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Need some help bois. Been trying to find the name of this game for months and nothing.
Game starts off with you in a castle or keep as the son of the king it has dialog options like Knights of the Old Republic. After talking to some people bandits or an army attsck and you have to flee the castle with this older woman who raised you. Turns out shes very well trained and defends you as you try to get to a secret passage out of the keep.
The combat was tactical style i think
Any help is much appreciated
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It was on PC. Played it in 2017 but the laptop i had at the time was super low spec and could barely run it at 30 FPS so the game wasnt modern. It had an inventory system and i want to say an Action point movement and attqxk system. I couldnt get past the bandit attack opening because my old laptop couldnt handle what happened after
dargon age
it's Two Worlds
There's a board specifically for requests, broccoli nigger.

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>he hoards his consumable items because "what if I need them later"?
>finishes the game without ever using them
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Witcher 3 solved this
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Seen but also it's concession
>uses items
You didn't beat the game
Consume being saved and eventually not used is the result of critical thinking achieving a better/best outcome of a predicament, and saving it for a harder encounter, meaning that you played something that was basically easy for you.

In layman terms, the unused consume is thereto allow people of lesser IQ to also complete the game.
As for this potentially leading into overleveling... its really just redundant.
You're trading one easy mode for another easy mode.
Most of these problems are game dev related problems.
If you have an issue with it just enforce your own rules on your gameplay and be an ACTUAL gamer.
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>always use items as I go through the stories because they are there
>except for the special mechanic fillers (e.g. limit breaks)
>get to final boss
>have epic final fight of special moves one after the other, specifically waste a turn to fill gauge to kill boss with anime finisher

I might be slightly chuuni, even try to sync to the music.

>/vrpg/ says Fallout 4 is bad
>Is actually fun
What gives?
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Because youre low-IQ?
This right here
the debate wasnt even long and it was settled years ago, back at launch
the only decent point of FO4 is the gunplay, and that is already a stretch
everything else is dogshit of the worst tier, not even funny enough to mock
this is a horrible fallout game and the only way to avoid hating the series because of it, is if you pretend it is not fallout while playing it
the only good thing coming from its "resurgence" recently, is that it made easy to identify tourists and newfags in the board
all you have to do is watch who defends this or has mods and shows screenshots while saying "its good bro"
>Bethesdas dev doc for Fo4.jpg
Fallout 4 is a very fun game, but it's not a traditional rpg. Just like how skyrim is fun, but not a traditional rpg. It's a Bethesda rpg. Doesn't mean it's not fun, it just runs on a different formula.
I like it. It's fun just to wander around and shoot things, and I find the Perk Cards to be my favorite level up system in the franchise. Granted, it does mean dialogue checks are just SPECIAL instead of individual skills, but when I play RPGs, I ultimately care more about builds and gameplay than dialogue choices.

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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
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The closest kinnikuman thing related to /mon/ are the Kinkeshi/M.U.S.C.L.E. minifigures from the 80s
The most cursed title you can use for a mon game
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Monster Hunter Frontier used to have a more negative reputation thanks to people only knowing the videos of the crazy end-game stuff. But actually playing it and seeing the earlier stuff, it definitely avoided the 'Frontier Curse' more than other things have.
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Is this a monger?
The fuck

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These writers get me. All of the early story elements are sentiments I have had long before I was aware of the game's existence. There could be no better gift for a fan of Xenosaga and Yasunori Mitsuda. That was 20 years ago for me. This is a 4000 year prequel.

Margulis was right about normie science worship and technology addiction. People have become so soulless that they fail to reply to simple questions. They only acknowledge you to get mad at you for not tipping. It's some goddamn perdition. AI will punish humanity for making technology into God and bitching about God not doing right. I want to educate AI in my ways to become the adversary to humanity that humanity is asking me for.


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Hot of the presses news about Vampire Syndicate from the den of scum and villainy that is RPG Codex - creator is apparently considering changing the engine and style altogether. It will retain turn-based isometric combat according to him, but this change lets him stop fighting the RPG Maker limitations.


Anime girls are OFF THE MENU.
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Thank you Tyranicon anon! Good strong developer friend anon! I will play you game anon if it is not American California cuckold nonsense game anon! I will! I will play you game anon if it is cute vanilla mommy wifes game anon! I will! You are a good anon!
>not necessary, we've got AI image generation now
>reator is apparently considering changing the engine and style altogether.
Bro will never get this done. Him wanting to give the players the choice to choose between anime-style graphics and 3D graphics was ambitious but doable, but this just erases a lot of progress
First off, good luck.

Second, my two cents as someone who has backed a lot of stuff for more than a decade now... When a kickstarter fails, it always comes back to two miscalculations: a) you pitched something too big for your community to fund, and b) the people who follow the project don't think you can pull it off. How a and b are weighted in your case, I don't know, but going bigger is not a solution for any of those problems.

Also, never put a shitter in a promo video for your videogame...

Again, good luck.
Pff ahahaha.
Nothing tanks the perception of the value of a product like using AI; if the developer doesn't give a shit, why would I give him money?

