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Which 6th gen game could have saved the Dreamcast as a console exclusive?
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Turok on DC:

Hitting heads usually required for weapons to have effect enough that you survive encounters.

Ground not rendered, everything fades into a virtual fog at ground height to save geometry for trees and buildings. Gunfire in the distance is your direction. To resupply and improve your armament.

Find food, water and somewhere to sleep.

Buildings have areas cleared around them and defences set up, which weren't enough. Set claymores/movement sensors in a triangle via a cutacene and rest in them. After one rest you will need to find several others before it's safe to return.

Forrest is random. But man made things aren't. Moving in straight lines between man made things you've found will work. Need to keep track of what turns you've made after finding something new.

The more time between sleep the more preyed upon you are. Die and you wake up where you last slept but with random weapons and ammo. And with one less life. Gain one through making consecutive headshots. They accumulate, you can hit a head twice in succession, fuck up, and then hit two more and you will have aquired 4 points toward a 100 needed for an extra life. Game gets harder the more lives you have.

The more land you cover the closer you are to the next Boss, same with ammo, a combination of both begets an encounter with something stronger/faster/smarter than usual. Arenas for them which they use well. Trying to turn you around, get you lost so even if you kill them they have their revenge getting you killed. Lost to violence, revelling in it, whatever they had otherwise gone, traded for the power to prevail, which has betrayed them in the form of you. They're what you will be. Share pity. Salvage the spark they sold. Send them on their way to do the same, together they may be enough to save you.
RÜFÜS DU SOL - Innerbloom

Kendal & David Carretta - Creature

Cyda - Machine

Pablo Bozzi - Invocation

Scott Bond - 3rd Earth

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A seperation between fantasy and reality. Nothing in them to hold up what they can't see, and for what they've swen strange they deny untill it's been discected and stripped of potential.

Stay receptive to the impossible. Surest place for it to show itself and be defended. Untouchable in any peril. So fragile it's fair to usually be invisable.
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The Dreamcast didn't need saving. It was the last platform with an ounce of true video game arcade design.

What needed saving was the rest of the industry before it collapsed into what we have today.

It never happened.
>Sonic Adventure

I'm sure it's great, but I knew absolutely no one at the time who cared about that game Anon. The only games any of my friends wanted to play were Goldeneye, Final Fantasy VII, Tekken 3 and Metal Gear Solid, and I say that as a PC Gamer at the time who was frustrated that no one wanted to play Half-Life with me.

I don't know if that was a marketing failure, or if people stopped caring about Sonic after the Megadrive, but it just wasn't a draw.

This, plus DVD playback got you the mainstream crowd, and a decent sales base. Good games for all ages then get you the hardcore crowd who pay top dollar for merch, limited edition hardware etc.

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Pretty soulful Zelda OOT inspired game that keeps throwing soulful things at you. You just need high tolerance for slow pacing and tutorials
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7/10 games are the best games, much better than 9/10 kusoge like madden 04 and wind waker
Way Of The Slop fucking sucks
1 and 2 are shovelware tier trash
3 was ruined by the terrible game design especially the QTE in fucking combat
4 was ruined by reddit tier story/writting and ''no fun allowed'' time limit
played it on acid, weird ass game. also played dawn of mana, was even weirder.
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Why are there fags arguing over zelda shit than talking about this gem. Remember playing and beat dual hearts in 2018 but didn't 100% it. I cheesed the final boss with the exploited the bad game design. It's a fine colorful 7/10, the semblance it has to zelda is the text fronts on the icons and barely the of idea of exploring dungeons.
yo TP is the fucking furry game dude, how gay are you to even give a shit about any of this? They're both made for children

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Memory cards, were they a good idea or a misstep?
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Digimon World, fight with digimons from different memory cards.
pretty much, they were very much a product of their time
like yea, they could have built it into the console, but you'd still have wanted an external option anyway, because whatever internal storage was provided wouldn't have been big enough for people with sizable game collections, and they couldn't just make it huge because writable chips were expensive, and adding a floppy or hard to disc to say a playstation (1) just for saves is absurd, these machines were made to be as cost-effective as possible
and in addition to that, the rental market was king, that included /renting the consoles/, i remember renting a playstation a couple times before buying one, i didn't get a memory card for that, but the option was there, plus taking your saves to a friends' without taking your entire console
the first console with a memory card, the neo-geo, introduced it first for the arcade machine version of the console, allowing customers to continue where they left off on any arcade machine, that's where memory cards were born, that's what was going through their minds at the time

sure these days you'd just slap an ssd in there and play on another console via internet syncing, but neither were feasible back then
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I think it had to go along with CD-ROM based media, unlike floppy discs or cartridges with battery backups, the CD-ROM medium didn't have a method to write saves onto the disc. Some systems/addons like the PCE, MegaCD, and Saturn had a small amount of storage space built-in with optional accessories for larger storage capacities. The NeoGeo's memory card was optional, mostly for transferring high score data. However, I think it was Sony's Playstation being the one of first for the memory card being a bit more than optional, especially for games requiring longer playtimes. A sort of DLC for a feature to be added onto the base system to enhance the player's experience. As I remember playing though Resident Evil without it quickly and getting very proficient with the knife, but I still did eventually had to get the memory card for games like Final Fantasy 7. I suppose it is a good thing, since it did allow for the base console to be more cost effective.

