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This will be a massive return to form for our favorite cartoon creating Jews, I can feel it
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how big are we talking? and she'll never be attractive again, that whaling vessel has sailed
This, so much this. Healthy At Any Size!
>obesity is terrible for your health.
I'm fit, but this actually not true.
She might end up looking more busted regardless, I remember seeing news stories of people complaining about side effects like "Ozempic face" and "Ozempic butt". Just start feeding your slampig good food instead of processed slop and she will probably lose weight
The problem is once you stop taking it you’ll just gain all the weight again

It’s meant to help people with diabetes, not to be something that’s taken forever to deal with obesity

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it's like poetry, it rhymes
>no one believed us when we said this one was good
>what should we do
>lets try telling them its so bad its good

I'm still not watching.
It is good though. Way fuckin better than the snoozefest that was 1.
>I'm still not watching.
Why do you feel compelled to announce this? You don't see anyone else going into random-ass threads and saying, "by the way, I've never seen this, but I still don't like it."
if you remove zendaya looking with desdain to paul everytime he does something,the movie improves a lot.

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Nell tiger free is a retarded name but a beautiful actress
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Shutup bitch I only post here to race bait I don't watch movies or TV and I don't recognize your slut nor do I recognize the personhood and rights of women
I only saw her in Too Old to Die Young and she was okay
Shame about the nipple piercing
She was so hot in this movie. I liked when her roommate whored her out to the bar.
she should have a son and name him Rent

Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of it?
Really good, but not amazing. It seems Denis will forever be capped out at making 8/10s, never truly achieving greatness.
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Chani was miscast

Are you excited for the new Pippi Longstocking reboot movie?
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>Career pirate has a black daughter
>This surprises you somehow
It's a Swedish kids franchise, you tard. You can ease up on the pearl-clutching
because that's how queer race marxism works, they take who they deem lowest on the hierarchy, and elevate them to the highest position, its an inversion of normalcy
Wasn't her dad the NIGGER KING or something anyways? She was always black coded so it makes sense.
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You can't spell "ginger" without "nigger".

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iit: fuck you, I liked it
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yes, it's enjoyable for what it is. it's not trying to sell some deeper philosophical meaning, or shill some bullshit. it's a simple thriller that keeps you watching. the twist is pretty good, too.
stop shilling this shitty movie
it came out 2 years ago, anon
Yup, so no need for the thread then
do you hate the movie cause the two lead actors are women?

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more movies like this where the main character sort of drifts around?

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Kinos to watch on acid?
179 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
consooming on acid is retarded
tripping in nature is much more preferable on shrooms. when psychedelic substances are in your body, the wavelength the mind is on, tends to better align with the surroundings accordingly. lsd, while derived from a natural substance (ergot fungus), is manufactured in its process, especially these days. so, the wavelength is more of an unnatural nature. so an unnatural setting (not free/out in nature) responds better to the brain's wavelength. shrooms are natural. natural wavelength, which = nature/outside is optimal. my breakdown of it, anyway. optimization(?) for substance taken.
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Dune 2 was amazing on acid
I know it's been memed to death at this point, but it's exactly what you want if you fancy sitting down for a time

similarly, X makes you want to be social/party, so clubbing is great with X. the setting best optimizes the experience of the drug, when drug/setting wavelengths(or whatever/however you want to think if it), are aligned properly.
>waste your trip
No such thing as a "wasted trip", and besides you can get like 20 hits of acid for $40

Any cinema that will make me feel better about being an average nobody with a shit job?
No. Cinema is design to make you *forget* about being an average nobody with a shit job for a couple of hours. That is all.
If it makes you feel any better I was blessed with true natural elite level intelligence to where I have made a habit of self sabotage and underachievement just to simulate some level of challenge into my life.

Showed up drunk, finished under 1/2 the time limit, never tried or double checked my answers and still scored top 3% of my (east coast majority white) state on the exam. Currently 26 been mostly unemployed the whole time, occasionally I'll pick up a shitty job for drug money and have sex with whatever girls show interest. It's a unique life I guess, it's nice I feel lucky usually. Hard to shake the shame of not actually living up to my potential but I guess the point is being average isn't holding you back because even if you were like me it's still up to you to apply yourself and take the steps to become who you aspire to be. Which I have clearly not done.

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Post movies that actually made you fall asleep
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>runtime: 3h29m
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>Married with Children reboot
Wow. Looks amazing
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What show or shows be that?
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>very straight and white X-Men from 1992
Bishop & Storm are black, retard, and the gay representation is the viewer
Lol you're kidding right? The corporate art style IS their art style. Something cheap and easy to make is the American way
Ed O'Neill deserves this humiliation ritual for vouching for Joe Biden in 2020

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do you think the public perception of indians today wouldve been different if apu was still a prominent character?
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They work hard. They're not the ones attacking and stabbing elderly people on the street unprovoked.
I used to live in a neighborhood that was infested with Indians and they’re easily the dumbest, most annoying motherfuckers on the planet. They drive like retards, they would always walk in the street even though the sidewalk was RIGHT FUCKING THERE, and they’d constantly light off fireworks during their brainlet “holidays.” They truly have no redeeming qualities
>hello fellow whites
That's some heavy duty cope
3 doesn't really apply. Blacks are a lot more charismatic than that.

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>He says diversity is only natural in a world that is becoming more multicultural. He wants that to reflect that in the anime as a result.
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>He doesn't know
Yes bro. Your old heroes are falling. The old world is rotting and it takes everything made in its image back to the pit of hell. You are living in times of a great change and new heroes.
Precum is just moe slop, who fucking cares? Japan doesn't need hordes of pajeets, nogs, goatfuckers and spics. Nobody does.
>diversity in Japan means tan skin

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It was a mistake to tell Bruce about the letter. It should have been something Alfred took to his grave.
Burning it was the mistake. Giving it to Bruce without saying anything would have done exactly what Alfred wanted.

Who is the best film critic and why is it Grace?
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Reminder Grace has a fat ass and curves like Mal Malloy before she turned into a land whale
>film critic
>mexican intellectuals
She recently said she'd have it up by the end of this month, but who knows. She's been working on that thing for years now.
She's practically been working on it for longer than it was in operation.
What drugs is she on?

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