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>gets blown away by a slow moving fan
>falls into liquid cement
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Mouse tracking works for PC but would fail on controllers, which a lot of people use nowadays.
have you checked how the crusader 2 prototype did it?
I can't find videos at the moment but it still had tankish controls but it was much easier to sidestep and move around
Ok I actually tried the alpha again to make sure and I remembered wrong:
d-pad turns the silencer in the direction (up is NE, down is SW, left is NW, right is SE), rotation is not immediate but it's also really fast so if you hold the button you rotate almost instantly but if you press slightly you can aim.
You can strafe left and right with R2 and L2, based on the direction you are looking.
Jumping is way smoother and faster, for some reason forward roll is a regular jump from the first two games but there's a new button that does a forward jump roll
The movement and turning speed could be tweaked but I really like the system, it's pretty intuitive
>Tfw want to play this classic on my Win98 gaming PC
>Thanks to old school Origin optimization the DOS exe won't work no matter what because I have too much RAM
>Tfw ScummVM actually works in Windows 98
>Install it that way and try it for shits and giggles
>It fucking works

It may sound stupid and redundant on-paper for ScummVM to support Win98 but I'm extremely grateful for their efforts to get the game to work in my specific edge case.
I had to mess around with startup.bat to boot dos in normal memory mode to get it to work

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Whats the "definitive" way of the playing the first three (or four if you're counting lost levels) Mario games?
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pretty much, All-stars is nothing more than a novelty, it boned the original games in many ways. just off the top of my head:
screwing up physics (as mentioned above)
making the poison shroom obvious in Lost Levels, when it's supposed to be the same color as the bricks.
in smb3 warp zone, changing the blue paths & silver pipes to normal colors, losing the otherworldly feel
also in smb3, losing the stars in caves, which clue'd you in to hidden boxes.
I like some of the backgrounds they did for smb2, but I can't accept the rest of it. Ideally you'd have similar backgrounds in 8bit style in NES mods, but I digress. At least All-stars provided accessibility, especially for Lost Levels.
Too bad the NES version of The Lost Levels doesn’t work with any of the emulators I’ve tried :/
Old post, but seconding. The block bug and hitbox adjustments are a big deal in 1, they change the dynamic of the whole game and make it just an inferior version of 3. 2 (JP) was a broken mess in the first place, so it barely matters, you get a kusoge no matter what you play. Not sure why /vr/ spergs out over green fireballs and starry caves, USA and 3 ports in All-Stars are perfectly serviceable.
Mario 1: Patch All-Stars to fix the physics. Or just play the original.
Mario Lost Levels: All-Stars patched to fix physics.
Mario 2: All-Stars or the GBA version.
Mario 3: All-Stars or the GBA version. (GBA Version has exclusive e-Reader levels.)
Mario World: Technically the All-Stars version has some minor improvements over the SNES version, the GBA version is fine too (GBA version has a dragon coin tracker.)
also some bonus games.

Mario Bros.: Remake included in a lot of the Mario GBA games.
Donkey Kong: Arcade
Wario Woods: SNES
Yoshi's Cookie: SNES
Mario is Missing: PC Deluxe
Mario's Time Machine: PC Deluxe
Super Mario 64: PC Fan Port

You're 11 years old, the school year has ended and summer break has begun, the weather is wonderful. You're sitting on the floor on a warm Friday evening with an open window and cool breeze blowing in. You're playing a game you just got and are planning on blowing your summer on it.
What is the game?
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From 11 to 15 I was not thinking just consuming Dragon Ball then getting excited for next Dragon Ball.
Paper Mario for 64 and Gamecube was better
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. What a fucking comfy summer game that was. I remember my dad bought me the game right before the summer finals startd in school and I would love getting home after the exams and playing the game until mom called me for dinner. Good times, man
I am SORRY you don't have any cozy childhood memories.
Yeah I was sort of vague in my original post - I only rented Mario RPG. I rented it several times that summer but sometimes I'd find that my save file would be gone and I'd want to start over from scratch. And honestly as soon as I beat the game, the first thing I did was fire up a new game.
Plus as a kid you're more likely to take your time with a game like this. I would just revisit areas looking for secrets. I really savored games in a way that I don't as an adult.
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>Summer 1997

I didn’t get my N64 until fall so I most probably spent summer replaying DKC3, doing Ultra combos on Killer Instinct and attempting to go through Terranigma which had just released here.

