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>on-coming truck has its high beams on
>flash my lights to let him know
>he turns on the seizure lights

what the fuck?
should've crashed into him and showed his insurance that video
Cool story OP, I saw it redoot too.
Truckolds frequently have undiagnosed antisocial personality disorder.
>flash my lights
That's your problem. Don't flash them, just flick them on and leave them on.
flash your gun and shoot him. fun fact: if you leave your phone at the house, you could be a serial killer just with driveby shootings and they'd probably never catch you in that location.
What do you expect from retarded truckfags. Literal room temperature iq fucks.
they seem to be butthurt at the world, might be cause they can't afford to eat anything other than plain rice due to the car payments, sad
Shoot him next time. I'm serious.
These people know they're fucking over other drivers, they dont give a shit.
Shoot him.

Countrys gone to practical anarchy anon. Cops wont do anything about it. Guy would probably try to crush your skull over an argument. He doesnt give a fuck. Shoot him.

This guy gets it. Entire country is practically an anarchy now. Civil war soon too, unfortunately.
That was an SUV retard.
This fed knows and is gleeful at getting a homicide charge on some nigger fucking roasty.
I keep a real 2000 lumen spot flashlight in my cupholder for people like this. Fuck em.

Also this type of driver is exactly what GIVE EM THE TAPE is for. I have a few 8x14 inch cardboards of SOLAS reflective as well.
Fuck em they get the tape or the ray of god.
Based solas tape user
mag dump into windshield
This is probably because the truck fag has a front end lift and didn’t get the headlights re-aligned properly. From their perspective their brights aren’t on. This is extremely common and most are too retarded to realize that they’re blinding others on the road. So this one in particular probably had been flashed hundreds of times and bought some stupid light bar in protest, because he/she is too stupid to use deductive reasoning to understand why people are doing it.
It's night retard, his lights were already on
The brights, retard.
I know supporting nigger behavior is the cool thing these days, but man what a faggot
Watch the vid again and notice the offroad light bar as the truck passes.
one time i did this, they actually turned off their brights
another time they instantly turned on their actual high beams. definitely not the first time someone flashed them
next time i'm just gonna veer towards them
A fucking Explorer police cars headlights were literally fucking blinding me one time, I legitimately had to squint.
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Bro, your tape?
>dually black dodge ram
Not even surprised in the slightest.
>Not doing a u-turn and following them
I've followed people home, they just stay in their vehicle in their driveway until you leave.
at least the seizure light turns off for a few milisecs when you can see him and the road
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Here's your fix, OP.
A pair of these properly directed work quite well.
Stop driving a cringey low to the ground car.
get a few extremely high powered lasers and sweep them across his head a few times as he approaches. im talking high enough power to instantly burn out his corneas.
>Watch the vid again and notice the offroad light bar as the truck passes.
What’s your point retard? Yes I saw the light bar.
>I keep a real 2000 lumen spot flashlight in my cupholder for people like this. Fuck em.
I like this idea
Probably doesn't do much desu, LEDs and HIDs can produce like 3000 to 4500 lm
ayyy kekerino
Agree. They would see it, but it's not gonna blind them.
How about an actual high powered laser? Would be hard to aim at their eyes and they might shoot you (and if they have a dash cam you're fucked)
Do nothing corner masturbating faggot
This. Dodge dually drivers are the biggest niggerfaggots on the road.
Is the integrated dashcam a new thing? I put one in my truck awhile back.
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Modern cars already have 360 cameras, it only makes sense to use them as dashcams. Thing is Toyota's "integrated" dashcam is actually just some dealer installed chink shit and not actually integrated
>whats your point
illegal offroad light, driver intentionally doesn't give a fuck.
A bullet for him and, for you too because you knew that Cletus. I'll kill your entire bumbling redneck fucking family -and- I'll kill the commie cali neighbors you hate so much. You're all trash.

