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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

So, I'm playing C&C Remastered. It's practically identical game as old 1995 original, and I'm having a lot of fun. More when compared to much newer games in the series, or newer RTS games. There is some jank with unit pathfinding, some NOD missions are designed for save scumming, but everything else is holding really well. AI is smart and challenging. There's plenty of unit variety. Campaign is replayable, while story and lore are fantastic.

It got me wondering if the genre moved into the wrong direction by embracing multiplayer, or if they simply focused on the wrong design elements. Or it's the lack of production values that's missing.
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lol there it is a brainlet saying mobas are rts

Retard mobas came from the map editor creations of people trying to emulate rpgs and genres like that
remember faggots that use "RTT" to refer to actual rts, are gookclickers seething
Macro players switched to 4x games, and micro players switched to MOBAs.
It seems like about half the posters in this thread think appealing exclusively to mulitplayer (or "gook click...") is what killed RTS.

Do you think developers are having similar a realisation?
i actually appreciate what they did with the newer aoes and their DEs where they actually put up scenarios and tutorials as challenges that test how good you are at the game. it's not much but im very proud of having done the ottoman challenge in aoe4.

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>"Byzantine Empire" is for Hellocentric men who want to build the next Alexandrian empire.
No one of the Byzantine Emperors actually wanted to rebuild the Alexandrian Empire. They preferred to go west and reconquer ancient lands in Italy than to go east, far away into India.
>Does this mean we'll get shit like colonial cultures appearing dynamically? Along ethnic lines, as well?
That'd be great. I assume the "market language" will contribute to which culture pops assimilate into too
Wales should be at least two regions: The "Royal Wales" and the marches.
The true Kingdom of Sardinia and kickout Aragon and Genoa from the island.
What's 27th?

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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Do people generally consider wonder/relic wins cheesy?
The resources for a wonder are better spent elsewhere, but if you can keep a relic or your monasteries alive for the whole duration, then you deserve the win.
That said, most people play with the Conquest victory setting.
It has its place but not in regular ranked matches
Wonders were essentially designed to break stalemates and people being elusive niggers in the original AoE. They still have a place, but Conquest being the standard makes them irrelevant. Relic victories are just a less shitty version of Ruins and Artifact conditions, with some other, economic motivation behind picking them up at least; Monasteries (sans Fortified Churches) are just a lot more fragile than Wonders, especially if decentralized.]

Also depends on the map and other settings, closed ones make them a lot more viable, perhaps they lend themselves better in FFA or open dickplomacy games.
what do you do when you are playing flank on BF and the opposing flank just spams stone (sometimes even fortified) walls? how do you even push?

Post your City, Anon.
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How the hell am I supposed to take over a city? I've been besieging one for like 2 years since the toolltips say waiting will eventually decrease the fortification modifier, but it has not changed at all. Meanwhile their entire garrison has regenerated.
I think 1.0 means no fortification
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Not only has the city garrison regenerated, they also regenerated their entire army outside of it. They only had a 100 people when I started the siege.
This is fucking stupid.
Doesn't that happen if you're not actually sieging the city (they still have a land or maritime traderoute to resupply)?
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I mean I'm standing with an army right next to it and it says they're besieging when I hover over them, is that not enough?

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Since there isn't a thread up
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The luddics are "native" to the Persean sector, as their religion started there.
Tri-Tac in the sector is just a branch of the whole megacorp... but it is implied that they moved the backwater shithole to do unregulated R&D away from Domain's eyes. Hence why there are like fucktons of prototype Hyperions and Scarabs floating around in the sector.
that's what i mean, make it so the rest of the domain thought it got perma shut off was because something flood-level must've broke out
so when you open up the gates you get flooded with dominion tech warships, hell, it's been over 200 years so maybe they've evolved so much over that time (exponential growth) that they maybe have themselves been changed by their tech (gene editing, neural interfacing/merging/melding) that they can't even be communicated with and they don't remember what humans looked like or something, so any human they see are identified as the shit that had to be contained, and in the case it reopenned, had to be purged.
You're not me liar.
proof next thread?
>the game you want is mass effect
giving people a motive to play besides soothing their autism with micro and sorting things does not make it a casual story game, it just makes it a good game.
Interacting with any of the quests at all in this game makes it impossible to miss the fact that this guy can't do anything but combat to save his life though.

