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Philippines National Railroad (PNR) Edition.

/PHG/ is for discussing the following:
-Bible/Prayer study with filipinas
-Transportation options
-Mega Malls
-Provincial Tourism
-Nightlife and hotspots

No schizo posting allowed!
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There are also plenty of communist rebels/terrorists but their M/O is similar in that you will never encounter these people one on one. They work as a group and strike or kidnap as a group. Again, carrying a weapon in this situation just makes you a target for increased aggression. You're probably not going to john wick yourself out of a kidnapping vs people who know where you are and have the advantage of surprise.

If you're thinking that carrying a weapon in south PH regions makes you look like somebody who isn't to be messed with for pure intimidation factor, it has the opposite effect as outing you as completely alien and clueless, as well as being irrational, which gets you talked about, and get you attention you don't want.

When traversing questionable areas as a white man who sticks out like a sore thumb, without backup, you need to try to fly under the radar OR go completely native and sympathetic and have a LOCAL FACTION AFFILIATED GUIDE who can vet you as just being a dipshit tourist who wants to see stuff.
Eat shit
well the cities can be okay, its the proximity to the weird shit which dramatically increases your chances of getting affected by the weird shit
the further out into the sticks you get and the more isolated you are, the odds get less and less in your favor

its all about playing your odds
the faster you come and go, the more you can blend in, the more local tour guiding you have, the better your odds
Anybody can see the gross bullshit if they travel around at all. Sometimes its only a street or two away from nice developments.
Sometimes its even on the very same street, where modern developments are slowly replacing tin and concrete shack slum hives, and you get the awkward situation of the most poor people in the country and some of the most rich people in the country coming and going from the same couple blocks.

Argue about it if you want, but you only out yourself as a never-been, or a pignoy who is angry that somebody noticed.
Stfu retards

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What are the most dangerous feeling places you guys have traveled to?
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Hate these faggots. Thankfully a bit of xylitol kills them in a just a couple of days. Anytime I live somewhere with a bunch of shitty aggressive street dogs I just make a bunch of doggie treats with peanut butter or chicken and enough xylitol in each one to be deadly for a 75lb dog, then I take a walk in the evening and toss them around the streets I frequent.

Clears out these shitheads in less than a week. No I have no moral quandary with this behavior. I don't tolerate wild animals attacking me, and I won't tolerate the total lack of animal control in third world shitholes, when pest extermination is this easy.

There are better and faster poisons but dogs can detect them. Xylitol kills their kidneys and dogs have no idea it's dangerous since it just tastes like sugar. It's a horrible death, but they are horrible violent, shitty creatures, so I don't care.

Xylitol doggie treats also work great on any pitbulls in your neighborhood if you are stateside. Never tolerate killer dogs in your vicinity.

Be careful not to leave the "treats" in places where people walk their normal pets. Trained and domesticated animals don't deserve that fate. Only aggressive feral ones or weaponized breeds.
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Part of Johannesburg. Actually I didn't feel it on the first day. But after talking to a few locals as they pointed out some of the crime issues, I felt quite anxious the following days. In fact I didn't even notice a lot of electrical fences around until afterward including our hotel.
Columbus, OH. Pulled into a street and watched a guy get stomped on. they tried to curb stomp him but missed. they put him on his knees and held a gun to his head and then I honked my horn because these niggers were still blocking the street and then they ran (drove an ex cop car at the time)
Pretty you can pay dollars there. Why would you exchange precious new dollar bills into local toilet paper
On the beaches around Mombasa, after dark. All the homeless/super poor Africans sleep on the beach near the boundary with the vegetation. I was clueless of this fact until I was approached by a couple very tall men who began asking me for money.

This was after 10pm and it was unlit except for the moon.

I told them I didn't bring anything with me and started walking away. They followed me. I told them to leave me alone.
>we want money
I told them again I didn't have any money and was just walking back to my hotel.
>you give us money
Just repeating it like on autopilot.
I climbed up the seawall type of thing and trespassed onto a resort property and headed towards the lights. The homeless nigs just stared at me.
Security guy stopped me when I was almost there and asked me what I was doing, I explained the situation and apologized for entering the property that way but I was afraid I was about to be robbed.
He told me I had gotten lucky, because usually men like that don't ask and just attack. He said to me I could have been killed easily, and nobody goes to the beach after dark because of the robbers. He escorted me off the resort grounds to the main road.
Then, he asked me for money also.
>can you give me tip?

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For example, traveling to Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, or Syria (and maybe more) makes it more difficult to get a tourist visa to the US.