A "spot flashlight" is a focused, "long throw" flashlight and 2000 lumen is more than enough to blind the other driver's vision.

anyways as I was saying, a focused beam flashlight at 2000Lm is HELLA BRITE NO CAP ON GOD you brainrotted queers.
That's lame, figured they could use the cameras that were already on the rig.
Don't flash your lights on dark you dipshit. Just wait until the good positions about 100yards and simultanously with the oncomer, turn to low beam. If you are the photosensitive sperg, just stop driving
Honestly, if I was in my beater/shitbox truck (a rusted diesel excursion) I would have purposefully wandered into his lane and forced him to either hit me or run off the road. People who do shit like this needed to get beat up more often as kids. Unfortunately I'd most likely be in a car I love when this happens and I have no idea how I could handle it.

>thinking powerful lasers are toys
you need to be thrown in an asylum before you permanently blind someone
I noticed these are 5.75", will they fit in a typical sealed beam bracket in an old car? I'd love to upgrade my high beams so I can see out on these country roads at night, and unlike the truck driver in the OP I'm courteous about my high beams and turn them off as soon as I see another car. They would also suffice to return fire on retards who have blinding poorly aimed LEDs and light bars.
Or you could turn off your his the second you see headlights, nigger
One time I was with a friend and some asshole turned his brights on us for no reason. My friend turned around and rammed the guy off the road.
I avoided him after that.
I wonder who would be at fault if the camera car verged into the truck causing a headon.
Would it be the camera car for going into the opposite lane? Or the strobe car for being an asshole strobing his lights.
britfag detected. opinion discarded.
they are circular lights so i imagine it's 5.75in diameter. doubt it would fit in a sealed beam bracket if yours aren't round and also you would need to install separate low beams because automotive sealed beams are dual beams.
i would just get a roof crossbar for like a roof rack and mount them up there and run wires through a pillar to get the other end under the dash where you can do the wiring.
>turned his brights on us for no reason
There is ALWAYS a reason, even if you're not sure what that reason is. If anyone flashes at you, your first reaction should be system check
Yeah. The reason was to be an asshole.
I doubt that highly. The amount of times I've flashed folks who go on driving without lights or with their singal on or shit hanging off for miles, completely oblivious, is insane.
First thing I do when flashed is to make sure everything is in order, if you don't do that, remove yourself from the road. There is ALWAYS a reason, even if that reason may be rage, so what did he do to get flashed at?
>doubt it would fit in a sealed beam bracket if yours aren't round and also you would need to install separate low beams because automotive sealed beams are dual beams.
So you don't know what you're talking about, why answer? It's obvious from the fact that I'm asking this that my car has 5.75" round sealed beams, and it is a quad headlight car.

I'm not a nigger or a hick I'm not putting a light bar on my fucking car.
He didn't flash his brights. He kept them on as he approached and passed us.
should've specified what car you had then. yes, they'll fit then. you will need to upgrade your wiring to handle the additional current as these are 250w. If your car runs the current for the high beam lamps straight through the switch, you need to change it to toggle a relay that's sends power to the lamps straight from the battery via a fused connection.
You will melt wires and cause a fire if you disregard this and simply upgrade the current high-beam fuse.
What are you talking about? Did we watch the same video? I see a truck with its high beams constantly on, which then responds TO a flash with flashing light bars and headlights. The truck didn't flash its high beams at the OP until after being flashed for having his high beams on.
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m82 solas which was designed for spotting boats lost at sea in inclement conditions, or v82 which is targeted towards land based vehicles.
m82 has a narrower observation angle than v82 but still enough to fuck with high beamers on the road. place it on your back bumper and people tend to stay the fuck back. place it on rear headrests to get back at lifted brodozers since they sit taller. note that the glue on the tape is extremely sticky, if you ever want to take it off, you may want something to protect whatever you put it on.
for oncoming traffic you can either stick it on your bumper, or on your sun visor.
Context, dummy. I said >>
>I noticed these are 5.75", will they fit in a typical sealed beam bracket in an old car?
This implies that I noticed the same size as the headlights in my car. Whether they will fit or not depends on the profile of the sides, and since you posted about them I assumed you had used them and would know if they fit where a normal automotive sealed beam will fit. Then I said
> I'd love to upgrade my high beams
which implies that I have quad headlights. Because you CANNOT upgrade just your high beams if you only have two headlights. Come on. As for the wiring and stuff yeah no brainer, I'm only interested in whether they mechanically fit in the housing.
>sharp corner
>lifted truck has to cut over center line to turn his shitrig