You all made him rich and now he has absolutely no incentive to finish the game. (Implying he was going to in the first place)

Now that you all got scammed, You can post your Kneel.jpg's below.

Schizo bros, Come harvest the salt mines with me, and watch Copium prices skyrocket in real time.


Also reminder its your fault the game is crashing: https://www.gamesradar.com/games/city-builder/manor-lords-dev-hits-back-at-players-complaining-over-crash-reports-99-so-far-are-old-drivers/

(if only he knew that everyone has automatic driver updates now and not everyone whos game crashed submitted a log)

Manuretrannies BTFO

>Inb4 Muh sales

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Because while he's schizoing over crashes, the people who care about this game are already playing it instead of making threads.
>youtube ecelebs have now started to come out against manurelords and are posting videos critiquing it
Lol, dev mustve decided not to pay the bribes
I miss Ipee counter
I have old drivers and it works fine, but I also pirated it.
>"I updated the drivers"
>looks inside
>old drivers

>What is your will?
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When I get to them (the people I play don't let matches get that far, they are sweaty SC2 players) I usually have two, on hold position at my base. They shell anything that gets too close for comfort and in some maps that can mean my half of the map. I like running around with Chimeras a lot, they really are the workhorse of the army, supported by a lascannon HWT or two.
It works more times than I care to admit, only Necrons give me trouble, everything with morale breaks before it becomes an issue.
The command squad is also important and I've seen players do incredible things with them, especially with psykers, but personally all I can muster is 4 priests and spam their ability that makes the command squad not take losses for a few seconds. My use of psykers is their passive detection and stunning vehicles with Curse, very reduced.
>nobody mentioned hellhounds
literally your best vehicle that melts every single armor type, when in doubt rush vehicles and spam hellhounds
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>commanders without servo-arms
hard pass
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Commissar, remove the waifus from Unification 7.0.

By the will of Kou Shibusawa, the latest Koei thread begins anew!
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Did they overhaul the visual aspect of combat in Awakening? I miss when there were cannons, cavalry, muskets and infantry working in tandem on the battlefield.
Aside from The Last Warlord, any mobile Koei-likes out there?
Holy based
Op's bussy must be quivering in anticipation.
is the AI still totally broken and unable to improve their lands/castles in Ascension?
The game stopped receiving updates ages ago. Of course it hasn't been fixed.

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So where can I find the skinny on frigate?
Anyone got any buildorders to try?
Where do you even find them?
watch discord replays
Trying the beta and it just felt weightless to play
Like, I understand the fact that I didn't get into the learning curve but nothing felt mindful like it does when I occasional revisit SC2 coop
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>>D.Va vs Diablo

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This game look cool, never played it before. I know the newer ones have bad reception, but is Disciples 1 still worth playing with it's own merits or is 2 just an overall improvement?
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>But does it worth to build their building for 750 gold and then spend 1000 gold just to get one?
No. See this anon's breakdown:
I'd also like to add that you actually pay 1050 for buildings (300 for doomdrake pre-requisite). 300 is 2 days worth income, plus you often don't even build the dragon tree in the first place, so it's waste too.
Use Verok's wrapper.>>1747896
There are two ways to get more gold. One includes a variation that can be considered a third way.
It's a game where you need to experiment and learn how it works to become capable of making accurate estimates from the information you have. Me or anyone else spoonfeeding you again and again would only let you get stumped in new places.

>neutral creeps
Ah, so ASSFAGGOTS background. Figures.
in your first post combat was corrected to "comber"... that doesn't sound like any slavic word i know
t. slav
They can have these 2 dollars I spent on these games. Doesn't matter to me.

Thanks. It works perfectly.
>Me or anyone else spoonfeeding you again and again would only let you get stumped in new places.
What your problem is with someone asking questions? This could be his first time playing this isn't some competitive PVP shit where you have to gatekeep.

>neutral creeps
>Ah, so ASSFAGGOTS background. Figures.
Seriously, who hurt you? What is your problem?

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like pottery
problem in vicky is that industrialization is just too easy as there are no counter forces to industrialization like there were in real life.

farmers should not promote to craftsman so easily and they should actually probably oppose it. technologies that increase mechanization should also increase militancy of farmer pops, and in some cases cause outright rebellions. there should be a new economic policy that favors artisans and farmers.

it's also too easy to get 100% employment in factories, and destroying an unprofitable factory and putting a new one in can be done instantly.
Recapacitating workers towards new jobs is something that more industrialization games should try delving on.
It shouldnt be instantaneous that a worker in a cannery can already jump into a plane factory job without any penalties to his initial productivity.
The impetus came from the Enclosure movement. Peasants were thrown off their lands, often violently. The new farms did not require many workers, so the people were forced to move to the cities to work for wages, and that's where the rebellions, unrest and worker movements started.

