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Today, Bay Area Rapid Transit formally retired the last of its original rolling stock that had been in service since the system opened in 1972. The occasion was marked by speeches from BART officials and a farewell excursion between McArthur and Fremont (where the very first train had run on September 11, 1972). I was there and rode the last train.
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It's the Bay, basically every public surface is heavily coated in a thick layer of feces and hepatitis.
Imagine how many people visit the ER due to being lacerated by drug pipes stashed in the cushions each year
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i ride bart every day almost, and i dont understad why the new trains have seat cushions.it should be hard plastic seats.

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This is peak metro layout. Complex grid.
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I wonder if annoying zoomies in mexico sperg about barcelona as annoyingly as zoomies in gringolistan sperg about aaamsterdaaaaaaaam
>guey check out this picture of el autobus de barcelona we have to abolish el ayuntamiento and give the slim family unchecked control sobre todo and have los carteles asasinar everyone over 30 or the haciendas won't trickle down!!!
>it has been 2024 years since the birth of jesus christ
>barcelona still hasn't connected their two separate tram networks
this is why calatuña does not deserve independence
shut up

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How do these large cargo backpacks compare with a bicycle trailer? I need to haul 100kg of cargo on a bicycle
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don't threaten me with a good time
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Back pain time?
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imagine being so weak you can't even carry 100kg on your back. can you even imagine it?

Saw this steaming by while hiking in the Marin Headlands on January 8th.

Strange ship. Seems like it’s a few decades out of place given how small it is and how old it looks. Like the kind you would’ve seen in the 70s.
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If the cable physically breaks, the ships will literally fish for one or both ends of it with a grappling hook then resplice them to each other or a new length of cable.

If there's an internal fault, they will also grapple for it, fix it once on deck, and repair the multiple cover layers. Or, they can lower down a robot to work on it.

Neal Stephenson wrote a great nonfiction story about ocean cables in the 90s, https://www.wired.com/1996/12/ffglass/

There are a bunch of books about the original trans-Atlantic cable. They used the Great Eastern to hold the cable, and just like today, the cable broke multiple times and they had to fish for it and splice it back together.
Found a better view of the ROV. It's used aboard the same class of ships as OP's pic.
at some point does it just make more sense to not perform regular maintenance or is this just a bad owner
>no masts
>doesn't have 3 masts

Nice boat.

Next you'll be complaining that it's not made of wood

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Ocean liner fans rejoice! The Queen Mary reopened for hotel guests in May and in June, I had the privilege of spending two nights on board. I'll be uploading my album of the ship over the next few days and discussing the history of the ship that I learned while onboard.
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Well that's it for the photos. Unfortunately I only had time to stay on the ship for one full day due to late arrival/early departure but I think I made the most of it.

It's been a fun 10 months. If anyone else has been to the Queen Mary or just wants to post about ocean liners in general, feel free to do so, otherwise I'll just let this thread die.
very cool

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Thanks :3

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every problem that people have with fixed gear riding would be solved by just using a front brake.
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Drill and countersink the appropiate hole you massive moron.
'Not gonna work' as if hole making technology wasnt literally one of the most ancient human inventions.
ive been riding brakeless fixed for the past 5 years and i absolutely mog everyone in this thread
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You heard it here first, riding fixie no brake is equivalent to smoking crack

And don't act like the only reason you're concerned about them riding brakeless is because you constantly ride around afraid of them not stopping in time. You're probably the type of dude who would love to seem them ran over for their decisions
i ride brakeless fixed gear for the same reason i smoke cigarettes-- because it looks cool as fuck
Keep telling yourself that.

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I've been debating selling my car for a bike and I want to know what you think /n/. All my life all I've ever owned are cheap ass big box store bikes and I thought that's just how bikes were. I thought the expensive ones at bike shops were just for hardcore riders. Well, I decided to check one out as there are several in my town because riding is quite big here. Well, I don't need to tell you guys how much better these bikes were. And it had me thinking.