You fucking flash to tell retards to turn their highs down
He turned on his highs as we approached them and kept them on until he passed us.
Take your meds!
illiterate retard
how do we kill these subhumans?
Then as I said, what. did. you. do.
People don't do this for no reason
I think you don't realize some people are assholes just to be assholes.
Sorry, story doesn't check out, what aren't you telling us? What did ya do? You probably don't even know that's why he's so pissed
I'm going to kill you.
>retard who drives an unloaded dually with 3 light bars isn't doing it just to be a dickhead
Were you born yesterday? Brotruck faggots are like niggers, they act out specifically to get negative attention
This is what actual autism looks like.
It's still only reflecting the small amount of light that hits it. Wouldn't you be more effective with your own light source?
You fight fire with fire. I have blinding LEDs on my truck that I'd flash on if I came across these assholes. Didn't use them for anything other than that.
That's too technologically advanced for a company like Toyota. Oh I'm sorry what I actually meant was that based Toyota waits for technology to mature before adopting it, just look at how long it took them to adopt a transmission with more than 5 gears for the 4Runner
maybe. but the m82 tape reflects at least 90% of light back, and i'm sure you've seen how bright late model vehicles with LED headlights are; 90% of that is still going to be very noticeable.
Grab one of those powerful blinding lasers, point at his cabin, give him permanent eye damage. That's the only way to deal with the average animal on the road. Remember to wear your safety goggles tho.
Don't place it on your bumper, retard.
You want to get the guys that have their highbeams on, not the normal headlights.
Need to place it as high as possible.

If you come back with a reply about muh angles, then you don't know how the tape works.
Just shoot him instead of being a humongous faggot and a piece of shit coward, you fucking pussy

you're fucking scum
t.asshole truck driver
A shot is too quick for you scum, better to rob you of your ability to drive.
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get one of these
Why because you know I'm right and you probably pulled some shit that pissed him off? Lol, maybe your headlights aren't aimed properly, have you checked?

Most likely, no, you probably did something

This is what personal accountability looks like
Why do you want to get your skull crushed.
Why do you people intentionally act this way.

You really think I'm talking about "the asshole truck driver" and not the social gestalt instigator (that's you anon!) ? The destabilization-rhetoric players? Clearly conversation failed (many years ago) and the time for unfortunate, necessary brutal violence is coming. And you're next because you've made it necessary for you to be next.
Listen I don't care if apes threaten me. WQhen someone flashes at you while driving, there is most likely an issue; your signals on, your over the line, you're following too close, a cops nearby, you're speeding, your lights or on or off, your high beans might be on. It doesn'tmake mathematical sense that someone would flash your lights at you for no reason, it might be a wronlgy percieved reason, but it's a reason.
If you can't accept that, turn in your childs license I'm sure you're still running on, and get off the road
I said you're next buddy no need to keep digging yourself deeper, the decision has already been made.
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tell me how the grass tastes, little man
What purpose do you serve.
this guy knows the truck mob
im gonna make u suck my exhaust pipe
Start driving on his side, see how much courage he has.
lol that ain't even me, retard
im gonna clonk u and that other fgt together like 3 stooges
does this shit actually work or is it another reddit meme?
It actually works. Truckniggers turn down their beams and keep their distance at night now. However, I do plan to shoot into their cabin if they try to ram me or anything stupid.
It's the same as how street signs reflect your headlights back to your eye,
But the tape is a pure bright white, like ultra shine. Like staring at the sun.
The brighter the other person's lights and the bigger the area you tape, the better the effect.

I use cardboard to make big sqaures like 8 inch by 14 or bigger, I dont like the idea of taping my car because that affects all drivers unfairly.
When a quad-light, brights on, offroad light bar truck nigger comes up on you it's super effective
>80,000 lumens
>over 1km range
Jesus Christ.
find it funny that even on today's 4channel of contrarianism and bullshit, people are universally calling to kill this fucker
I have a tinted rear window but the light coming from my side mirrors still fucks me up at night... Any ideas how to get these fuckers?
Tinted rear window would block any reflected light from the backseat headrests 2x making it not so potent.
Not sure what to do aside from removing my rear tint
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>solas tape
>a few overlapping slats, maybe 6" high by 12" wide on the outside of your sun visor
>drive with the visor down at night
>pull the slats down when dumb karen/trucknigger/suvcuk appears and refuses to dim their high beams upon seeing you
>push the slats back up when you are done with them