Good times indeed.

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>first FF that has a lousy music score; Nobuo should have wrote ALL the songs
>you HAVE to play with ALL your characters all the time to make sure they level up and don’t fall behind
>battle system is worse version of Pokémon battle system with way less element types; way less types than most FF games even
>Blitzball is turn based soccer with shitty AI teammates; fuck that
>barely any NPCs in the game after the first 1/4 of it; no interesting NPCs
>the Cloister Trials are frustrating and boring; I’d rather have actual dungeons
>the whole game is corridors until Calm Lands, and it’s the only area I can ride a chocobo; what’s the fucking point of the chocobo if I can only ride it here?
>airship is just fast travel
>SPOLIER: Tidus is a dream? Oh yeah this story is amaaaaazing /s

Why is this game so beloved again? There are so many better FF games than this, and so many better JRPGs in general. I think the people who love it feel that way because of nostalgia - maybe this was your first FF game and on a brand new system at the time and it blew your mind? I don’t know. I’d rather play XIII and even that game is one long corridor for the most part, but at least it’s more fun and has better music. Who else feels how I do?
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He concisely demonstrated how indefensibly bad the game is. No amount of deflection from you will ever make this not the case.
holy shit lol
No one is going to watch your video faggot, go shill somewhere else
the videos are like 15 years old, everyone who was interested has already seen them, fuck are you talking about lmao
>everyone who was interested has already seen them
Exactly, so fuck off with your second hand opinions, drone

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How is she so powerful? Her magic stats are insanely high compared to Terra who is a born demon.
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XIV is gonna have one in the next expansion, from what I hear
Ok, let's explore the characters assuming Evade works. What really changes? First, let's analyze which characters can max out the evasion stats, and how they accomplish this:

>Can max out or nearly max out Evade: Shadow, Relm, Strago, Gogo
All except Shadow rely on the Paladin Shield (which there's only one of), a Swordbreaker, a Green Beret, and two Beads. Shadow has more flexibility here thanks to his innately high evasion. The interesting thing here is since no armor (except the Snow Muffler) gives Evasion boosts, with max Evasion, you could potentially give them something like the Imp's Armor for VERY high Magic Defense, at the cost of stat boosts from things like the Genji Armor or Behemoth Suit.
>Can max out or nearly max out MBlock: Relm, Strago, Gogo
All rely on a Magus Rod, a Force Shield, Cat Hood (Relm) or Bard's Hat (Strago and Gogo), a Tao Robe, and two White/Zephyr Capes. Not that good a setup here IMO since they lose a lot of physical defense. It should be good in the Fanatic's Tower, though. You can, of course, forego max MBlock for something like the Aegis or Paladin Shield, as well as a Gem Box.
>Can max out both: Terra, Celes, Locke, Edgar
Locke and Edgar are pretty much required to use the Illumina, the Paladin Shield, a Green Beret, a Force Armor, Beads and Zephyr Cape to achieve this (Locke has a bit more flexibility, though). Terra and Celes also need the Illumina, but are a bit more free to use another shield (particularly the Aegis or Tortoise Shield). You can also opt to have them max only one or the other. Terra and Celes can max out MBlock with an Enhancer, Aegis Shield, Mystery Veil and Force Armor setup, while Locke can max out Evasion with a Swordbreaker setup similar to the ones above, though unfortunately he'll be lacking in offense unless you raise him as a Mage. You can, of course, forego perfection and give him a Valiant Knife/Paladin Shield/Offering setup, which actually improves in defense here.

As for the rest of the characters, only Setzer and Cyan come even remotely close to having high-ish Evade or MBlock, and getting there isn't at all optimal for their best damage setups (which hardly get impacted by Evasion now working), so it's likely not worth trying to get either stat up as high as possible for them. Gau and Mog don't change at all since they get perfect Defense regardless. Sabin's evasion will comparatively suck no matter what given his terrible equipment draw, so again not much of a change, and Umaro is Umaro.

