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Vimm's Lair is dead. Thanks Nintendo.
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Romsets stop at PS1 and some include handhelds. There's no "best of" set for gen6 and beyond.
Because that was worth the bump.
Yes, it was worth mentioning.
Bro? Your SAM Coupe set?
No one needs you to be the bump police, autismo.

I have no words to describe this game.
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How does David Cage keep getting work while making the absolute worst games?

More importantly how does he keep getting big names in his shit games?
it was ok
You can play the demo and you already played the best part of this bullshit.
There wasn't much in 2010 for the PS3 and they viral marketed the living shit out of Heavy Rain.
David Cage needs to shut down his studio and start working as a writer-for-hire doing contract work instead.
Fahrenheit has the single best opening hour in video game history but the rest of the game is complete fucking garbage.
What Cage needs to do is get contracted by other studios to write and design a demo for a video game and then let the studio hire someone else to actually finish writing and turn it into a final product.

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What are your favorites?
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Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken.
Beneath a Steel Sky and Broken Sword 1 (any version pre-Director's Cut shit, even GBA)
Freddi Fish 4.
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What do you think of Call of Cthulhu? Visual wise looks good.
Shadow of the Comet ? It’s hard (harder than GK1), with plenty of dead ends, time constrained puzzles and stuff you will miss.
Its sequel Prisoner of Ice had the exact inverse problem : almost zero difficulty.

The comics adaptions were pretty good though.
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Any recs for 1st person pncs or mystlikes? Have been playing Alice : an interactive musuem recently and it's great, wish Pink Gear had an english tl.
I have an extreme fondness for Lost Eden and Starship Titanic. Journeyman Project series also.

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Sims thread.
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Yes, yes, well done Mortimer... Well done!
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Here's a house from my current playthrough with 247 days in. First time I ever got a family this successful and rich.
Just skip work every other day if you can't manage it. Also entry level jobs drain your needs slower so you've got more time to improve skills after work. Couple that with a 9-3 job and you've got plenty of time left in a day to get skills and friends.
Most of the sites here still work:
There was also a pack on /tsg/ (https://rentry.org/tsg) some time ago that had bunch of items. \odd_prude\odd_prude caused crashing for me so I got rid of that one. There's also bunch of skins that are supposed to go to a different folder but you will have to go through the folder manually. Most of it works when put in the downloads folder though.
There's also this, but you either have to download a pack and hope it contains some images and info or use google, which can be tricky since most sims 1 sites are long dead now:
that's a really awesome looking house
I like the late 90's setting of The Sims 1 more than Sims 2. I also think the Sims 1 graphix aged better.

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Whatever happened to Jak and daxter?
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Level 5 hasn't done anything worth talking about in years, their last relatively relevant game was Ni No Kuni 2
But yes 90% of new stuff sucks sweaty donkey balls.
always hated this zoomer bullshit. the edgy characters, the shitty platforming.
Blinx is a much better game
'ack and 'axter
A video game isn't a movie. Ppl miss jak and daxter cause they like the gameplay
It had four successful games, ND did some planning for a fifth one, decided they wanted to make something else, and then later did some planning for a new game again and decided they wanted to make something else.
Just be glad it didn't milk itself to shit and lost its identity five times over like Ratchet.
Also, Jak 2 is by far the best game and asks the most of the player's ability. Jak 1 is piss easy and Jak 3 was designed by incompetents.

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This is never going to leak, is it?
Post screenshots of games that you're never going to be able to play.
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oh my god this is how game models are made? you have to connect all those fucking lines? fuck that I'm never making a game
No, it's not, you donut.

Fuck it looks cool. One day hopefully. Didn't the 95' build get dumped a little while ago?

What is your opinion of this feature being mostly gone/relegated to MMOs/Gacha games?
Did you change the MC name in games that allowed it?
Do you think this feature being gone for the sake of voice acting was a good desicion?
I personally love giving MCs my name. Makes me feel more inmersed and makes me mad when you have a retro RPG but without this feature (Even in games with no VA). Make them feel soulless.
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glad because my name is six letters and too many older rpgs only have four or five characters.
>Did you actually have to take turns on different save files to beat one single game?
No, but we would take turns sucking each other's dicks.
I always go for the default names.
The only time I ever changed the protagonist name was when I was a little kid playing FF7, and I immediately got confused as to why they were spelling it as Jessie with an i afterwards, and I reset the game and left it as Cloud.
If it's supposed to be a self insert I name them my name. If it's supposed to be a character then I use the default name.
If I can name the character 90% of the time I go for the official / canon name, then I get annoyed if the name is fixed due to the voice acting. I don't understand myself yet.

Replays are a different thing. Last time I played FFVII, Murdock and B.A. Baracus were bombing a reactor. I wanted to leave Murdock for Cid (because of the pilot thing), but insanity and PTSD fitted Cloud better.

