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Looking for a cheap work truck is pure suffering knowing this thing exists.
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So, do those things then. Most of the used trucks use iron blocks built for abusive owners.
If I did the conversion right, it´s about 7,5 feet(about 2,3m).
I feel like they made the interior purposely extremely uncomfortable to deter it being used as a DD
That's 7.5 feet? I don't believe you. Maybe that's the number for the single cab version.

You have sat in one?

I have sat in some turd world cabovers (k-2700, Mazda titan) where just sitting is more comfortable than most euro boxes. Driving them is a different matter as you have the engine by your left butt cheek and the suspension link by your right butt cheek.

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how importsnt is maintenance other than engine oil and tranny oil? i just realized ive never changed my brake fluid, coolant, or spark plugs and ive owned my car for 6 years
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Depends on how many miles you've done and if it was new or used when you got it. Plugs are completely mile based, so unless you've been doing 10k+ a year, they're probably not horrible. Doing a brake and coolant flush is probably a good idea, but unless it was used, and never done before, you're not *that* past due on them.
You should be changing all the fluids. But depends how long you want the car to last. If you don't change the, you'll eventually have problems. But maybe the engine explodes first so it's a gamble. It's cheap enough to change fluids and can be done yourself
you're the reason why used cars are a fool's bargain.
old men pay top dollar for cars with original fluids so be happy.
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I change all fluids every five years. Do brakes and coolant soon and you'll be golden.

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According to Mazda themselves, this turbo 4 cylinder makes 227hp on regular octane and 256hp on premium.
I have previously heard similar claims about other modern turbo charged cars.
Most of the "experts" and online opinions claim that moving to a higher octane will not make more power.
I understand the argument. Higher octane does not contain more chemical energy, it just burns slower and is harder to ignite accidentally. So why use it if required?
Well, the only thing I've found suggests that the computer is able to use it's sensor to change the timing and maybe other settings.
So Mazda 2.5t goes from 227hp to 256hp
>+29hp or 13%

So the question is, how does this translate to a 1.5L Ecoboost?
I'm trying to find a chart I found from Ford (I think) that said 1.5L takes 87oct and then for the 2.0L it says 87oct (91oct recommended). So why would it be recommended for the 2.0L despite 87 being fine but then that not be the case for the 1.5L? This makes no sense to me.
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I completely forgot to talk about the "meridian edition" trim; yes it is entirely cosmetic. Literally just wheels/tires w/ black lug nuts, hood decal, and rocker panel trim. Everything else is exactly the same as the regular turbo. The CX-50 is by no means an "offroader" and you will be disappointed if you go into it expecting such. The awd is mostly for the 3,500 lb tow capacity and dirt/gravel/rain traction. Not a true full time awd like subaru. It is fairly reactive for what it is, it always kicks in when you'd expect it to (which is most of the time if you aren't coasting/driving very gingerly). Overall it drives somewhere between a car & SUV.
yeah 0-60 is 6.9 sec or something like that. Not slow not fast, good for passing or on-ramp merging due to all the torque. If you're looking for a faster vehicle there are other options in the range that have more outright usability and/or get better fuel economy, but they don't look as good and the interiors aren't as nice for similar price range imo. We only actually test drove some subarus & jeeps cross shopping, of which the CX-50 wasn't necessarily the comfiest (still very comfortable by my standards) but was the nicest to drive.
Retard, nitrous oxide is an oxidizer. It's the oxygen in the mix that makes the power. The only reason there's nitrogen in it is because pure oxygen is too volatile. Shit you could probably get away with Ar2O2 if you really wanted.
When gasoline is agitated, oxygen becomes dissolved in it and the octane raring is lowered.
The farther a gasoline tanker has to travel (bouncing down the highway) the lower the octane rating for the fuel is by the time it transfers to the gas station- thus why pumps say "minimum" octane, they figure "well, it shouldn't be any lower than X by the time it gets to this station"
So if you live near a refinery you'll see 93 at all the stations.
If you live 500 miles from the nearest refinery, all the stations will have 91 listed.
That was identical fuel when it left the refinery.
99% of AWD use, in the real world, is for snow and the cx-50 AWD is great for that. It passed TFL's 3 wheels on rollers test which not all AWD cars do. So, it should be great on snow and forest service roads to. So, I'm in no way knocking it I'm just saying, functionally vs the others trims, Meridian gets you tires and some body molding. I didn't mean to suggest it wasn't good, though obviously not a rock crawler. The only thing that surprises me is they didn't give it drive modes?