Are there more examples of this? Thanks.
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I would imagine countries that aren't internationally recognized, which is probably why they don't stamp or stamp on a separate piece of paper?

Entering Transnistria, the visa was a small piece of paper that had to be returned at the end of your stay. If I remember correctly, the Artsakh entry stamp was on a sticker, so you could decide to stick it in your passport or not. If you did, you wouldn't've been able to visit Azerbaijan on that passport though.

Also, if you travel to Northern Cyprus through Turkey, you won't be able to visit Cyprus, as you entered the country illegally. Apparently no problem whatsoever to travel from Cyprus to Northern Cyprus and back.
India to Pakistan or vice versa is another one.

I've had to deal with this, particularly with Israel travel and more frequent travel to the Middle East (UAE & Saudi). The US allows you to have 2 active passports if you intend to travel to "conflict countries" Your primary passport (as an adult) is 10 years validity, and if you get a secondary, the expiration is in 4 years.

Of course, this only applies if either of the countries you intend to visit are themselves adversaries and not enemies of the US.
I don't know the details or have any first-hand experience, but I've heard that having evidence of visiting Israel in your passport will likely prevent you from being admitted to some countries. Apparently it doesn't have to be an Israeli stamp, e.g. having an Egyptian stamp from a border crossing with Israel would be enough to disqualify you.

Novelty stamps can get you into some heat, any novelty stamp could cause issues but some more than others. Korean DMZ tours will take you to a non-functional railway station that has novelty stamps showing you're leaving that train station for Pyongyang. According to a guide I spoke to, some people have had issues entering other countries with that stamp (she didn't say which countries but hinted it was the US).
Entering Serbia after Kosovo.
Is this always an issue? I've heard that entering Serbia directly from Kosovo can cause problems, but is it a problem if you were to go (for example) from Kosovo to North Macedonia and then to Serbia?

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looking for Scientologists
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find Yeshua
What is the purpose of this schizo Gold Coast thread?
welcome to the GC sib

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i am going to land in paris without phone
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Artistry? why type? Globohomo or normal?
youre just being autistic, #nophone isnt novel or cool bro just go on hour trip with a phone
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i am going to hang out at café
I visited Paris with no phone once. I spent the days mostly in the museums d'Orsay and Louvre. I considered spending the first night by the Quay d'Orsay but the fog coming off the water made me cold. I had no blanket or coat, it was November. I walked to the Champs du Mars and the rats made me afraid. I bought vodka from a brown man and found some thick bushes near the base of the Eiffel Tower. I slept good for a few hours. Two men laid down right next to me and started having sex by the light of the Tower. They said beautiful things to each other while they fucked. I found it pretty touching even as I swore loudly in French and lashed out at them with vicious kicks. They ignored me. It was 3am. I got up and sat under the hot air vent in an alley behind a bakery. In the morning I walked to a cafe in the 8th arrondissement and had 2 coffees and a croissant. While crossing the street I found a crocheted wool hat which may have saved my life in the freezing nights that followed. I spent the day in the Louvre. I thought about passing the next night in a park on Montmartre but instead I took a train to Orleans and spent a week walking along the river to Tours.
You're trying very hard to come off as ESL. I don't know why. But just know that I'm on to your stupid charade.

Anyone been to El Salvador? Anyone been a Bitcoin tourist there?

I was just cleaning up an old flash drive and found 0.5 BTC, so I've got $32K to waste on whatever. I was thinking of flying down there and spending a few weeks on the beach.

But how the fuck do I cash this out in El Salvador? I know that outside of "Bitcoin Beach" most businesses and street food vendors and whatever just deal in paper money; as a tourist, will the banks or forex kiosks exchange Bitcoin for dollars, since both are now recognized as legal tender there?
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Thanks, but I'm primarily wondering how I can convert some BC to USD for daily spending while in El Salvador. I don't have much USD, almost all of my money is in BTC. I know the grocery stores there mostly take it, and I guess I can pick a hotel that does, but I've heard that most of the small vendors for bottles of water or lunch or whatever only deal with cash.
bitcoin in El salvador is a bit of a meme. other than surf city and maybe a few beach resorts, your bitcoin will be pretty useless. I think you can 'cash' them at the bigger banks in San Salvador - do your own research - but yo pay a conversion fee.
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I was in a small town in El Salvador. Two of the hotels accepted bitcoin. I spent 6 months there in the hotel, paying only in bitcoin the whole time. The owner even kicked me some cash for 23% charge. It was a pretty good time. It's really hot there though.