Nigger. Actually, gay nigger.

lightbar niggers deserve the rope
>just with driveby shootings and they'd probably never catch you in that location.
Only in a pre-2010's car
how the fuck is having a strobe mode on these even legal
it isn't.
tint your side windows?
good point. although halogens won't be affected as much as LEDs, since LEDs just run at full brightness at all times and only use a flap to hide the rest of the light.
if you have power mirrors it's possible to aim the light to shine right back in their eyes. you may be able to see the little spot of light move around as you adjust, when you shine it on their face the effect is hilariously instant
Side windows are tinted as well, but not as dark as the rears (legal limit). The tint doesnt cut down the light enough
Lol holy shit. Will give this a shot. Based anon
Now i just need to find a solution when im not stopped at a light
This is how all lowbeam/highbeam projectors work though. LED/HID/Halogen all do it
>Anon thinks hi-beams means they're higher on the car
Found the bus rider.

Why hasn't anyone done this yet?

People love to exploit shit and there ain't even laws against this, yet nobody is doing it. Where are all the sociopaths when you need them to burn down society as quickly as possible?
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You're not too bright are you?
Why not carry a high power laser with you too? It's the logical conclusion.
I am a sedan enjoyer, what is the brightest high beam I can purchase to fight back against truck niggers
Just toss sparkplugs out of the window or sunroof.
This but a burlap sack of doorknobs individually wrapped in SOLAS tape
SOrry, man, folks don't usually flash for no reason, even if their reason is wrong. It's something you're doing or something wrong with your car, every time
doesn't work. anyone who claims it does fails to understand retroreflectivity.
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>driving home at 3 am
>asshole in oncoming lane blinding me
>turn on my brights
>watch him immediately hit the brakes and make a u turn in my rear view
>asshole was a cop
>faggot floors it to catch up to me
>rides my ass for a bit
>we've left the city and are on a country road at this point
>I know he's just looking for a reason to pull me over
>set my cruise control to 55 and concentrate on staying arrow-straight in my lane
>suddenly he starts overtaking
>doesn't actually pass, stays in the oncoming lane and matches my speed
>glance over and the faggot is staring me down
>read side of car and it's actually a deputy sheriff
>go back to concentrating on staying in my lane
>eventually he passes me, flashes his roof lights once
>floors it and disappears, fucker must have hit 100 mph because we were on a completely straight road and I lost sight of him in like 15 seconds

as if I needed any more reason to hate cops. faggot made a u turn on a double yellow, broke the speed limit several times, tailgated me aggressively, drove in the oncoming lane for ~1/4 mile, and tried to intimidate me all because his tiny ego got bruised for a moment.
I thought about writing a letter to the sheriff but I know absolutely nothing would happen because those pieces of shit protect their own from any accountability. god I fucking hate cops.
>what the fuck?
That's just a trugger thing. If you try to correct bad behavior they just double down on it.

The solas autism actually fixed the highbeam problem for me. It actually blinds them when they blast highbeams. Doesn't do much for oncoming cars but my rearview mirror hasn't been terrible for months by now.
It works. I have zero flat surfaces on the front of my car so it's not effective there, but the rear is a completely different story. I don't get tailgated anymore.
>Why not carry a high power laser with you too?
Well that's the line where it turns from unfriendly banter to laseranon.
I have one of the smaller acebeams with the 1000 lumen light and that is hands down the brightest flashlight that 1x AA battery can squeeze out. They get HOT too.
Were YOUR high beams on? Or do you have those shitty LED conversions completely unadjusted so they act like high beams
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>mfw my cars are low enough that modern low beams fuck my shit up
>Why hasn't anyone done this yet?

