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the Commodore 64 is well loved and rightly so, but its essential sidekick the 1541 disk drive barely gets a mention, and its a critical part of the C64s history.
this thread is about the devices for your /vr/ machine that don't get enough attention.
what's your favorite /vr/?
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The 1541 sucked ass. It was so slow compared to literally every other disk drive.
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for the Game Gear it was

the gameboy magnifier actually did work really well, it made it look front lit and you could just about see the gap in the pixels
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>he didnt have a Fastloader cartridge
yeah native 1541 speeds sucked ass, it was fixed.
I didn't have one, and I envied the kids who did.

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How do we feel about remastering retro games with mods?
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I never played WWHD so I wouldn't know how shit it is. Calling game updates "reddit" is retarded though.
Most of the time its a better alternative to playing an official remaster/remake, since those are usually just dumping the game into a new engine version which creates a lot of new bugs that they dont do QA for, and adding a few out of place graphical effects that do not look good with the original artwork. Incorrect lighting, anti-soul gas, politically correct censorship, new content that doesn't make sense contextually etc.

Yeah nah installing a couple of mods that you like is a better idea.
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What I mean is, the game in their head is valued more than the actual game that's on your computer. That's how you get stuff like Fallout The Frontier.
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RE4 + HD mod + autoHDR (not pictured) is great.

it's time to dig dug
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Dong Dong Never Die
I'm free.
Based Casio fan
Reminder that the last official Dig Dug game (other than a failed MMO) was entirely about the guy from Dig Dug being mad at Mr Driller for being more popular than he is

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picrel was at dave and buster's. you aimed your token by moving the coin slot. on this particular unit, holding it all the way to the left or right gave you the max number of tickets each time. i did this until i had enough tickets to get a spiderman ps2 game (this was the only arcade i ever went to that actually had awesome prizes). the next day i took it to target and asked to swap it out for a different game. i didnt have a receipt obviously, but the clerk obliged because it was still shrink wrapped and i wasnt asking for a cash refund. so i got mortal kombat deadly alliance instead.
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too young
iirc mobygames has a list of released cereal box games
This game was so absurdly soulful. The gameplay itself almost let down the lore.
I have very vague memories of this, but some cereal company was running an online contest to win free PS2 games back in 2002 and some guy on the IGN Boards found a way to exploit whatever system they were using and posted it for everyone and I ended up "winning" six or seven free copies of Hot Shots Golf 3. I was too young and dumb to pull off a return scam at 13 years old so I think I took all of them to EB Games and they gave me whatever the trade in value was for used copies.
Whoever made this track was clearly loving life

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Just beat this and it was pretty good. Reasonable difficulty curve, too bad about the enemy throwing being so useless though. What are some other decent run n guns outside of the Contra-Treasure-Metal Slug trinity?
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Demon Front is a pretty good Metal Slug clone.
Give Midnight Resistance a shot. I remember it was one of those arcade games with the rotary joysticks. It was some pretty fun co-op and it looked good in its day.
Not as easy to cheese, but I think it's the easier game. The homing weapon is instant, but it has very little damage output.
Can you take out the Nintendo games? It goes against my agenda. Thank you.
Played the Genesis port, game's rough around the edges, but still fun. Great music.

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I would enjoy getting to play this in the wild some day.
For me, it's Berzerk (French)
That Futurama episode makes a little more sense now
fork 'em over

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18 items remain for the HG.
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Everyone, Shut the fuck up and post yer drops/items
>inb4 hurr durr d2r
People who started playing with LoD have never played true Diablo.
>progression? finding items? endgame? nah lol let me just slot in the same runewords on every character *teleports away*
You have no itemization, you have no character identity. You are twisted by charms and runes into a trivial baby game with no replayability.
>amp damage
oh, I thought it just introduced some minor qol improvements. sound cool, thanks. I'll check it out
Its so modded its practically a new game in it's own right, and has several new abilities for every class, so there is much much more build verity.
Its hands down one of my favorite community mods for any game, and it's online is surprisingly really active. Although maybe not at this exact moment since it's towards the tail end of the current ladder, next ladder and patch are probably about a month away.

