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Is this any good?
Also, obscure cRPG thread
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They're living the dream, kinda motivating
they don't fulfill k*ckstarter promises
Any other RPG's with a similar tone or setting? Really looking forward to Skald and I've burnt myself out a bit on Darklands recently.
>game setting inspired by late bronze age Transylvania
>most names are either latin(romans didn't have a significant presence in Transylvania until after 100AD) or slavic(slavs weren't in that region at all until the 6th century)
immersion ruined
inspired doesn't mean it's yurop though
kys autist

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So I'm not entirely sure where to put this, so I'll start here. There has been a slump of good RPG's to play lately in my opinion, so I started to go back and play a few old classics that I enjoyed as a young lad. One of them being the absolute classic Kotor 2. I downloaded a few mods to make it playable, as this game is well known for being rushed out the door as a bug ridden, incomplete mess by the developers.

Now I don't remember the games sides stories very well, but I do remember that you could pretty much choose if your companions go light side or dark side though out the game. When I first played the game back in the day, I chose going light side, and trained up my crew to be Jedi to use light side force powers to fight for the power of friendship or whatever bullsh*t was the light side way of doing things. But I wanted to do things a bit differently this time. I want to play a dark side pimp with a harem of bitches. But when I try to search for mods of multiple romances to try and reflect this, all I get is same-sex relationship mods, most with lectures in the descriptions about how the mod author was upset that there were few options in the vanilla game to be a flamer or female construction worker. If that's what you want to play, that's fine. That's what mods are for. But when I try to search for a mod to roleplay as a pimp, the mod is basically not available. Like anywhere. I know that NexusMods is basically a bastion of retarded political morality now, but it seems like people have to go to LoversLab if they want even a slightly edgy gaming experience now.

So I guess this thread is for a few reasons.

Who was your favorite romance in kotor 2 and why?

What is your favorite mod for kotor 2?

Why, in your opinion, are gay mods so prevalent and downright pushed in pretty much every game nowadays?

Does anybody know of a place that I can download and install a mod that lets me have multiple romances in a fictional game that was popular 15+ years ago?
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Mods are made by people, and Nexus has the most. It's ideological bias doesn't censor shit like harem/polyamory. But would probably censor something like turning the lesbian character (if it existed) into playersexual.

Seems like most mod sites nowadays are biased in one way or another so you're out of luck.
I would put my pp in handmaiden and then fuck Visas while handmaiden is out on missions as my side piece
I know right?

There should have been a simp, mommies boy path. She still degrades you but smiles and gives you a hug after.

God, I want it so bad bros. .
It could just be because a mod like that would probably be pretty buggy and hard to make. Whoever you choose to romance changes multiple plotpoints and can get you into arguments with other players. Trying to do them all at once would just make things glitchy.
How so? Can you give an example of how a romance changes plotpoints in such a way that would conflict with another romance?

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Oh look, another video where Tim Cain shits on Fallout 2. Why is he so bitter?
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>t. the buck doesn’t stop here
Who cares? Most people just ignore jokes they don't find funny. I didn't even catch the reference that you're talking about and I'm almost 40. Fallout 2's jokes are usually delivered straight so if you don't understand the reference, it doesn't disrupt the conversation.
bc the pop culture shit is obnoxious in fo2
like i get doing a few here and there or having whole factions based off some show or movie bc that's exactly how people write their tabletop games
but in a fuckin vidya game i'm going to see a computer shitting out a "i'm sorry dave i can't do that" line every fuckin time i load a cell with terminals in it it gets fuckin old and annoying
references do date and limit the reach of your work. look at something like DE, it's a product of its time and isn't self-contained, so you're going to get people that can't engage with it, while something like planescape operates within its own space and is fairly timeless.
not really desu
nevada has a unique feel and sonora is like a jacked fo1 as the story is pretty linear with map progression but you see the effect of your decisions as the towns change after major events
i.e. btfoing the phoenix church and killing the slavers

Have there been worse mandatory updates/downgrades in RPG history than Bethesda's Skyrim and Fallout 4 ones?

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Write Japanese...
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Fuck off samefagging necrobumper.
Some nips like English, but some nips don't.
And thing is, neither read English.
It's a bit hilarious, really.
If you have played Kingdom Hearts, you already know very well what we mean by “Nomuraism”, right?
What they meant by "Japanese" is,perhaps, a synonym for that.
I couldn't even finish Part 1. I knew they were gonna expand the story, but I didn't expect everything they added to be fucking retarded lol. I also didn't expect them to change major plot points that completely change the story-line.
What's wrong?
I think it looks great UI.
Are you idiot?

