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"HE OPENED THE Total War: Attila Thread,




The day of reckoning has come.
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6 Spears
4 ranged
4 Swords in reserve
2 cav
1 general
rest is mercenaries or meme units
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Any thoughts on using these guys for the centre of your frontline?
I mean they'll work but not sure if they are worth taking over limitani borderguards or comitatensis spears.
It is just that spearmen don't really inflict any damage upon their attackers. I noticed that my Legio were doing work and that these Armigeri Defensores look to be a better Legio.
I will make sure to keep some spearmen for the flanks.
That's a difference in playstyle then my main damage source are cav, or flanking ranged in the worst case. Infantry only serve as anvil for me, something the spears fo better than melee infantry.

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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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I know, I was asking because I fucking hate using third party programs just to play the game. At some point I realized that outside of minmaxing, you can get by fine without it.
sounds about right
how do i know what damage obsidian swords do compared to wood and copper ?
i have layers upon layers of the thing under my feet and noticed you can make swords out of it
Like the other anon said, its best to look at the wiki since this kind of stuff requires either extensive testing to figure out, which most likely has been done already in the wiki or to get into Toady nonsensical code and values for what is good a hurting what. And the wiki says it is crap and only good for defending against wild animals if you need it but doenst have anything else.
Using obsidian for making forniture however is good however since it has a higher base material valuer than stone or wood and should free up your wood for making more beds or charcoal.

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Mount and Blade thred, what mods for warband apart from warsword still are in development? Any?
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Big napoleonic wars MP event just happened. 100+ players it was fun.
Gekokujo for Bannerlord when?
Shokuho is the only one of these total conversions that will actually be finished
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Calradia 1415, my favorite mod of all time frankly.

>Viking conquest
If you enjoy for the time periods theres this mod called ''The Last Kingdom'', it's set in the dark ages period.
It's a big old and dated but seems like it has it's own style of AI tactics and alot of content to enjoy, picrel is a battle with battlesizer, you can really up it to the max since the mod isn't heavy at all.
So what the fuck is Taleworlds even doing besides breaking mods every few months. I just played after a year and it's the exact same as it was before and still nothing significant since when we started.

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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Shotguns work pretty good. They may be tough but one bleeding wound takes a lot of the piss out of them.
Please tell me you're not fighting them at night.
light them on fire
use armors with SPOT and units with SENSE to detect them
throw javelins
If you've unlocked them, a flying suit and an arena fireball launcher makes setting the entire map on fire pretty easy. Takes forever, though
do a 360 and run away

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Endless Legend is currently free on Steam.
Also, talk about the game. Do you wish for a sequel?

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We are so back.
Made me look at Humankinds steam stats. It didn't even have an all-time peak larger than endless legend. How the fuck did that happen. A civ competitor with a Sega backed marketing budget and it couldn't even crack the all time peak of one of their smaller games. You'd think the release player count would at least be 100k
january is the anomaly, i guess that was the winter sale, even though it was $5 that's a big bump so maybe something else was going on, it's free right now which is why it's topping steam's trending at the moment
>Activating a Luxury Booster when that Booster is already active now only resets the time instead of adding it on top


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Have you played any country in the Lake Federation in Anbennar?
If so which and what path did you go?
Recently Sunjalla, the monarchical splinter and the incipient Kalsyto(standard unifier) MT have been added to the BB. The latter is far from done but some of the mechanics are there already AFAIK.
The Steam update is releasing in mid June, so for the next month incomplete content will be fleshed out but little new will be added.
Also why the fuck do Triunics dislike mages? so unrealistic baka
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Gnolls also prefer humans over (((elves))) and will genocide them if possible.
Elves are your betters.
Stop equating us to jews.
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cannorian halfligns don't season they food
tags for this feel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwu6YmLEBj8
Keep coping Greenskin, the only elven women who touch your filthy kind are the degenerated elves of the Deepwoods, and they've already been passed around by your Orcish masters. How's the sloppy s̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶s̶ t̶h̶i̶r̶d̶s f̶o̶u̶r̶t̶h̶s̶ f̶i̶f̶t̶h̶s̶ s̶i̶x̶t̶h̶s̶ eights?

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This game look cool, never played it before. I know the newer ones have bad reception, but is Disciples 1 still worth playing with it's own merits or is 2 just an overall improvement?
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I remember playing it and was shocked at first how hard it was, its one of those old school games which doesnt fuck around
>>How can I tell if a city is a capital or not?
Only capital cities have their own unique look to the faction. Every other city are "neutral" and have identical looks that changes only with their level but they are identical.

