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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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>Can't wait for DRH!
Been saying that for two years.
Hopefully we get at the end of this year
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>that face
she really is marry anns mother isn't she?
except that baph is a loving wife and mother...unlike our beloved heroine...
>used wrong character in pic
Anon, that's baphomet
>loving wife
She canonically get's railed by everyone. She's the literal goddess of "belongs to the streets".
You faggots need to stop with your victim complexes.
>brain is so rotted he immediately thinks of men when seeing a girl
Seek help

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I wish there was actual BG3 game like previous two, not this gay slop that got shat out
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You have it backwards, there were plenty of cargo cultists that hated on BG3 for being turn based, instead of RTWP, despite BG1 and 2 being, obviously, adapted from turn-based DnD 2nd edition. I was extremely disappointed with BG3 and thought it was a crappy game, but being turn-based was one of its strengths, not one of its flaws, imo.
>oh, you like X too?
>unending torrent of nuslop, retcons and casualisation
>super complicated skill system
Competency crisis is going to demolish the world as we know it.
I didn't play them as a kid, making them objectively worse OBJECTIVELY.
>The brand name helped them market the game and make more money, but they shouldn't do that because it....ummm it makes me feel bad
Yeah, they should be retarded and have no business sense, great idea. Who gives a fuck about the integrity of the brand. Good let them use it. What a dumb thing to care about

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So there are infinite Aeriths and Sephiroths and Zachs now?

What the fuck are they doing?
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>shit voice acting
Oh no... Jill. Don't open... that door!
Extremely based.
Why the hell is this such a hot meme now? It's obnoxious and I hate it.
For me the best has for to be
>It's REALLY powerful! Especially against LIVING THINGS
It's the obvious pick but I always gotta go with
>You were almost a Jill Sandwich
Allows authors for maximum non-commitment and maximum fanservice

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bought this game 10 years or so ago and i played it on and off across the years, still very trash at it, does someone have any good tips, cheese strategies or even just some random stories, please post.
Temporal Wardens are OP as fuck, if you want to win they are a good choice.
HP is basically the only stat that matters for the first 20 levels or so, use whatever gear has 40+ life on it.
Movement Infusions are overpowered, abuse them.
Don't do Vaults. Don't do the Crypts (with the girl being sacrificed), it is probably the most dangerous area in the game.
Is the original ToME still up somewhere? Is it worth looking for or too undercooked?

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>Fallout show hits
>/vrpg/ is now full of fallout threads
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Cute cat.
It would be fine if the show was good but its not.
Its ass.
The writing is worse than F3 and F4 fused together.
I'm part of the Fallout spam, solely to make this board, and /v/ and /vr/ so bloated and sick to death of any Fallout discussion, it becomes a red-flag permanently, and people stop jerking it off endlessly and people hate it.
If only you put all that autistic energy of yours into bettering your life you wouldnt be a broke incel.

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is this really shit? i got it for free from Epic so i'm wasn't hugely invested in it. the beginning is very fun the first time, the open world, gunplay and quests are so much better than people give it credit for and the companions while not super deep are pretty funny,
this just feels like the perfect mix of action and rpg.

The only bad thing i can say is the last main quest is too cinematic.
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Look, just because the GECK can purify a small area, like a city, that doesn't mean it can clean a whole fucking river basin.
This is the biggest nitpick of all time.
Nigga what part of "we can do the thing and more" you dont get?

You are defending a game in which every piece of plot is retarded by.. pretending to be retarded.
This should tell you something about the quality of what you are defending you low-IQ mollusc.
fallout 1, 2, and 3 were designed to make you want to buy and play them because they're fun. NV is an honest attempt at this but it's autistic and doesn't value player experience. Fallout 4 was designed to make you want to buy and play it because it checks boxes and has all the gameplay loops yay.
>fallout 1, 2,
>and 3
Kill yourself zoomer.
>everyone has the same goal: turn on the water purifier
Autumn wants control of the water purifier, not to simply turn it on. He would use access to the purifier to blackmail settlements into joining his faction. Eden wants to contaminate the purifier and kill everything. Lone Wanderer wants to purifier the water for everyone just to generally make the world more hospitable.

Just from that sentence alone in that dumb faggoty little screen-cap, I can tell he didn't play the game, or was so low IQ, he didn't understand each faction's personal motivations for gaining control of the purifier.

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>NCR's capital nuke 4 years before New Vegas
>NCR remnants destroyed in last episode (based, fuck taxes)
>The Blassed (Based + Blessed) Enclave still alive
>according to Todd 'Kino-Troll' Howard all this is canon
New Vegas officially decanonised, can't wait for its remaster plus

>trash everywhere, even in the inhabited places
>ruin houses, even the ones with alive people in
>skeletons everywhere, even in places with alive people
Total Bethesda Win.

How this make you feel, Falloutbros?
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>I cannot imagine giving a flying fuck about fallout lore.
It's consumers who don't understand that the lore was made up by developers spitballing shit in a hurry to get the game out. It changed shape constantly due to reasons like getting a temporary project name or whatever.

Now the lore is a sacred cow, because autismos spent more time studying it than it took to create it. Or they heard from a youtuber that bethesda DESTROYED THE FALLOUT LORE (the jet incident)
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Niggers like you are the worst.
Kek is he trying to get hired as a writer on the show
BethesdaGODS we are so fucking back. Fuck soivegas
>It's consumers
Thats a funny statement because you are prime example of a slop consumer.