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> Trained NPCs should take cover a lot more now. They should be significantly more aggressive and engage you from longer distances and many other tweaks, give it a try!



The anemic enemies is one of my biggest complaints about the game, and most mods do into the other direction (making the player more agile, stronger, or with better equipment, or buffing allies).
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Better AI is a start, but you need serious work to unfuck the rest of the combat.
NPC recoil is a neat and underappreciated mod, and ammo types injectors are also nice to have.

>actually a few more enemies aggro on the player.
You're one dramatic bitch.
That song is obnoxious.
So I'm forced into a specific playstyle because the map is too small to compliment the mod? That doesn't sound very fun.
Skyrim with a ton of mods still runs better than vanilla Oblivion. That game is a janky mess.
>a lot of these mods usually break a lot of level layouts by aggro-ing every enemy in a dungeon.
It might break the pacing. Let's say the enemies are placed in different spots so you have combat encounters throughout the dungeon, with little breaks inbetween. An AI modification can cause them all to aggro together and leave the rest of the dungeon empty. Not a big deal, especially on replays, but still deviates from the original design (and difficulty)

In bethesda games, some enemy spawns are specifically activated only after the player reaches a certain point, to prevent specific enemies from aggroing too early. This could happen due to dungeon layout.

And yes sneaking is a band-aid fix, but w/moving at 60% speed isn't a great solution for non-stealth characters.

Plus the "AI" mod is mostly placebo, does very little to ACTUALLY enhance the gameplay.

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I recently replayed Morrowind for the first time in a decade, and then finished Oblivion for the first time. I'm now going to finish Skyrim for the first time, and see how it stacks up, to contrast the strengths and weaknesses of all three, and consider how the series has progressed and regressed, without the cloud of nostalgia.
Few houserules:
>no potions or alchemy
>no enchanting
>no exploits or cheese
>vendors sell at 4x and buy at 0.25x, unaffected by speech skill
>fast travel only to towns I've already walked to, 50 gold a pop
>light, minimalist modding, made a few small ones myself
Gonna split up the game into three characters that do different factions, quests, and dungeons, to stay within the archetypes I want to play as, and avoid overleveling the game.
>Breton cleric, atronach sign
Mace, shield, and crossbow. Heavy armor and restoration/alteration. College and Dawnguard. Even split magicka/health/stamina.
>Imperial paladin, lord sign.
Greatsword, bow. Heavy armor and restoration. Main quest and Imperial Legion. Even split health/stamina.
>Nord barbarian, lady sign.
Battleaxe, light armor. Companions, Stormcloaks, then main quest and the Solstheim content. Pure health. No magic allowed, just facetanking with a giant pool of HP. Only healing available will be natural regen and eating buckets of stew. Going to be pretty metal.

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>“Good. Come downstairs and get your reward” as if you’d obeyed
Well he is the lord of domination, so behaves like that. Not gonna ask for consent. Player character may think of that whatever they want.
Perhaps. I was thinking of it like “he ordered me to murder the vigilant in cold blood and I refused to obey”. You can either do what he says, or you can kill the dude when he attacks you, or you can let him kill you, the doors locked so you can’t leave. Rather unsatisfying options, and in the Daedric context, I’d think only the first option should get the “reward”
It does make your character feel a bit helpless for a moment, but it's a daedra lord, so kinda makes sense. At least for me it was easy to roll with it. Iirc you can defy him later.
>I also recommend NOT taking the slow down block perk
This was good advice, undid it with the console and feels better already
Yeah it is better. Enemies have attack animations that you can respond to, which already makes the combat better than Oblivion, where dodging strikes was often impossible. The slow down perk only slows you down if you know how to play. It's good for the skyrim grandmas out there.

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JRPGs haven't changed since the 90s
What's there to be inspired by?
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>entirely brown party
That's the audience tho.
Xenoblade Chronicle games are a perfect example of jrpgs evolving.
>That's the audience tho.
No it's not.
They don't need to be inspiring any more. they just need to not be as shit as everything else have become and if they haven't changed since the 90's they is always going to be true.
DnD is irrelevant to every genre

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Childhood is thinking Suikoden is a good series.

