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>PA is now released version 1.0.13
>OpenVic hasn't had a dev diary in 5 months

Bros, come on now, you really gonna support chudgun over actual progress?
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reminder that schombert is a pedophile homosexual (same thing) who grooms troons
There was actually a new OpenVic diary like a week ago. Spudsisters stay winning.
what's wrong with the economy in TGC? maybe i'm just a brainlet but starting as a secondary power it takes me 20 years just to not have a starvation tier economy, in the vanilla game you could not do anything and shit just werks
Sounds based. You are a gde anyways if you let yourself be groomed by a pedophile faggot over fucking discord. At least he puts them to good use.
tranny shovelware garbage mod

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>coast through the game
>this mission shows up
>try using different rifles
>try using shields
>always lose at least 3 men
>just preemptively throw flash at known key locations
>easy win

sometimes i think this game just rewards knowing where the enemies are going to be but the same info could've been easily provided using drones or some shit
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>tactical drones weren't widely used in 2015
yeah okay retard. the second game still doesn't have drones btw.
Oh, this mission, yeah, fuck it.

The solution for me was using suppressed p90s (a cheese weapon admittedly) and clearing out the front lot by lining up a bunch of stealth kills from the perk, then firing them all off at once with the keyboard shortcut. The indoors section is much more of a standard affair.
I just had heavy body armor and fast shooters.
what is this
doorkickers. there's also doorkickers2 but the first one is cheap and solid too.

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Anyone playing this?
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>Build pic related in shipbuilder
>700km range
>1.6 thrust
>Build exact copy in campaign
>100km rang
>Low thrust
>Immediately "abandon ship" during cruise missile scene
What the fuck?
Because save files do not just reference the part id, they contain entire own stats for every single part. So if you made a save before the latest nerf, it will have completely diffefent stats for parts, but parts in the campaign will be the latest updated parts with all the lame "balancing". You can have a shitton of different variations of the same part thanks to dev being retarded.
And this is twice as stupid because the engine automatically handles part stats via material density. So a half-sized part made of metal with automatically weight 50% less. But then dev made 999 different materials with different densities to counteract that for balance.
those maneuver engines are probably blocked and give 0 thrust
I made it 10 minutes after trying it out in the ship builder. Also turns out that right clicking and moving the ship around in the editor will change whether it has zero thrust or 2
Maneuver engines don't get blocked.
>Cruise missile incoming
>Gives me control of the fucking prize ship with 2 gatlings
>Instead of my double molot ship
>Which didn't even have proxy rounds selected despite having 100 in storage
Horrendous bullshit like this exists yet the fucking dev decides to make guns interfere with each others LOS for an update.
The more I play this the more I get sick of all these minor things that ruin your fucking run.

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Something need doing?
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They removed this in reforged didn't they?
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they did

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What's the verdict
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It's 64 bit now so it runs smooth as bubber.
bubber kurwa
i liked the multiplayer in the beta but i will hold off on buying this game. im trying to save money. it is really fun though and i hope they made it better since.
Utter and total shit, I can't believe how much better GoH is compared to this. I would be embarrassed to have been part of the team that developed this piece of shit game, holy fuck it sucks shit.
Shouldn't you be making and overpriced DLC about shit nobody cares about, Robz

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I played surviving the aftermatch, and I honestly liked the game, it's just sooo 7/10 for me nothing amazing, just decent, anyone knows one that actually slaps, hard, COOL SHIT!
Is it still in perpetual beta? I remember the fake hype all the way back pre-covid when it was bare bones project, and then it went silent
>it's just sooo 7/10 for me nothing amazing
Same feeling, it's basically a banished clone. Music is the best part for me.
It has now like 3 DLCs. The main mechanic doesn't change much, and honestly each DLC added makes the game bit clunkier. New Alliances is the best one IMO.
>Giving a banished clone 7
I would give it a 6 simply because it's slightly better and less gay than endzone. Both are goyslop.

