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Discuss offroad vehicles. Discuss offroad trails. Post your build. Or post images from google and say it's your build. Shit posting tolerated. Blog posting encouraged. No fat chicks.
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Are you going to polish out the cast finish inside the iron housing also?
nice, which gearbox?
kek good point. No, I already rebuilt it. I might try that in the future now that you've said it.
R150 I picked up recently. Just need a bellhousing kit from either KSRacing or Akina motorsports. and all the other manual swap part too, of course.
Cool m8

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I really like the yellow calipers on red/grey Alfa Romeo Giulias gives you a Ferrari vibe
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"shit-eating grin" is a mandatory feature for any car I buy
Not him but I'm guessing because it's not red.
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Well it’s not a fucking fiat is it? No it’s a Ferrari
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not certain cars but black rims on dark blue cars looks really great

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>watch American driving test videos
>its literally just parallel park then drive once around the block
>whole test is 10 minutes long.

It's a wonder why you have so many shit drivers.
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When I got it I burst into tears like a fag so hard I forgot to honk the horn in celebration like the other guys. That shit was fucking scary, and we had to do it here
The CDL test is an actual skill fourwheelers know nothing about. Can you imagine one doing a pretrip? Lol

My experiences on the road would beg the differ when it comes to others.

>Yeah any normal person just drives and picks it up along the way
I'm unwilling to use my body and property as their learning experience, that's the fuckin problem. Go tell some mom with a now dead kid, oopsie I was learning!
So what. In canada people from the city travel to bumfuck nowhere so they wont crash their car into someone else during a road test.
And all this with automatic

European driving test is like FIA gold licence compared to that
>have fun with that communism.
This is not the 1950s, boomer. American exceptionalism is dead.
Even accross the pond it varies greatly according to which city or town you're taking the test in. If you're driving in Helsinki you're gonna have a tough time, but taking the same test in Lievestuore will be a cinch even if you drive for hours.

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You guys looking to retrofit any JDM features into your vehicle? Apparently the Skyline 370GT/G37 had a camera in the passenger mirror which I found pretty surprising for a mid 2000s Japanese coupe. Also feel free to post any euro only stuff, heard some generations of BMW sedans had optional storage for guns for police/security
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Gun storage that I was talking about

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It's the weekend. What are you working on? Post shoddy repairs, complain about parts availability, bitch about engineering decisions made 30 years ago, or circlejerk over your Rock Auto magnets. Blog posting encouraged. Wrenchlets and transvestites not allowed.
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Took the formula car out racing a couple weekends ago and STILL had clutch issues. Fucked me getting out of grid so I had to start behind all the slow people. It didn't spew clutch fluid everywhere like the factory one but it didn't quite push far enough. Engine would die every time I stuck it in gear unless I revved the piss out of it. I think the problem is that the spacing between the release bearing and spring is too far. By my measurements it's at the max for "within spec" according to the install directions. I cut a shim out of 032 stainless which should put it in the center of the "in spec" spacing. If that still doesn't work I'll use 062. I'll put the car back together this weekend and maybe try driving it around the neighborhood or something.
Are you repairing something to use/improve, or are you reselling mowers?
exactly the one advertised here, the DSO2C10, as for the clamp i got the uni-t ut210e

i figured it was probably easier to return than some 30 year old hp unit on ebay, ive been scammed there so many times
That small Uni T is supposed to be real handy. It was recommended a bunch as one of the very few clamp meters that does well with lower DC amps. It’s only 100a max so will go OL if you try to measure starter pull, but it will be good for any other circuit on a car. I like my bigger Uni-T but it’s tough to fit in a lot of spots in the car.
Fixing my own.

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>EVs: picrel
This is the future of EV charging. Already there are about a dozen types of connectors. Have fun bringing 5 adapter dongles everywhere with you so you can plug-in to whatever the charging station has.
You already have:
And then you have to double this (except tesla) for different AC vs DC variants. How hard is it to design 1 plug and stick to it?
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ok, OP pic was hyperbole. It's really picrel (mostly)

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>when she puts her legs on the dash
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>not licking the dash clean afterwards
You know this is the straight board right?
Nigga no u won't. Betcha don't even have a gitl. Post gf hair in your bathroom
But the dash is dusty
it's fucking brutal is what happens. I've seen so many descriptions of this on nhtsa's crash viewer.
That’s one thing but if she closes your car with the glass (frameless windows) you need to beat her to a bloody pulp. And that is a rule for every passenger

>wastes hundreds of thousands of tax dollars and increases traffic like a boss
why are these still around?
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my city built a 3 lane on ramp with three of these merge lights, and there's a duplicate light BEHIND them that turn red and green in conjunction with them
i imagine this is literally only for highway patrol to have an easier time being niggers
the thing is though i have literally never seen them anywhere near that on ramp
absolute waste of money
They do help alleviate traffic. The idea is the traffic trying to enter the freeway is restricted that way the traffic that is already on the freeway can keep moving flowing more cars through it than if everyone piled on and gridlocked the system
First reasonable post ITT. If traffic is moving because it's a dumb (timed and not closed-loop) on-ramp just blow through it.
why everyone doesn't just ignore em like I do I dunno. bucha fucking compliant pussies I guess
just zipper merge you fuckin retard
Niggers see that truck merges but still insist to merge the same time, just behind the truck causing chaos. Niggers can't swim it shows. You would know to leave a space if you ever visited waterpark slide. Hell even they got traffic lights.

