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Should i play the OG Ocarina of Time or go straight for the 3DS remake?

Same with Majoras Mask.
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actually if you game over in MM you just start back where you died. at least for the overworld, dunno about the dungeons. that dodongo grotto heart piece sucks ass to get without bombs.
I'm playing MM for the first time with the new port and it's so boring it's unreal
That same feeling of playing a gamelike product for babysitting 6 year olds as pokemon
You're too mature for kiddie Nintendo games, anon.
How do these games maintain their jerked off game journalist image when it's impossible for anyone over the age of 10 to get anything out of replaying them
Who knows! But, luckily, Mature Gamers, such as yourself or myself, only play Mature Games, for Mature Gamers, such as yourself or myself.

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Have you been enjoying Insignia anon? Halo 2 has been a lot of fun and I love hopping into Crimson Skies. I want to play Gauntlet Seven Sorrows co-op soon too.
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death to liberals
Cussing is a sin, so don't know why you're making it a lib vs con thing?
video gaming is slothful and unproductive, uninstall NOW
>Cussing is a sin
according to your jewish holybook perhaps.
>Not just using a laptop and a shitty VPN to port-forward

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>find the switch
>push the boulder
>go refill your air
>fight against shitty westoid collision detection

Am I missing something? When does it get good?
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Honestly, I don't really want to revisit this one because of Welcome to the Machine by itself. That was such an unpleasant experience and I was happy when I finally beat it and the final boss after (that pulls a Ninja Gaiden on you if you die there and forces you to do a previous hard section all over again suddenly).
I honestly never understood the appeal of this game even as a kid.
It's one of the best games I have ever played, but it's certainly not for everyone. Given your dishonest use of reductio ad absurdum, it's fairly obvious you started playing it with the full intention of hating it and shitting over it.
Just return to your Zeldas, Metroids and Marios and call it a day, the game will never get good from your perspective.
>bringing console wars out of actually nowhere
Some people never got over it and are still butthurt.
I expect the same with current /v/ and cp2077, it mindbroke them so much that they are never going to get over it

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Why couldn't NEC make the leap to the PC-2000 and PC-XP?
Shitpost aside, they did. They just weren't proprietary anymore as there was 0 point in doing so, though the last PC-98s did support Windows 2000 (this also has DOS/V for NTVDM). By that time they already had well moved on to the PC-98 NX line, but that PC-98 refers to Microsoft's PC System Design Guide, after that they were just another PC compatible maker.

The reason for the decline of their own proprietary standard was competitors. NEC was one of the bigger very early adopters of non-kit PCs and their first offering was just the best option, building on that gave them a massive uncompetable market share which they made sure to defend by dealing with any real threat to their business PC ecosystem.

They handled clones "better" than IBM, making it a niche market until DOS/V came about and allowed for Kanji to be stored on disk rather than special ROM chips. This introduce affordable IBM PCs in a rather expensive Japanese market and Japanese companies would make their clones, now with more compatibility with foreign software without the reliance on porting.

By this time the PC-98's graphical capabilities weren't exactly impressive for gaming and expansions cards would be needed, this was also more effort and costs than the compatibles had to deal with.
For business all you had to do was translate the application and it should mostly work for DOS/V. Of course, NEC realizes this and decides to change their standard to work nicer with foreign stuff too until it ceases being a standard. It held on strongly to the market (~50% is a lot better than IBM at that point) until Windows 95 ended the use for NEC's PC-98 standard outside of backwards compatibility.

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10927448

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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Anon if you're extensively playing with explosives in HD, you're gonna either need defensive gear, or you'll need to become intimately familiar with each explosives shrapnel amounts and their ranges.
Not too intimate though. You don't want that shit inside you.
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the aforementioned cluster launcher is the only thing that i couldn't tame by just keeping distance, timing fuses or chucking around corners/under doors. i like it when the room around me burns just as hot against my flesh as the blues inside me.
rage wars is really not a good game to port over, the maps have less polygons than a shoebox
though I see potential on an entirely new rage wars game
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it's over, is it?
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First map was a solid and good impression. I like this Zerstorer-styled shotgun and its utility. I’m looking forward to play more of this later, got some house stuff and some enemy reskins to work on.
Mjolnir is like “super Arcane Dimensions”, and Peril was a cute big mod last year made strictly for AD.

