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every problem that people have with fixed gear riding would be solved by just using a front brake.
But that would ruin the point of riding le quirky fixerino!1!!
pretty much.
Me? I ride single speed with brakes. might try fixed gear soon.
What problems do people have with fixed gears?
Just dont ride like a le epic bike skidding youtube courier and just accept that your stopping power is limited.
Problem solved.
and some gears.
I sincerely doubt the extra maintenance goes beyond replacing the chain a bit more often.
>crashes because pedal hits ground when leaning.
>crashes because cant bunny hop a obstacle
>just accept that your stopping power is limited
Limiting your brake power is unacceptable. There is not a rational single reason to do. You are intentionally being a hazard to yourself and others.
I did fixed gear with brakes, then moved to single speed and I was a lot happier. Probably a skill issue, but I enjoyed the speed of having a light bike, and simplicity of having one speed more when I didn't have to worry about having my feet locked into straps and spinning wildly.
The best fixed gear setup has both brakes and flats without straps or retention
bunny hops are eZ.
An argument to the contrary could be made about the other arguments. With the inteoduction of the freewheel there was concern that people would descend too fast and corner too fast because the freewheel enabled it.
Fixie riders that:

1) Don't use brakes
2) Ride fixed exclusively
3) Live in hilly areas
4) think it's some profound "zen" experience
5) constantly need to consoom new crap

are mentally ill, grifters or seriously in denial, like this retard; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFmF_lHKuAU

Constantly having to give themselves reassurance that their toy has some significance, and no else cares.
Ok so we need to get rid of all rim brakes now. And mechanical discs. Only magura MT7 with ABS systems are allowed.

You dont limit stopping power, you just have to know how to ride with a different setup, i obviously dont ride my fixed like my roadbike with hydros. In the end i dont think that my roadbike is more safe, i just adapt to a longer breaking distance and thats it
Yeah, you can for sure adapt to greater distance for kids unespectedly crossing, Karen turning, animals appearing from wherever etc

Stop trying to justify you silly, dangerous and obsolete vehicle.
Is this a controversial opinion? I think there are plenty of people who ride fixed brakeless who know they're making their lives harder, but do it because it's fun. I respect that.

Anyone who rides brakeless and tries to justify it as somehow better, or at least "not worse", are so obviously doofuses and shouldn't be listened to.

In any case, it's not like them riding brakeless affects your life in any way, who cares?? It's obviously an in-group behavior, let them have their fun. It's retarded sure but you literally "wouldn't get it". Thats why they do it, it's a common human phenomenon
i can't install brakes on my frame. how is a brake going to fix that problem?
>In any case, it's not like them riding brakeless affects your life in any way
Until it does because they can't stop in time.
>It's retarded sure but you literally "wouldn't get it"
Same goes for smoking crack. An in group behavior that I don't get. Still doesn't make me want them to have their fun or make it less wrong to do.
>You dont limit stopping power
The problem isn't the type of brake, all functional brakes are powerful enough. The limiting factor is how much grip the tires have. Not only are you using only half of the tires to brake, but you are using the tire with significantly less grip under deceleration.
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Yes you can bitch. Dia Compe makes a good conversion kit.
this might be the worst opinion ive ever read on this website
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not gonna work
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I used to ride fixed girl with no brakes. Its kinda like hiking off trail you have to look further ahead to make your moves because there are limitations. I eventually added a free wheel and a front brake. I sold it for double what i paid for it.
>guess it was a rear brake
It was a long time ago
>brakes, gears and derailleurs are distractions
>just me and the bike, the pure bicycle experience ;)
holy fucking shit you can't be this retarded
>lmao tier reading comprehension
future is grim
He's referring the video dumb dumb.

He is and he gets upset when you point out fixie faggotry.
>He's referring the video dumb dumb.
If that was true it should be
"holy fucking shit HE can't be this retarded"
Otherwise it sounds like that poster is telling the original one that he is thinking about brakes, gears, and derailleurs are distractions.
Since none of us made the video, why would it be you?
Drill and countersink the appropiate hole you massive moron.
'Not gonna work' as if hole making technology wasnt literally one of the most ancient human inventions.
ive been riding brakeless fixed for the past 5 years and i absolutely mog everyone in this thread
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You heard it here first, riding fixie no brake is equivalent to smoking crack

And don't act like the only reason you're concerned about them riding brakeless is because you constantly ride around afraid of them not stopping in time. You're probably the type of dude who would love to seem them ran over for their decisions
i ride brakeless fixed gear for the same reason i smoke cigarettes-- because it looks cool as fuck
Keep telling yourself that.
Tell me you're homeless without telling me you're homeless.
sugoku basado
i strive to be as cool as you senpai
hell yeah, lmao at these nerds
> it's not like them riding brakeless affects your life in any way, who cares
The fuck do you mean? I've always had to emergency brake at traffic lights because some retard started his skidding copefest 100m ahead to lose some speed, and I am very conservative with the distance I keep with all sorts of traffic.
Did you learn that memephrase from Twitter, you fucking zoomer? Go the fuck back
t. rides a 18-speed
Get a new fork
Mic drop. NOT. It's almost like some of us unironically touch grass. Amazing. Let that sink in. It might shock you to learn that some of us aren't broke, but you do you. Sorry not sorry.
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Lol I don't start skidding 100m in advance, I stand 10m in front of the light in case I loose balance and need to roll for another revolution. KEK cope and seethe cageoid.
When I ride my girl theres no brakes either.
This is pretty much exactly where I stand on it, except I never really tried riding fixed. At some point when I was much younger I picked out a new bike with my dad and it happened to be a single speed, some raleigh I think and I never looked back.
Loving the deep silver rims.

I have two bikes, one fixed one standard road bike. Fixed is fun, the experience is genuinely different and its fun learning tricks on it.

I have a front break though because I'm 30 and I can't take falls like I used to.

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