>Send spies?
Once you had on of your thieves use the "infiltrate spy" action on any party of another faction (this even included other thieves) you can simply right click on any party/city of the faction to see the party in there. Otherwise it will say that you need to spy on the faction to find out information about it. The spy remains for a limited time and randomly gets capture then you must have a thief repeat the action. Not sure how new are you sorry if you already know this.

Neutral factions can always viewed with right click without needing a spy.

Tip: While on the map press the "B" key on the keyboard to turn the "Banners" graphic on/of which will mark all units and factions on the map, sometimes it is difficult to find parties behind terrain.

>>And how do I counter the constant hero spam the AI do?
Sadly you have to keep fighting them while you complete the Map objective that is part of the challenge.

A Level 1 hero is usually roughly at the power of a level 2 (occasionally 3) unit of the same type, fighter, caster etc. A level 1 hero with a level 1 party is pretty easy to defeat tough. Usually they are just annoying once they ran out of their best troops and your main party already out leveled them I feel you for feeling that. Usually it is better to have more than just one single high level party to do everything.

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>Not sure how new are you sorry if you already know this.
I played the demo when the game came out.
So very, very, very new.

>Usually it is better to have more than just one single high level party to do everything.
Yeah, I realize that, and honestly, it annoys me. I can do multitasking, but I don't enjoy it, and playing whack-a-mole is prone to annoy me quickly.
>So very, very, very new.
Going from your previous post I would draw your attention on using thieves. They are 200g which I admit is a hefty sum for doing actions that can just instant kill them but Thieves can do many things to make life easier. From poisoning parties which does % based damage while spells do fixed damage. To dueling and thus damaging the leader to spying on ruins and just generally scouting or being a body block. And even more if you pick the "Guild leader" type.

>Yeah, I realize that, and honestly, it annoys me. I can do multitasking, but I don't enjoy it, and playing whack-a-mole is prone to annoy me quickly.
Sad to hear if it does. If so there is no shame in just quitting if you do not enjoy it maybe D2 is just not your type. What I can say though that once you get high level starting heroes leveling your units will get much smoother.
I think I picked the Warrior General. I wanted to check different generals, but I misread the UI and ended up proceeding.
And I dunno, I did the very first map of the original Disciples 2 campaign, the AI made a lot of thieves, they fell as easily as the rod planting guys.

>maybe D2 is just not your type
I legitimately fear that. I do like the units progression thing, but playing whack-a-mole and having to follow the game surprisingly fast pace feels frantic.
I think turn-based games more stressful than real-time games, that's a problem.

What is it about the pike & shot era that scares strategy game devs so much? Literally more strategy games have been set in the Bronze Age than in the pike & shot era.
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i love playing as the ottomans in pike and shot but they are the only faction that dont have any troops actually armed with pikes. did they never field pike formations irl?
I see this guy's art everywhere but I can't find his actual name. Can I get a sauce?
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ottomans were more of cavalry faction

The Ottomans were one of the gunpowder empires. They didn't need pike blocks because of the abundance of cannons and guns in their arsenals.

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Warrior Kings.
It's a game that honestly isn't too bad. Bit janky, but really fun because it's surprisingly deep.
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>I don't know how I fuck it up so much.
It's OK fren, I know what you meant.
>On that note, is there a game like Colonization but in space? Where the early game has you dependent on your homeland but the ultimate goal is to become self-sufficient?
I can argue that Age of Empires 3 has that. Some factions allow you to go independant by the end.
>Age of Empires 3
Has anyone played Warbreeds? It's one of those games I experience as a kid only thanks to a demo on some magazine's disc. You could customize your troops weapons by changing their limbs which was neat.
Is it grafting?

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the time has come
and so have i
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Ok so three things GoH does better than sissies of war 2:
> Sound, just compare the small arms and artillery etc.
> Looks, SoW2 is just depressing to look at. Zero soul left in that cartoony hellscape.
> Not forcing you to be online to play singleplayer. That alone should act as evidence of the retardation the devs are suffering from.

I just can't understand why someone would choose this pile of steaming dung over GoH.
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Alrighty boyos, game is pretty fuckin good, now if you gents could please PICK SOMETHING THAT ISN'T FUCKING ARTILLERY that'd be real swell.

I'm out here with my nuts in the wind as the 17th Mechanized, no armor or recon support.
Because GoH gameplay sucks ass. Especially the singleplayer missions and nobody plays multiplayer.
Word to the wise: company mortars are absolutely nuts and should probably be nerfed. Abuse them while you can.

