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Is there anything more based than 90s mountain bikes?
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80s atbs
90s hybrids
Geometry is a gay buzzword that doesn't matter, sorry
late 80s to mid-late 90s touring bikes
if you're lucky enough to find one. meanwhile, 90s mtbs are fucking everywhere
geometry always matters in a bike, geometry is the soul of a bike, the numbers behind its mechanical form.

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bring back the orange color. at least they promised more seat pitch in the new trains. meanwhile RENFE is getting their new Talgo Avril train sets that they want to use on their competing services. I don't know if that 2+3 seating in the RENFE trains will be very comfy.
also Jacques Cooper the designer of the original TGV just died recently. pic related. F
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What could have been...
idk... the only thing I feel looking at that is inoui.
>bring back the orange color.
They chose the white color because the train need less power for air con, the TGV-M is meant to be more cost and energy effective.

This is what they took away from you.
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i'm not retarded enough to think suspension is a gimmick, but comparing a 550lb+ vehicle to one that crests [redacted to prevent fatty cope] lbs is stupid. a road/gravel bike does not need or benefit much from more suspension than sufficiently wide tires can provide.
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>a road/gravel bike does not need or benefit much from more suspension
I used to believe that until I tried a bike with suspension
sorry your roads are xc trails
You don’t have to hit every pothole, you can steer around them.
There are tons of used 26 full sus bikes for sale. Seen multiple giant atx 970's go for sub 100
old specialized epics around 250-300, trek fuels, etc.

the mustached man edition

Read this:

Old >>199235
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Is this a copypasta? I can't believe you haven't utterly destroyed your knees and joints. I don't know which alps you are talking about, but there cities are usually in the valley and the flattest you could find. I live in a hilly area where cities are really on hills, and I ride normal modern bikes. I lived in super flat cities, used fixed and 3 speeds and hated it.
So don't listen to this man from 20 years ago. Choose freedom, choose gears.
Towns here tend to be on the hillside, on the slope and you have to go across hills and ridges to go places anyways. Naturally only the fewest roads here are passes and infrastructure has developed to follow the path of least resistance, which usually is next to the streams along the valleys and around the mountains.
My knees used to be chronically hurt for years but that was when I only road derailleur and IGH. Fixed was a thing I tried because of my knees and while fixed was not part of the solution I liked it and stuck with it for daily commuting.
Town in my area are definately not flat.
if you want a challenge, you should still run gears. 11-25 cassette and 54-40+ chainrings and you can challenge yourself all the way.
This is some quality cope
This is a good compromise. Biggest thing is make sure the friction shifter is tight enough. I noticed some chain sounds while standing up big hills since the bike flexes back and forth.
A rider can always experiment single speed/fixed later, or 13 speed electronic shifting later too.

>no maintenance required
>can't be stolen
>no storage needed
Is this the best form of commuting?
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Not him, but kill yourself.
You should also kill yourself, but for different reasons.
>I'm not dutch
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>>can't be stolen
For daily commuting it's better to use your own bike since these are pretty slow. But they are incredibly usefull in some situations. In my city they just cost a few euros for a yearly pass. I love them, every 1st world city needs these.
They were removed from my city because no one rode them. Not even the dockless ebikes have taken off. Rental E-Scooters are very popular however and people tend to try them out, then graduate to buying their own.

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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The burned railroad ties at the border between two states represents the power of the Federal Government to regulate interstate commerce. They are arranged in a christ-like cross symbolizing the insertion of religion into secular affairs. The graffiti symbolizes a toilet stall in Pompeii and the chains represent something else I'm sure. I'll get probably get banned for posting this because They don't want you to know the truth (we both know exactly who I mean so I need not spell it out).

Is that bike made by the same moser that makes wristwatches?
Finally had enough rain falling I could try out the rain cape I purchased (Tucano). Looked as painfully awkward as the dude in the product photos. Worked really well at keeping me dry from both rain and sweat. Kind of strange not being able to see any of my bike/bars/hands.
>you sleep in a tent. I AM THE TENT
Looks comfy. Now would I ride a fixed gear bike with it like the ad? no, but a mtb, commuter, or belt drive would be optimal in that setup for rainy days.

Think we just had the last rain of the season today. I went out for a short exploration ride and found the gov't blocked off one set of local dirt jumps. Kinda lame but there was a homeless dude, downed trees, and shit being piled up there so I hope that gets cleaned up.
Mostly a recovery ride since I had a hard ride yesterday.

