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I got a favourite game, that is owned by one developer. It's a unique game and there are no alternatives to this game. Whenever I engage someone in chat asking for help building/designing XYZ, they often troll me. The troll has proven themselves to have multiple friends, and that no matter who I talk to, regardless of tone or intent, that they're dedicated to harassing/trolling me persistently.
Now, the reasonable solution would be to ignore them, but here are the issues that I currently have.

1. The administrator has banned me from the game's "discord" and does not like me at all in the slightest bit, as he is probably involved with the troll himself. Following the initial ban reason, I broke rules, and he escalated to a ban right away for "we don't want you here stop yapping". Even though I haven't communicated with the admin or continue evading my ban to enter the comms server, the troll still proceeds to chase me no matter what server I join.

2. PVP mode is something that can be enabled, the troll persistently spawn-camps my plot before I can load any of my builds, obviously I can disable pvp mode but he'll still harass me in chat and via other methods.

3. The troll isn't singular, he's got multiple friends who'll also help chime in on trying to make me miserable, leaving me with no ability to block accounts, because even if I block them, they'll proceed to make new accounts or have someone else help them.

I'm starting to get pretty miserable over this, and I've already began not playing as much, despite enjoying creating things in the game. I know that someone here's going to say "lol your soft just cope get a clue" but that's regardless of the point I'm making. I've also had to deal with other god awful trolls within other servers and games, such as a example server, where I got banned over "yapping" in off-topic, despite it being off-topic and me talking about things that were off-topic. I'll elaborate on what happened in the next post.
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is there a proven method to avoiding these type of people that I've unfortunately had to deal with for multiple years, to the point that it's killed any emotion of "lol I contributed" or "I want to be here" because I know that someone's always gonna end up getting me banned/etc?

I mean, stop hanging around them DIscords maybe ?
You probably don't realise it yourself, but from the way you write I think people likely consider you to be very adversarial/confrontational. I don't think the problem is that you have suggestions, I think the problem lies in how you communicate them and then how you respond to the resulting criticism.
If you're able to really, honestly objectively (as possible) look at how what you're saying could be interpreted by the other side, you might be able to see something along these lines. However, if you've gotten into this much trouble with people, I get the sense you're not the type to "back down", even if it results in making things worse for yourself.

He doesn't sound confrontational to me
ok but lets take me asking for help with PN (pronav) missile guidance as a example since I did that today

I asked in chat "Does anyone know pronav? I need help" and someone begins going "why is pronav so popular, there's a better way" so I ask him what is way is and he says "PD controllers"

when I ask if I can have a copy of his controllers to reverse engineer and learn from them, he goes "no you got a big ego" despite me never getting angry at him and kindly asking, when I ask what he meant by "big ego" he just goes "stop arguing it won't make me give you them"

this is the troll's behaviour and soon after he began luring his friends to harass me

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>project I thought was due next week is due in 30 minutes


God FUCKING dammit. Shit. I'm already on academic probation. They already know I'm fucked up. Jesus Christ. What the fuck am I gonna do? Who the hell do I talk to to fix this. SHIT. Goddammit.
I’ve invested time into this girl(who is my flatmate) for a couple of weeks and we’ve gotten to flirt with each other and just talk a lot and hang too, I find her attractive, she brought home some dude last night and I heard them fucking and also today just an hour ago (the walls are shit) gotta say I feel kinda humiliated and angry even though I know I shouldn’t because she’s my flatmate and committing flatcest complicates things, if I made a move in those first few weeks, I would have fucked her most likely but didn’t because of reasons stated above and was thinking on a moral high ground but after today and last night ngl I feel like I’ve been cucked and no I don’t get off to it. Anyone been in a similar situations I know it’s all just a waste of energy to think about, I need to go out and meet more girls
We're all gonna make it guys keep your head in the game. :D
I hope you all make it, but appreciate what you have.

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Should I come clean and tell my mom how fucked up my life is right now? She's under a ton of stress herself and I feel like being honest with her will crush her and in turn make my life worse as well. She doesn't do well with stress and is a highly anxious person.

I live with her and I'm 32. My situation is pathetic, yes I know.