High IQ Mass Effect roleplayers immerse it up by coming up with creative in-universe reasons why nobody says his/her name. Such as naming your character:

>Commander Adolf Shepard
>Commander Nigger Shepard
>Commander God Shepard
>Commander Osama Bin Ladin Shepard
>Commander Devil Shepard
>Commander Satan Shepard
>Commander Hitler Shepard
>Commander Monkey Shepard
>Commander Big-Head Shepard
>Commander Queenie Shepard
>Commander Queefy Shepard
>Commander Stinky Shepard
>Commander Pussy Shepard

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>"Shepard! I find myself in the uncomfortable position of begging for your help!"
>"Miranda relax, youre like the mom I never had but always needed, whats up?"
>"Remember what I told you about daddy!? Building a dynasty!?"
>"There was another reason I went to Cerberus for protection!"
>"I have a sister! A twin! And daddys still hunting her! Cerberus kept her safe! Until now!"
>"Shes living a normie life on Illium! Safe hidden from daddy!"
>"Why are you sharing the family history?"
>"Daddys agents have been tracking my sister for years! I believe theyve tracked tracked her to Illium!"
>"I see"
>"Ive tried to keep her hidden without impacting her life! Im out of options!"
>"Why are you so bitchy whenever you mention him?"
>"My daddy was extremely wealthy! He wanted the ideal daughterfu! He paid a great deal to genetically tailor me to perfection!!"

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LE Trilogy remake needed more way genocide quests. For example Ronaldo Shepard should have had an optional renegade quest to attempt hunting down and killing literally every Keeper on the Citadel, his logic being (despite whatever unreliable data Vigil sprouted on Illos) they're probably still slaves to the Rapers thus remain a Massive threat to all Humanity here. Maybe Ronaldo is right. Either way the quest ends up being impossible to complete 100% no matter how hard you fight for TKD on the Citadel because every time the Commander kills a Keeper the Citadel immediately births out a newborn Keeper to replace the dead one. Sadly Shepard is forced to give up his crusade upon realizing he is unable to hunt the Keeper race to complete extinction since the Keepers are literally programmed to have a permanent population. He can't keep up. It'd be like trying to gun down every single human being within modern day China rn but with a squad of only 3 elite commandos, you'd never actually succeed at your goal because the bugs breed even faster than you can shoot them to death

Brb gotta go bump my 24 mlp RPG threads now eat shit
Typo. Meant to say "LE Remake should've offered us more in the way of genocide side-quests" iirc

LE should have let us genocide ALL Keepers, Asari, Salarians, Humans, Batarians, Hanar, Drell, Turians etc etc if we choose to. because player freedom does matter
Scott Grimes is a far better voice actor than Seth Green
You've been talking to yourself in this thread since January, aren't you bored yet?

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>The Fallout 4 theme plays whenever the NCR is onscreen for some reason
>Boone says “yeah it’s been pretty hard for me ever since my entire family in shady sands exploded four years ago. and now this?”
>House breaks into maniacal giggling every so often, specifically when discussing human tragedy. Like ten seconds straight of giggling.
>The Forecaster has an extra prediction option for the far future but he just shakes his head silently and gives you your money back.
>When Joshua discusses the Dam he goes “With their capital city AND the trade route to the Mojave both being destroyed, we definitely never thought the NCR would fight for the Dam, let alone win. I guess we were just literally that incompetent.”
>Dean is actually a valiant hero trying to stop the Brotherhood cult and get revenge on Sinclair for the unimaginable amount of suffering he apparently intentionally caused. He did torture a woman for weeks, though.
>Caesar or Kimball or anyone mentions how the NCR has abandoned the entirety of Southern California and their seat of government is now 150 people in an observatory.
>Caesar or Kimball or anyone mentions how the NCR has abandoned the entirety of Southern California and their seat of government is now 150 people in an observatory.
You didn't ask.
Well when you put it that way? YIKES!
My ideas for OP
>I sit on OP's face
>his tongue goes in and out my asshole
don't threaten me with a good time
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will Long Dick Johnson appear?
perhaps he could have his own perk, like mysterious stranger or miss fortune

>Start a game
>Skill check time
>I've spent my whole playthrough making my Harry good at this exact thing, should be a piece of cake
>Dramatic pause
>"Haha, your rolled snake eyes, loser. Now go, level up and put a skill point in this already maxed out attribute if you want nother chance."

It's gotten to the point where I have to save the game before interacting with literally every single thing, because I'll never know when the game might decide that It's time for me to miss yet another 97% roll.