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Still waiting for a game set here...
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They dont even try to give dates or rough estimates of arrival anymore. The most well put together one seems to be shokujo, but it almost seems like they want to release it whenever
a sea trade oriented game would be goat.
there are many interesting regions, cultures and events outside of europe and that's one of them, not my fault that you're an uncultured swine
vietnam repelling mongols TWICE was pure kino
Its not Australia
>Forment Indonesian nationalism and partner up with Japan before they declare on you. If Japan capitulates you, you get a choice of being Japan's puppet nationalist government or continue fighting for the Dutch. Choosing one or the other will start a civil war.
with the Vichy + fascist Ethiopia mechanic?
I mean, it can be good if done correctly

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Where should my people settle?

I think im done with rp'ing as a band of violent gypsies and britain was not as welcoming as i had hoped. Preferably somewhere we wont btfo by other migrants like the saxons
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Is CK3 worth it for this mod ?
If you must try it get a goypass trial or something.
Lead your people to Kalimdor young prince.
Piracy fixes this
How about you go back to India you dirty fucking pajeet get the fuck out of Europe

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>Module targeting gone
>Proyectiles gone
>Hyperspace jumping gone
>Ship roles gone/not impactful
>TTK super high
>6 maps on release, 8 were promised (still low)
>Every map is tiny
>Derelicts are a really bad idea and just get in the way
>Stuttering issues with many ships on screen (not even that many)
>Graphics are as good as HW2 Remastered yet runs worse
>80$ (panic recoup)
>Marvelquip campaign

This whole industry is fucked, Canada is a cancer, and BBI is fucked as well. They gonna close soon.

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The sad part is they didn't fix most of those problems.
Not that 2 months is enough to redesign the game.
Strange I always thought of the buggy as just a unit rather than a culmination of incel rage.
Im still laughing X'D
it's literally her, the camera fucking zooms in on it whenever she talks on the radio
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The game has 3 game modes and the features you'd expect from an RTS:

Campaign, the most expected thing from a Homeworld game
>Story is shit and forgettable
MP game
>The MP is undercooked, game wasn't designed nor reviewed or played at all
War Games, which is the PvE component
>AI is ass, and since the MP wasn't developed there's also nothing to build upon
Modding and custom games for fun replayability
>It has Denuvo and DLC roadmap so no custom lobbies

So what was the point of this then? every mark is missed, every component is lost

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I once again ask if about Gladius and your opinions since mods deleted the last thread as they wouldn't recognise /vst/ if it elbow dropped them in the face.
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I mean the game did end in a cliffhangar (or apparently it wasn't finished and got pushed out). So they could of made a sequel or complete/ remaster edition.
I won eventually after grinding up a channeler to heal effectively. I wish there were a couple more slots so I could hire more gladiators because the only magic user I used was the skeleton guy from Gaul. After Insect Ze I stumbled across that quest that gave you that super broken attack.
I hoped that Ludo would make things right, kind of disappointed to be honest in that.
For any one struggling or want to grind a second.
I remember playing this with my dad and it being pretty fun in the first 2/3 but frustrating and difficult in the last part.
Which main character did you choose?

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This is not a proper thread heretic.

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I am looking for minimalist strategy games. So, tight focus and streamlined without bloat mechanically or even graphically, though cool graphics are also fine, especially if they cleave to minimalist aesthetics while still being engaging. I will list some I have played

>Cursed Kingdom- Itch.io gamejam game about managing a plague. Very short but fun.
>Death Crown- Tower defense RTS where you order your guys down lanes and use towers to fight off the other guy's lanes. Really nice aesthetics.
>Desolation Tycoon- post-apocalyptic trading/caravan sim where you build up riches and armed forces to make a profit until you retire or die. Surprising amount of worldbuilding for such a simple game, but meta-progression takes forever
>High Strategy: Urukon- Minimalist GSG that filters me every time I try to play it and I can't tell if it is skill issue or the game is bad, would like to see what other people think of it. It has a sequel that I have not played so I can't say if it's good.
>Immortal Defense- Another tower defense strategy game with a schizo kino plot.
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confirmed never played a paradox game before

