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Is there a better Star Wars strategy game?
Yes, it’s called Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds.
Anons aside from that one mobile game and handful of mods, those are literally the only two strategy games for this franchise.
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Don't forget Force Commander!
Wrong. Star Wars Rebellion is the best there is
True my bad.
If we are going to pull in /tg/ then I would like to nominate Imperial Assault, but this is /vst/ so no. Fuck I miss old Fantasy Flight... Why do the French (Asmodee in this case not Ubisoft) ruin everything!
>Star Wars Rebellion
Oh shit, never mind this an old ass 4x from 1998. I'll try/search it out thanks anon.
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ISD's are sexy ships. What do you find the best looking ship?
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Did someone say Tector?
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I was talking about the computer game, not the boardgame, ya fool. The latter only exists because of the former, in fact
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Because of course Delvardus gets the black Executor.
Daala should have a way to get it to if nothing changed.
Man that game was great. Had a lot of balance issues, good fucking god the Rebellion had so many more advantages.
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Who needs bombers anyway?
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I'm partial to the Mandator line..

Bombers are a bit less micro-intensive, though they also get killed by AI corvettes.
Imps also had a number of advantages, though less obvious. I appreciate that both sides play very differently from one another
mein neger, the 3D fleet combat is a little bit janky but charming. The ancient pre-prequel Star Wars lore is fascinating.

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I've been playing a bunch of TIE Fighter recently, and now I'm curious as to how much mods and vanilla reference it.

Which mods let me control Maarek Stele, use XG-1 Gunboats or even Missile Boats, or give me all the fun starfighter types?
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Night Hammer backing up its support fleet.
Thrawn's Revenge is loaded with TIE Fighter stuff, with Stele himself appearing as either a hero based off Lumiya's Nebulon-B or an assignable hero in later era Empire historicals. The Xg-1 also appears on a variety of ships, though I think the Missile Boat is only limited to Thrawn.
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Probably the ugliest SSD of them all. It's way too wide and fat.
These things are terrifying to face.
And look stupid as hell.
Man, this game is amazing for screenshots. It looks very sexy.
>playing as Daala
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>ugliest SSD
>what is the Secutor
Although the Praetor is pretty ugly too.
The Secutor is just a Star Destroyer, not an SSD. It does suffer from the Assertor's aesthetic crimes even more than the Assertor, though.

The Praetor is fine for a battle cruiser.
its been a while since i played this.
but you could issue orders to your wingmen right?
Yeah, but they were very often useless.
Same length as an Allegiance and that's good enough for me.
And the Praetor is still ugly as sin.
what is the half-baked lore excuse for all the imperial capital ships being shaped like wedges?
It is genuinely a pretty good shape for a warship
With a wedge, you can mount guns all along the hull, and they'll all be able to fire forwards without the chance of hitting each other.
What the other anon said, plus the fact that almost all the ship designs are KDY. It makes sense that a manufacturer would standardize designs to some extent.
it looks like the cool picture of ww1 battle ships straight from the front
When is Revan's revenge dropping? I want to slaughter mandalorians.
There isnt its just a symbolic design Lucas thought of that hard pointy edged designs=evil, which is also why the mon calamaris are nice and round because round=good.
...and they are ugly and also look like dildos
Mommy Dommy Provie
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>I want to slaughter mandalorians.
Based and Janeway pilled. Republic and/or boots on Mandalore when? Are the Hutts getting a slot too or are they just buffer state fodder?
The three available factions on release will be the Republic, the sith empire and the mandalorians. I think Corey also said that they want to add the hutts in the future, but not at first.
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Gladiator all day
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>Calling the Praetor ugly
You are NOT my nigga.
Would happily eat that ’zah
Hutts are going to be an inactive faction this patch cycle, but Corey plans to make them an active faction later. The problem is that the devs have to make new assets for the Hutts, and the Mandalorians, Republic, and Sith are already a lot of work to create full rosters for.
Fair points. I'm trying to think of what figher craft the Hutts would employ at this point alone. They might have make them outta whole cloth like they did with, may Allah forgive me, the Hapans.
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>New Republic tries attacking Hapes with a massive fleet, including the Viscount
>Gets caught against a full imperial fleet led by a Sovereign
There were no survivors that day
I would have let them have it, the Hapans are the worst faction in this mod.
They are an irrelevant coomer faction that occupied like a few systems in the EU and never expanded. Pretty sure they were made just so the dev could satisfy his dommy mommy fetish.
They amount to nothing in my playthroughs as they get plowed by Zsinj, the Teradoc Bros, and the Empire proper as they all clash for the Slice and Borderlands.
Their ships are cool though.
Too bad the Hapans dont live long enough
I already killed the Hapans. They're near the top of my shit list in every game because I hate fighting them.
I hope the Sovereign model gets an update soon, it’s current one is fucking hideous.
It's more aerodynamic.
It looks cool.
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Can you impose Imperial Humano-centrism? Is there a mechanic for that?
Not necessarily, but there may be a few things to help your /pol/ fantasy in thrawn's revenge
>Ysanne Isard makes a bio weapon that exterminates aliens on coruscant in one of the campaigns
>you can kill a lot of different local species as you do ground invasion
>build work camps on worlds with dirty aliens
>kill the slimy hutts and their pathetic attempt at an empire
I didnt play Empire at war since childhood,what are the best mods to play rn?
Thrawn's revenge is the best all around package
Fall of the Republic is like TR, but a bit worse and about the clone wars
Awakening of the rebellion is here if you want something much more complex
Thanks will try em out
I dont like fighting against them, but they make for Ki-no storylines, on my actual zsinj campaign I conpletely took their core and with one planet left they somehow took 3 pentastar, 1 imperial and 2 hand of empire planets and are still kicking, even after slaughtering everyone of their heroes and completely destroying their economy and fleets. They are basically space cockroaches
Never played as the empire (I like comeback stories), what are the changes between the different enpire leaderships ??
How are you supposed to use the Hutt pod walker? It feels pretty squishy, fires slowly and doesn't have much range even when deployed.
Its the only option they really have against multiple heavy vehicles (AT-AT, Pentastar Gunship/ giant tower), cause using 6 of those medium tanks for one atat is not possible when the enemy has 3 or 4, since you lose 2 tanks every enemy shot
Can deal good dmg while other units tank for them
It's mostly the heroes you have available, and some regime changes also come with adjustments to the unit roster. For example, Thrawn gets boarding craft. Different leaders also get different SSDs. Isard gets the Lusyanka, Daala the Knight Hammer.