Some places take it, some places don't El Salvador is kinda 3rd world. I never did go to bitcoin beach though. That place had the reputation of a party town.
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Went to Salvador for a week in January, fun times, not super touristy, kind people, undevelopped. Food was meh, prices were cheap because of USD, tried paying with BTC once but it didn't work. Nightlife wasn't too lively, beaches and surfing were fun, jungle trecks and hikes are sketchy and would recommend a guide for some of the routes. All in all enjoyed my time there but wouldn't return.
>I think you can 'cash' them at the bigger banks in San Salvador - do your own research - but yo pay a conversion fee.
Thanks! That's fine, at least if the fee is reasonable. The exchange I used to use was 1.5%, the ones in the U.S. seem to be around 2%.

>for 23% charge.
Holy crap. That's *not* reasonable. Did they at least charge you the standard rates for the rooms, and not gouge you?

Thanks, I'm hoping to do some fishing but mostly going just to GTFO from home for a while.

Just went to NYC for 3 days. Stayed at an Airbnb in williamsburg. Although I liked it for the first ~36 hours, I started to dislike a lot more as time went on.
> Vast trash-scapes pretty much everywhere.
> Food/coffee is incredibly fucking expensive, even at the "cheaper" places. Yet these places are packed.
> Went to an extremely hipster coffee shop that charged 7 dollars for an espresso. Place was also extremely packed with mostly locals.
> Servers/waitresses generally had shitty attitudes.
> All of the Williamsburg locals seemed like giant faggots. People dress like fucking clowns. The stuff I overheard these people talking about was some of the most inconsequential, out of touch shit I've ever heard.
How do these people afford to live here? Why does everyone seem like such an insufferable shithead? I've lived in cities and in the country, but with the exception of some restaurants, this place is uniquely repulsive. Are all of these people just living off of Daddy's money?
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Yeah, I thought that was only something people did once they already settled down to start a family. Doing it as a bachelor just seems like choosing to lay down and rot.

I don't know, anon. I don't know anymore. I'm a Long Islander/NYer and I don't think I could fit in anywhere else. I have more in common with dominicans than your average southern white good old boy. I just hate what this is all heading to. I don't think there's anywhere else for me, and I get you that the rest of the USA is just as bad or worse in many ways.
B.S. on the money-making potential in NYC. If you want that, you gotta go where labor is scarce but money is plentiful. The oilfields or hell, some affluent Colorado mountain town and get $20+ an hour for a basic retail or labor job while sleeping in your van.
Fuck eating out in America. I'd rather cook something on a campstove, pocket that $40/day and spend it in Southeast Asia on a long winter vacation trip.
My van costs $6.21/month in registration fees, $40/month for liability insurance, and 11 cents a mile for gas, which assuming 1500 miles a month is $165/month for gas and $6/month for oil. $20/month for wear and tear on tires and brakes. I paid $3400 for it and have put 37000 miles on it in three years. Still, it sucks being forced to rely on an old vehicle to get anywhere you need to go. A breakdown can be a life disaster if you have no mechanical aptitude, and don't have friends to give you rides.
When I want to live the urban life, I do it at leisure overseas in Asia. You get all the grime and trash and food and culture, but at a fraction of the cost of the Big Apple.
I'm sure many people in NYC make more money than I and my family do, but I very much doubt many of them are "richer" after controlling for cost of living, safety and cleanliness of surroundings, quality of life and social capital of community, and overall life satisfaction. These cities are hemorrhaging people, after all. Those with a triple-digit IQ and the means to do so are moving away from these third world liberal shit holes en masse.

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Hows Mexico City? Thinking about going there for two weeks to a month

Hows the mogging scene there?
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Is two days enough?
I only really care about visiting Teotihuacan and the national museum before going off to Cancun region to explore the other ruins.
Are the Tula ruins worth checking out on an extra day?
which latina left you brah?
Same for Argentines
I have a map with the location of all the pre-Hispanic ruins in Mexico.
I think that 2 days in Mexico City are enough if you only care about pre-Hispanic things, but I think there are also interesting places nearby, like Cantona, Teotenango, Xochicalco, Cholula or Tula.
All depends on the rains. I think it rained early this year.
I only got robbed by the police in Mexico, when I foolishly slept in my car on a quiet city street, got woken up by cops, and handed them a bag containing my wallet and other personal items for "inspection" as demanded. My business dealings with Mexicans on the street were often curt, but I never really worried about getting ripped off, overcharged or scammed.

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Heading to the Carolinas soon to hang out with some buddies and go on some adventures.
What are the best places to go and things to see? And what are some things to avoid?
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>And what are some things to avoid?
Black people
Congaree National Park is probably interesting if you're into plant biology or whatever.
Otherwise, you're in a swamp with a bunch of mosquitos.