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What's the best versions of these games
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>Given how much groomers anime fans are
Look at the archived version of this thread to see all those posts with evidence that they aren't.
how will she stop rapists then?
>removed the porn and cheat shops
so it's better
I'll buy that one
Princess Maker 1 (Refine) is pretty bad and will feel like a prototype if you have already played 2, but you can take a look at it if you like the series. You can also beat up the daughter and send her to work on an actual brothel.

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As much as I like all the unique dragon designs in the remake (probably the only thing I like desu) you really have to wonder how the fuck they seriously approved almost 80 totally unique and highly detailed character models most of which only appear for like 4 seconds at a time.
the devs needed SOME creative input
are pal versions of games usually this much better?
holy soul. it's exactly the type of lets players i used to watch

How is this word pronounced? Is it "Faz-on" or "Fay-zon"? I pronounce it "Fay-zon".
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it's just pronounced like detroit except with an m
It's a Japanese word, meaning "inability to crawl"
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Nah it still holds up.
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I pronounce it like Ar- Pharazon but without the "ra", so the former.

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Shit just flying out of nowhere and the twitchy jumping controls means I rarely make it even past the jungle level.
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That's even a pretty easy one, especially on Normal mode. Tough scene! Try playing as Max.
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better res
The 3 Ninja Gaiden games on NES, Super Mario 2 and Double Dragon 3 are a few to come to mind. There's a lot more than that though.....
It gets a lot less hard when you get a grasp on controls. Took me until learning third stage to realize jumps aren't fixed length.
Thanks, anon. Blaze is still so fucking hot.

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Sequels so shitty that even the SNES version is the better game.
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By not making him female.
buddy if youre gonna do that at least post the game boy version
Why? I mean, the NES one has color, and a much better FOV due to the higher resolution it's got.

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Is this game any good? Can anybody just pick it up and play it or do I need to be a certain archetype?
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it's not a game it's 3 movies

and no
Trans and allegory.
are they a special type of people or something? Google unit 731.
masonic lodges are all boarded up and falling to the ground

> defensive egotistical retort because I don't know everything about Japan

> weeb detected

I've been playing the first one lately. 15 hours in and I feel like they're only gonna reach miltia at the very end.

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Hello. I've recently played Tunic and La-Mulana and both gave me newfound nostalgia and appreciation for old school game manuals and how they can integral part of the gameplay experience with useful clues and charming art. LM1 especially made me want to check out more of the old school cryptic proto-metroidvanias that influenced it so I picked up a bunch of those as they can seem intimidating with non-explained features. I thought it would be a good idea to obtain and read the manuals before playing them. And they looked cool so just wanted to share a few of them here.

Do you have any meaningful memories of game manuals? What are your favorites? Or most useful ones? Maps also welcome.
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It’s really unfortunate nobody knows who did some of the art in the LoZ manual like the overhead shot of Hyrule
It's me, I drew it. My dad works at Nintendo and he asked me.
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Loved keyboard layouts.
These collections on Internet Archive, do I have to download them one by one or is there a way to download all of them at once?
Thank you, anon!

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This seems even worse than the usual Fromsoft-jank.
Is there any point in bothering with it?
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It's taken like half an hour just to find a single weapon.
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How? All you have to do is bring a flower to the grave to get the sword and the shop is available to you in the very first starting area of the game.
Also it's fairly cheap to buy the starting weapons but if you don't want to bother doing that wait a bit longer and most weapons will drop from enemies or be given to you a bit later in the game as treasure.
You can also upgrade your weapon and gear which not only makes the weapon stronger but often unlocks new skills.
Just use the game menu access useful info.
you've already outed yourself as one of the lame kids by complaining. it's over.
Of the one's I've played and can personally confirm, KF 1-4 since that's where it starts, Evergrace and Eternal Ring.
well you can add Spriggan Lunar Verse to that list, it's an easter in the back of the screenshot I posted

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