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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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Going to Austin tonight with some buddies. Any recommendations on where to go or do for one night? I know there are comedy clubs and small music shows.

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Am I the only guy who likes to travel abroad and try local McDonald's stuff? Pic related, Banana Pie in Brazil
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/trv/ also isn't /pol/, and you sound paranoid and retarded. Your Cluster A personality disorder is making your see Glowies and conspiracies everywhere.
I think this guy Foreign McDonalds. Actually, I think he's Roving it.
Shilling American brands = a sign of mental illness. I have no idea why you'd do it for free.

There's no conspiracy, you're just a conditioned useful idiot who 'spreads the good word'.
New Zealand McDonalds was pretty good. I like that in Thailand they give you unlimited self-serve sauces.

get it together mate.
If you want to shill faggy franchises, go to /biz/.
We don't need your stock ticker shilling here.
I literally don't register your goyslop.
shilling is not allowed on /biz/

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So, basically, I got an invitation to live/work in Japan. I work in software engineering. I'm not a fanatic about Japan, but I think it could be a great experience in my life.

white male, 32yo

I speak some Japanese, and I can understand most conversations. However, I have some doubts about what to expect regarding day-to-day life. I'm taking a small preparatory course about the customs, but most of the content is related to work place or work related manners.

I'm going to live in a place around a big city.

I would like to know what the nightlife is like, the day-to-day life, and what I can really expect from my coworkers. What do people usually do on weekends? How is the dating scene, and how should I really behave on a first date?

Most of the info videos on this topic lack of useful information; some are overly positive, while others are just blackpilled. If anyone knows of a more realistic source about what to expect when living in Japan, I would appreciate it.

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Where should I go and what should I see? Good places to meet people too? Anyone want to hang out next week?

Can not speak a word of Greek
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If you want to meet people in Greece you are better off staying at a hostel. Unless you if are very good looking or rich, Greeks won't be interested in meeting a foreigner, they have large friend cliques called pareas. So if you are a solo traveler you are not going to be made part of their large clique. And even if you are rich and attractive and are somehow welcomed by a large group of Greeks, do you expect them to all speak English with you?

One of the things I recommend to do in Greece, is beyond tourist kistch shit try stuff that will be expensive in your country but cheaper in Greece. I try to load up on massages because it is much cheaper. I try to check up more.gr(formerly Viva) for heavy metal concerts, plays and standup(but I know Greek to understand the latter). I've gotten mountain biking lessons in Athens because it is much cheaper for instruction than in the USA.
Some good brothels in north athens
I spent 5 years living in Baltimore Maryland and I have seen some insane shit in my life, but the brothels in Athens shook me to my core. Those women were being held in dungeons with 3 inch steal doors and no windows.
>Where should I go
not athens.
ideally, an island, preferably in the cyclades. if that's not in the budget, crete, rhodes, or one of the ionian islands
and if you can't manage any of that, anywhere else in the mainland. just not athens.

t. greek

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A thread to discuss all things Thailand and Thailand adjacent.
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Anon I’ve counted down from approx 484 days

You’ll be ok
How are you feeling as the moment is actually arriving?
The same way you feel (but right now only vaguely) when you step onto the beach for the first time in summer after a long winter.
You're TTT, correct? I'm vaguely familiar with your story. Are you going to ball out this time or actually budget? What are you going to do differently mentally speaking? Try to savor the moment more?
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>ball out this time
Though I can’t say with certainty, I have no desire to do this
Yea like 2-2.5k a month
I wanna sit down with a Thai teacher and go through my 400 page grammar book, chill, take more of a boomer pace of life.
>savor the moment
Yes. I was in a frenzy and had mild insomnia for the first third of my trip, drowning in alcohol, fucking everything that I could. It had its place.

This time around I wanna relax, fuck my regulars, eat at the patio seating, watch the world go by, smoke some weed, and try to skillfully entice qts such as pic related rather than acting like a rabid dog spamming Thai friendly.

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How do we fix international traintravel? It never seems to be cheaper or more convenient than flights, using a car or busses.

