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Everything good about watchmen came from the source material. Snyder is a hack.
Interesting opinions, but have you tried not being the retarded? I hear that really helps.
Watchmen had the comic to take cues from and Rebel Moon is an original screenplay written by Zack Snyder

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Legs that are long Edition
previous thread -> >>198852082
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Trooning out
>Cuts your dick off and leaves you to bleed out
Kino scene.
I thank her for helping me transition
Male masturbation is rather clean and straight forward so I guess that would not bother me

her silence about the recent news speaks volumes.
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Drake was hitting that when she was still 14
Millie was eating Drake's asshole when she was still 14
>he just dropped another one
what’s this manlet’s endgame?
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drake knows prime pussy when he sees it


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total cuckposter death
Sure if you add 50 lbs and 2 kids
She peaked in Neighbours
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big bogan cock

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Good Lord, this show really went to fucking shit in season 6.
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All horror anthologies are pretty terrible to be fair.
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Could you give me details of the plot of those episodes?
>Mournin' Mess
A reporter (Steven Weber) is investigating missing homeless. It leads him to a philanthropic group - Grateful Homeless Outcasts and Unwanted Layaway Society.

>House of Horror
Some frat hopefuls have to visit a haunted house with some sorority chicks.
This is a really fucking retarded take. Take a lap.
I like the one with the lumberjacks.

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>White people be like "noooo stop enjoying things! I am very sane and smart and people should choose to be around me instead of bears."

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I think there are a few around still hate watching. I was one of them but now I can't even be bothered. All online discussion now is casual nu fags that don't know the lore at all. Trying to have real discussion with them is pointless and if you have anything negative to say they get angry at you.
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It was interesting seeing TPM as a 37 year old today compared to my first viewing at 12. I can see why it made serious fans cry and scream and shit, its a Very Goofy Movie. Maybe its the lack of caring from Disney's Slop Trilogy, because I also feel like that was fun, who cares.
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Owen Benjamin comments on the nerdiest fake holiday since Kwanzaa was invented.

To celebrate May the 4th we should all appreciate what a Boomer institution Star Wars is:

>>Luke forsook his rural upbringing to take part in a political campaign he had no place in.
>>Leah was a strong independent feminist.
>>Obi-Wan was a childless hippie who devoted his life to eastern mysticism.
>>Han is a wandering deadbeat who lives with his dog and is obsessed with his car.
>>Darth Vader abandoned his family to pursue his career.
>>The robots are in an openly gay relationship.
veryone treats the empire like the great evil while fully enjoying the comforts and protections it provides.
In retrospect, Star Wars may have been a much darker commentary on the realities of Clown World’s politics than most of us realized at the time.
Kathleen? Why are you posting on 4chan again?
Most of them have disengaged. All thats really left are the mega shills and the trannys/fags. The failures of Solo, The Rise of Skywalker and Kenobi bear that out. The fact that they're trying to tout a Luke Skywalker film shows their desperation to get the old fans back

So what's the /v/eredict?
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Watch me, Richard!
Nah getting Republicans of all people to ban quoting the Bible is their last ditch effort to rope in the Amerigolem.
Knuckles is Jewish thoughever
as a jewish person i approve
>maybe if Knuckles survived being the last of his people and saved the world a few times then he would know 1% of the suffering ever Jew feels every day of their lives

they made this a SERIES?????
Who knew you could make a TV show about being a SPINELESS BRITISH FAGGOT
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While of course some shit got dramatised the post office scandal was a very real thing
Why is /tvpol/ so worked up about this show? A story about a stalker getting arrested, so what?
>the post office scandal was a very real thing

nobody cares about ANYTHING British
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>Why is /tvpol/ so worked up about this show?
The real Martha has confirmed it was her

Was Blu-Ray a standard or a novelty for media?

Why do zoomers never know about things that happened in their lifetime?

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What are some essential JAMES WOODS kino-viewing? I've already seen Vampires.
the specialist
there's a movie called The Boost that's all about him doing cocaine 24/7. it looks stupid but you shouild watch that and report back.
Once Upon a Time in America is my favorite.

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When will this absolute monster get a kino biopic?
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Don't forget how he wanted to poison a city's water supply with arsenic and provoke a war between the US and Britain by blowing up a Royal Navy warship
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>Panzram's run-ins with the law started in 1899, at age 8, when he was charged in juvenile court with being drunk and disorderly
He's German, this is ridiculous
>He often traveled via train cars, and later recalled having been gang raped by a group of homeless men on one of these occasions.
sounds like dirty mike and the boys ran a soup kitchen
8 year olds today can barely talk
what went wrong?

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What are some essential pixie cut kinos?
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tfw no dido mommy gf
Is this from The Perks of Being a Wallflower?
Simping for a coalburning mudshark will never be based.
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More like Patricia Cutegirl amirite
Why aren’t you spamming Gadon ITT? Tired of ban evading daily?

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AI art thread. Memes and humor only, no waifus.

Previous: >>198837811
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I will now watch your Fantastic Four film.
What the hell is wrong with this
Is this based on someone? She seems familiar.
Looks like Margot Robbie/ the actress from My Name is Earl

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How would Neo know if the actual matrix was the place full of tentacle monsters? It could just be some weird cult created by Morpheus where they use futuristic medication to implant strange experiences into the brain.
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Wasn't the whole idea that truth is more important than fantasy? That's why Cypher was a bad guy because he was a hedonist. Of course it's hypocritical for anyone who indulges his autogynophilia but that was the main thesis of the movie.
Same reason any cult abuses it's membership, to assert authority.
How do you know you aren't just descending further and further into hell?
truth is the only objective that drives humanity. it is our duty to pursue it.
whether it be hell or some other miserable, destitute abyss.
The conditions don't matter, only what is real and genuine for the moment.
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No I mean what if you just take a black pill there is no coming back from? We should trust things like light and love as truthful.

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