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Where have the nicest and rudest people you've met in your travels been? I'll start
>Dallas fort Worth
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Canada falls under acts mean, is mean. They don't even pretend to be nice before they backstab you. Nosy as shit too.
Sri Lanka
Taiwanese locals
Chinese tourists
Elaborate. Expected but I'd like to know some particulars or stories
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tennesee is probably the rudest. Zero of the southern comfort but 100% of being a mouth breathing hick. at least West Virginians are funny since they're borderline crazy

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In contrast to the other US cities thread, what are the best US cities that you travelled to?

Pic not related, I'm American but I've been to more cities outside of the US than in and I want to change that.
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>development pattern
Yeah because there is a river in this valley. It is called the Jordan River and the Wasatch Range and Oquirrh Mountains are running parallel with it.
Shreveport LA
yes but the city isn't restrained by it nor does it run along it.
You guys think Pittsburgh will ever become a hip place people move to since its cheap? easy to get a house there for 200k

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Flying to SF for work at the end of the month, decided to extend the trip a bit. Now I've got four days to fill. What do I do? I know nothing about the city.
>what are you interested in/want to do
Relax, discover a new city, bit of photography (land/cityscape). I like walking.
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i live the city. is gorgeous.
FIRST get a day pass for the metro. it works amazingly and is so much better than driving. unless you're going outside of sf proper or are going to the Golden gate bridge on the north side.
this is pretty much all tourist stuff but its cool anyways.

>Salesforce park
>peir 39
>golden gate park
>Japanese tea garden
>twin peaks for best view of the city
>palace of fine arts
I was in SF for business not too long ago and had a bit of free time (and a comped rental car). I took a drive over to Battery Ridge, its an old military gun battery with great views of the bridge and skyline, and of course you have to drive over the bridge to get there, which is its own experience. Its a short detour with really incredible views. From there you can go to Muir Woods if you want to see nature. I think SF downtown is worth visiting if youre like me and love architecture and like just walking around, otherwise I cant think of anything downtown worth seeing other than Chinatown, which is pretty cool. When I was in Chinatown I saw numerous Chinese squatting and eating, smoking cigarettes, etc, it felt quite authentic. I walked from downtown to Haight-Ashbury because I like the Victorians but thats just me.

Honestly im not a huge fan of the city overall. When I did that long walk it was maybe 15 years ago and I distinctly remember some crazy homeless in Golden Gate Park.
Muir woods
Nappa Valley is nice, but the city is honestly super hilly and kind of boring. Also hella chinks and jeets and from what I understood no attractive women or real night life.
I actually forgot about this, the seals are cool thanks for reminding me.

Has anyone done this?

Apparently it's easy for foreigners to do and doesn't require you to actually hold a residence permit or visa, you can just show up to the office and do the test in (broken) English.

It'd be easier to do this than spending months getting it in my euro shithole
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Good luck telling this to the Russian soldiers there.

I have a full Thai license as a tourist. Took me 2 days to do both theory and driving tests and cost like $40, including the drivint school
nah it isnt, and neither is south ossetia. fuck off and die faggot.
Isn't the initial 2 year license only valid inside Thailand?

Or do other countries not know that/doesn't matter, how would a western country react to whitey with a Thai license?
It's a fact that South Ossetia is a scam though

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I’m traveling both internationally and solo for the first time and want to go to Rome, but the more experienced travelers in my life that I’ve spoken to have told me Rome is a bad starting place. Is this true? I’m American, if that matters.

going to be in amsterdam for a few days, after im going to use the airport to fly to different countries as well, where should i go after amsterdam. but for the few days what should i do in amsterdam,
>hotel or airbnb?
>things i have to do
>weed bars red light district worth it?
stayed for 2 weeks in an airbnb
red light district is gross, do go to the rjiks museum and that whole section
heineken tour was worth it. i liked the torture room.
i did an escape room in the jewish section that was rly fun w drunk and high frens
go to mr meat
if u dont smoke or drink its boring
dont get a prostitute its easy to get girls at bars
do pet the cats that patrol and protect the city
Book a stay at one of the riverboats instead of a hotel or airbnb.
Thanks mate!
can i do that, money isnt an issue btw, ive got like 5k for this trip.
Do see all the art there. Rent a bike and explore Amsterdam like the locals. It's also small enough there to maybe go to Utrecht, Rotterdam or even the Hague for a couple of hours lmao. The red light district has weird vibes, the weed is meh if you're used to good stuff, hash is better. And enjoy the ambience, you can do anything except walk with your dick out
im not a pothead or a coomer. but when i was younger when like late 00s early 10s, amsterdams attraction was mostly red light district and drugs.
ill avoid it if its not worth it.