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Have any of you guys managed to fix your awkwardness, or is it just a forever type thing? Is it even worth fixing?
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Bro, you're ALWAYS going to sound awkward if you dont talk confidently. You can say the dumbest shit ever, but if you say it out loud confidently, people wont care.
>Have any of you guys managed to fix your awkwardness
Yep. Not to be a schooler but I intentionally immersed myself by dorming at university despite living nearby. It took me about 4 years to get socially capable, starting from zero social skills (besides a corny to great sense of humor)
But I was also developing alcoholism at the same time, so that was a factor.

Now I am an extremely social goofball weirdo. I'm still occasionally awkward but in a fearless way. Like Brad Pitt picking up the gun in The Mexican. Someone pointed out that he is literally me in that scene: In a bar full of tense underworld Mexicans staring at him, he's just smiling casually and affably saying hey.
>your awkwardness
I've learned being awkward is just a self-confidence and knowledge problem. If you don't have much experience talking to people or are knowledgeable enough to converse about common modern topics to people- yes you will feel awkward.
>Is it even worth fixing?
socializing is very important and can lead to many benefits in life if mastered. Like all things it is a skill learned.
>Have any of you guys managed to fix
I got over my social anxiety by forcing myself to talk to many new strangers in a month/week/day. I did it constantly everywhere when I was also learning how to speak better (foreigner here). You learn mannerisms, proper etiquette, voice tonality, facial expression, outward appearance and fashion. It's very extensive. Many YouTube videos about this now
I'm just a naturally awkward person, but I embraced it and turned to humor to make people more comfortable around me. I'm still awkward and anxious, probably always will be, but there's a difference between awkward and off-putting and awkward but humorous. There's a comedic element to everything, even tragedy. Obviously know your setting and audience, and don't do things at wildly inappropriate moments (even if it might seem funny to do, just due to the juxtaposition or inappropriate nature), but make light of things more often than not, see the humor and express it. If you see the opportunity for a joke, go for it. If you can't make anyone else laugh, make yourself laugh. In its own way, that's a form of confidence too. You'll never be happy trying to be someone you're not, even if you try to emulate someone you idolize, so just become comfort being the type of person you are. If that person is awkward, then be awkward, but be confidently, comfortably awkward.
You watched a lot of videos about this?
which videos?

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Are dating apps worth it as a 27-year-old 7/10 man? I get a lot of matches, but it's so much work to text, deal with flakes, figure out logistics, and then when you actually meet them they look less attractive than the photos, wear tons of makeup and often have shitty personalities. It definitely works for people post-college, but overall it feels like a humiliation ritual overall
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Dating apps exist only to make money from lonely and desperate men.
what would be a better alternative? for casual dating
>stats say like 80% of women want to be approached
>approaching irl puts you ahead of like 99% of app users
>men are unhappy on apps, give this a try
>mass exodus of men from apps
>some amount of men find success approaching irl
>the void left by men leaving apps corrects the supply/demand imbalance on apps and even app approaching gets better

Imagine, you could contribute to this
where are good places to approach?
Places where people do hobbies that have a good split of men/women. I always recommend rock climbing gyms. Filters unfit people (or at least people who have no desire to become fit), usually pretty evenly split, relatively young crowd.

Avoid things that people show up to for a purpose, ie the gym or grocery store. They're more likely to want to get their business done and leave. The reason hobby places are good is people are already primed to have a good time and therefore will have a more positive feeling associated with your first impression.

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but like just for a pretty smart girl. i just want to be really pretty with her and lead a beautiful life and i want us to lose our virginities to each other (sorry if that's too sexual :/) and be together until we die. what should i do?
it seems like such an amazing life in my mind but could i even ever have that?
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What the fuck
i don't even watch anime
You sound like a teenager.
Anyhow, don't use hormones or that shit. Being a femboy is 90% health. Lower body workouts, cardio, low calorie diets, hair removal, and skin care. Genetics also plays a role in how feminine you can actually be, but so long as you actually put in effort to your health/body, it's achievable to a degree.
If you want it, start working out, research hair removal and skincare, get a job/spend money on clothes you like, make a diet plan. Do the work. Dreams do not become real unless you put in the work.
Semantics. You are still clearly a loser. Probably jerk off to Asian girls, don't really interact with women, not great looking, bad hygiene, etc. Whatever it is, you are clearly not someone a girl like the one you fantasize about would want.
You could a find a pretty & smart girl as a soft man but not as a femboy/tranny