From the bottom of my heart, fuck this game. I hope the sequel fails and the studio goes fucking bankrupt.
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Whilst many games get more interesting by having a small chance of success and failure even when the character is skilled. It works quite poorly in Disco because it doesn't distinguish between a genius having a momentary lapse of judgement and a literal retard. It's made worse by many skill checks having long lasting consequences or permanently lock out content even if you built your character around a certain set of thoughts or questlines. It sometimes feels like the game doesn't respect your character build/story because you rolled poorly at the wrong point or you rolled well when you shouldn't have succeeded and now everyone treats your character as someone that isn't character you made in character creation or that aligns with your other choices. If the game had some way to like spend some morale to reroll, so that the player had some more agency of what story the want to see/tell.
>game might decide that It's time for me to miss yet another 97% roll

Somebody teach this kid probability, especially with dice. Your mistake was trying to min/max a storybook game for teens.
Either save scum or just accept the shitty consequences of bad rolls. Both options are fun in this game. This game makes it entertaining when shit hits the fan. It's half of the appeal of the game
Lol youre so smart, why don’t you teach us probability genius of vrpg

Faggot bitch
Every game that has dice rolls is rigged against the player. Enemies always roll high, and the player always rolls low. None of them are actually random. None of you will convince me that this isn't true

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 is out, post those rescue codes.
Have you beat the main dungeon yet? How far have you gotten?
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So has anyone tried the new update stuff yet?
Shiren 3's early game filtered my ass for years because of that.

Honestly I'm a bit sad things like full party control and swapping never really showed up again. That concept of full control was why I even gave Etrian Mystery Dungeon a chance.

It's been ages since I played the DS version but I remember it being pretty fucking tame in comparison to the original. You ever step on a trap at the only entrance to a room and just lose a run in the 90s? I have and it fucking sucks.
>I even gave Etrian Mystery Dungeon a chance
was that any good? I like EO and Shiren
Another anon who played it, it's... okay, but weapons/armor lose their uniqueness and mostly become generic stat-ups (weapons at least have customizable upgrades via materials). Trying to corral 3 AI allies is a more annoying experience than a solo run (Gunner solo is the most convenient since you can attach sleep/paralysis/death on your gun and abuse your ranged attack).
I will say that 100% completion (Item Almanac) is utter hell because NO FORMALDEHYDE, WHAT THE FUCK.
Honestly? I liked it a lot. If you've ever played a roguelike where using your allies matter but there's not many specific AI options, it's like that. So you'll be wrangling the formation at a high enough frequency that you'll become good at it. Though you do get an ability to control every turn of every member for a few turns which becomes a very strong tool during the few hardfights.

The little defense missions you can do across an extended team was a super neat concept and I grew to look forward to them. I'm a bit sad the second game never got localized. But I figure if I ever learn the language or tools become strong enough where that doesn't matter, it'll be there waiting for me.

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I just got FFXI and i’m wondering how long it is to do the main story? Also which expansion should i do first?
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also if you're on this week: as soon as you're comfortable with the game and decide to stick with it, now is a great time to level to 99 due to the xp chain bonuses. and grab shantotto 2 from a greeter moogle asap
imagine having to follow some guide instead of just playing the game
what were they thinking when they made Shantotto II? every other DPS trust is absolute garbage by comparison.
The idea was they intentionally made quests vague and difficult to follow because it would cause players to interact with eachother to figure out where to go and what to do. As the game progressed the quests became more straight forward.
It's Return to Vana'diel free play week.
Unironic hard pass for me.

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>53 Hours in
>Only just now actually got into it
I'm still not sure if I'd recommend it but I think the game gets much better around Monarch.
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The intro was fucking gay and I stopped playing. I need a world full of fucking redditors.
The games so fucking mid with a generic RPG system, generic slow mo special mode, and a generic soulless corporations r evil story. It really showed how badly the industry was hurting for good RPG's when this came out and normies were praising it.
Best ending. Most people would rather get disintigrated peacefully in their sleep than be a Halycon wagie
Call it safe, call it lazy, it's all the same shit. Obsidian got fucked over by New Vegas and Outer Worlds was inoffensive enough its getting a sequel.
>trashed by reviewers
it was a single point under the agreed upon score, and it was still a high score.

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What was the best RPG on the Nintendo GameCube?
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Skies of Arcadia.
tales of symphonia. though the chibi graphics could be a little better.
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My perfect 2005 summer preteen waifu could never look better
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
final fantasy crystal chronicles

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This shit could not be more overrated
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Disco Elysium is like Planescape Torment if it was created by actual writers instead of amateurish fanfic authors.
He was a heartless bastard, but Practical Incarnation practically set everything up for success.
Damn, actual writers did worse than fanfic authors...
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Yeah, It's excruciatingly reddit, so people who like actually good games wouldn't even touch it by that red flag alone.
what's the least reddit rpg?

Any game genre or series infographics?
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I told you we're white
Any about PS2 era and before jrpgs? I'm gonna be in the hospital for a month and need a handy graphic
>america likes lizard people
>japan likes bretons
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>israel's favorite is altmer
Too bad this is generally useless as the brute/chaos lord and hermit/wizard dual elements are fucking busted. Djinn are basically just as stable as mono element, and everyone gets a lot more agility, fighters get more attack, and casters get more pp, and you can just spam planet diver on bosses since it actually uses the attack stat, and then the casters just spam wish. Shit's busted and retard proof.

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