I have $20k to last a year or more in South America starting June 1. I want to be a NEET for one year and live in airbnbs 1month at a time in some big cities. I like walking and exploring safe places alone you don't need a car or taxi. I'm thinking Buenos Aires or Rio,
Where would you go?
Sounds really boring, why not roadtrip?
why don't you go on a roadtrip
I don't know about Rio, but good luck walking around Buenos Aires and exploring. It's not safe and not interesting at all. Everything there is fake, a copy, garbage. In fact, there is nothing authentic about Buenos Aires.
stfu argie
grape status = sour

Do you let others or things annoy you when travelling?
Or do you just ignore it.

If not, post examples

1. Americans asking questions in a museum (it will be a moronically stupid child level question of ignorance).
2. French/Dutch accent is heard nearby
3. Queue skipping
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I hate how generally slow npcs move.
also the hostel hippies who act like hot shit because theyve been living like a bum for 4 weeks.
I hate Instagram culture (too many photographers!)
and most of all

>why is life not just an extension of my high school safe zone
Life is not a perpetual child center. Hostels are places to travel cheap and meet people. Deal with it zoombo.
I don't know what kind of Stockholm syndrome this is but this anon is clearly a long term captive.

Define hispanic fren. The only consistently shitty ones I've met have been, ironically, puerto ricans who are part of the u.s. roughly against their will.

>Go to bar
>Shock and horror when people make smalltalk
Lel how hard did they home school you for anon?
You hate yourself and hearing these people reminds you of your roots and your history. Thus being rudely awaken by the fact that you are still the same.old you no matter how far away you are, or that you can't be that special little snowflake "who made it far" from whatever backwater you came from because turns out you aren't and the people you "hate" can make it just as far.

How i wish brain dead antivaxx would just finally inject disinfectant deep in their necrosed, dementia skulls and spare us from their walking talking illness
That's rich coming from someone that can't even answer a simple question out of pure shame

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>passport bros saturating any decent location
>social media basically bringing in hordes of normies and zombies into any tourist location
>westernization at rapid pace
>overall inflation
>brutal competition with concepts like looksmaxxing and geomaxxing going mainstream
>foreigner fatigue
Future doesn't look bright bros. What keeps you all motivated to travel?
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>private k-12, any college for multiple kids
that's irrelevant in Japan, best universities are public and cheap

also comparative wealth is irrelevant, wealth adjusted for prices is more relevant

japan is mostly a closed economy, changes in exchange rate hardly affect the life of average japanese
>but sometimes even people at the same table will all stare into their phone and not communicate between eachother.
The western world pretty much put everything into internet. Nowadays you can deal with most errands when being a shut in and entertainment moved into electronics. Much less spontaneous socialization and normies are barely starting to notice that.
>that's irrelevant in Japan, best universities are public and cheap
learn what commas are before nitpicking my statement (while also not engaging in the overall message of it)
>wealth adjusted for prices is more relevant
sure. I'll genuinely agree here, although my japanese friends moan and groan when they hear the exchange rate. I don't think it actually is the source of their malaise
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>I got a hair transplant
>I’m white
That's something for starters

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Countries, nations, and homelands at the top of the world include:
- Nepal
- Bhutan
- Tibet (Autonomous Region of)
- Northern Indian provinces

What are these places even like for Western tourists? Nepal is probably the one I know most about but even then I couldn't tell you much. Bhutan has a based flag. Tibet is a sovereign nation but also not?
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Bhutan is the easiest as you can only go there as part of a guided tour. Expensive but totally worth it.
$250/day ($200/day off-season) tourist tax would put a lot of people off. It's for a good cause but you're not directly benefiting from it as a traveller, at least not without repeat visits. The Bhutanese government seem to think it prevents them from getting infected with globalism though and to their credit they still don't have a McDonald's in Thimphu.
I want to go to Tibet but I can't find information on the process on Google, all the results are from companies selling tours.
You need a special permit to visit Tibet is why. You can't travel independently.