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Septa? More like septic.
bump because it's not an urbanism spam thread
on account of all the poos and shitskins filling it

buy a car like i did and be free
you have nothing to lose but your chains
Regional Rail is comfy if you are going to/from specific points in the suburbs to center city, otherwise it's kinda useless
Both subway lines are disgusting, I would rather walk
Buses aren't bad, not great either
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what if they made a second through-running regional rail system interlined with the current one for cross-suburban transit

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Post Your Bike Thread
Slow Roll Spring Edition

Previous Edition
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Basically, it's worth doing a full overhaul if you want to learn to wrench on bikes. The few times i've tried assembling a bike like that for a customer, new out of the box, it has needed a full overhaul.

It's an opportunity to learn to wrench.

Look at RJ the bike guy on youtube.
I always thought it was weirdly bouncy, but the suspension is nice for surmounting the many curbs of city sidewalks. Fixed the breaks tonight, just need to get some grease and find a screw for the front break (for now, Ill use one from the handles that is just a bit longer).
I'll watch that youtuber and come back to post a nicer bike in the future. Thank you for all your help and advice anon, I will follow it all.
Searched archives if i could find the image I deleted but all that remains is the thumbnail. If it's not clear from the image it had a bull-bar with clip-on aero-bars. I hope /n/ doesn't block links.

hahaha, both your linked posts are me.
don't worry, I remember when you were posting the bike new, and soliciting opinions for paint. I was firmly in the "leave it alone" camp, but I must say, close -up pics do show how janky the paint was (it looked fine in the first pics you posted ) and now I'm totally on board with the new paint : )
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I wonder how many people here actually practice what they preach? Not many I'm sure, I can smell the the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me is the rule of the internet.

So let's post our walkscores and let's see how bad things really are. If any of the there numbers are under 90 you don't belong here.
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samefig desu
Oh well in that case Neistat is good in my book. Forester was right. Bike lanes are anti bike.
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Could be worse.

Tried biking places, walking places. It's good enough, but only for preplanned routes that strategize side streets and 30-mph roads.

The car fags won. A long time ago.
> Los Angeles
> Walk Score: 93, Walker's Paradise
lol, just lmao
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Something nice to him.
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It's ok I see it too
F22 in mufti iirc.
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Sh1t like that is normal in some places.
Are you for fucking real dude
That poor jetliner, it has a prolapsed anus and a hemorrhoid.

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/bbg/ Bike Building General
"I'm not paying Park for a fucking bike stand, or cleaning my shed" Edition.

A place to ask questions, and to share tips & resources. Post your projects, your finished & in-process builds, restorations, etc.

Barnett's Bicycle Repair Manual - https://www.flwlib.org/DocumentCenter/View/2461/Bike-Repair
UCSB Associated Students Bike Shop Manual (2022) - https://bikeshop.as.ucsb.edu/files/2021/08/AS-BIKE-SHOP-WEB-MANUAL.pdf
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Technical Info - https://www.sheldonbrown.com/
Bike parts, tools, etc. - https://www.universalcycles.com/


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I just recently remembered I had those books deep in my archive and need to share it, really interesting information even if you or I or anon never build a bike, there's some really deep topics discussed there
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i got like 3gb of crap i've hoarded, but it was grabbed via automation, so there's a bunch of cringe titles sprinkled in. i'll rar it and upload it if anyone wants.
oh the difference between bearingprotools press compared to chinkshit one
also wind-out puller such a nice thing to have
no hammering needed
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>need new wheels
>tires at ~15% life, might as well get new tires
>since my brakes are seizing from corrosion I might as well upgrade the brakes too
>recently replaced sprocket and chain
>I better deep clean the chain while I'm at it
Alright, smoke break is over, going back to work, I'm only about halfway through
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oh yeah baby these brake calipers are unnecessarily extra lol, also 28mm continental granprix all-rounders mount to 29.4mm on archetypes, 0.6mm smaller than continental's tire that's one segment down, the grandsport race which mounted to 30.0mm. I can't compare the tires since I haven't taken the bike out yet

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Hi /n/
I'm a bike commuter and i'm sick of dick head car brains shitting up the already shitty bike lanes
Whats the best way to ensure I don't get caught for slashing a tire, breaking a window, breaking a mirror, or all of the above?
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Kick cars while you ride next to them duh
Just pull up behind the vehicle, lean against it with your hand propping yourself up on the vehicle, and start loudly drumming your fingers until they move.
I guarantee this will send the average driver into a blind rage, but is probably legal in most jurisdictions. Won't send your blood pressure spiking either, since you're taking a breather.
love punching the shit out of side mirrors
also modern plastic front bumpers are fun to kick
Be black
I just lift up their wipers to let them know in a nice way that they're being assholes.