About $16/sq ft. Also needs to be conformable solas which is about 10% more expensive.
you dont understand retroflectivity. the light literally gets bounced back to its source, which is the headlights, although the difference in angle between the headlights and your eyes is small enough for it to appear blindingly bright to your eyes. It's why road signs light up at night.
>u turn on a double yellow
Legal. Double yellow means do not cross to proceed in the same direction, but still allows turning across. Left or U turns are only prohibited against TWO SETS of double yellows (picrel). Across ONE set of double yellows is perfectly legal, although many intersections will break the yellow line anyway to alert priority traffic of the intersection.
youd have to have literally perfect aim, since the spot is less than an inch in size. also, you're more likely to blind yourself with a stray reflection. A tactical flashlight would be a better option
your friend is based
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I still can't believe I got pulled over by a DOT truck for having my high beams on
my fucking 20 year old rusty sylvanias, fuck off, especially in this day and age where there's like atleast 50 people within a mile of us with their high beams set on their dials at all times.
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looking at solas on amazon, there seems to be a wide price dispersion. is it really worth going with the more expensive one? i cant help but think the cheap ones (hexagon type) is some shitty knock off.
Should’ve brake checked him and said you thought you saw a deer. Like hard enough for him to rear end you brake check
There's only two approved for the DHS/USCG and the US Navy, and that's Reflexite/Oralite and 3M.
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>2.5 sqft of tape
>$12.78 per square foot
Welcome to the safety conspicuity world. It's all expensive and you get what you pay for. Name brands count 1000% here.

Personally I snap up 150-foot rolls for around $70-$90 on ebay but I still have 1x full roll left.
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>That was an SUV retard.
It was a Dodge Dually
The correct course of action to take to protect yourself against these passive-aggressive maniacs is pull over where possible.
Let them pass.
Do not provoke further.
This was back in like 2010. Cars didn't have LEDs back then. And no. Highbeems weren't on.
>although the difference in angle between the headlights and your eyes is small enough for it to appear blindingly bright to your eyes.
false. you don't understand retroreflectivity.
Knock it off with the "muh Countermeasures" bullshit.
You're gonna get people hurt with this nonsense.
literally all you need to disprove your own bullshit is a flashlight and a retroreflective surface, such as a license plate
I accept your concession.
Then you should’ve kept hanging out with your friend.
I've been sticking two feet long strips of solas tape on the signposts all over town. The long strip caters to all manner of headlamp heights. I think it's working because people are speeding way less with it on in the early hours. It's very bright.

People do nothing about it because the municipality already wraps cheap reflective tape on them anyways because of drunk pickup truck driver running them down.
People are already getting hurt by leaving things as is. The problem already exists and isnt being dealt with
>The problem already exists and isnt being dealt with
At that point, may as well start experimenting. Time for war, as the problem children do not listen to reason or diplomacy, and see it as a weakness to exploit.

They literally mod their vehicles to blind people on purpose. Return to sender.
the cheap rolls probably use shit glue
Why the fuck are you driving a sports car around at 10mph? Fucking larper ricer.
the fuck lol. how do you think the pic in >>27662874 was taken?
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old photography flashbulbs can cause blindness at close enough range
laserfags gtfo
Water intrusion is also a significant issue. Cheap retroreflective tapes will delaminate and even humidity will completely degrade the performance of a cheap tape. Microprisms require high dimensional stability and most of that tape is designed to keep it stable.

Don't buy cheap. You will be forced to do the job twice.
>crash on left lane
>try to merge left
>RAM 2500 V8 wont let me
>merge anyway
>truckrage flashbhonk.mp3
>cop handling the crash waves truckoid over and cusses him out
>keep cruisin'
>DODGE 1500 V8 is back
>rage passes me 90mph in a 60
>thin blue line and gadsden rear window sticker
issue isnt LED, the issue is brightness. High beam halogens are just as bad, whereas properly bright and aimed LEDs are a non issue
This is the type of person that makes huge financial mistakes and then blames the jews.
what are you, 60 years old?
lots of people are out and about at 10
I go to sleep before 10 mph every night.
Why would you risk the Lazer bouncing off the windscreen back at you?
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halogens have a separate circuit for high and low beams. LEDs are just on max brightness all the time. webm related; late model hyundai or whatever. the high beam switch simply actuates a flap in the housing that determines whether more people get blinded by it or not.
I would just drive into them %100
Why in the fuck do high beams even exist at this point? Maybe they were necessary for shitboxes 70 years ago with tiny lamps that dimmed over time or whatever, but I've never in the last 20 years driving felt like I needed more than standard headlights to see. Even less so with modern LEDs which I actually fucking hate but they're so bright on their own I can't fucking imagine wanting them to be brighter. Do they just exist at this point for people so old they should be dead, not driving, and retards who think moar brighter = moar better and don't know how to adjust their seat position so they can even see the road in the first place?