I'm a tubby broke neet. I need to save more money and get in shape. I can get somewhere around $7000 for my car, enough to get a really solid bike and have plenty extra. I want to know if anyone has ever done this. I've thought about it for several days, and the ONLY reason I can think against it is "driving is easier". There are bike paths and lanes everywhere in my town. It snows maybe 2-3 weeks a year. Grocery store is a 5 minute bike ride away. Has anyone done this before?
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I didn't say I wanted to put my feet flat on the ground. You said that. So I'm not gonna bother with the rest of your post since you didn't bother with mine.
Damn so /n/ has their own version of "3k civic" guy.
>i can't understand selling my car to purchase one
You might not do it and that's fine. But if you bothered to read you would understand it.

Thanks to those who were helpful but the shitposters are here so I'm out. Cheers
yea and while youre at it you can make a decent pair of shoes out of cardboard boxes and twine, only an idiot would pay for brand new shoes
Bumping because op is actually trying to live the /n/ life instead of trying to impose his control freak mentality on others by corrupting the law and turning it into power armor for rapacious developers, like the average yimby urbanist
based, also based op
daydreaming about doing this to save money and rack up mileage but desu I'd probably have to change jobs or live in an even smaller town than my current very small town. on the other hand I may change jobs anyway so.
if you don't care what people think of you, a small bike trailer is cheap and hauls 300 to 400lbs of stuff.

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That the track is narrower? That it's elevated (chicago already has elevated trains)?
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the lighting's fucked and legs don't move like that when you're jumping through a window
I love that building but's a real shame they ruined most of the rooms and mid century theming in favor of (literally) slapping an Incredibles theme overtop a downgrade of every aspect of the overall experience. Glad I got to stay there back in 2013, they had some decent plans pre-pandemic and then went as cheap as possible for one of the most expensive properties. The main concourse is also a cramped joke. Speaking of they're building a big DVC concrete box next to the Polynesian and I'm sure they'll do the bare minimum theming.

While I'm ranting they no longer do cross platform transfers at TTC (i.e. Kingdom to Epcot track) which is just fuckin stupid.
Everything about WDW has been going slowly downhill since the mid-late 2000s, sucks but the change in management has not been kind to the company. Makes Eisner's reign look good by comparison.
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I think the main appeal of Monorail in a post-futurama largely car dependent America was that image of sleek futuristic and quiet trains running through existing cityscape. Cheapish concrete fabrication and manageable construction costs compared to the astronomical environmental review and red tape of today. Hell Seattle's Monorail just kept ballooning in cost every year it dragged on. No idea if LA's monorail would have worked out either had they gotten to actually building it. While I was in Taiwan it was hilarious how they just blasted these huge elevated MRT lines through Urban areas, very blade runner but at least I can get where I'm going.

Preaching to the choir here. I've never been directly involved in parks or attractions but I grew up in A/V and entertainment, hell Grandpa worked on D'land in 55 and a lot of the tech crew in Anaheim are from my home town. For all of his faults Eisner at least had vision, now there's so much blatant bullshit. I'm amazed Joe Rohde is coming back after all this, it's appalling how bad even regular maintenance is now.
Hey, the new guys have their vision too, Six Flags-ifying the parks.

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I wonder how many people here actually practice what they preach? Not many I'm sure, I can smell the the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me is the rule of the internet.

So let's post our walkscores and let's see how bad things really are. If any of the there numbers are under 90 you don't belong here.
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Can confirm, I walk or cycle everywhere. Don't own a car.
Wish this site extended to UK, I wanna see how my city compares.
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hate this suburban shithole,

the bike score is a myth because they painted a bike lane but susan in her lifted Cadillac will still kill you
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Have you heard the good news about John Forester? It turns out He did nothing wrong!

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Why is every bridge built in the last 20 years a cable-stayed bridge? They're kind of soulless and boring.
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They're cheap, they're cheap, and they're cheap. Also, they have a bit of visible drama to them that arch bridges don't have without looking as busy as a truss bridge.
nta but sure that could be fun
is the lower structure from building the bridge or something else?
it's the place where the shah asked the engineer and his family to stand during the first run of the bridge
>that could be fun
Not for the poor dog.

