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she is almost 75 years old anon
what age do you think she took Radclifs virginity?
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Giv big booba British goth mommy PLEASE
she's in her 50s, so is Umbridge

Why can't movie writers into basic math? This is from the movie 21. The Monty Hall problem is extremely elementary and yet they cannot grasp it for some reason.
Everything the professor says about the monty hall problem is wrong.
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well open all but one would mean the last one is the prize retard

pointing out the futility of asking to switch your answer
All but one of the doors that weren't chosen.
He said his initial choice was 33.3%, which it was.
no one is trolled bro
if he opens the door with the car the scenario ends immediately. If he opens your door the scenario ends immediately. So if he opens a door and its a goat, there's a 2/3 chance the remaining door is the car.

its really not as complicated as the guy who came up with it made it sound. but it is pretty easy to troll people with it. which is why you made this thread and are desperately trying to get someone to take the bait.


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Toonami chads are eating good
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Aftermath exists so there's literally no reason to bother with this. Not to mention the schedule is dumb. Get the actual shows and do it right.
It would make more sense if with was Yusuke instead of Goku.
>could have had Outlaw Star Sword of Wind
>instead got 4 identical versions of FLCL and Ninja Kamui
gay and stupid
oh and i forgot anime classics like "Fena: Pirate Princess" and "Housing Complex C." How could I ever forget??
>gundam but the newtypes are now having explicit pansexual orgies instead of it being heavily implied by the subtext
just what i always wanted

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What's her best roles?
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The Cement Garden
what are you talking about?
Anon, I…
Getting abused by her father.

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why was it so much worse than the first 4 seasons?

I just didn't enjoy it, at all
Nobody cares, tranny.
More cartoony than usual (though you could argue ESP Gus started it) and the finale was just awful.
No comfy Walt/Jesse adventurers. Walt literally sells Jesse into slavery for most of the season and we're supposed to believe the former still cares about the latter because he changed his mind months later.

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Apocalypse, the XMen character, debuted in 1986.
The Keep came out in 1984.
Molasar is Apocalypse. Not just the visual design either but the character. They're both sleeping ancient evils who are awakened from the underground cavernous ancient ruins they were imprisoned in, then run off promoting fascism. Even Apocalypse's ability to make mutants more strong is ripped off from Molasar who makes Ian McKellan young and healthy again from when he was sick.

Not to mention the irony that Ian McKellen later ended up playing Magneto, which obviously isn't a ripoff or anything but it's just ironic.
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>He is buffed
>He is blue
>They plagiarized him !


Here is a better example :
Watchmen and Mr Manhattan buffed blued god-like superhero : 1986
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>star wars a new hope is just a space rip off of the guns of navarone
Well, the book was interesting. I couldn't follow the movie.
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I always rather liked the idea of Molasar as a golem, but instead of the stereotypical concept of a golem as a big stony Boris Karloff-style violent retard, he's more like a terrible djinn or demigod
It really puts a different spin on the "any jew dumb enough to make a pact with him is FUCKED" angle of the myth

Godzilla Minus One Edition
Have you watched it yet? Or are you waiting for the official release?
Previous thread: >>199200091
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>answering the phone when you don't recognize the number
People actually do this? I ignore everything unless it's in my contacts. They can just leave a message.
My parents still have a landline and answer the phone every single time it rings even if the caller ID says "spam". Some people are just like that.
Even my boomer of a mom stopped having a landline a decade ago, as even she had a cellphone.
>Godzilla Minus One Edition
>Have you watched it yet?
Watched it last night, best Godzilla movie I've ever seen.
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Get a load of this double dubs Godzilla Chad

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id happily give a bit of blood for her
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or any other fluid
That's the guy who made this thread
I watched alita battle angel in the cinemas btw.
Steal them. Unless you think you are too dumb to get away with it.

ITT: movies you enjoyed that the hivemind of /tv/ doesn't like
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The master
I think its funny how this movie was so reviled by film snobs yet it's one of the few Best Picture winners of the last 10 years to remain on the imdb top 250. Not that the imdb top 250 is indicative of quality, but it shows despite the hand-wringing of leftist film elitist and film snobs, general audiences really liked it a lot.

I know there's the controversy over how "accurate" it is (let's be honest though - you can rip apart any movie for "inaccuracies" these days), but I honestly think most of the hatred for this movie stems from it being about a white guy and a black guy getting along. It's why they rage against this movie while simultaneously jerking-off overrated tripe like "Get Out" and "Do the Right Thing."

Also, I do think "Green Book" is a weak Best Picture winner (mostly because the directing is bland as hell). However, it is still a decent movie. Also while Roma would have been a better winner, I'd rather this film win Best Picture every day and twice on Sunday than Black Panther (yes, people out there think Marvel capeshit like Black Panther would've made a better winner and it nauseates me).

Also to steal a point I saw online - it's rich that people bitched about "Green Book" winning and "desecrating" the "integrity" of the Oscars just 1 year after Best Picture went to a movie where a woman fucked a barely sentient fish-man.
I think it's more likely that people just didn't watch it.
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I'm sure it's entertaining it's just, this movie is made once every like 5 years, I haven't watched it and already pretty much know how it starts, how it develops and how it ends.

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watch Chucky
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I will now watch Chucky
>farmer girl
My dick explodes at these kind of girls.
how does it feel to be a fag?
Black Adam

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Anthony doesn’t real
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why does it rain on a weekend?
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'iggers tongue me anus

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>Hollywood trying to make us believe Ariana Grande is still good looking after destroying her face with plastic surgery
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What did she do? It looks off
Took too much coal, and low quality coal at that.
>Lignite coal, aka brown coal, is the lowest grade coal with the least concentration of carbon. Lignite has a low heating value and a high moisture content and is mainly used in electricity generation.
her italian grandma should have beaten her as soon as she started dating niggers

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Times you acted like Shot Caller: real life edition.
>find a new job
>an annoying retard tries to "dominate", seeing that i'm acting quiet and polite with people, thinking i'm soft
>tries to talk shit and gets btfo by my shot calling skills
>later, during lunch others tell me everyone hates that clown and i was in the right
>reply with: "I'm not looking for trouble, no. But I'm not taking any shit either."
Shots: called.
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I dressed like Derek from American History X and had a fake tattoo of a giant swastika on my chest while wearing shorts on Halloween back in 2014 on Venice beach and wore a black ski mask to hide my identity and just started working out at the public gym. Hundreds of people took pictures and videos and I felt the most empowered I'd ever been in my entire life. I also had a duffle bag with a white towel with a large black swastika on it and wiped my armpits with it when I get sweaty.

This was way, way back so idk where to find the photos or videos but I know they're out there.
only a select few are aloud to wear that ink

get this lame out of my sight
Holy based
Sometimes thats what it takes to get ahead at chiptole

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