The most out there regime is definitely Creamy Sheev's as he comes with the Sovereign, the Eclipse, world devastators that grow, undead stormtroopers, rancors, tie droids, etc.
W8, how does one get thrawn?? Isnt he the leader of the empire of the hand faction ??
He takes charge if Isard dies/you do the project.
Empire of the Hand is the most cucked faction in the mod. They don't count as a warlord, they don't have unique content, your leader leaves you for the empire and they have nothing to do then xd
Now this is cringe
Chiss CHADcendancy will save the unknown regions from being trash soon, trust the plan.
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Its a shame nobody has even come close to making a game that can involve both ground and space combat since.
EaW is truly one of a kind.
The best imperial regime is the Central Comitee of Grand Moffs.
For me, it's:
S tier: Isard, Jax
A tier: Palpatine, Teradoc
B tier: Central Committee, Kaine
C tier: Thrawn, Pallaeon
D tier: Pestege, Zsinj
F tier: Daala, Delvarius
>S tier: Jax
Based. Something about Crimson Empire is a kino regime, and it's one of my favorite start positions.

>F tier: Daala, Delvarius
I get hating Delvardus because he's a jobber, but his roster is so fun that I can't actually hate his faction.
I think that the gachimuchi royal guard's regime is so cool because it takes the general themes of the mod to their logical conclusion.

The way I see it, the mod is generally pretty nihilistic. The empire's fall didn't fix anything, and it started a brutal, decades long war between petty power players and traitors. And unless you're playing the Nu republic, there's little hope for a good outcome.

Jax is the embodiment of these themes - he destroys the Empire's hope for a total victory under Palpatine. He's a murderous traitor that only cares about his own power.

Do you get what I mean?
Hard disagree, if you get mandalore you win every groundfight by using 6 canderous tanks and 4 raptors and the aggressor capital ships are cheap and destroy other capitals. Only weak point is his bad economy, but one can bumrush csa for that
I dunno, Anon
I know he's the memey fatso, but I just don't find him to be cool.
Arguably the most competent of the warlords in the old lore, aside from Thrawn. Zsinj was the goat.
He got bad heavy vehicles and is weak against heavy armor, its why canderous are so good for him

I mean, it's pretty obvious that the NR is the "hero" faction, and until the Corellians are added in the mod, they'll remain the only hero faction even though most of the content and the fun stuff is on the imperial/warlord side of things.

You play as the NR, the story goes from what you described to the slow but unstoppable spread of democracy across the galaxy. It's not pretty and it's not clear, but eventually, a brighter future for the galaxy is achieved (assuming you ignore the vong and all the other retarded shit that happens after the hand of thrawn books)
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>He thinks the Corellians are a good guy faction
I see what you mean.

I suppose you could also make the argument that the Empire under Thrawn (without Palpatine) or under Pallaeon is an alright outcome if you don't mind the lack of democracy.
Too bad the CSA is just a cyberpunk dystopia, they could have been alright if they were a proper CIS holdout.

>assuming you ignore the vong
The devs are planning to add these fuckers though.
Corellia should have got that Aldeeran treatment.
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Bellator fleet.
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lol, lmao
>he doesn't know that the EAWX team is absolutely filled with trannies
Well, at least you can exterminate the LGBTQBRAAAP aliens when you do ground invasions, right?

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