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What are good destinations for medical tourism? In Asia I see mainly Thailand, India, and Malaysia mentioned as having good quality of care with good prices and occasionally Taiwan. Any experiences with these or others? Seeing India surprised me, but it is talked about pretty highly from what searching I’ve done.
What procedure do you specifically want done?
Thailand is pretty popular for orthopedic surgery. Korea for cosmetic surgery.
Korea is cheap as fuck for anything cosmetic.
For hair it's Turkey or Iran.
I heard Cuba is good too.
>seeing India surprised me
The only people going to India for surgery are overseas Indians. You won't see white people going there.
Malaysia is probably the best.
About the same price as Thailand but you'll find high quality English everywhere with medical workers.
The few times I've been to a doctor in Thailand it was a bit frustrating for me due to language issues
Ok. I think I will deeper dive into Thailand and Malaysia.
I wrote down Korea for cosmetic and Turkey for hair because I have a couple things I may need in the future for that.

Thanks for all the info
White people don't come to India for medical tourism but other people from Central Asia/Africa and other SAARC countries do visit here for medical treatments.
Whites have more class and go to Malaysia or Korea for their procedures. Let the 3rd world go to india
Lots of people come to Poland for dentistry, especially from Ireland and UK.

On a slightly different note, I think the Norwegian government has a deal with Poland to offer courses in dentistry and medicine, and get decent gibs while they're out here.
Turkey and costa rica. i wouldnt fuck with mexico, they dont even have potable water dor fucks sake. some places in europe but depends what youre in for. maybe korea for plastic surgery.

unfortunately its cheaper but not necessarily cheap. youre still paying thousands.
be aware that the quality of medical care in malaysia is hugely variable
stay away from clinics where the medical staff were just trained locally or where the staff is just malays. also steer clear of any government run place.
look out for private places where the staff is mainly chinese and qualified abroad or did their specialist training in the uk/usa/europe/australia. as a foreigner those are the places you are most likely to use anyway. i recommend sunway medical centre in subang jaya
be aware that good quality treatment is correspondingly expensive
also be aware that every doctor you see will have lied, cheated and possibly bribed their way to get to their position
Has anyone done a BBL in Thailand? I'm guessing LATAM is best for that but they're sketchy. On the other hand it seems to me that the Asians don't have the expertise in butt enlargements. Not sure if I want to pay 200K in the US. Turkey seems sketchy too.
unironically Russia. cheap cost of living but first world technology

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