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My gf has scars under her tits that look like exact ones from boob jobs, she has pretty big tits too. She got uncomfortable when i asked her about it and I told her I'd never bring it up again I just wanted her to be honest. She insists that the scars are from tumors on each tits which I'm not sure I believe. How can I know for sure?
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you deserve what you tolerate
I can't get butthurt and call her out on it unless I have 100% proof though
But are they nice? Can't complain about a big chest if it looks and feels nice man.
They look nice, feel a bit hard but I'm more concerned about her more than likely lying and ending up with health problems in future
you can instantly tell from how they feel and whether they pancake compress when she's on her back it's not some huge mystery

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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45 male, you are either 10/10 face and hard body or fat with resting bitch face. There are some women whose face is so fucking hot that it is hard to approach but not many. Like old school sports illustrated swim suit model. Or you just don't look friendly. Post books.
Thanks, any advice on casting a wider net? I'm doing great at pulling good girls, which I'm not finding satisfying. What do I do to broaden my scope?
Is trying to get with a female coworker a bad idea or is that just a meme?
I met a girl on a dating app, but she lives in a different state. She stated she is planning to move to my state in the future, so I decided to keep the conversation going. We've been talking a lot recently, and I feel like she is into me. I even paused my dating account to solely focus on her - I know really retarded decision. But, I shared a lot about my life to her and I think we would really connect. However, today she's been kinda distant in texts, and I'm starting to get worried that she moved on or something I don't really know; she could just be busy or doing something else. But from my own personnel experience if I liked someone I would text back relatively quickly even if I was busy. I know it's probably my own anxiety and I tend to get attached to someone really easily. But, is there anyway I could stop worrying about her so much?
No, if you both like each other just go for it. If you're in a "non-professional" job all the better. Obviously you should get to know her first and see if there is any real connection.

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I am taking a online remedial college math course and also going through the khan academy math curriculum. I'm currently in the early math section in khan academy and starting division in the college course. So far I have been getting 100% in every unit for both of the courses, except for one test where I got 80%, it was math word problems.I don't check my answers before I either submit them. I go through the questions quite quickly because I'm impatient. I have clear hand writing

Today I did 32 mixed up arithmetic questions and 100 basic multiplication table questions and I got 3 of them wrong because I wrote different numbers than what the questions were on the screen. For one question I didn't finish it.

I also calculated numbers I made up in my head like 866,777,666 x 66,666 or 284,361 x 287 and I managed to get both right. I don't know what to do.
getting about 1/10th of your problems wrong from sign errors or writing numbers down in the wrong order isn't a disease, that's just a fact of life. I'm doing calculus and still drop dxs and doing the next step in a problem before I've fully accounted for the present state of the problem because my brain doesn't want to stop going. those things will fuck you up no matter how far you go because your brain isn't a digital computer.

there's people that know pi to one hundred places or whatever but that doesn't describe even like 90% of people who get As in college math. just keep studying the best you can and be proud of your effort
Here is the mixed questions
And the multiplication

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welp, my gf just left the house after finding out that ive been secretly smoking weed again. ive lied nearly every damn time ive tried to quit, just lighting up behind her back. ive apologized, promised to change, etc, and i feel cheap saying any of that shit again. how do i address this? with her? with myself? how do i kick this addiction?
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weed smokers are scum, you don't deserve your girlfriend and she deserves better than a waster like you. fag
anyway, fix yourself, you idiot. this is indeed a backhanded helping hand. fuck you OP. Fuck you.
who hurt you?
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>why does she get to tell you what to do?
yeah OP. She isn't turned off by the weed. She's turned off by your spineless cowardice. You should do what you like and forget what anyone else thinks of it. (Granted its a positive and doesn't hurt others). Look after yourself. If you like weed, so what? Now I would advise against weed- in my opnion is a waste of time and money- but I digress. You shouldn't let a woman dictate how you live your life. You let her walk all over you.
Unwillingness to compromise is not a great way to keep a long term relationship.
Also, depending on location, she might get in trouble if they live together and weed is found in their house.