Communism is beautiful
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kys leftypol troon
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no cars (and not all trucks) in the soviet union had power steering, because communist men are real men, unlike you funkopop-collecting bigtech-loving forever-renting consoomer nu-males
go back to leftypol faggot
>troon, faggot, globohomo
So much talking for just projecting. Communism in its original Parisian form is the white people form of government
the attached image is /thead. It literally does not get much better than that. my eyes water at how beautifully perfect it is.

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Based Yankee Destroyer

TruckChads we are eating good. Remember girls like trucks and not gay sportscars.
Annihilates Ford, Ram, GM, and those USA designed Tacoma/Tundras in your path.
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chinkshit microdick riceshills tongue my anus
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Pajeet chugs past in reliable alternative
That body design is so gay looking and almost every new vehicle looks like this.

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Anyone dumb enough to spend 45k on a 30 y/o car with 130k miles needs to be neutered.
>euro trash rental with biodegradable harness, auto only
grapes, ricer
the only reason you stupid poorfags dont like this car is because the bank won't let you finance a 30 year old legend. They know you're a broke wrenchlet that will run it into the ground.
You're trying too hard with your bait
sage in all fields
>posts NA automatic supra with a body kit

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Vehicle Every Day Carry

What's some shit you keep in your car at all times? Emergency supplies, stuff you need for your work or hobbies, tools in case of breakdown, whatever.
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Me. I'm always in the car.
Spare undies
>Ancient NARB
>Insecure so has to carry a gun he will never shoot anyone with
LOL, LMAO even.
Now THIS is pathetic
kek the tranny got triggered by the gun
>Instantly resorts to childish name calling, forfeiting immediately
Kek, I accept your surrender

Brand name of the car on the windshield edition

Honda is my favorite Honda

Need help identifying a chassis?


The last one
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Not really a bitch if gas makes it more expensive than flying, but I wouldn't sweat miles on an Accord with a J series in it, I used to sweat putting miles on my Accord, but then you realize these things go to shit mechanically when parked if you leave it long enough, so you can't really win, but I might fly that 600 miles despite my love of road tripping Accords just because of the gas.
You probably are a little bitch but not for being concerned about your car!
Fuckin bot.
> Pay about $40-$50 total to rent pic related for a day
> Destroy your suspension, destroy your exhaust, destroy anything under the car that gets smashed into the asphalt, put a massive dent in your hood, put dents in the body panels around your wheel wells, fuck up your trunk, compromise your rear pillars, probably crack your rear window, potentially pop one or more tires, and risk getting pulled over and being arrested while your car is impounded leading to thousands of dollars in legal/towing fees plus money you didn't make due to lost work time

Is this one of those "check out how realistic UE5 is now!" videos or something?
Never underestimate the power of a crackhead hoarder.

>first car was an 01 Camry.
>put 400k miles on it before trading it for an 02 Corolla.
>put 300k miles on it.
>Got ran off the road on monday; too much damage to fix
Im on the market for a new car and as you can see, i havent been on the car market in so long that I am unfamiliar with everything. Screens in cars is new for me.

But also, I am 1 person, 40 years old, no plans to date or transport people. Literally, not a single other person has rode with me in this car that ive had for almost 20 years. A passenger seat and back seats are basically useless to me and my groceries are rather light.

Every generic suggestion i see is quite large. Japanese kei cars arent sold here.

I liked how my cars lasted so long without needed much in repairs.
I dont need much space and feel like i can downsize the physical size to save a lot in both the car and gas going forward.
I dont know anything about hybrids... I am not knowledgeable about cars really.
I travel about 110-120 miles per day (50.5 miles/2 hour commute each way)

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Honda Fit, Toyota Yaris

03-08 is the most reliable generation of Corollas, but it's a 4-seater. It doesn't hurt to have the extra space though, it'll get 35+ MPG on the highway.

I don't know shit about hybrids or EVs either but they may be worth looking into. A manager at one of my old jobs had a hybrid and was getting 45-50 MPG
Don't buy a small car, buy a fuck off massive v8 coupe
Small cars are usually compromised either for cheapness or performance. Spending 4 hours a day in your car at 25MPH average says you don't really need smol car performance and you definitely don't want cheapness.

My suggestions:
Lexus ES 350
Genesis G70
Model 3

Could also look at the Mercedes E-class, Cadillac CTS, Acura TLX, Volvo S60/S90. I've just never personally been in any of those.
Based fellow smol car enthusiast.

>Mazda 3
>Mazda Miata
>Mazdas in general, they make smol yet attainable cars
>Suzuki Jimny/Samurai
>Suzukis in general
>import a kei car over 25 years old (assuming you're in the US, other countries have different import laws but generally importing and registering a foreign vehicle is possible, opening your options by a lot)
Also a Prius C or Lexus CT200h. Really look into the Lexus, tiny little thing with luxury features. Slow af but people will think it's classy because of the badge.

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>on-coming truck has its high beams on
>flash my lights to let him know
>he turns on the seizure lights

what the fuck?
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This is what actual autism looks like.
It's still only reflecting the small amount of light that hits it. Wouldn't you be more effective with your own light source?
You fight fire with fire. I have blinding LEDs on my truck that I'd flash on if I came across these assholes. Didn't use them for anything other than that.
That's too technologically advanced for a company like Toyota. Oh I'm sorry what I actually meant was that based Toyota waits for technology to mature before adopting it, just look at how long it took them to adopt a transmission with more than 5 gears for the 4Runner
maybe. but the m82 tape reflects at least 90% of light back, and i'm sure you've seen how bright late model vehicles with LED headlights are; 90% of that is still going to be very noticeable.

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