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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Bravo Sakaguchi
FF1 and FF5 are parallels


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meds takey
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FF5 is basically the previous two games put together. That's not really a secret. It continues with the extensive narrative and ATB of 4 but brings back the job system and the crystals trope of 3. Part of the reason it feels like the black sheep of the SNES games is that it was explicitly a "back to the roots" approach while 4 and 6 were both progressing the series further to what it would later become.

so this is basically a zelda clone? is it good? also when did the trend of making conspiracy theory and terrorism media die out? it got really popular when the matrix movie hit theaters
>when did the trend of making conspiracy theory and terrorism media die out?
When it turned out they were all true
i loved it so much when I played it this past year.


Literally irrefutable
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This criticism always confuses me. Doom and Quake are basically babies for fps as well but people never stop jerking them off
descent I & II are s-tier
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>blames zoomers for all ills
>blames boomers for all ills
Half Life is mid? Go to v you're a disgrace.

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Yup, back in 2018 it said "sex change operation." Trannies just love changing history.
and 3 years before that it said boyfriend
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>American was on his own

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10892979

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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Probably, PirateDoom came out 11 years ago so it's likely PirateDoom2 started development way before 2021.
For mines and remote bombs, have some way to pick ones back up that were badly placed, also don't make them bounce all over the place.

Other than that, I dunno, sticky bombs are always a fun thing.
Some kind of self-harming AOE blast that has the same mechanics of being boosted by an Archvile could be really interesting if you got the balance right. I also like the idea of a nam-era break barrel grenade launcher that shoots a sticky grenade that can then be remote detonated.
Bloom is a pretty cool TC even if it is doing a Sonichu with Blood and Doom.
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Oh and hear me out - a militarized version of one of these that you hold in your hand, and fire it by kicking it forward to a target or group of targets, upon contact breaking apart and acting as a cluster bomb.

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for me, it's kuja's theme
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but nothing beats part-time simp ass Sephiroth.
depends who fujos gooshes more to
Obviously, Seymour.
It had no right to be as good as it is, that's for sure
Kuja wears a thong

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What were the best GBC exclusives? As in, not a dual GB/GBC game, or something that's more or less a port (like SMB DX). Wario Land 3? The Oracles games?

While I loved (and still love) the console, it feels like the most popular games at the time were titles which were simply "enhanced" for the GBC, like Link's Awakening DX or Pokémon G/S, and that a lot of the heavy hitter handheld titles for the GB line were either released during the lifespan of the original GameBoy or didn't come until the GBA.
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I'm glad that the PS5 seems to at least play all PS4 discs though, with most games even having "free" PS5 upgrades (4K, 60fps, etc.) Doesn't seem like this generation is going to have a lot of games released for it. I bought my PS5 when the Slim came out late last year and the only exclusive I have bought for it has been FF7 Rebirth even though the PS5 has been out for nearly 4 years already. I can at least play some PS4 games that I haven't played yet like Days Gone with upgraded visuals and frame rate thanks to not being bottle-necked by the PS4 hardware, so it I suppose it wasn't a complete waste of money.
The Asterix & Obelix port is great apparently I just learned.
Pokemon Crystal
Legend of Zelda Oracle games
>it took advantage of the IR port for the GBC, which also means those hidden stages still to this day only work on the GBC and not the GBA
Doesn't the GBA have an IR port, too?
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No. But there was an addon that restored its functionality, which I don't think came outside of Japan, so basically no in every country that matters. And while it looks like the wireless link cable, it is a different addon.

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what the fuck was her problem?
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being in a bad game
>things become retro
And genders can change, too. Zoomers always follow the best trends.
how is SS bad?
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It's not bad but it started the trend of skirmishes and Tower grinding completely skewing the balance of the game. (I know Gaiden did it first but the formula hadn't been established yet) Yeah you could always boss/arena/RNG abuse to grind EXP but those were methods that carried risk (Arena abuse) or required an absurd level of autism (boss/RNG abuse) that was balanced. It's one of the defining features of FE IMO, that you have a very finite amount of resources, weapons, enemies to get exp from, etc. The Tellius games dropped it after SS but since Awakening IS dropped all attempts to actually balance the game in a way that takes these things into consideration (ar least SS plays the old way if you completely ignore the side content)

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality.
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

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Seraph actually sent an email out from patreon today. He's back to working on it.
You're welcome, that's like one of the first things you learn on higher end chinkos with how bad OpenGL performs.
I forgot it was even a thing in RA, I usually enable Vulkan except in one emulator (maybe Citra) where switching to OpenGL made something in it work better.
Opendingux and retrofw
PowCHADDY already ANALized retroid with their clamshell's superior hinge and screen. X19 being good will make the retroid ceo kneel irl in minecraft

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>bullets cause water ripples
>bullets can ricochet off walls
>underwater explosions cause bubbles
>trees can be knocked with explosions
>enemies have detailed motion captured animations
This was the most immersive FPS game at the time. And it ran on a console with 4MB of RAM. I do prefer the 90s PC port overall though.
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i think they got traded in for lengthy cutscenes. Probably because it's cheaper to hire 3D artists than it is to hire developers to develop new graphical enhancements
Turok 2's gigantic maps fucking rule imo. One of the few games I've ever played where finally managing to find everything in a stage and clear it felt like a real genuine accomplishment.
Time constraints. There was supposed to be a boss for every level. There ended up only being what... 3?