Useless, would have been better to put that money towards a VM2 or wait for 8BitMod's version. Or even gotten a cheap FRAM chip and soldered it in place of the SRAM chip on an original N64 memory card.

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Is it worth playing?
I’ve been putting it off because it looked to easy from watching gameplay vids.
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Oh it's quite challenging getting an "S-rank" on every mission, but even then I'm not sure it's worth playing without understanding all the story and humor.
Robbit Mon Dieu was a weird spinoff of Jumping Flash after Sony cannibalized Exact and split some of the important people into Japan Studio. After this, Jumping Flash died and Sony didn't seem to care. I always felt sad about that because Exact was a really good dev group that seemed to have a bright future ahead.
Even Robbit's face in the cover seems to indicate this sadness.
>if only you knew how bad things really are
I was more sad we didn’t get a PS2 iteration of this.
Would have loved seeing it on PS2
I know Sony would often shill these Jumping Flash characters hard before Crash/Pipo Saru/Toro went into the picture.
I'm trying it out now after playing through both first games, my impression so far

>more story oriented
Most of the text is flavour/humour but you do need to understand the text to know the goals in each stage. I'm using retroarch's AI translation and it gets the job done. But cutscenes have no subtitles.
>higher res and better draw distance than the previous 2 games but less details, smaller environments so far
>slower paced, walking speed is slower
>can only have one power up at once apparently

Apparently there is an upgrade system I haven't gotten into yet. The game certainly picks up very slowly with its forced tutorial so I'm not sure if it gets good, contrary to the arcade design of the original games. You can really tell that by 1999 arcade design was not acceptable.

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It makes me sad to think that these painstakingly detailed models that were made just to take a cover photo for this game were likely thrown out as trash after the photos were done. Same goes for just about any 80s and 90s era game which had such models for the cover art or the ads.

The amount of clay models and essentially entire clay cities that must have been tossed out after The Neverhood was completed...
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>Same goes for just about any 80s and 90s era game which had such models for the cover art or the ads.

Last month the Mother 2 guys had an exhibition for all their old clay models which are almost all mostly preserved! An anon went there and posted a shitton of pictures as well as japanese people on Twitter
Frank has eyes
lol exactly

Damn, nice. Those look practically brand new still.

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Only the finest beat em ups.
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the fact that that piece of shit has the audacity to call itself superior is laughable. holy shit what a soulless work of "art". Nice tumor spiderman
really makes you miss when everything was done by hand. new cartoons and comics just look so sterile. Dragon ball super looks like fucking garbage compared to the original. Also the remade tmnt intro for shredders revenge looks really bad too, like the art is clean and high resolution but looks bad because of line tools, shading tools and all that shit. Makes it look like an algorithm shit it out and not like someones passion shining through their work.
fun game, ports are fine. But way too short.
It's the perfect length for a fast paced high adrenaline game. The length is what makes it good, every other beat em up out there would drag the game by spamming the same enemies over and over but in Die Hard every single room and every single moment is unique.
Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES)
Double Dragon Advance
The Punisher
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara
Aliens vs. Predator (Arcade)
Final Fight (Arcade)
Denjin Makai
Guardians: Denjin Makai II
awful sound design and spongey enemies

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How the hell are you suppose to make progress in this game? I get stuck every 10 minutes because they barely tell you what to do.
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first few hours are easy provided you talk to NPC's and have a memory beyond a goldfish.
first filter moment is the alice dead city moment where you have to buy a specific item from a specific shop that is mis-translated by NPC's and guides.
affinity is affected by the demons you kill and who you use to heal (church / killing chaos puts you towards law, gaia / killing law puts you towards chaos).
you know your affinity depending on which way your map marker rotates.
abuse bullet and mazio spam.
SMt2 or nocturne, maybe, MAYBE I can see you having trouble with. And even then, if you did have trouble with those games you should hang your head in shame.
But if you are stuck in SMT1 you are a legitimate smoothbrain. Talk to the NPCs they literally tell you where in the fuck to go and what to do. You are a retard. Fuck off
What? There's a map in game.
Why the fuck won’t they just translate and port this to modern systems along with 2? DONT @ me with the mobile game port that was dogshit and got delisted for being terrible.
With the success of Decepticon leader MegaTen in recent years, there is zero excuse for Atlus not to release SMT1/2 officially.