Screw that.

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I went to Korea for a few weeks this winter and I really liked it... has anyone traveled/lived there for an extended period of time? How was it for you? Tips, advice, stories, etc?

I've been steadily learning more about its language and more highbrow culture (not the kpop stuff), and it's made me even more interested. I'm a 28 year old grad student who just got his masters and is starting a PhD, and if that doesn't work out, I was seriously thinking of applying for South Korea's English teaching program or something and going to a rural area for a few years before figuring out what to do next.
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Without starting a huge war Korea is just a good cheap Asian country with just a really shitty external tourism business. It's stupid the amount of teeth pulling or 'things you should just know happen' in korea to get anything past the normal Seoul museum->DMZ->Seoul Downtown->Itaewon->leave route.

Unlike Japan or other places you won't just find most things on a huge tourism campaign run website by various businesses outside a few very basic things. Some event's might only be accessible via LINE Korea which you can't use until actually in Korea + phone number + just know to look for it. Other things might not even be promoted because it's on some obscure only accessable korean website that unless you've heard about it from locals wouldn't even remotely bring up in normal conversation. All cities are super business focused and built all the same structure Big train station in the center, next to a big mall, next to a small bar alley, and then not much else. Want to do some party? Go to the mall/bar section. Want to buy something. Mall. Want to ... Yup mall. Everything is always centered around the local shopping district of the city the second you leave Seouls weird sprawl.

The mountains and geography is pretty nice but expect cops to constantly ask what you are doing compared to Japan. The history of Korea is basically farms+some small trade, but everything was wiped off the face of the earth for some reason 60 years ago, I think something happened then. Everything in Korea is basically about how amazing they jumped forward after the war and really had tons of history but it was all wiped out, records are basically trust me! The beaches are meh outside jeju.

If you qualify for their 2 year digital nomad visa program Korea can be insanely cheap given the reliability of infrastructure. You're just going to need to really dig into Korea for the enjoyment of tourism there to reach levels of virtually any other asian country.

good description, thanks

What were your favorite things to do in Korea? Anything better than Japan?
it's not even cheap its about the same for cost as japan but with a whole load of extra obnoxiousness. don't even bother to reply with some "cheap if you go to x town instead of le cookie cutter tourist trap" answer, no one cares to go to some random shithole town with nothing to do, nothing to see, where nothing significant has ever happened in the entirety of history, and a population that doesn't want you there just to find a $200/month place to rent for their travels
>Anything better than Japan?
no, unironically
>mom moved to the USA with my grandparents when she was 5
So I’m not a Korean citizen right? I won’t get drafted or thrown in jail or something if I go, yeah?

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I'll be solo traveling through Yurop on September/October and I have to do remote work for two weeks.
I was thinking of going to Poland and stay in either Wrocław or Warsaw, as they seem like nice cities to be a few days, and airbnbs don't look too expensive.

I'm looking for recommendations on where to stay (which cities, hostels/airbnbs), good places to eat and foods to try, and in general things to do after working or on weekends. I'm 25 y/o and never been to Poland fwiw
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People in Warsaw are cunts
Opinion discarded
polish women are great in my experience. the men are whiny cunts. absolute cry babies about everything. even the polish americans ive known are diaper shitters
people are cold in vienna and i thought that sucked, but then you go to warsaw and they openly sigh and whine about fucking every small possible inconvenience and they’re offended you didn’t invest time to learn their useless fuck snake shit language instead of learning a language non-retards use
i didn’t get such vibes in other polish cities tbf but i didnt spend enough time in them to verify
That's a lot of seethe over nothing lol
Warsaw is a lot like New York City. With all the pros and cons