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some heroes are real
last thread >>27622830

IP: mumble.get-good.net
Port: 64748
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

>Check the doc for the latest league info, we are racing troon-ams in AC on SATURDAY!!!!!!

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Reminder that tonight we'll be racing at Riverside. No troons allowed tho' (you'll get fucking Ken Miles'd)
Signed up as the newbro. What's a good time for Riverside?
aspie has done a 1.30 and he's currently leading the series so I'd say 1-5 seconds off of that is a good pace for race
assetto corsa online
Which layout?

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how much will my mpg suffer if i switch my stock hwy tires for slightly bigger AT or mud terrain tires? i wont add a lift kit or anything, so the tires wont be that much bigger, just the next size up
>femininity is gay
Prolly nothing. You may gain weight but you get further with every rotation. There will be no noticeable change, according to your odometer.
Your mpg should have little change, but your dick might spontaneously combust
It helps use a bit less fuel in my truck, but that's very low geared. Think about what RPM's you are pulling on the highway. If you think the car is revving too much, it will probably help. But if you're just doing city, it'll prob be worse. Use a GPS app to check your speedo as it will read slower.

Opinions on old 911s?
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wait a minute....
>some 20 something year old kid see's it on some dudes property with a "for sale" sign and hes only asking $1500 for the 944 so the kid is like "wtf thats cheap, I can get it running!
KEK this is me down to the exact price, except i got it running and daily it. it 100% has been a nightmare to sort out though.
I'm not a Porsche fan, but.....
The 911 has won LeMans, Dakar and Baja 500.

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Seems to be in pretty nice condition. What could go wrong?
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>i can jump selinoid
Its stolen
check sellers skin color
>300k miles
We still won both wars and the space race, yurocuck.
>civil war
>revolutionary war
and everyone in your country thinks the avengers fought them

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This summer, I've got some extra cash and time, and I'm thinking about getting a project car. I'm looking for an RX-8 (yea right).
I've checked out the used vehicle market and auctions in my area, but I can't find one at a reasonable price, and there are not many of them (like literary maybe 2-3).

I know for a fact there are suppose to be plenty of them in Germany, the Netherlands, and maybe even Poland. The thing is, I have no clue where to look for them. Do you know any good websites or marketplaces with lots of offers for used cars in those countries?
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>a 13b is about 350 lbs
a turbo 13b, the renesis weighs 247lbs fully dressed.
>a 13b is about 350 lbs
Not even with the gearbox attached is it 350lb. It's 260lb fully dressed. A longblock is like 180lb or something.
>Bridgeporting a renesis that was purposely designed without overlap
>Porting a renesis at all
Executionable offense
it's funny because bridge porting does nothing for the renesis. there isn't enough material to make the port long enough to get any overlap. You'll go right through a water jacket. As far as porting the renesis goes I've seen stock port engines with a bhr long tube header, ls coils, cai and a really good tune make the same 220whp as a ported renesis with the same mods tuned by the same tuner. it's a fruitless endeavor. No overlap = no power.
different engines. The renesis has design flaws, which limit its lifespan.
Also, rotaries do better than pistons when driven hard, but worse over long distance, light load.

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Hi Autobros.

I was thinking about how fewer and fewer 'luxury' cars today have wood in their interiors. Is it merely cost-cutting? I asked an AI which mentioned sustainability as being a reason, as if plastics and synthetic materials made from oil are more sustainable than trees which can be replanted. Are Mercedes, Jaguar, Beemer, Audi and the others relying on the prestige of their names to some extent for an appearance of luxury, whilst lowering the quality of the cars for the sake of a wider market? I understand that tastes may change, but surely the market demand for wood interiors hasn't diminished to such an extent that it's the reserve of Roller and the like? What are your thoughts?

Also, thread to post some nice car interiors you really like. :)
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>a-pillar isn’t thick enough!
>let’s bolt the ceiling handles onto it!
based. rear facing backseats as well.
Only if you’re a senior citizen
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a wood cluster surround was also an option
i have a w111 rotting away with a similar dash and wood trim - the main slab + glovebox door is ~5/8" thick. changed the way i look at modern laminated veneer over plastic trim 'luxury' cars.
risk of impalement is worth the added soul

also interesting the main touchpoints of that era benz were plastic (bakelite) and not wood tho
Lexus used to do this around 2017 but all their customers complained that it wasn’t a touch screen so now you get massive ugly tablets. The market has spoken.