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After seeing a dogshit tier list from plebbit, I figured "fuck it, see what the good people of the Boards have to say"...seeing as I trust a redditor's opinions about as far as I'd trust a discord mod around kids.

Like, I know Bubsy 3D is absolute trash (though it gave us Syphon Filter)...but what else is *actual* garbage, with 0 redeeming qualities?
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Bubsy is fun. I don't care what other people think.
Holy shit, it's Erdrick and Psaroth
Sega genesis had some bad games. Those beat em ups didn't translate well to that console and were really boring, even back then
Stryx (1989) for PC... unplayable platform shooter. you had no idea where to go, how to interact with the environment, hopelessly underpowered... it was a mess and no fun at all. i wonder who greenlit this

Well'p, I've done it. I played every N64 title released by Titus and I have come to a conclusion - They cannot publish a good game. At all. The closest they got was Virtual Chess 64...and like...How do you fuck up chess? You can't really. It's boring, humdrum, but it's CHESS.

The other 7 games they put out for the platform?
Garbage. Clunky, painful to stomach GARBAGE.

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Post a retro game you consider to be a classic; one you highly value and loved then and now.

Pic related, especially the 2 player mode.
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Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin is my ideal Spider-Man video game. It has superb controls, good level design, and a moody atmosphere due to graphics and OST that pull you in and make it feel serious, despite it still feeling like a comic book, as it should. I'd rather play this than any modern title, especially since they're all so gay nowadays. I can't recommend this one enough.

I love saving MJ too, she's worth it.
It was both SEGA's and Sonic's peak to me.
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It gets a lot of hate nowadays, especially from people that prefer the SNES one and claim it's clunky/janky and has poor level design, but I'm still having tons of fun with how this feels and the level design, alongside the superb look it's got straight from a Disney film, it's spectacular.

10/10 even today.
Might be my favorite game ever.
Duck Tales 2
Mission Impossible (NES)

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Is the original Crash trilogy worth playing? How does the remake compare?
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>it's a "you had to be there" game
being that i was there my opinion may be biased, but imo that phrase strongly suggests that the thing in question is difficult to understand outside of the time and place it was in
and while yes the gameplay more closely lined up with existing and older 2D games than more groundbreaking games like sm64, that doesn't mean such gameplay is particularly unusual today, there's still plenty of games that have the basic formula of simply getting to the end of a stage, with the fun being from the challenges places in the level that make getting to the end difficult, crash is a very simple game conceptually, it's basically super mario or sonic (the 8/16bit ones) but in a different perspective, not groundbreaking from a gameplay perspective, but also not something foreign today, either
oh unless you mean the love for them specifically was something you had to be there to understand, which i suppose you could say that, objectively speaking i don't think there's anything particularly unique about them outside of the time they were made, but at the same time you could say that about most old games. it's harder to appreciate old stuff you aren't familiar with like someone who is familiar with it can
I never said I expected "open world" or "progression", though I guess comparing Crash to Tomba or SotN is apples to oranges.
I just mean that sincerely, I had more fun playing 2D "obstacle course" games than Crash, and I'm not even a huge fan of those. Crash is like a very weird mix of Western platformer vibes from SNES and even NES eras. It's not tight enough to be an arcade-y platformer, yet it has no exploration of 3D platformers.
>Sonic but 3D
You what? I kind of get what you mean, it's closer to an arcade style game, but that's where similarities end.
>You what? I kind of get what you mean, it's closer to an arcade style game, but that's where similarities end.
that comparison is not something i made up, it was something naughty dog (the developer) called it as well, it was jokingly called "sonics ass" by them as well since a sonic game where the camera is behind the character would be looking at the characters ass the whole time. this is why crash regularly turns to look at the camera for various things like the beginning/end of stages, returning to a checkpoint, etc, so you can actually see his face sometimes
even something as seemingly simple as turning sonic into a 3d game wasn't as easy or obvious as it seems today
maybe crash1-3 are boring and simple to someone who is new to it, i don't know. maybe you see it like i see say super mario bros. 1, being that i'm too young to have played that when it was new, i too have always appreciated what it brought to gaming, but still consider it too simple, like i'd already played games that took and and added much more to the formula, which makes the original seem lacking
the more i think about it, the more i see your point. the main novelty of the game is the 3d perspective, something which is benign today. it's otherwise not substantially different to any other 2d platformer. for example there's little exploration or puzzles you'd find in later 3d platformers, it was designed to be very easy to understand (though there are additional challenges beside just getting to the end, like the gems for breaking all the boxes or not dying in a stage, time trials, etc)

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Which retro shooter has the best Mac-10?
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This right here.
All those and you didn't bring up Robocop's gun (aka a Beretta with a bunch of shit slapped on it)?
the animation for spraying enemies with bullets is good but overall it's piddly. start a best shotgun thread and we'll talk.
Tried to be fair

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Sometimes I use cheat codes to fix flaws of older games. For example Persona 3 FES you can control your party members by just using a simple cheat code.