You know deep down that the current year writing is absolute dogshit and so your big cope is "well ackshually the writing always was bad" which we both know simply isn't true because otherweise you wouldnt be on board about roleplaying games.

I know that people like you love nothing more than sniff their own farts as you schmuckle about customers being so much dumber than your enlightened self yet when customers vote with their wallets and shit like western comics or Star Wars disintegrate because they have been so thoroughly raped there is nothing interesting left you decide the ignore it and cope.

Your faggotry is on a level that cannot be properly described
You outfaggoted OP by millions of miles..

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Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay (designer and director of TES: Arena/Daggerfall) are working on a new game.



Look like it will be a sort of Daggerfall 2.0

Curious to see how it will turn out.
I’ve been cautiously hopeful about this. I want something closer to Morrowind 2.0 than Daggerfall 2.0, personally. If it’s procedurally generated/“radiant quest” style then it’s DOA I’m afraid.
>If it’s procedurally generated/“radiant quest” style
That's exactly what it is.
holy slowpoke. wait until you find out it's announced in 2019 and scheduled for 2021 and is just now getting a kickstarter to release an early access build in a year. this is what is called vaporware. you might see a finished version within 10 years.

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Come share your tales
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The one for Cosmic Rave 3 is pretty good at least, iirc it's like -1 BP cost from turn 4 onwards
Does she not get the +1 range from the quad body? I was kind of hoping she learns that.
The various enmity ones I can make use of, particularly the stealth as just blanket stun resistance is nice.

Speaking of mech stuff. Do rings that prevent paralysis prevent mech paralysis? It only shows the one icon so I kind of assumed no but it never hurts to ask
>Does she not get the +1 range from the quad body? I was kind of hoping she learns that.
haha, if only, no, the role granted from frost pillar 2 is data link, combo rate +2%
What does she get from frost pillar 3?
Depending on that I might not even bother grinding it out.
and i don't think paralysis resist counts for mech paralysis

What went so right?

Get the Unfinished Business mod and it is legit 9/10
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D&D shovelware
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>Wizard, fighter, cleric, thief.
Let me guess, you need more?
Personally, I like to do paladin, cleric, bard, wizard, but same archetypical roles
Also in (((5th edition))) clerics can use whatever weapons they want. Hell, if you identify as a heckin' wizard with heavy armor proficiency, then that's totally valid, too.
I like the art direction. I'll check it out.

>it's a fucking grid-based tac-combat game
>likes the awful art direction
>isn't a tactical turn-based chad

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This is essentially the REAL Gothic 3.
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>didn't finished g1
>didn't finished g2 either
>"should I play a mod based on those 2?"
Yes, g1 and g2 both get pretty bad in the endgame (risen is even worse). Archolos too a bit but it has some nice lategame tricks to keep you to the end.
>but it has some nice lategame tricks to keep you to the end.
Lol.The engame is far worse than G1+2.
Lol no it isnt
The best part of Gothic 2 are the first 2/3rds of the game Chapter 5 and 6 are kinda lame, relative to the rest of the game. Killing the dragons feels like a proper climax, and then afterwards it just feels like you're a janitor against evil, mopping up what's left.

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I played a woman who fucked everyone that moved. I fucked Big Nose Jenny. I fluffed at New Reno. I Became a Porn Star. I even fucked Metzger to save 500 caps before I killed him.
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okay but how does that relate to the girl in your OP picture?
Your problem is assuming Myron doesn't self insert as the black.
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>Well, IQ is a meme to begin with
Funny how it only started to be a meme when people started calling you midwits.
the only ones who defend it are the midwits
Idk who the girl in the picture is, but she looks like a whore with a stinky pussy. OPs Fallout 2 character is also a whore with a stinky pussy, so go figure

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>hello, future-man who's wearing cloths I've never seen before in my life, I have an indian accent for some reason despite living in the bombed out hellscape of the United States over a century after the apocalypse!

Behold, a game that many gamers hold to be the best RPG of all time.
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Sand rocks like inngreece
Sounds cool
>nordicist cucks projecting their scat fetish out of nowhere
Razlo the doctor is also Indian according to concept art. It can be assumed that even before the experiment retcon, vault 15 had a decent number of Indian residents
if those in group preferences were so strong, how come they didn't persist in the groups they made after dissolution? both shady sands and the khans are multicultural.

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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it still is hard hitting as fuck; he didnt nerf its damage

craft a sword thats better than the dragon, lets see it

youre too stupid
and a zoomer to boot, GET OUT
I wish the soldier exosuit had a autoload option for guns, like it would automatically put in ten bullets per turn at 0 AP or something
And add a skill to double melee AP cost in exchange for double damage
Is it worth the astronomical biology investment for some of the Expedition poisons?
Thinking of pushing 75 for leper poison knives and caltrops, though I genuinely cannot see how 150 biology for heartbreaker poison is justified.
even 125 for spirit poison is pushing it, and that summons an unkillable minion that swings 2+ times every turn
iirc you can get 30 effectice biology with the chemical investigative belt from thortists + the che/bio crafting table
the thumper is great for early game

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