*tailgates you on the freeway in peak hour CBD traffic*
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Leave him alone. How do you expect to bring in new members for anonymous if you constantly belittle new people like this member and myself?
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Let him make his thread, its an important subject to him and he should be allowed to express himself
stop ban evading niggerphonse
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>things that didn't happen

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Why do women love lifted bro trucks so much?
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Women do like boring ass BMW Z4s, this is true.
I wish my cock was that car
Reddit started the suvs/trucks hate. In reality suv/trucks even cuckovers will attract more females than sport sedans or bmw because they convey strength and masculinity. The king drives firm and steady being high and comfy valuing his safety while the wage cuck rushes through traffic risking his life with his bmw to not be late to work or cuz he has to take a shit

It'd not only about the car, but what it conveys about you
Very good way of distilling that down anon.
Girls want to ride in main character cars.
I personally think a truck gives off this vibe less. I, a "king," as you say can afford not to shit where I eat. My car is for fun and fastness, I have another vehicle for hauling.
Your such a king until your everyone's bitch that's trying to move, valuing your safety until a spacer pops off and you lose a wheel. lol I don't even really care that much but your post is just so ridiculous.
it makes them feel powerful/in control

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>sub 25 year old vehicle
>has rust holes
>they want more than 2k
People also pay 30K for a wordpress theme. It's not stupid to ask
The used car market is the worst it's ever been, everyone thinks they're sitting on a pile of gold
they are sitting on a pile of gold because dumbshit nigger cattle will pay more than $2k for a 25 year old vehicle with rust holes.
turns out nobody wants nuShit with killswitches, nannies, and breathalyzers.
Breathalyzers for busdrivers only became mandatory because enough bus drivers were driving drunk, including atleast one school bus, which swerved into a ditch.

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>"Some projectionists are saying that China will be 40 per cent of the Australian market by the end of the decade. So six years," Mr Meredith says.

>They currently account for 12.8 percent of the new-car market, a staggering climb from around one percent in 2018.

>"The cycles of change are happening far quicker than they did in the '60s, '70s and '80s. You had the slow change from American to the Japanese, then you had us with Kia and Hyundai, and that took a while.
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hello Zhang
The ironic thing is that there are next to no Chinese who actually willingly drive Chinese cars here, they’re well aware of how rubbish their own products are. The vast majority of them here in Aus drive Mercedes/Audi/BMW SUVs… X5Ms and Mercedes GLEs in particular are very popular.
Must be morning for you, crooked white devil. Enjoy your last years of prosperity, your nation is already submitting to us.
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You'll never fuck a white woman
We all laugh at how weak you are
You need to get through India first and you cried about that.
How's the ant colony bugman?
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I see people saying
>You need AWD because what if it rains.
>You need AWD because what if you go on a gravel road someday.
>You need AWD because what if you're on a steep hill.

People don't ACTUALLY believe you need AWD for rain, gravel, or steep hills, right? Are they memeing or just trying to get people to spend extra money?
I need AWD because my dry rotted front tires can't handle 600hp alone.
Honda CR-V is a good, cheap part donor for AWD bits for other cars. Transmission can be controlled with an expensive ECU or an arduino and a prayer.
Who is saying this, marketing department making commercials? I laugh every time I see an AWD car advertised specificly in rain, but I guess it works on normalfags a bit. Add snow to the equation and steep hills can become a problem if you're forced to stop on one.
AWD is very useful for steep hills in the snow, or if you have a high hp car and want to drive like an asshole in wet and cold conditions
It's hardly mandatory, though
Having all 4 wheels applying force to the road only benefits a car. If you're going around a corner, all 4 wheels are pushing it through and grabbing at the ground. If you're going straight, all 4 wheels claw at the ground to pull you forward. If you're losing traction and sliding, all 4 wheels are applying force to the road, keeping the slide more predictable and making the change in direction more stable. There is nothing lost in awd except power through the drivetrain, which is a non issue in the modern day.
You're trying to dodge the question.

Yes or no, do you seriously believe awd is required for driving in rain?

my 2009 chevy van with 5.3 vortec used to run at 40 no matter what
Now it idles a but under 40 and and if I put my foot in it, it goes up to 60.

What could cause this?
Should I go down to 0W20 ?
Right now I run 5W30
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You woulnt want to sleep in there if you had the jimmy legs
Wouldn't it be good if you car is that old and it keeps pressure? If it raises that's just natural physics. Get a pressure release valve.
Its fucking close to water
5.3s always leak from the crank sensor
kek meanwhile mines pushing 80psi guess ill swap to thicker oil and just let it thin out because i thrash the cunt so much

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