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I've decided that the most reliable way to tell who is an NPC is to look at who closes the shutters/curtains on planes and buses. Anyone with a soul leaves these open.
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>so i can read a book
You need light for that, retard.
>or nap
What kind of little baby manlets are you guys that this is even possible in an airplane seat?
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I'm 5'10 and I sleep like a baba in long flights in the wooden class. I close my window as soon as I sit down, buckle up and sleep until landing. I don't open the windows for anyone and I'm mad at the people sitting next to me if they don't wake me up for dinner.
>can't post a whiter hand
>has to backpedal and resort to fat insults.

I think anyone that wears tinted sunglasses and or drives a car with tinted windows should not be trusted.
Imagine this kino advice being posted.

Then the following slide shit
0 fucking content, just mindless trash.

And the ban archive will only focus on certain things:

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Hello, I am from Maryland and I want to drive to the Grand Canyon. Maybe see the hover dam along the way.

I got:
10 days off
a decent budget
a good car
a tent (might be sleeping in my car)
and I'm going alone.

Yes I'm a massive neet. I've gone out and traveled before but mainly for work or within the tri state area, never across time zones. What's the best route to take? Anything else to see along the way? What should I be wary of traveling for so long alone?

I like cozy cultures, not a big fan of population. I will go out of my way for local museums. if you know any model railway places I'd be down.

I'll be leaving mid May
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Thanks for the long post. I've been considering changing things around route wise. I've been warned plenty about the drive but that was a bit of the dream of it. I'm looking at flights and they're about the same of what I'd assume gas would be. Maybe I can do a one way trip..

The names help too. I'm writing them down. Thank you.
I definitely recommend a west coast only loop. But if you're really considering a coast to coast route, it the same distance and time from Maryland to LA as it from Maryland to Seattle. The Seattle drive has a lot more to do.

Maryland-Pittsburgh-Cedar Point Ohio-Chicago-Rapid City (mount rushmore)-Deadwood-Bozeman-Missoula-Coeur d'Alene-Seattle.
retard boomer alert. Huntington Beach is a fucking trash can. Laguna, Crystal Cove, San Clemente, La jolla all beauftiful socal areas. Huntington hasnt been nice for 40 years.

Also vegas lol. lmao even
That anon is a fucking clown. Only thing he got right are the national parks
Fly to Vegas and rent a car to maximize your time spent out west. The route out there is a boring slog. The West is the best, ignore the flat and gay Midwest.
Also, go the desert southwest first, see GC, Utah national parks, then go to the mountains and Colorado to cool off because it will be hot as shit. Fly out of Denver. Vegas to Denver isn't a big distance on a map, but taking curvy desert mountain back roads will make for a shit load of driving for two weeks.

What's a good business class to choose for long flights? Anyone tried the new ANA "The Room"?

I flew with ANA last year and I was actually quite disappointed. The lounge at Haneda sucked ass (too small, very few food options and none of them good), the catering on the flight was also way worse than what you'd get on Finnair or even United Polaris. I don't know why people cream themselves over this airline, I guess it's just the cute cabin crew?
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Asia has a shit load of medium distance high passenger volume routes that asked for constant wide body plane usage, then about 15 years ago the super budget train hit Asia(VietJet, HKExpress, AirAsia, Scoot...) and scooped up a huge number of the budget demand and put legacy carrier into a strange position where they have overcrowded A and J and a almost empty P & Y class on classic money maker routes like HND-HKG or SIN-INC.
The market split, legacy carrier don't give a fuck about regional Y customers and that's it.

Just don't be poor.
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I usually go with AF/KLM for business
Very middle of the road product but they have discount fares often so I buy them outright without points collection

Although the newest AF seats with the door are pretty comfy(picrel), but the service on KLM is better and I NEED those houses. AMS is also a better airport to layover in.
AF is nice on the one day of the year when they're not on strike
Big fan of Air France. I can almost always find award space at a reasonable price.
Interesting. I would like to subscribe to your blog

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Nikko Bridge edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR is going to adjust the prices for the pass soon, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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Oh jesus fuck I forgot the fucking apps from the image
next thread I'll fix that
did you pick different areas for each trip? which ones? are you going alone?
I don't use apps. That's a link I go to on my phones browser that tells me how much I used. Phone does it anyway.
yeah, we always go to different places, other than osaka/tokyo as those are where the intl airports are. I go with 1 other friend. on a previous trip we found out the hard way that parties larger than 2 are significantly slower to move around, and harder to get into packed izakayas.