Adulthood is accepting Legend of Heroes is better in every single way.

Better world building, gameplay, story, characters the list goes on and on.
retardation is specifically comparing these two when Suikoden has been long dead
And in general they don't have more in common with each other than all JRPGs do
>And in general they don't have more in common with each other than all JRPGs do
Only real commonality is the fact that each game/arc (Suikoden/Kiseki respectively) is generally located in one country in a consistent setting with a long running "metaplot."
I prefer Kiseki myself yes. But to be honest, Kiseki is simply the best game series ever made so...it is what it is.
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>Kiseki is simply the best game series ever made
It's true.

How is triangle strategy?
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That would completely break the game balance, one of the major strength of that game.
I will accept your demands on the condition that the loli clown gets replaced with a big tittied and big assed mommy clown.
That would be stupid.
How? best part of the game is having no generics and each unit having it's own unique gimmick or passive.
excellent strategy gameplay, the game is incredibly well balanced to the point where most battles feel overwhelmingly against you at first but end up beatable with the right strategy
story is interesting but very long winded, and the characters themselves aren't the most interesting, especially the MC
the music is fantastic except for the spoiler track which is so cheesy its funny, and the artstyle is very divisive but I love it

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You people lied to me. It's fucking great. I liked it more than 3 because of the atmosphere and general tone. Wasteland 3 felt more like a Fallout game, while this is truly a Wasteland sequel.
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>You people lied to me
skill issue
>I liked it more than 3
3 is a very low bar thoughever.
I liked them both
2 was OK
3 was bad
I tried to play my dad's DOS copy of 1 back in the 90s and I just couldn't do it. Once we got a sound blaster I couldn't stand the PC Speaker any more.
I liked both and would agree that Wasteland 3 leaned a bit too much into being silly

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It's a decent jrpg thougheverly?
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>Modern jrpg
>not welcome on /vrpg/

what a shame.
You have a dedicated board for gachashit
macross better

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My wife; Lohse. She is not your wife /vrpg/.
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We're eskimo brothers then, hi.
That's fine. I have to at least know who someone is before I consider marrying them.
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Nice wife but don't forget there are many girls like her aaaaall over the world.
Any girl like this in real life is a massive whore, sorry bud.
Wha? Explain.

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Discuss vidya that allow you to roleplay as an evil character! From SMT to Fallout there isn't really that many games with real evil choices, stuff like Mass Effect just has you being a dick but it never changes the outcome of the overall game. Shephard still saves the galaxy. I find it really interesting when playing an evil character puts us as the player in the villain's shoes.

SMT IV/Apocalypse (picrel)
Soul Nomad
Devil Survivor Overclocked
Fallout New Vegas
Caligula Effect Overdose
Growlanser II/IV
Langrisser II/IV
FE: Three Houses
Steambot Chronicles
Beat Blades Haruka

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if you don't mind RPGMaker games, Black Souls and Seraphic Blue have great evil MC's. The latter is a really high effort game which you wouldn't know it was RPGMaker.
>The latter is a really high effort game which you wouldn't know it was RPGMaker
A great many are trapped on that wretched format.
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for me its edgy/antisocial nanashi who's only weakness is his giant soft spot for asahi. He doesn't trust the others because he knows how quickly you can die in tokyo first hand, and he wants to prevent that from happening to asahi
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Kuroinu did a better job at this than Tyranny. That is why it got a sequel since people want to play as a rapist overlord beating up pure innocent women fighting to stop you and turning them to cock addled sex slaves
>Baldur's Gate mainline entries (not Dark Alliance, although they are great games)
>Ultima Online/EverQuest

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OK guys I have made a notable discovery about this game, are you ready for this?
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Also read the posts in >>3489392 for a better idea of who he is.
lol, I'm the OP of this thread, the first anon you replied to out of those two, and also the anon you've linked to in the other thread.
I just did this thread as a little joke cos I noticed something I thought was funny, and took the opportunity to shit on XI a little, but man how the fuck is it even possible to discuss FF on this board (or I suspect any board) without it being drowned out by one sperglord's overwhelming autism? There has to be a way, right?
Could Vana'diel be a FF14 shard world?
>He's got a knack for details, I'll say that much.
The majority of his details are straight up wrong. He tried to do this shit with Xenosaga/Xenogears a few months back and got utterly humiliated.
It's a theory. But probably not the same Vana'diel. It would probably be different in some fundamental way.

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