Overall, the biggest changes are that Shadow improves a LOT, Locke improves somewhat when using the Valiant Knife/Offering combo, Terra and Celes are nerfed but are still overpowered as fuck when using their best setup, and Relm, Strago and Gogo are also nerfed but get some interesting Max Evade options as compensation. It should be said, of course, that since many of these setups involve the Paladin Shield and/or Illumina, it means you can no longer have a whole team of invincible fucks, though it should be possible to have, for instance, one or two characters who are physically immune, one magically immune, and perhaps one that is both. Also, Dark is now a thing, but only Locke probably really cares about that (and only if using the Valiant Knife), so it's not a huge deal. So yeah, the game is slightly less cheesy and at least one character benefits, and the ones who suffer don't do so a whole ton or have new interesting options to consider.
really interesting analysis.
anyway, it's 2024 just play the brave new world romhack it just takes the base game stats and makes it all come together brilliantly by also making the enemy AI patterns actually really clever.
Eunuchs everyone.

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How did they get away with these "2 Player" games?
How is this really different than a 1 player game and passing the controller?
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Nobody said it's Nintendies fault. It's your generation not having a backbone and standing up against this shit.
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>plug in two controllers
>die as mario on purpose solely to play as luigi
I don't want none of that shit brown and red business
>standing up against this shit
The unsung mass social injustice of the 80s: alternating two-player games
the international criminal court for accurate number of players in a video game hadnt yet been established so it was pretty much anything goes. wild times.
>How is this really different than a 1 player game and passing the controller?
You get individual scores though don't you? It was a thing in arcade games too to make it more social.

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Is G-Police a good game?
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>Is G-Police a good game?
yes great soundtrack too
first post first cunt
>yes great soundtrack too
I swear one of the tunes is a remix/was later remixed for (I forget which game came first) Overboard!


Also for a game about flying around as a fighter pilot the soundtrack is full of DnB rather than a more expected rock sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc7dyJ5-AaQ&list=PLo1HpTI8PrTDf5BrzcJdp7GiSTAt1zPxF&index=7
After messing around with the pc version it seems that input sensitivity is tied to framerate - the higher the fps them roe sensitive it becomes. As i've got a 240hz screen I found the sweet spot to be capping it to 100fps and using the dead zone in the options (the label seems to be misleading - it is more of a sensitivity setting) to large gives a good balance.
PS5 lads... soon we will be able to play GForce again.
Probably the same music staff, G-Police and Overboard came out at the same time, the Overboard track is one of the versus mode tracks so it's likely a demo version of the above track that ended up in another game. Working musicians tend to use a lot of things they have lying around.

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Is there anything interesting and worth playing on the MSX/MSX2 computers? Other than the first Metal Gear games.
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These look fun, thanks.
Konami has a lot of cool stuff on the MSX, and if you happen to be a HAL Labs fan, all their weird early shit is on MSX.
>bought an MSX 2+ with a couple flashcarts from some nerdy boomer
>have yet to even plug it in
I thought Antarctic Adventure was pretty fun. I didn't care for the sequel too much and thought the boss battles ruined it.
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Yes, most of the Konami exclusives are worth looking into, especially Space Manbow.

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What was your favourite game for the Nintendo GameCube?
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>2002 FIFA World Cup
>In what way other than the wacky cutscenes
i like the world cup was in japan like nintendo
Hey guys I’m posting a response to this thread for no particular reason
retrobrite it
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Are there any good Japan only GC games that haven't been translated? I can just think of Tengai Makyou 2 (I want a fan translation so bad)
>2002 FIFA World Cup
based, sport games are really underrated.