Why the hell were these two optional? It serves no purpose because getting them feels so natural and being able to bypass their recruitment only screws up the game since now they can't do a whole lot in the story or appear in the FMVs. There's not even anything particularly "special" about them. It's not like Gogo in FFVI or Magus in Chrono Trigger.
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>might be kinda fucked up to let a mother kill her own son
Square got over that eventually.
Reminder that literally EVERYTHING that went down in the game, EVERY SINGLE HORRIBLE BAD THING all happened because Vincent is a cuck.
I know it was pretty strongly implied in the original but man everything outside the original game that they added to the 7 series is just... I can't even put into words how retarded shit gets. I blame Gackt.
I ran into her blind. I remember thinking it was an unusual enemy. Kids explore games.
I don't think you could run into Tonberry King from ff8 blind.
I never got Vincent on my first playthrough somehow.

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Have you been enjoying Insignia anon? Halo 2 has been a lot of fun and I love hopping into Crimson Skies. I want to play Gauntlet Seven Sorrows co-op soon too.
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death to liberals
Cussing is a sin, so don't know why you're making it a lib vs con thing?
video gaming is slothful and unproductive, uninstall NOW
>Cussing is a sin
according to your jewish holybook perhaps.
>Not just using a laptop and a shitty VPN to port-forward

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Why couldn't NEC make the leap to the PC-2000 and PC-XP?
Shitpost aside, they did. They just weren't proprietary anymore as there was 0 point in doing so, though the last PC-98s did support Windows 2000 (this also has DOS/V for NTVDM). By that time they already had well moved on to the PC-98 NX line, but that PC-98 refers to Microsoft's PC System Design Guide, after that they were just another PC compatible maker.

The reason for the decline of their own proprietary standard was competitors. NEC was one of the bigger very early adopters of non-kit PCs and their first offering was just the best option, building on that gave them a massive uncompetable market share which they made sure to defend by dealing with any real threat to their business PC ecosystem.

They handled clones "better" than IBM, making it a niche market until DOS/V came about and allowed for Kanji to be stored on disk rather than special ROM chips. This introduce affordable IBM PCs in a rather expensive Japanese market and Japanese companies would make their clones, now with more compatibility with foreign software without the reliance on porting.

By this time the PC-98's graphical capabilities weren't exactly impressive for gaming and expansions cards would be needed, this was also more effort and costs than the compatibles had to deal with.
For business all you had to do was translate the application and it should mostly work for DOS/V. Of course, NEC realizes this and decides to change their standard to work nicer with foreign stuff too until it ceases being a standard. It held on strongly to the market (~50% is a lot better than IBM at that point) until Windows 95 ended the use for NEC's PC-98 standard outside of backwards compatibility.

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Gotta keep the dream alive. Anyways I'm gonna get a few rounds of Berzerk in to celebrate surviving severe weather. Will update with my scores.

Previous thread: >>10904873
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Don't do it
Why not?
you had removed dodge'em? what the fuck...is that an actual atari vcs top list or just your favorite games because if that's what you're cooking then just call it like it

Yes I watched THE review and the voice acting was indeed amazing. I wish I had played it but back then it would probably have seemed too boring for me.

I read the manga but it was the continuation of the in game story... Did you play it?
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It has a very theatrical stage play vibe to it.
It was the early days of motion cap and they really wanted to show it off, I feel.
I remember hearing the people they motion captured were actual theatre actors, so that might be why. Of course it was a new experience for everyone involved and all that. Something about those over-exaggerated movements just rubs me the wrong way. Not creepy, but on the very edge of that slippery slope of uncanny valley.
They hired stage actors, so it makes sense that it gives that impression.
Apostle fight was horrible because it was so cryptic but worse than that were those random enemies that targeted Koudelka specifically

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This is amazing, I didn't use delta cause no Retroachievement support but RetroArch has it
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Fuck Apple for making emulation more accessible to normies.
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i like retroarch, i had so many useless .exe’s and niche emulators and retroarch replaced 95% of them, all i have left is dolphin, ppsspp (might not need it), pcsx2, and ryujinx. the crt filters are cool
>caring about reddit’s lair
take the archive.org pill with download manager.
get a download manager. much-much faster. would make your head spin.

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i just got it from psn on my ps3 and played arcade mode as ryu and loved it. it uses the d-pad and his specials are so easy. who’s the best character and why?
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Played it on Street Fighter Collection, iirc Cammy is not in it so I ended up going with Sakura. She's fun to play but for whatever reason the inputs seemed a lot faster than SSFII and SSFIIT so I ended up missing a lot of specials and supers.
floigposter is not auster. please brush up on your floigan lore
>I think people prefer the Marvel games on Playstation over the Saturn

These people don’t exist, the PS1 ports are trash.
ok, auster
floig free

>game ends
>it was all a dream
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A telltale sign of a writer who can't write.
I'm glad CC got the shittiest remaster unimaginable.
Fuck you retards, lol.
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FF9 is a lot worse

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