American Express has released the latest limited edition Boeing 747 Delta SkyMiles Reserve Cards. These are metal cards from metal from rom two Delta 747 planes that were retired in 2017 after more than 27 years of service. The cards are available to Delta SkyMiles® Reserve and Reserve Business Card Members until June 5, 2024 (while supplies last).
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Already got the old version. Not actually a bad deal despite the annual fee bump they just did, since each anniversary you get a companion ticket good for any roundtrip in the US including Hawaii/Alaska, the Caribbean, and Central America.
You forgot to say the point of the the Reserve card is that the companion ticket is good for (domestic) First Class, whereas the lower priced Platinum is only good for some fare classes of Economy.
Not domestic only. It was changed earlier this year:
>Enjoy a Companion Certificate on First Class, Delta Comfort+®, or Main Cabin domestic, Caribbean, or Central American roundtrip flights each year after renewal of your Card.*‡

You are correct that Platinum is economy only for the companion cert. It's a better deal if you don't want Skyclub access, but if you want Skyclub access as well the Reserve is what you want.
That's pretty based. It's just that Delta's devaluation of skypesos is just so over the top it's insanity when trying redeem for anything lie-flat
Yeah, skymiles are basically tied to a 1.2-1.5 cent cash valuation at this point. If you want to ride up front on a SkyTeam carrier, Virgin Atlantic is pretty much your best option. Fortunately they partner with all the major credit card rewards (CapitalOne, Chase, Amex, Citi), so easy to earn their miles.

>no maintenance required
>can't be stolen
>no storage needed
Is this the best form of commuting?
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>I'm not dutch
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>>can't be stolen
For daily commuting it's better to use your own bike since these are pretty slow. But they are incredibly usefull in some situations. In my city they just cost a few euros for a yearly pass. I love them, every 1st world city needs these.
They were removed from my city because no one rode them. Not even the dockless ebikes have taken off. Rental E-Scooters are very popular however and people tend to try them out, then graduate to buying their own.
e-scooters are 100 times more useful

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Something nice to him.
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It's ok I see it too
F22 in mufti iirc.
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Sh1t like that is normal in some places.
Are you for fucking real dude
That poor jetliner, it has a prolapsed anus and a hemorrhoid.

Please post BIG or otherwise interesting at-grade railroad crossings.
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In my old home town, virtually every thoroughfare with at least four lanes already has their level crossings replaced by bridges, the only exceptions being in our harbour (pic rel), branching off like this onto very minor terminals or company grounds, and in our outward industrial areas, which haven't seen rail traffic in literally decades
I've been on that dutch highway lately.

Americans would fear the fact you can travel 100kph (62mph) when coming from that 30km long levy and there's that out-of-nowhere railroad crossing.
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What are some cities with both good highway/road infrastructure AND good mass transit systems?
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your having a laugh
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>slow, expensive, and low capacity
this describes any busy highway
>transit unable to meet the demand of the area
based on what, the meme of pushing people into overcrowded trains? the worst line in that regard was the yamanote line in the 90s, at 250% capacity. it's now at max 150% due to opening parallel routes.
>Bicycle infrastructure is largely unnecessary
it really isn't, it might seem that way if you're used to worse standards but good infra makes a huge difference to the amount of people riding bikes and their comfort/safety.
>this describes any busy highway
Tokyo highways have ridiculously low speed limits for a "highway" in many places. Other places in the world have untolled highways. Different highways certainly have different capacities.
>based on what, the meme of pushing people into overcrowded trains? the worst line in that regard was the yamanote line in the 90s, at 250% capacity. it's now at max 150% due to opening parallel routes.
Unless you're referring to the Ueno-Tokyo line connection or the Fukutoshin metro, no, there haven't been any parallel routes built.
Tozai, Chuo Sobu, Sobu, Saikyo, Yokosuka, Chuo, Tokaido, Tokyu, Seibu lines are still quite bad. Getting from Chiba to Tokyo in the morning is not fun.
>this describes any busy highway
Tokyo's highways are all tolled and are only two lanes in each direction. For a major world city, two lanes in each direction is literally third-world tier. In most of America, even in urban areas, the freeways are 65-75 mph during non-rush hour (and assuming no big wrecks or events).
Anywhere in Italy.

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