It's a single-crew 1CP mortar and you get 4 per card, so even in 1st echelon you can just have 4 of these things shitting out shells for less than the CP cost of a howitzer. The AoE/damage isn't amazing but mortars fire extremely fast and get more accurate the more they shoot at a target, even if it's moving. Because the single crewman lies prone, it's comically difficult to hit these little fucks with counterbattery, and they can fortify with sandbags to block shrapnel just to make it extra annoying. They spam out shells so fast that it's basically untenable for infantry to hold ground anywhere a battery of them can shoot, but they also reposition fast because the crewman carries it like an LMG so you can keep moving it up with your frontline troops.

You might be tempted to get the bigger mortars instead, because they do more damage with more AoE, but the next mortar up is 2CP, and it doesn't deal double the damage for that double population cost (they're still good, just not broken like Company Mortars).
They all have trash campaigns, no wonder it failed

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I'm surprised that there are very few geo-politics games in current times, leaving aside the hoi4 mods, I think this one wouldn't be so bad if it weren't disgustingly riddled with bugs, I was hoping for the sequel to SuperPowers but in the end what happened happened Is there a game I'm overlooking?
Does Terra Invicta count?
>Terra Invicta
If I wanted to play a space conquest game there are too many games like that niggaa
They are all shit
I have my hopes up for Espiocracy

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hopes? dream? if they pull it off it could be one of the defining features of 3
they're gonna mess it up aren't they?
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>make legends apply to a dynasty instead of a character, a dynasty can have more than one legend and the more it spreads the more bonuses it has
>legends are linked to legitimacy and is important to keep it up
>more serious legends that apply to the players actions, less meme text, short and each different type of legend has different and unique useful bonuses.
>legend always spread no matter what it just depends on how powerful your character is and the influence he has for it to defeat other legends in your realm and in others
>there can he two legends at once
>a legend has to be active on the map for it to apply the buffs which makes the player want to keep spreading it.

There you go paracucks, I just fixed the entire mechanic and made it actually something players would use. Can't believe no one on the development team came up with this. This would even fit into ck2 easily since there are no stupid side menus you need to go in to like tours and tournaments and royal court.
Is there a mod that makes the game good yet?
>My liege loses against mongols.
>Because I held some lad that wasn't de jure my lieges title, I get booted there and made independent. My entire demensen and everything else lost.
Thank you paradox, very cool.
At least that gives you a cool goal to reconquer your original lands
when is it coming out

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Me after watching an entire company of Stormtroopers get mowed down by a Rebel E-web because one trooper was stuck on a house.
>Total Warhammer 40,000
Can CA really do the fire and maneuver style warfare prevalent in that setting?

Eh, like it or not, it's canon with both lore (yes, bad lore, but lore anyways) and models.

>female custodes
They wouldn't dare.
They have infantry, tanks, walkers and aircraft that can fire and move at the same time in their fantasy warhammer TW.
but the tanks and flying units feel like shit there
Not a bad idea, but I won't be surprised when it comes out incredibly unimaginative. I just find it funny that they would go after this when it is arguably much more ambitious than releasing another historical TW. I guess it isn't as bad if they torch another IP vs. one of their franchises.

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Is there a better Star Wars strategy game?
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Gladiator all day
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>Calling the Praetor ugly
You are NOT my nigga.
Would happily eat that ’zah
Hutts are going to be an inactive faction this patch cycle, but Corey plans to make them an active faction later. The problem is that the devs have to make new assets for the Hutts, and the Mandalorians, Republic, and Sith are already a lot of work to create full rosters for.
Fair points. I'm trying to think of what figher craft the Hutts would employ at this point alone. They might have make them outta whole cloth like they did with, may Allah forgive me, the Hapans.

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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It literally doesn't
in DE some are good , but if we talk of original forgotten then no , some of those were terrible , tought i would kill for a heavy rework of El Dorado like they did with the rest
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They're designed to be an infantry hard counter, and do that job fine while still not being completely hopeless against anything with above-average pierce armor. For a late archer line replacement or not-Janissary like some wish them to be, they're not as reliable without some combination of civ bonuses backing them. Non-Bohemian HCs also lack the convenience of early production that unique gunpowder has.

On Extreme there's still a tendency for the AI to fast Feudal on Amazon Tunnel, regardless if you wall. In a team game, some of them might still do so, but otherwise on that and FFA arrangements, they'll generally opt for faster Castle times like usual.
Started playing RoR a few days ago, everyone who complains about old AoE2 campaigns being bad should try the ones in AoE1, both the Babylonian and Greek campaigns felt like I am playing harder William Wallace missions with their map size and quality.
Forgotten still has some of the worst campaigns, but it's nowhere that bad really.
Imperialo age boombard cannons pupupupupu and you are dead!
>ONE singular japanese artist
come on now

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