Undaunted is a fantastic table top. Is there a video game now?
Mother Of All Battles

minimalist graphics
has exploration
has management of units production
only "resources" are captured towns where you can produce more units
>a mistake on turn 1 can and will eliminate you from the competition fully and entirely
Then why doesn't the game just end on the 1st turn? Why bother having multiple turns?
Steam says there's gonna be a vidya Undaunted soon but it looks to be just Normandy while the board game you can play via Tabletop Simulator has Normandy, North Africa, Stalingrad, Battle for Britain, and who knows what else
No anon you're thinking the wrong way around
in a typical point salad board game the first few rounds don't matter, and nothing you do there can really raise or lower the chances that you win. If you can't fail with your first move, then why even have a first move at all? Why not skip all that crap and get to the interesting choices that actually influence the game and player standings? Splotter games don't have that waiting period. They are full game from the word "go".
Though I am exaggerating for effect, yes, as if you know how the game plays, you rarely will make a game-ending mistake in turn one. It's possible, like stuffing your factory floor in Horseless Carriage full of research departments, not leaving any inch of space for the actual car manufactring, but if you know that the game is about making cars you know that not making cards does not win the game, and so you should focus oin the cars.

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Well I'm glad to see that you didn't try to compare the pile of shit that is MoW 2 to any of those two.
Yeah, Slop mod or Slop the game, I will go with the mod since I can just take it out and play the actual game
Robz works on the dev team for GoH and is the lead balance guy
That explains why it sucks so much

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Pic related because I love Total War and don’t really like the family tree or politics.

I like muskets and age of sail but Victoria and HOI are completely different from what I usually play so could see it being fresh.

What do you do though? Do you just click through menus and getting posed situations you decide a direction on?
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There are no turns. The time just ticks and you pause it when you need to. Most of ck is event driven because it's a game about characters and dynasties rather than nations specifically.
ck3 is free on steam for the next 12 hours btw

I saw it for $20 how do I get it for free?

Oh I see it’s like a timed demo.

I watched a guy play CK3 for 1 hour and it looks like he did nothing other than answer a few pop ups. Europa looked cool and involved.

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Johan said it's "flavour", France woud be the Kingdom of France if it had space for a longer name.
>why is the emperor sending money to his tributaries and not the other way round?
Because that's how it actually worked. The "tribute" paid to China was mostly symbolic gifts and kowtowing, the amount China spent on maintaining the whole system and giving stuff back cost way more than the gifts they received. The point was to shore up Chinese hegemony, legitimacy, and security, not to extract taxes or make money. No Chinese dynasty was ever so poor they needed to tax barbarians, while at the same time being so powerful they could manage to do so... on the contrary, they'd demonstrate their power and magnanimity by accepting the gifts and tribute of the lesser kingdoms and dispensing things in return. For the tributary system to work the other way around, you'd have to believe the Ministry of Rites or whoever did it later on just went around collecting taxes or even conscripting soldiers from foreign countries they couldn't control, and everyone just accepted it and paid up because China was so awesome and cool... that's ridiculous.
Only thing that should be changed is the name. Other countries aren't part of 中国 (China). There is no proper chinese term for this "group" because it didn't exist as a coherent idea at all. The closest would be 天下 (tianxia) which is "all under heaven" or literally the entire physical world, which was supposed to the Son of Heaven's rightful domain. The only "sovereign" country is 中国 and all others are supposed to be subordinate, presenting "vassals' gifts" and the emperor giving them investiture in return, and all of them whether they paid tribute or not, were 夷 (barbarians). Importantly, once an area was properly conquered and brought under chinese control, they were no longer 夷, even if they were before, since they were now part of 中国.

It's somewhat like the Catholic Church in that it's supposed to be without limit, the "Universal Church", though in practice it's not. Those outside the church are "pagans" or "heathens", but once they submit and pay tribute they're now part of the church, even if they're the same exact people. Though of course in the Chinese case it's more of a diplomatic and trade relationship than a religious one, and they barely demanded anything from their tributaries.

Since there's no Chinese name for it, using the western name "Chinese Tributaries" is probably the next best thing, but it's too generic and could be mixed up with other "tribute" relationships, "Sinosphere" might be too anachronistic and han-centric... "Celestial Empire" maybe? Or even just "[Dynasty] Tributary System". anything would be better than "Middle Kingdom" since that's literally not what that is
That would make government changes more obvious.
Very interesting. Post this on the forums, Johan should see this

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