /o/ claiming we need Chinese EVs or all car culture is dead
>Suddenly 1 video that shows chink cars catch on flames

The absolute dichotomy of /o/
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I wish I had that one meme with the boomer screaming about how his hispanic stepson respects the constitution.
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You have to add blacks and progressives together as well as college students.

Blacks will go along with whoever gives them bux. Progressives will want a communist utopia and have the white man's government. College kids and recent grads are all commies.
>College kids and recent grads are all commies.
Except for those who went into STEM.
post more chinkshit gore

total chink death

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Do you prefer curves or le sharp and edgy?
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Volkswagen Golf 1 GTI. Actually my first car, gift of my maternal uncle. Lasted 5 years until my first incident where I killed a mom with her baby. German engineering at its best
thats a nu car. its egg shit disguised as le sharp and edgy
PEAK fucking Gundam wing van turbo ricer faggot kys
based take
But that Lambo is curved
It bothers me that people claim cars like the Prius are good looking now. It looks awful. I'd rather a car design from the early 2000s even if it's less aero

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What other car is capable of boiling dogs for you? Another win, Chinasisters.

>Captcha: Rang
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Bejing Yiffing Democrats
Buy Your Death
Bugmen Yearning Dogs
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>boils your dog
kek, gonna start saying this every time i see a byd
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imagine being this delusional, being a fucking chinkshit bugman should be a bannable offense

>miata is always the ans-
why are mazdas such rust magnets? never seen another brand catch rust as much
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>buy a toyota built in south australia
>its more rust than car
those fucking freaks down there must have been zoinked out of their skull on shift
Japan doesn’t salt their roads (exl. hokkaido) so that may be why they don’t prioritize it as much.
I think mazda tried out “eco-friendly” shitty paint as well.
>own car
>dent the shit out of your car
>paint chips off exposing the metal
>don't get it fixed
>it rusts
I can't take you guys serious
nice bait retard
You're the one with a rusted car, not me, retard.

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Sorry microdick rice chink, /o/ is a truck board.
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>chink negineering
>took sparkling clean pavement princess into a gravel lot with machinery in the background just to LARP as a blue collar work vehicle
>chink mad because Americans can actually build factotries in Mexico and they can't
Pickups are for fuck ups
thirdie poorfag cope

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>Be China
>build $12,000 100% emission-free cars that can turn into boats during floods and park on it's own
>US knows it cannot compete
>bans it so people are forced to spend $35k for the American car that hasn't improved since the 80's

Nice, and when every car outside of the US is Chinese, GM and their shitty trucks are still going under.
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this thread reeks of chink ricedicks
Look anon, you make a good argument.
But there is a problem

Compare your 2 statements
>there's a lot of people that have brand loyalty to Tesla
>it doesn't matter how advance they look on paper
Which can be booiled down to something along the lines of "A new brand has to enter the market and compete Apples to Apples, and therefore its going to take a long time to develop brand loyalty". But since you mention Tesla, it also means you are saying the logical followup:
>"If a new brand with EMERGING technology has to enter the market, it has to compete Apples to Oranges and possibly develop brand loyality in a short term frame".

Which means
>dodge neon
Is a true statement. But its a bit more complex than that. You buy a Dodge Neon, it breaks down, and then you have to deal with the OEM distribution for warranty and parts.
The same was true if you bought a Tesla S(3, X, Y), the differences is that you could not buy a competing S or 3 from a more reliable mature vendor with a good OEM network.
So the competition of the Chinese cars is going to boil down to if the OEM network for legacy automakers is mature enough to compete Apples to Apples with whatever the fuck BYD/FAW/XPeng, thereby denying them a proper entry to the market ala what happened to the Yugo.

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If you buy a car only for efficiency, take the bus.
>build $12,000 100% emission-free cars
EVs are not emission free. Nothing is
>tariffs get put on chink cars
>suddenly spam of EV junk over multiple boards
Gee, I wonder who is behind this. You're an actual moron if you buy full EV car especially after Telsa just bailed on their super charger network

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