Note that Columbia was basically built on the same ecosystem and is hot and humid as a result. The city itself kinda sucks, its just the university and the state government mostly. Downtown is just now recovering from years of neglect, Five Points is a college bar area, which is boring as hell because zoomers don't know how to party. The rest of the inner city is upper-middle class neighborhoods to the east, middle class neighborhoods across the river to the west, and 'lower class' neighborhoods to the north.

t. from there, don't recommend.
-Wilmington (Beach Town and decent downtown)
-Raleigh (Small City)
-Appalachian Mountains

-Also Charleston
-Hilton Head can be good.
Ooooh anon's going to the CaroLINAS with his BUDDIES oooHHHH
Not happening unless you stay deep in the Appalachian hills. They are everywhere here.
>t. visiting family in central NC

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Is there a place or resort similar to this in real life?
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Well it's about the closest you will get to it.

Catalina Island. You'll be moving through rings on a golf cart, though.
No but I hope Nintendo lets someone build a sports resort based on Wuhu
The golf island would probably be the biggest draw though
Grow up
Bora Bora is the closest you will get
Lospass Island

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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

If your question is long or convoluted, it might deserve its own thread.

If your question is specific to a popular destination, ask in a relevant thread/general instead.

Previous thread: >>2600606
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I’ve had visas where the conditions included proving means at the border. This was easily done by printing off a bank statement but they also accepted physical money, stock certificates and precious metals.

Dunno which border you were watching but I can imagine it’s that
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Hey bros, I need to get from Paris to Pamplona on the 6th of Jan. I've got a few options but I don't know what to choose.
>5 and a half hour expensive train ride from Paris to San Sebastian getting off at Hendaya/Hendaia to switch trains. Then catching an hour and a half bus from San Sebastian to Pamplona to get into Pamplona late afternoon/evening where I can check into my hotel
>12 hour bus with Flixbus/Alsa/BlaBlaBus that would get me into Pamplona the morning of the 6th, losing me a morning in Paris and forcing me to wait until 3pm to check into my hotel in Pamplona
>Flight to Biarritz then a bus to San Sebastian and another bus to Pamplona which is the fastest but also the most annoying route as flights are unruly and a pain in the ass and I'd get in late at night on the 6th
I'm leaning more on the overnight bus even though I hate sleeping on buses. At least if I arrive in the morning I'd be able to dump my shit at the hotel and see the official start of San Fermin at noon.
Anyone done this route? What would you choose?
Depends on the country honestly
Also depends on your skills. It's entirely possible to not speak a word of the local language and communicate well enough. Remember that speech is actually a small part of human communication. I recommend learning the basics and then whipping your dick out, putting it on the table and letting them handle you. They want your money, they'll figure out what you'll be babbling about
Anyone here been to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan?
Looking to go to in June, 11th to 30th. Aiming for 2 days in Tashkent, 3 days in Samarkan, 2 days in Bukhara and 2 in Khiva. Then fly out to Almaty and the surroundings for the remainder of the trip.
Good idea to go there in june?

Why is Poland so underrated? Why do tourists pick even the (imho) ugly dilapidated shithole of Budapest over any city in Poland? There's nothing to see in Budapest except the parliament building... and even it is p boring I mean it's just a single feature repeated like 1000 times. And there's nothing glorious about it or anything of Hungary's history of subjugation first by mongols then by Turks then by Austrians...

I think the erstwhile capital of the Most Serene Sarmatian Republic, Kraków, mogs both budapest AND prague. Prague is cool because the old town is huge, but it doesn't even have a market square or any landmark.
Kraków even has an Art Deco-inspired MODERN skyscraper (Unity Tower)
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i think breslav is better
i lived there for years but only in warsaw. people are incredibly cold socially, the men are all whiny cunts, their english is terrible, their language is useless to learn, the food is awful, and you’re not close to driving or taking a train to anything nice. so no one goes there unless they have to. the expats are a small group and theyre all miserable, even the polish americans that speak polish cant wait to leave. the only person that enjoyed it was that pickup artist in poznan but i guess he had a thing for polish girls. theyre pretty mid, their noses are too big. huge asses though
warsaw is extremely walkable and clean, and its beautiful with all the parks, and zabkas on every corner have good food and snacks
maybe tricity would be better to live for an expat, but if you work remote theres just way better options. vienna for example you could make the same arguments about people being cold, but they speak better english and learning german is actually worth a fuck, the food is better, you’re a short drive from a ton of beautiful cities and landscapes, blahblahblah
>the food is awful
hard disagree, 13 out of 100 is bretty good https://www.tasteatlas.com/best/cuisines
Beautiful but doesn't Austria levy a 90% tax for high earners?