There was supposed to be a level where you actually ended up in Dead side from Shadowman. That's why there's zombies in Turok 2.
I think Turok is the first game to ever do bullet time. And it's weird that 2/3 never brought it back

And that power up is only in the original like 3 or 4 times.
It really was an amazing game and I insist to this day that the fog effect, while in place for performance reasons, only ADDED to the experience, it did not detract from it. Screaming dudes running out of the mists at you with tomahawks, the dark and spooky tech bases with a fucking laser t-rex, what a masterpiece.

Is there a non-pozzed alternative to ebay and facebook marketplace for buying old computers and game consoles? Literally everyone is trying to scam you with prices that are 3-5x what the item is worth on these websites.
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> Is there a non-pozzed alternative to ebay and facebook marketplace for buying old computers and game consoles?
Craigslist obv. Haven't seen it mentioned. Do the zoomers not know?
Craigslist has its own share of problems.
>flooded with absolute bullshit WE BUY YOUR GAMES, COME TO OUR RETROGAMESHOP ad postings
>people who monitor it 24/7 and scoop up anything as soon as it's posted - not a problem in itself, but since there's dozens of these people on every CL, you get ---
>people fighting eachother behind the scenes in impromptu bid wars with the seller
>somebody might wind one of these bidwars while you're driving to pick up the item
>or seller claims there's another offer when they start getting cold feet
>or seller just flakes entirely
General tips
>don't tire kick and don't delay, if you see something you want for a good price and the listing is legit, tell the seller you want it and set up a meeting time for that same day, preferably within an hour or two
>don't act excited, that's the easiest way to give a seller cold feet
>similar to above, don't offer above their ask to "lock in the deal" or whatever
>have a firm max, don't fall into "well this other guy is coming in and he's going to pay me 10% more!"
And I'll reiterate, set up meeting times ASAP. I don't know how many times I see people crying about a seller going with a different buyer after the person set up a meeting time... for 2 days later. Craigslist has so many flakes that no seller is going to wait for you to (hopefully) meet them a week later when they have somebody else willing to seal the deal right then.
Their property, their price
You owned nothing and now you are crying

I give up. I really enjoyed the first KF but this has just been painful all the way. The game lags constantly even when there is nothing going on, the map goes in every direction and all the different textures and motifs are used and re-used randomly which doesn't help get your bearings, the maps they provide barely help. The level design really feels like it was someone's first Doom map from 1994 except x20 in size. I am now lvl 26, have about 4 key items I have no idea what to do with, and I feel like I've been everywhere except for ONE place I remember that ***might*** be where to use some of those key items but I can't even find it anymore. There is no way I can continue unless I cling to a guide.

My question is, are KF3 and Shadow Tower like this too? Lag and messy level design ? KF1 was fine, idk what happened here.
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>200% emulation speed on
>MouseInjector mod injected
>GameFAQs opened
Nice story. I played King's Field when it first came out and recognized it as janky garbage as did other people who understand game design. Dark Souls gets popular and all the sudden these threads appear. Maybe someone somewhere played King's Field in the 90's and thought it was incredible but decided to barely say anything about it. I find that all funny though.
One has to remember the time these games came out. FPS games were widely popular by that point and for many years they were called Doom clones. People expected a certain pacing in a first person action game. The Fromsoft first person games were very lethargic compared to what people were expecting from these sorts of games that were ingrained by then for that view point. These games aren't good. They have good aspects that are alluring for a subset of players, but overall they were lacking in comparison to their contemporaries.
>but it runs worse because of it
I would say 2 runs well at times but the framerate is all over the place, it seems to be fluctuate a lot, so it runs the fastest of the trilogy at times and runs the worst of it too at others.
Harvine's Castle for example with the ghosts and faces in the wall that shoot constantly, it crawls there.
You shut your whore mouth.

Post a cropped pic of any game screen and anons try to guess where it's from.
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Hexen 2
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Gran Turismo
A Winter Olympics game... Lillehammer 94?

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Are there any other Goof-like games that I should know about?
This is now a Joe thread.
What shader is that?
There was a funny glitch that always made us laugh when we played Goof Troop on the SNES back in the day. We had a turbo controller and set it to press the A button super fast, and we found out that if you used it to play the Game Over track in the menu with the turbo button held for a while, releasing it would make the music play faster. We only did it with the Game Over track but I'm not sure if it worked with the rest, because the Game Over track was the funniest thing to us. I miss those times.
This is now a Shinji Mikami thread.

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