At the very least I wish all the LEDs weren't tuned for "fuck your retinas nigga" bright white color temps, they fucking suck for actually illuminating things you want to see at night and they completely fuck other drivers' night vision. Nothing I love more than headlights designed to make people ram my car by accident.
>a cops nearby
I remember when America was enough of a high trust society that this was pretty much always the reason.
I know. I was answering that guy's question.
You seem to be barking up the wrong tree
Halogens are on max brightness all the time too unless its the DRL.
Halogens can also use a flap to operate high/lowbeams
>Scion TC
must be a nu-car thing then. older cars usually have two filaments in the headlamp bulb, one for low beam, other for high. Or they use separate high beam globes (or even both).
Yeah bro just yolo floor it in to the unknown beyond the blinding light of God's taint
It's for country roads with no street lights so you can see the deer jerking off in the road a mile down. There was never a use in settled areas.
I drive on pitch black country backroads too, normal headlights are perfectly adequate
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die in a fire laserfag
I found that was true when I was younger, but now that I'm older I started using high beams on country roads at night. I don't think I can see as well in the dark as I used to.
Yeah so high beams exist for old fuckers with bad eyes who shouldn't be driving anymore, to the detriment of people who can actually see because the old fuckers are too retarded to ever turn them off in 90%+ cases.
To answer your question, sealed lamps like these are standardized. A GE 4522 Landing Light is a PAR46 lamp, just like standard H5001/H5006 sealed beam automotive headlamps. Yes, it'll mount right up. Obviously other shit will be wrong, and there's a real possibility that the actual headlamp retaining hardware won't handle the heat of the landing light. Your stock headlamps produce around 3.5W of visible light, 41W of IR, and 6W of heat directly. These landing lights produce 17.5W of visible light, 200W of IR, and 30W of heat directly. They wont just run hotter, they'll run a FUCKLOAD hotter, blistering hood paint, melted zinc/aluminum/magnesium parts, warped sheet metal, I'd be very nervous to run these things. They're also going to pull ~40A from your alternator instead of the usual 4, going to need to consider that, not just a wiring concern but a genuine concern of whether or not your alternator will keep up, especially in a vehicle old enough to still utilize sealed-beam headlamps, alternators were a lot smaller before all the computers and bullshit of modern vehicles. My 96 Suzuki has a 40A alternator, my '23 Tahoe has a 250A, and neither has a drop to spare, they're both matched closely to the demands of the vehicle and won't support such power-hungry accessories like a pair of 250W lamps. Good luck anon, I genuinely hope you do this. As a point of encouragement, those 4522 landing lights only run around $25/ea, they're priced comparably to regular sealed-beam headlights.
Sorry nigga, but no. The first cars with flaps to control the throw pattern of the headlamps were in the 1930s. It remains common to this day. There was a period of time in the United States where the standardized use of sealed-beam headlights put an end to this for the most part, but the return of bespoke headlight design in the US beginning in the 1980s saw the return of controllable reflectors/baffles/flaps to affect throw pattern. All the while the US was fucking with sealed-beams, flappy-wavy-aimable headlights were quite the norm in Europe on many higher-end vehicles, and by the late 90s you expected even the shittiest of euro-shitbox to have adjustable headlamp throw from within the vehicle, with a dial beside the headlight switch allowing you to adjust the headlamp throw angle at will. Most commonly, these used flaps with cable actuators, which later became vacuum actuators, and of course eventually became the electronic servos that control modern headlights.
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You are under the obligation to merge, running out of lane is not a free pass to come over and that cop is a faggot as much as the truck is.

Have you ever been to the fucking woods you absolute ape?