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Relic finally fixed their engine edition

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Yeah, it's a bit of a fundamentally flawed concept in a game like this. It's always bothered me because my cheese trolling side loves sim city but it's either OP as fuck according to some people, and utter dogshit to others, and it really has always been either-or.

Maybe it would make more sense to have emplacements easily decrewed but much harder to outright destroy? So barraging them gives you a window of opportunity by decrewing rather than easily wasting your opponents fuel and manpower investment?
And direct fire from something like an AT gun doesn't decrew, just chips away at the emplacement health allowing for a response. It would need to be artillery fire or any kind of HE, grenades etc to guarantee a decrew.
Might also need to allow the movement of the crew as a unit? So they can 'unload' like infantry from a building, can gain vet etc, but are pretty useless beyond manning the gun.
You could still recrew using trucks/HTs though which would be pretty frustrating to play against.
I kind of liked the brace mechanic from 2 since it was sort of like that - forcing the emplacement to be useless for a time in exchange for high durability. Might need to bring that back along with resistance to non-HE shit using attack ground on it.
Or super long pack up and set up times?
I'm sure they'll end up being useless in high level play no matter what
>Maybe it would make more sense to have emplacements easily decrewed but much harder to outright destroy?
This is what they went for on release but it led to a super cancerous flak emplacement cheese because the cost of recrewing them over and over and over was so cheap that there was essentially no downtime, and you'd take half the game barraging it before your indirect fire caused enough manpower bleed to pay for itself.

Emplacements are just kind of a weird concept in a game like this oriented around fluid combat, unit preservation and retreating. It's a relic of the fact that CoH1 was building off the same engine as DoW1 that they continue to commit way too much effort and time to.
>RTS (Real time strategy game)
>Critically important to have a solo campaign
>Not important to have team modes or even 1v1 pve

Are RTS gamers brain dead?
Most people play singleplayer, comp autists make multi annoying for the rest
>comp autists
Never understood this complaint except to see it as cope for being bad at the game. Do people seriously think you should go into a competitive environment and play below your own skill level on purpose? If I enjoy a game is it not unreasonable for me to spend a lot of time on it, and as a consequence get better?

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>Incredibly dense gameplay whilst allowing lots of room for creativity.
>Has the highest learning curve and skill ceiling out of every genre ever made. Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers and nu/v/.
>Heavily tests the full breadth of the mind, such as reflexes (APM), spatial perception (micro-management), logical reasoning, etc. You'll get quickly punished if at least one area of your mind isn't in tip top shape.

How can any other genre even come close? RTS has pretty much everything you need in a genre.
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probably more akin to a musical instrument and playing a sone notoe for note constantly, at least for multiplayer. skirmish and campaigns are just chillin'.
There are RTS that have fanbase similar to that of fighting games, that need million threads about their genre being supposedly high IQ, and these RTS certainly aren't very high IQ games.
But yeah, certain RTS game are one of the best games in that regard.
Yep. Next question.
>that need million threads about their genre being supposedly high IQ
And they're not wrong.

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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I agree honestly. It's gay and retarded, but it's consistent with the internal logic of the mod. There are plenty of things W fairly deserves to be criticized for, but this isn't one of them.
W. Doesn't present a real world version of George Bush though. It's all about the image he gave off in the minds of those who hated him.
The real George Bush had a great relationship with his father, he was an intelligent man who impressed leaders like Vladimir Putin, and while hawkish and idealistic, he had an stable and comprehensive foreign policy platform.

But to the minds of the anti-Dubya left, he was a bumbling idiot, a stooge and a puppet to Cheney and Rummy, and a dangerous actor on the world's stage.
Each WW3 ending plays into a misunderstanding of George Bush
I discovered this game similar to the campaign trail about 1930's germany, if any of you want to give it a shot.


It's about controlling the German SDP and attempting to stabilize the country and prevent fascism.
The war with China ending felt like I was reading nu-SCP
Prevent fascism? Why would I ever want to do that?

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