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14.8 seconds of airtime edition

>Last Thread: >>2637085

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

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>Why do people keep bringing it up?
Because it's more interesting to think up an entire new park than to think of dinky little expansions.
Is it really though when Disney/Universal parks are just IP grab bags now?
>People always recommend to go to Hotel Breakers for Cedar Point
>over $1000 for 3 nights
I think I will stick with the random unaffiliated hotel.
The parks are all packed and they've been doing build-one-ride-knock-one-down for a while now. Haven't shown much appetite for generally enlarging the parks. You've also the problem of bottlenecks that you can't fix with new rides (Fantasmic, Castle shows)

But yeah, in recent times, it's looked less likely Disney will try a new park.
It’s a nice beach front resort. Unfortunately, you won’t find many beach front hotels on the Great Lakes for less than $300 a night. And being able to walk right into Cedar Point is a very nice perk and the main reason people recommend it. It also has several restaurants and pools, a beach bar and activities and stuff on the beach. The waterpark is right next to it too.

Hotels in Sandusky are expensive during peak season. The holiday inn express right near the causeway wants like $300+ on weekends which isn’t much less than Breakers. I think their hotels are decently priced compared to others and you get early entry into the park.

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Ignore the security guard edition. Let's get back to discussing your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.
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Yep. No peace for cuckshed.
A genuine LOLCOW!
Don’t forget to register those SIM cards or it’ll stop working.
That’s why you pay the old lady at the Sari Sari to register it in her dead husband’s name!
looks pretty cozy, thank you for sharing
any other cities with this kind of feel?

I keep hearing
>Japan is a great place to visit, but a terrible place to live!
Those who've both travelled and lived in Japan, is this true? If so, why?

I visited Japan last year, I know that obviously being on vacation with no commitments is a completely different experience from living somewhere and having a job, but still, to me it seemed like a place I would be happy to work in.

>can go for a walk at night and don't have to get worried about getting robbed by a crackhead
>know that if I leave my wallet somewhere, it'll still be there when I get back
>if you live in a major city, you don't need a car, can basically get to anywhere in the country by bullet train
>japanese people are polite, pleasant to be around, and keep to themselves which is great for an autistic introvert like me

I know that Japan's working culture is extreme, but that only really applies to actual Japanese people, right? As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules
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Oh actually forgot 3rd worlders who move to Japan specifically brasil fucking can tongue my anus
Thanks for the info anons, I appreciate it. I'd like to work for a company in a smaller city, like Sapporo, so I guess I'll focus on getting more work experience in IT and finishing my degree.
Not those anons but check for an internship like legit you can count that as EXP
>This is something a Millennial would say
Millennial here. We don't want any part of that. Maybe Gen Z should take one for the team.
I would focus on N2/N1 and any combination of experience/certs/education will do you just fine. The more the better. And like the other anon mentioned interships paid or unpaid are perfectly fine for experience. Even if you didnt learn shit there as long as you have the knowledge to back up your hours youre fine

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Do most of you just travel for business or are there some passport bros here aswell? I just don't understand what type of job you could have to maintain this type of lifestyle.

So my main question is, what job do you guys have?
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I'm a student in the UK and get my money from student loans and my parents
Student loans: about £5000 a year
Parents: about £6000 a year
I went travelling twice this year (each for a week) with my gf and spent roughly £500 each time, she also spent around £500 both times
I might go travelling again in the summer but that would be supported off money from my summer job that I will (fingers crossed) get soon
I didn't travel at all last year and all travelling prior to that was with my family
70% of astronauts are active duty officers between the ranks of O4 and O6 whove been in 6 to 10 years. 6 to 9k a month. Theres probably some additional stippends, hazard pay flight pay etc. 100 to 170k a year
Whats the endgame bro? Youre in a hamster wheel of a different size
Now THIS is based
I was on board with you until i realized you're just hooing and hawing about another medical career that takes 2 decades of school to get. Yeah no thanks, a 20 year old idiot in tech sales with no degree can do this exact same thing whilst only working 10 hours a week. An IT cert that leads to a remote career within a year or so is also more worth the hassle. No wonder I've never heard of radiology, or other "great" medical careers besides being a surgeon/pediatrician, LOL

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