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the lived experience of other human beings will always be unknowable to you. you can spend a century with someone reading their daily journal and hearing their inner most thoughts and still not know that person. we are impossibly alone. barring you experiencing some severe trauma you'll likely never know the feeling that compels someone to be an addict
he shaved
It feels great and eventually stops giving you hangovers, so you start to party at night too often. Then it starts to give you really bad withdrawals in the morning (not quite the same thing as a hangover). Then you start day drinking to quell the pain and then you're truly fucked.
you're so close man, underneath everything that origin pulse of feeling is we are all the same one and alone, the same being parceled out by time and circumstance.

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Why does /tv/ have a hate boner over this man? I don't get it.
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Women seethe over the fact that he has young gfs but then would also instantly say yes if he asked them to lick his taint
He believes taking carbon compounds in liquid form and combusting them increases CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, that CO2 is largely invisible to the sun's peak energy output and largely not invisible to the earth's primary energy output, and that absorbtion and reëmission of IR photons is a memoryless process with respect to direction, which therefore results in the earth gaining the same amount of energy from the sun but emitting less energy out to space, resulting in a net warming effect which is complex and varied effects on the environment.
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thankfully my hydrocarbon compounds are in gazeous form
IDGAF and he would have been a superior Anakin to Hayden.
He works as an actor and he can't act

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Uh, I mean…
coomers are so embarrassing. Imagine creating a personality profile around masturbating to porn. Very shameful and pathetic.
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>he doesn't goonmaxx
Judgmental dick
Nnnnngh yeah

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the greatest film trilogy of all time
Bullying retards is not big or clever.

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If I was there things would have gone differently
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Ironically that's probably what would end up saving you.
unironically who was it
If somebody holds you up at gunpoint, and they want to:
Take you somewhere else
Restrain you
You need to fight. Anyone who wants to do the above isn't trying to rob you, and therefore can only have extremely twisted intentions. You're better off dying on the spot.

This is esoteric wisdom that mothers share with their daughters, so it's not surprising 4chan wouldn't know

On his radio program, Sean Hannity has said more than once that he has explicitly trained his children on this exact scenario. Never Get In The Car. Fight, Right Now. This is the point where you fight, no matter what, not matter how fucked it seems. Nothing good is waiting for you at the end of that car ride.
If the guy has come for money he will rob you.for him it don't matter if you live or die for it.
Same rule goes for your girlfriend with a vagina.

The best thing in 2nd scenario is kill the girl first.

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I have only watched Iron Man 1, 2 and the first Thor movie. I don't get the obsession with Marvel.
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Only seen Iron Man 1 & 2. That was enough
You know what's a real mindfuck is that I'm such a profound global-level genius that compared to me you are like the bug people and those people you look down upon are constantly forcing me to find new lows to value them and yet always disappointing me further.
Well you know what's crazy is that I'm one of the smartest people in the world easily top 1% probably closer to 0.1% in all honesty.
If you were smart your post wouldn't read like it did. Do better midwit.
What specifically about my post are you referring to?

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Yeah it's pretty scary that, in a few generations, normal humans will be replaced by Superhumans who can punch twice as hard, lift twice as much. They could probably build a skyscraper faster than 100 builders. And short of power dampeners, what is to stop these Supermen from taking over and doing whatever they want once they get...ideas. Who can really stop Professor X from mind controlling and mind regressing all the world's leaders if he decides to do so?
Turning people into cyborgs seem pretty cool. ngl.
People are shitting themselves over what could happen when their kid turns 15, and doesn't know how to turn it off.

No-one signed up to join a mainframe hivemind
So what about the likes of Spiderman and Captain America? Are they okay but Mutants not?
Even if, one day, 90% of humans are replaced by Superhuman how is that a bad thing?
1. Superpowers are cool. Who wouldn't want to spam laser beams from their fists at metal cans?
2. We know that in Marvel/X-Men world, Earth is surrounded by hostile Alien Empires, weird beings from another plane, multiversal conquerors, Thanos, planet-eaters, sentient Robots who always conclude humanity needs to die and God knows what demons and magical beings Dr Strange has to face. Every single potential superhuman is another potential soldier we have to fight off any potential extradimensional/extraplanetary invader.

Sure, it's useful to have the Avengers and advanced for-the-90s military tech there's also a one in a hundred chance that we end up with a Mutant with off-the-chart powers. If we have a reality bender (Magneto/Scarlet Witch/Franklin Richards) on the side of humanity when the Skrull fuck around or what not then that is yet another weapon in Earth's arsenal to deter or defend against potential threats.

Yeah, a race of cyborgs is also capable of punching back but they can't do some of the things a Mutant can do- like rewriting reality with three words.
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I thought he could only copy physical powers. He imitated Psylocke and did nothing.
Magneto was destroying the entire planet with his shutdown of the magnetosphere. There was a ticking clock. Mutants would suffer too. It was definitely poorly explained, though.
Logan doesn't knows how Jean's vagoo looks like either so Morph making himself any pussy down there is good enough
Psylocke's powers are not as fast as Jean's and Morph was fighting at hand to hand range. Sticking to the katanas was the safest choice
>Mutants would suffer too
That's the issue with Magneto, all of his autistic plans end up backfiring

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>Make America Super Again

This is so powerful. Chuds won’t even get it still, they’ll keep watching because they sympathise with this incel

This will be a massive return to form for our favorite cartoon creating Jews, I can feel it
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how big are we talking? and she'll never be attractive again, that whaling vessel has sailed
This, so much this. Healthy At Any Size!
>obesity is terrible for your health.
I'm fit, but this actually not true.
She might end up looking more busted regardless, I remember seeing news stories of people complaining about side effects like "Ozempic face" and "Ozempic butt". Just start feeding your slampig good food instead of processed slop and she will probably lose weight
The problem is once you stop taking it you’ll just gain all the weight again

It’s meant to help people with diabetes, not to be something that’s taken forever to deal with obesity

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it's like poetry, it rhymes
>no one believed us when we said this one was good
>what should we do
>lets try telling them its so bad its good

I'm still not watching.
It is good though. Way fuckin better than the snoozefest that was 1.
>I'm still not watching.
Why do you feel compelled to announce this? You don't see anyone else going into random-ass threads and saying, "by the way, I've never seen this, but I still don't like it."
if you remove zendaya looking with desdain to paul everytime he does something,the movie improves a lot.

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>He says diversity is only natural in a world that is becoming more multicultural. He wants that to reflect that in the anime as a result.
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>He doesn't know
Yes bro. Your old heroes are falling. The old world is rotting and it takes everything made in its image back to the pit of hell. You are living in times of a great change and new heroes.
Precum is just moe slop, who fucking cares? Japan doesn't need hordes of pajeets, nogs, goatfuckers and spics. Nobody does.
>diversity in Japan means tan skin

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It was a mistake to tell Bruce about the letter. It should have been something Alfred took to his grave.
Burning it was the mistake. Giving it to Bruce without saying anything would have done exactly what Alfred wanted.

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>hear/see any harm come to someone’s dick
>reflexively cross legs
Does anyone else do this?
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The charges officer?
Stop reminding me. I seethe every time I remember this old kike literally shot a woman in the head and killed her in broad daylight yet isn't responsible for his actions.
What do you think is an average day in prison for the armorer chick?

>Wake up on your prison cot
>Think about how long you're going to be here because Alec Baldwin shot someone
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