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This thread is for talking about railways, and things related to railways, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Trips, tracks, tickets, trains and stations, they're all good - making up rules is boring so let's just be normal. Questions are, of course, most welcome.

If you feel like travelling, head over to National Rail Enquiries (nationalrail.co.uk/); tell it where you're leaving from and where you're going to, and it'll tell you how you're going to get there; then it'll hand you over to a train operator to buy a ticket. The golden rule is that it doesn't matter which train operator you buy a ticket from, as they'll all sell you a ticket from anywhere to anywhere, for the same price. If you're a visitor from overseas, your best option is probably Trainline (thetrainline.com/) - they charge a booking fee on top of the ticket price, but they'll accept just about any payment card. There's also trip.com/, who are apparently a 'thing' with overseas students: I've not used these myself, so please speak up with any thoughts.

Here's a few links:
~The Man in Seat 61 (seat61.com/) - easily the best rail travel resource out there.
~Geoff Marshall (youtube.com/@geofftech2) - Likes trains. Mostly harmless.
~A Visual History of Railway Rolling Stock in Great Britain (gaelan.me/br-stock/)
~Realtimetrains (realtimetrains.co.uk/) - live train timetables: ideal for keeping on top of ETAs and platforms.
~TIGER (tiger.worldline.global/home/) - live station departure boards.
~Traksy (traksy.uk/live/) - live signalling information.
~Openrailwaymap (openrailwaymap.org/) - railway infrastructure, mapped.

What's happening?
~Phase One of High Speed 2 (Birmingham-London): hs2.org.uk/

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What is that stuff anyway, it's always puzzled me. Has it just gone fuzzy from decades of sun exposure or was it that ugly coming out of the factory?

The micro pub in the cabin on the right was fantastic. Many a pint drank while waiting for my train. I've not been since it changed ownership though so I don't know how it is now.
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They've completed one of the viaduct sets on the way into Birmingham Curzon Street, here's a drone's-eye-view:

...poor choice of soundtrack I think, but it looks like they're building from (what'll be) the station outwards. Still think it's a crying shame that Ye Olde Curzon Street the First is being left in its current state simply because the refurbishment ran out: give it ten/fifteen years and, like the rest of the project, everyone will be clucking their tongues and shaking their heads at the missed opportunities.
Funny you should say that!

>FINAL designs for a radical revamp of Leicester’s historic railway station have been revealed by the city council.
>Under the plans, the station’s main entrance will be moved from London Road to Station Street, which will be closed to traffic and replaced with a new pedestrianised public plaza.
>Work is now under way to prepare for the demolition of 48a London Road, which stands immediately next to the railway station. This will be complete by late-summer and will create the space needed for the redevelopment to go ahead.
>It will also reveal the original façade of the historic Grade-II listed building. This will be carefully restored to its Victorian glory and form the new entrance, facing directly towards Granby Street and into the city centre.
>Pick up and drop off points, including for hackney cabs. will be relocated from inside the station’s existing covered entrance hall – or porte-cochere – to a new location at the rear of the station, off Fox Street and close to the new entrance.
>The glass-roofed porte-cochère will be completely overhauled to provide an attractive and welcoming place for cafes, bars or retail.
>A new curved ramp, steps and lift will provide easy access to the new entrance and main concourse ticket hall, which will also be remodelled including a wider ticket barrier, to provide more space for passengers. Secure bike storage will be provided underneath the new entrance ramp.
>Outside, a new and now larger public plaza will feature rainwater gardens and new tree planting. The statue of Thomas Cook will be moved a prominent position within the scheme to ensure that it continues to serve as a reminder that Leicester was the birthplace of popular tourism.

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It's shit and they closed the pub I would sit and drink in while waiting for my train.

Please post BIG or otherwise interesting at-grade railroad crossings.
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In my old home town, virtually every thoroughfare with at least four lanes already has their level crossings replaced by bridges, the only exceptions being in our harbour (pic rel), branching off like this onto very minor terminals or company grounds, and in our outward industrial areas, which haven't seen rail traffic in literally decades
I've been on that dutch highway lately.

Americans would fear the fact you can travel 100kph (62mph) when coming from that 30km long levy and there's that out-of-nowhere railroad crossing.
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