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>becomes the best game of all time in your path
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I like how gep guns and fire extinguishers are mostly useful as lockpicks.
>fire extinguishers as lockpicks
Blowing up doors is a viable tactic
Only snake eater comes to mind and even there I can't jump on enemy heads to kill them.
fire extinguishers don't cause anything to blow up

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Gotta keep the dream alive. Anyways I'm gonna get a few rounds of Berzerk in to celebrate surviving severe weather. Will update with my scores.

Previous thread: >>10904873
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Don't do it
Why not?
you had removed dodge'em? what the fuck...is that an actual atari vcs top list or just your favorite games because if that's what you're cooking then just call it like it

SSX thread!
What's your own experience with the SSX? When did you first got one? What was your first game for the console? Fav games?
Model 1 or Model 2?

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The only 8-bit RPG worth playing.
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It's not even the only 8-bit RPG worth playing on SMS, considering Ultima IV exists and is one of the best versions of the game.
You don't understand what the ter RPG means as it relates to video games. Educate yourself you are wrong.
He evidently doesn't understand what it originally meant in tabletop games either, considering that it had nothing to do with LARP, despite what the words "role playing" might suggest.
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Is there a version of this that restores the FM music option without giving us a gay relocalization?
SEGA AGES Phantasy Star for Nintendo Switch

Yes I watched THE review and the voice acting was indeed amazing. I wish I had played it but back then it would probably have seemed too boring for me.

I read the manga but it was the continuation of the in game story... Did you play it?
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It has a very theatrical stage play vibe to it.
It was the early days of motion cap and they really wanted to show it off, I feel.
I remember hearing the people they motion captured were actual theatre actors, so that might be why. Of course it was a new experience for everyone involved and all that. Something about those over-exaggerated movements just rubs me the wrong way. Not creepy, but on the very edge of that slippery slope of uncanny valley.
They hired stage actors, so it makes sense that it gives that impression.
Apostle fight was horrible because it was so cryptic but worse than that were those random enemies that targeted Koudelka specifically

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Hate this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
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For me, the second most annoying boss after golden torizo.
Will he bring back Ridley from death?
This guy is one of the reasons I can't play Super Metroid randomizer as much as I'd like to. Having to fight him when you're underpowered is a bitch and a half.
I usually have a tough time with him, but last time I played I ran him down pretty decently. Helps to flip over of the fire waves at the top corners. Then just gotta wait for the fucker to eventually show up and drop SM's into him. There's probably a better strat for normal missiles then SM to try to get him dead.

It is possible to do the fight damageless, I've never done it, but I've seen it.
Randomizers are retarded anyways and such a stupid reason to hate a boss. Just play a new game. You're vainly trying to recapture the feeling of a fresh playthrough by playing the game in an non-optimal and unfun way as proven by this very boss.

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This is amazing, I didn't use delta cause no Retroachievement support but RetroArch has it
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Fuck Apple for making emulation more accessible to normies.
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i like retroarch, i had so many useless .exe’s and niche emulators and retroarch replaced 95% of them, all i have left is dolphin, ppsspp (might not need it), pcsx2, and ryujinx. the crt filters are cool
>caring about reddit’s lair
take the archive.org pill with download manager.
get a download manager. much-much faster. would make your head spin.

Why is this considered the worst mario kart? I thought it was pretty fun.
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>People loved this game when it released.
No they didn't
hate the gimmicky 2 person kart thing, the sliding is too easy to abuse and is much less challenging than MK64
I do love the courses and powerups though, and it can be fun coop if only for a little bit
The L on Luigi's cap is backwards.
It's the best mario kart ever got

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It's time for SCAT
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lmao true that
S.C.A.T. truly is parth of the pantheon of game titles along with Sex 2, Spanky's Quest and Touch Dic.
Bonk is the true scatformer
I'm a S.C.A.T. man
It's a pretty decent shmup ngl

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i just got it from psn on my ps3 and played arcade mode as ryu and loved it. it uses the d-pad and his specials are so easy. who’s the best character and why?
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Played it on Street Fighter Collection, iirc Cammy is not in it so I ended up going with Sakura. She's fun to play but for whatever reason the inputs seemed a lot faster than SSFII and SSFIIT so I ended up missing a lot of specials and supers.
floigposter is not auster. please brush up on your floigan lore
>I think people prefer the Marvel games on Playstation over the Saturn

These people don’t exist, the PS1 ports are trash.
ok, auster
floig free

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