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Around this time next year I'll just be finishing off a ski season in Hokkaido, Japan. I expect I'll have around ~5k USD equiv. budget and I want to explore picrel area. I should probably head home to the UK around the end of august/beginning of september. Which countries should I visit, which ones should I spend the most time in and which ones should I skip? I'm especially interested in countries like Thailand and Vietnam. How should I budget if I am planning around 4 months of travelling around here on ~5k. Do I need a higher budget? Any info is appreciated.
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I'm willing to take ferries, buses and trains no problem. I can initially get into SK via Hakata > Busan ferry, explore Korea for a bit and then probably fly to whichever has the cheapest flights out of SK. Not sure where that will end up being. Is there ferry options from SK to any of the other countries on this list?
Japan is best. Just stay there.
I'd have already been there for 6 months at this point. I do want to see some other stuff too.
Not worth it.
its worth it

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Planning on trying to visit Egypt in late May to early June. I know I need a visa and my passport is up to date, but is there anything else I should be aware of or reserve before going? Or is the situation in the bordering countries too intense? No itinerary yet either. I appreciate any help.
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All of it's the same, it's good
This is where I used to get booze in Cairo:

They used to do deliveries to your door, back when this shit was unheard of back home. If you gave the cunt 7 bottles, you'd get a free beer, too. Used to have a nice little collection going in the hallway.

Be discrete when you're carrying bottles out. Also, I was never sure whether I could drink in my hostel, so I put shit in a flask, and played it on the dl. Better not to offend anybody. Drinking in public is a huge no-no.

As you can see on the site, the stuff they sell is no name Egyptian shit, produced locally. Think Heineken do the beer on license, though. (Resorts have specially tagged western booze which is dirt cheap in comparison).

I remember once I was boozing with a mate in some kino bar with sawdust on the floor. He was ordering "Zibiba" which is Egyptian Ouzo. The shit is fucking rough. My mate went to the toilet, fell the fuck over, and smashed his head on the sink after a few drinks of it.

Think I mentioned earlier, bring spirits in luggage (check the limit! think it's 1 or 2 bottles). It'll make an excellent gift for anybody you clock is a drinker, as good booze is a bit of a commodity around town.

In other cities there are "duty free shops". Important to stock up here if you like boozing in your hotel room, or are on a Nile Cruise and don't wanna get gipped.

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Is egypt worth it just to see the ancient sites? I love the ancient history and bronze age civilizations, but I'm not particularly interested in any of the modern history. It seems like a pretty sketchy place to go to as a white american though.
Sounds like you'll be filtered hard desu. Stay at home.
Worst country I've ever been to. Truly horrible

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What are good destinations for medical tourism? In Asia I see mainly Thailand, India, and Malaysia mentioned as having good quality of care with good prices and occasionally Taiwan. Any experiences with these or others? Seeing India surprised me, but it is talked about pretty highly from what searching I’ve done.
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Whites have more class and go to Malaysia or Korea for their procedures. Let the 3rd world go to india
Lots of people come to Poland for dentistry, especially from Ireland and UK.

On a slightly different note, I think the Norwegian government has a deal with Poland to offer courses in dentistry and medicine, and get decent gibs while they're out here.
Turkey and costa rica. i wouldnt fuck with mexico, they dont even have potable water dor fucks sake. some places in europe but depends what youre in for. maybe korea for plastic surgery.

unfortunately its cheaper but not necessarily cheap. youre still paying thousands.
be aware that the quality of medical care in malaysia is hugely variable
stay away from clinics where the medical staff were just trained locally or where the staff is just malays. also steer clear of any government run place.
look out for private places where the staff is mainly chinese and qualified abroad or did their specialist training in the uk/usa/europe/australia. as a foreigner those are the places you are most likely to use anyway. i recommend sunway medical centre in subang jaya
be aware that good quality treatment is correspondingly expensive
also be aware that every doctor you see will have lied, cheated and possibly bribed their way to get to their position
Has anyone done a BBL in Thailand? I'm guessing LATAM is best for that but they're sketchy. On the other hand it seems to me that the Asians don't have the expertise in butt enlargements. Not sure if I want to pay 200K in the US. Turkey seems sketchy too.

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