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I am considering going to the DPRK with Koryo Tours: http://www.koryogroup.com/tours/dprk-north-korea/group

I know there are other tour groups but they seem to be the most experienced with a large amount of options. They also seem to have a good relationship with the gov. The DPRK just seems to be one of the most interesting and fascinating countries ever, and I want to see it for myself, but i am worried and heavily considering going to Central Asia instead. Has anybody gone/considered to gone then thought better? Recommended things to see?
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you have zero clue what you're talking about lol. I am sorry you live in fear. I know you are one of many victims of fear mongering.
american can't go so they can't even consider going

You went there 10 times and never went outside Pyongyang? You sound full of shit or are really dumb.

I went in 2019 with Uritour. I remember prefering Uritour over Koryo because Uritour was staying at 3 different hotels so there was less time wasted on the bus.
I stayed 5 nights and really enjoyed it.
are you allowed to take pictures? is there a procedure for asking what you want to take pictures of
NOTICE: The North Korean border is currently closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Please check COVID-19 & North Korea for updated information. NO Tours to North Korea (DPRK) will be taking place until the border is open again. The tours below are planned departure dates but until the country is open to tourists again all tours will remain suspended.
From the Uritour guide they sent me:

As a rule of thumb, the photography/video rules are as follows:
● Do not take photos of the military (soldiers, installations, checkpoints, military
● Do not take photos of construction sites
● When you want to take a picture of (or with) a local Korean, ask permission from
that person first
● When taking photos of monuments, portraits or artworks of the Great Leaders,
capture the entire monument, portrait or artwork in its entirety (eg. no cut off
● There will be times when you are not permitted to take pictures from the car or
● Always ask your guides first when in doubt, and their decision is final

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I'm here right now and fail to understand the draw of this place. It has the demographics of India and some South American Venezuelan ghetto with a sprinkle of habibis on top and at night becomes a degenerate absolute hellhole dump reminiscent of a favela
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sure why not, if chemistry is there
Barcelona is such a mid place, it's unreal, just as dirty as paris, just as criminal as london, you can go party but it's not as good as Berlin, you have beaches but they are a bit dirty.
You still have some culture tho with the Picasso museum (but his subjectively best works are in Paris and New York) or the MNAC which is good.
The Gaudi stuff is pretty unique as well.
Overall it does a lot without being exceptional in anything.
I wouldn't spend more than a week there, also go during correforc.
how much would a month in barcelona cost
i spent 800€ for a week, so probably 3500€ could or more, could be a bit less if you sleep in a room with 11 other people.
The place I stayed in had to have a balcony and a an ac, but why would you want to spend a month there?
I used to autistically wander around black ghettos all the time in my early travel days, trying to understand every facet of America and all that. No, the blacks don't kill random whiteys who are merely passing through. It provides absolutely zero benefit for the block and draws way too much heat from the pigs. I nod say "good evening" when I pass by the loitering guys, they return the respect. Euros always love to exaggerate the danger of America when confronted with the unpleasant realities of their own diverse and walkable cities.
>lived here for several years
>don't know anyone who has had anything stolen
You must be fantastically oblivious to your surroundings, kek

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>be me
>still going to school
>live shit life, boring and monotonous, day after day, depressed
>only few superficial friendships, little if any connection to family, dislike distanced and work- and efficiency-focused culture here in Germany
>thinking about moving to Finland
>"happiest country"
>EU member state
>welfare state
>nordic countries usually score best in pretty much every ranking
>chance to get away from it all, start anew there, independently
>have good education, can probably get somewhat well-paid job here to begin saving money
>probably financial backing from parents/grandparents' estate
>maybe sidejob for the time being

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>Finland is on place 146. Out of 183.
>8 years of residence
>must be employed and pay taxes during this time period
>proficiency in either swedish or finnish
>no serious criminal record
>median household wealth is over 100k


>wealth of over half million, which is basically a decent apartment/house near the capital

Uh huh... ?
Look at this horrific human rights violation, how can finns live like that? How do they survive?
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are you trolling or just retarded? if the house is cheap it's in a horrible condition and will cost enormous amount time and money to renovate. there will be tons of red tape and labor costs are very high

here is a 2-bedroom apartment 5km from the city center
this is the price you pay if you don't want to be surrounded by somalis and iraqis

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