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>a 110 pound zoomette with aspergers is carrying a $250 million blockbuster as an action star

What the fuck is going on in our reality right now.
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There were zoom-in face shots in the original and the sequel. It's Miller's thing, you might as well ask Wan to stop having ABRUPT CRASH THROUGH WALL during exposition.
>She'll be resourceful and brave and hopefully that won't trigger snowflakes TOO badly, but signs here are not good.
Indeed they are not. If the woman isn't in the kitchen making sandwiches /pol/cels will be up in arms. Frankly I want to see women be resourceful and brave, as long as their 'strength' comes from a place of female nature, and not a woman trying to put on male 'strength', which is something different.
Post the link to the official trailer which contains this clip (>>199268134).
You can't because it doesn't exist and the clip is AI video generated by an anti-shill.
If it is from the movie, I will concede, but I could not find that clip in the two official trailers.
Again, post the official trailer and the timestamp of this scene. It's not in the trailer.
Touch grass

is it kino?
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Nope, it's not whataboutism, cos USG is printing USD, leveraging the debt (print more than we're worth) to other nations who peg their currency to USD, and actively fomenting conflicts and wars due to the military + USD presence. Decouple your identity from the fed agencies and you'll see they're abusing your trust.
UN doesn't do anything but wag fingers to get funding, while the installed "representatives" decide policies to benefit the more thuggish countries.
then why flaunt Russia's veto power like its some ultimate counter? or are you just being a disingenuous faggot?
Meaningless conspiracytard slop. Russia invaded Ukraine in a naked land grab, yet you arent going to bitch about that arent you faggot?
>goldbug schizo babble
Saved anyone who hasn't read it yet 5 seconds

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Apocalypse, the XMen character, debuted in 1986.
The Keep came out in 1984.
Molasar is Apocalypse. Not just the visual design either but the character. They're both sleeping ancient evils who are awakened from the underground cavernous ancient ruins they were imprisoned in, then run off promoting fascism. Even Apocalypse's ability to make mutants more strong is ripped off from Molasar who makes Ian McKellan young and healthy again from when he was sick.

Not to mention the irony that Ian McKellen later ended up playing Magneto, which obviously isn't a ripoff or anything but it's just ironic.
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>star wars a new hope is just a space rip off of the guns of navarone
Well, the book was interesting. I couldn't follow the movie.
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I always rather liked the idea of Molasar as a golem, but instead of the stereotypical concept of a golem as a big stony Boris Karloff-style violent retard, he's more like a terrible djinn or demigod
It really puts a different spin on the "any jew dumb enough to make a pact with him is FUCKED" angle of the myth
>There used to be a time when writers, even comic writers, would glean ideas from movies and novels they liked, rather than make their villains based off whatever figurehead the cultural zeitgeist told them to hate today.
Just got to the part were they show a woman's bush

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Times you acted like Shot Caller: real life edition.
>find a new job
>an annoying retard tries to "dominate", seeing that i'm acting quiet and polite with people, thinking i'm soft
>tries to talk shit and gets btfo by my shot calling skills
>later, during lunch others tell me everyone hates that clown and i was in the right
>reply with: "I'm not looking for trouble, no. But I'm not taking any shit either."
Shots: called.
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Holy based
Sometimes thats what it takes to get ahead at chiptole

Did you think of getting a real swastika tattoo after that?
No, I decided to become a woman instead.

>truly he was a young sheldon
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bring back heist kino
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thanks anon, much obliged
Is this Wrath of Man? Wrath of Man was awesome. If this is Heat, Heat blew major ass.
just point shooting
he isnt intending on using the gun anyways, its just there to intimidate the guards for the armed transport
I didn't particularly enjoy it but Den of Thieves tried, it even had an attempt at its own Heat shootout at the end
I've been doing lots of thinking about Wayne Grow, and you know what? I don't think he had to get it on.

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What is next for Zendaya after Challengers?
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I turned out far better looking girls
although I must admit they didnt have 22 million in the bank
>turned out
lol esl
btw, zendaya is a 11/10 sex goddess its just that you racist fucks can't deal with the fact that the sexiest woman alive is black so you go full cope overdose
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Yeah he's fine
bro... they cant show real dry humping on screen
Why are the guys in these movies always Jewish self-inserts?

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I've always found the Doors obnoxious, bloated and pretentious so I agree
Is /tv/ really full of squares?
I kind of like the CIA circus music, at least the first album.
blabbering is not art, cope yoko ono

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>The Beekeeper
>A US President who looks like Hillary Clinton is revealed as corrupt and her evil son is heroically shot to death by the protagonist
>A US President who looks kinda like UK PM Rishi Sunak is brutally murdered by the Chucky

What's going on?
j's are all in on allying with curry apes so they tried to brainwash normies into disregarding all the truth we know about curry apes.
>Scam call center USgAy based...
>Staffed entirely by WHITES
Not even spikkks are dumb enough to fall for that.
This was honestly Jason Statham's worst film (other than the latest A-team thing with hobbit sly stallone).

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Lmao do American "men" really cry in front of their families like this? What a bunch of gaylords.
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In America acceptance rates are 110%
reddit thread
>oh boo hoo everybody these are all the people who died when my mommy said I couldn’t play war anymore because she said it wasn’t safe and I could get hurt ;_;
How emasculating lmfao
what happened?
new management upped the quota on the shitpost and ragebait farms?
how's the hourly wage? is it close to $3 by now?
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>do American "men" really

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George is really terrible writing names

>Daemon, Aemond, Daemond, Vaemond
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That's how names go though
Those are the same name in different languages.
>Elden Ring
George. Godfrey, Godrick, Godwyn, Godefroy, Gideon, Gostoc, Gowry
Ranni, Radahn, Radagon, Renalla, Rykard, Rogier, Roderika
Marika, Miquella, Melina, Malenia, Millicent, Mohg, Miriel, Maliketh
Why is aemon is not pronounced egg on and that fat fuck can eat shit and die.
Procrastination. Didn’t he say we can maroon him on a volcanic island in New Zealand if he hadn’t finished winds by a certain point?

Then who was it made for
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>>dr whomst'ed?
he's a british nonce to begin with, zesty negro is just the continuation of the degeneracy
Sorry literally everyone but neither the Doctor nor the Doctor’s actor’s sexuality was ever part of the show. Eccleston making an inference once or twice regarding Jack and Rose was about it. Prove me wrong. Go ahead.
>Eccleston making an inference once or twice regarding Jack and Rose was about it.
And it was the cringiest part of the show. I like Eccleston a lot as an actor but the man has no chemistry at all.
No, just ignore it and watch it die like they always do. Go woke go broke. But like, this bitch is terminally online and retarded, just like most people here. Her views do not reflect the views of normal, thinking human beings. She's a literal who in an ocean of literal whos. Getting worked up about it is worthless and frankly, pathetic.

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F U, stereotypes
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my god, he is so yellow. does he have jaundice?
more like KUNG FU, stereotypes
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>t. coping skinny-fat /chud/cel
He clearly looks like he works out even with clothes on.


Getting to his level doesn't even take that much effort. He probably does a medium intensity weight training cycle 4 times a week and has a clean diet. You're just copping.
i could blindfold simu liu with a shoelace

/tv/ bitches about cape-shit and remakes.

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Do you prefer Alien or Aliens, /tv/?
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pedos mostly get the rope. mostly
Alien for the visuals
Aliens for the action.
Unbelievably hot in this movie.
old enough to reach the freezer, old enough to take the meat, anon.
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