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What makes 480p PS2 games look so good?
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>There's a handful of games, therefore all games support it
You're a fucking idiot.
You're the one using that logic, for the opposite claim, retard. You're shutting down Anon's appreciation of 480p Ratchet because Batman Begins doesn't have progressive scan.
Learn proper English.
PS2 came out in the late analog era so it was optimized for tube TVs. It had a nice smooth framerate on most games anyway even with 480i.
I used to have a 14L5. I tried the Gran Turismo 4 1080i mode and it was pretty cool. Wii looks amazing in 480p (to run GC games.) I replayed Halo 2 on the L5. It looked really good in 480p but I was playing on a 360 so it kept doing that stupid transparency glitch.
in the end 480i CRT > 480P LCD
>Tell me, how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast yesterday?
Thats a loaded question you see to some breakfast is the most important meal of the day but to others it's merely an excuse to eat pastries. I for one use it to further my chi with the one above so that I shall not fall to temptation. Though I have never gone a day without breakfast though I have gone without dinner, and without my sacred spirit wafers I fall into the treacherous hands of the lustful demon who squirts. I simply cannot sleep without being immensely backed up and the holy spirt wafers reminds me of the one aboves grace and my chi aligns with 'em once more. Perchance if I had not eaten breakfast consisting of spiritual wafers my chi could not align itself with the grande creator upstairs, and I would likely be horrendously hot blooded throughout the morning. Prepared to breed with the moaning ones digital pixelated demons of sinful ejaculation of the beating member that flops before me. A frightful theory for sure but an educated one without a doubt, in fact of course based on my nightmarish experiences with hungry wet dreams.
TLDR i'd be really horny

Why is the Call Of Duty series so hated? I think it's fun, especially the multiplayer.
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>Modern COD is total garbage but 7th gen was peak.
/vr/ is in shambles
>Day of Defeat
still the GOAT after all these years
You should’ve got the wii version!
COD 2 is an aryan classic
I played quite a bit of DoD:Source back in the day. Peak mid 2000s source gaming.

This game is fast and sexy and fun and gets the arcade feeling really well for a room-by-room shooter. The feeling of dancing around bullets is really well done and the command attacks are cool.
And it looks great on Dolphin.
But it's kinda unforgiving in difficulty so that puts it out of the reach of most Gamecube fans.
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it's okay to admit that you suck
It's okay to change the subject when you can't deal with arguments. If you're 4.
Is this the most divisive game on /vr/? Seems like you either love it or hate it.
It's a game nobody would even remember if Sybb didn't spam it on the internet for the last two decades.

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I just beat the original Fire Emblem 1. What did I think about it?
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who made this mockup?
There's lots of games that didn't get released outside of Japan. For one thing, FE had a fair amount of Japanese text, which meant localisation would have been more expensive than the typical game. Other than that, they may have thought that a turn based game like that wouldn't be successful, or that it was too Japanese in its art style, or it was a style of game that didn't fit in with the general offering that Nintendo wanted in the US, or they only had enough resources to market a certain number of games so they had to exclude some.
You thought: If this didn't have t he Nintendo brand sticker on it, people wouldn't pretend like it's the pinnacle of the genre because they remember playing Smash.
There's a lot of text to translate, and SRPGs aren't a very popular genre unless they add a dating system. When looking at the sales of the GBA-Gamecube games, you might wonder why they even bothered translating them.
The fact that many of the games released pretty late in their respective consoles' lifespan maybe didn't help. FE5 is a SNES game released in 1999.
I don't care much for these types of games but holy shit some of the music fucking rules.


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I wish this game was real.
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"They only made one platformer before this" is an objectively incorrect statement
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Irrelevant when your brain operates at x2.3 speed
better hope you outlive his ass then because you'll have to wait until he's dead
Just look at all the concept art and screenshots and make your own conker game with a legally distinct name. Call it bonker seventeen stories.

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I wanna dive into mecha games but I don't really know where to start. What are some good mecha games?
Pic somewhat related, just something I pulled from an /m/ thread.
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had a fun time playing Metal Warriors 2P when I was younger with a friend, only wish you couldn't see the other guy's screen
>the analog meme fix thing is the biggest cop out
I agree. That's why I didn't say "here's a patch which makes the game work in a way it fundamentally wasn't balanced around". I said "give Nexus a shot", which was balanced with dual analog controls in mind, since the game supports it out of the box.
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Euro mech.
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Big fan of Cybernator / Assault Suits Valken, that was my gateway to mech games. All the Assault Suits titles in the franchise are worth checking out, as well as Front Mission Gun Hazard (developed by the Assault Suits Valken team)

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