I don't let people know since they deserve to get got if they're doing something wrong, and I'm not gonna have the muh freeze peach convo with a pig who's cover I've blown

No, they are not, you don't know dark then
ok im talking about high and low beams though, not really adjusting the angle of headlights. the latter sounds like a euro thing, the nip cars i've seen seem to use a separate high and low beam filament, at least for h4 bulbs.
my point still stands though. from what you say, then it seems like post-2000 cars just have light output defaulting to max brightness and there's a flap that gets lifted up with the high beam switch, and with leds it just gets worse. you originally mentioned "high beam halogens" which was why i brought all this up anyway.
>the nip cars i've seen seem to use a separate high and low beam filament, at least for h4 bulbs
oops, for high beams i mean. first time i saw angle adjustment for a nip car was on a 08 corolla although i assume some other nip cars had them earlier
>solas tape on the visor would mean during day time you could inadvertently blind other drivers if you just want to keep the sun out of your eyes
>solas tape on a card would mean you'd need to quickly grab it from say in between the seat or map pocket, which would be less convenient than just flipping down the visor
what's the solution?
buying a truck
put it on the visor and buy a pair of sunglasses to keep in your car.
This works for me 9 times out of 10. The other 1 out of 10 times we just murder each others eyeballs.
Im buying one of these
Ill put the solas on the extension pieces. My upper windshield has the blue tint anyways so placing it on the main body wont work well
Unless you're talking about literally driving into the middle of the woods where there are no roads and you're weaving through trees in your shitbox, yes modern headlights are perfectly adequate for seeing even on the darkest roads in existence. We should not be designing cars' headlights for a single fringe use case that 99.99% of drivers will never need, Cletus can add his aftermarket flood lights for navigating to his deep woods rape shack if he needs it.
>buy shit box aw11
>previous owner installed bright as fuck lights
>so low to the ground my beams never blind others
> all the truckfags high beams go right over me from the front and the louvers block out most light from the rear
Its pretty nice desu
you wont inadvertently blind people. how often do you get blinded by reflective road signs in the day time?
It's RETROreflective. RETROreflective means it reflects back at the source. Are daytime drivers within 5-10 degrees of the sun?
Sounds like you drive slow if you're not outpacing your low beams. Either that or they are aimed so high they function like high beams instead.
Or I have functional eyes and the ability to react faster than a 90 year old with Alzheimer's and arthritis
for now that is
Enjoy crashing, high speeds demand high beams
light moves at the speed of light, you can't outpace it
Haven't crashed yet, faggot
Yeah, 25 years is a really small sample size my bad
>a bunch of geriatric retards arguing about how you need floodlights to see at night
Just kill yourselves, the good part of life is already over for you
needs to be 50 unfortunately
>high beams are floodlights
It's not about how powerful they are, it's about how far they are aimed at. Which you need at speed.
You do, because you're brain damaged or whatever.
250watts would catch your car on fire in about 60 seconds and they aren't rated for vibration.
Nope, sorry, you're simply overestimting your skills, use the equpment provided to you properly please
If they're driving down from the sun they deserve to get melted
File: miamidadeericpopper.webm (3.83 MB, 1280x720)
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3.83 MB WEBM
>dude i'd shoot him
>footage of retardanons attempting to shoot someone
I'm not a mouthbreathing mulatto retard so I would aim at my target instead of closing my eyes and magdumping.
This thread reminded me that I am forced to share a road with narcissistic and psychotic NEETs who see you and your entire family as NPCs and I hate it
>I'm not a mouthbreathing mulatto retard so I would aim at my target instead of closing my eyes and magdumping
You're just another fucking puerto rican named eric that doesn't even consider opening his window before firing.
It's even worse now with LED lights. I thought there were laws about how bright your shit can be but apparently not.
There's all kinds of laws, doesn't mean retards follow them.

Those fucking blue led headlights that completely destroy peoples' night vision are illegal but everyone fucking has them in my area and cops don't do shit about it.
You have to own a gun first.
Everything is illegal so it can be selectively enforced at the whims of the officer or judge. Why even write fucking laws to begin with if they're not applied consistently? It's like some weird ass-backwards feudal system we have.
I went and bought real solas (reflexite M82). It's pretty mediocre up close but it holds decently well further out. It's not the magic shit that jedditors proclaim it to be but it's decent. License plates for comparison. It's pretty much useless more than about two hundred feet away or so.
Every time a car with led headlights drives behind me at night, I get blinded in both mirrors on my motorbike. I don't blame them, I blame car companoes going full retard.
>aircraft anything
>not rated for vibration

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