Technically not /vr/ but I've been playing No More Heroes and I used a cheat for infinite money so I dont have to grind the stupid ass side missions.

Any other games where cheating just makes the game more fun?
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>P3P adds female protag
>now you can manipulate your friends
>Mitsuru spamming Marin Karin for no reason
>being forced on full time healing duty because Yukari wont fucking heal even when set to support

Ah yes, "strategy".
Works on my machine. Never saw one Marin Karin from her.
nta but just take her off "act freely" and she'll never use it

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My favorite games.
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happened to me with nintendo in general. hopefully I can have fun with them again when my kids are toddlers
Tooie and DK64? True.
>nooo you have to relax with THESE games!
what went wrong with tendlets
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BK is crazy overrated but at least its collectathon nonsense is pretty managable and doesn't devolve into filler minigames and can at times almost feel like a real platformer

DK64 is soulful as fuck but the game is a genuine chore since 90% of its content is just busywork that unlocks more busywork

Tooie removes some of the minigame bullshit from DK but becomes downright obtuse and is paced like shit as a result - Actual platforming is now long gone and the game is essentially a point and click game larping as an action game

Conker is basically Rare realizing how shit they actually were at making collectathons so they they just did the kitchen sink approach with dozens of different gameplay ideas in a tight ten hour package. Its late-gen vidya ludo in how much tech and ideas they managed shove into the game. Its also the game that feels most like a real platformer of the bunch, which is kind of a paradox considering the same game turns into a TPS in the third act. A beautiful shitpost of a game.

Super Mario 64 is still the only genuinely great collectathon on the console. No unlock bullshit needed on the critical path, no arbitrary "collect 95% of all Jiggies to fight the final boss lmao", and a genuine feeling of momentum and control, with levels that encourage experimentation and reward skillful play - SM64 is still fun to jump in and play today, while Rares entire platformer catalouge are just slogs across the board. Kind of embarassing Rare could barely figure out how to make a decent 3D platformer despite having four fucking tries at it while Nintendo just did it on their first go.

Whats even weirder is they obviously had some good ideas with 2D since the DKC games are all great, but they just couldn't translate the feeling of momentum, satisfying control and flowing level design into 3D on top of them taking the collectathon pill.
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You might prefer Diddy Kong Racing anon. Not a platformer but it retains some of the charm of the DKC games on SNES

It's also worth noting that there was no DKC on N64 because DKC3 basically was that game (released in 1996 after the N64 launched). There's also the 2000 GBC port that everybody seems to forget. Pretty much Rare was doing a lot of things at that time, not just Banjo and DK64. They had GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, and a bunch of other games. The platformers were just one of the things they were known for

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In Retrospective Sega's decision to wait nearly a year to launch the Dreamcast worldwide was a huge mistake.
Had they decided to launch the Dreamcast in December 1998, with Sonic Adventure, worldwide they would have had a year until Sony's announcement of the PS2 instead of mere weeks.
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>back in the day no one gave a shit for PS2

That’s what you actually said. The PS2 immediately sold out at launch and was one of the most sought after products for holiday 2000. So yes, people did in fact 'give a shit' about the PS2.
and repeat the massive fuck up they made, when they releases saturn ahead of schedule with no games... right

only mistake was underestimating how much money sony was going to sink into hyping playstation 2.
The PS1 had already stomped out the competition with 100+ million consoles sold. Hype for the PS2 was already built in.
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I know what you mean. Dreamcast looks very 5th gen. It actually looks extremely similar to the PSOne model that Sony released in 2000. That grey colour + the disc drive lid just screams 1990s computer/console design.
Yes, for sure. The Dreamcast looks very simplistic. Sony’s designers did a good job giving the PS2 a futuristic new millennium vibe.

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Are there any games of this genre that aren't designed to milk coins from kids at the arcade, and are actually fair? Just using a continue every time feels lame, but trying to actually finish a game without dying is torture and not fun
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Any of the Streets Of Rage games.
Crazy that this game pretty much invented microtransactions and was hated for it.
Other people have to use surrogates like emulation and Youtube videos.
Zoomer shitter cope, you clearly never step on a arcade
Even without that it's still garbage.

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