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I feel that I am starting to slip down the incel path basically and want to avoid that. How do I actively stop such a mindset from affecting me though? At its most base level, I feel the incels might be right. If they say something like "You know most women are basically drowning in dating options and relationship options right?" It sounds insanely true to me because I basically see it everyday. I am 30 and it truly seems like nothing in my life will change unless I change it. A woman isn't going to fall into my lap. A man might basically fall into a womans lap though. Her part is to just say yes or no. It is lines of thinking like that which really hurt my anti-inceldom argument to myself.

The bottom line in how I feel is that I can't even attempt to get in a relationship while most women get to just passively experience them and passively build these types of skills needed. Without me doing something desperate / retarded like walking up and autistically spazzing on people with conversation, I don't see my life changing if I were to do nothing. It would seem that opportunities in this realm of things don't just fall into a mans lap. If I actively do nothing, my relationship status will never change.

Maybe I am wrong though. Maybe most women aren't really crawling with dating opportunities. I don't know what is the actual true. The amount of women I know who are in my type of situation(no relationship ever) is 0. However, I know many dudes in my boat. Not saying women like this don't exist but it truly seems to be very few women who don't have a relationship ever.
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I understand what you are saying. However, I wish people would realize that it is akin to telling a person dying of thirst to not want water that badly. Yes I am not having sex currently. However, for awhile sex was on most peoples mind(and it still is for healthy individuals I guess). I don't think about it all the time but is it a prime motivator? yes. For me personally, an escort wouldn't be able to help me with this because I am not after just sex. I can't bring myself to have sex with a woman I barely know. Seems odd to me.
And at this point it's just ego. If you manage to bag a woman, the awkward viruses won't be endearing or cute unless she has a kink for it. You missed out on young awkward virgin sex. Move on and get some experience so you can catch up. You'll still have the opportunity to lose your "sex with someone who likes you" card
Awkward virgin sex* not viruses
Ok. What you're doing isn't working and is causing immense stress on your body and mind whether you realize it or not. You could try something new or psyche yourself out keep rotting
It was with my 3rd gf who lasted throughout college. I'd done everything except true PIV sex. Dry humping through clothes where she came but i didnt, just hurt for me. Sucking her tits, handjobs, oral, but not true sex. So I am still technically pure.

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Is it weird that I don't like going "out"? I like concerts and amusement parks (for the roller coasters) and
most else just seems kinda lame? Underwhelming? Unprofessional? Also I don't like cities, they're always dirty and kinda trashy.
Especially restaurants, I go with my parents and it's always overpriced and I almost always cook better food.
I'd rather hang out with my friends and play cards, vidya, or just talk. Even study sometimes desu.
I'm the same way but every now and then I like doing karaoke or going to he bookstore
Not even that weird, at least anymore or judging from my own personal experience. Likewise me and my friends like to go out for exactly concerts and conventions and most any other time where "normal" people would meet up at a restaurant or bar etc we'd rather just meet up at one of our houses and shoot the shit

Don't misconstrue this as socialist/commie propaganda because I'm an ardent capitalist but our society is engineered to make people feel like they're missing out or need to consume more. As long as you see through the illusion and do things you enjoy rather than what's expected of you, you'll be fine
Just make the time you spend alone worthwhile and you're fine.
Around here it would be more weird if you _did_ enjoy going out.

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everybody I know says I'm too negative.

I even had a friend once say it's hard to be my friend.

how the fuck am I supposed to be positive when everything just pisses me off. I use rage and anger to progress in life. isnt being happy and optimistic gay?

am I going to get an enlarged prostate bc of this and get cancer in my 40s? how do I (((be positive)))
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It sounds like you're dealing with a lot of negative emotions and frustration, and it's understandable that you might be feeling this way. It's important to remember that it's okay to feel angry or upset at times, but it's also crucial to find a healthy way to manage those feelings.

Using rage and anger as a driving force to progress in life may work in the short term, but it's not a sustainable or healthy long-term strategy. Chronic stress and negativity can have harmful effects on both your mental and physical health over time.

Being positive and optimistic doesn't mean ignoring your feelings or pretending to be happy all the time. It's about finding a balance and learning how to cope with challenges in a more constructive way. Here are a few suggestions that might help you:

1. **Seek Professional Help:** Consider talking to a therapist or counselor who can help you explore your feelings and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

2. **Practice Mindfulness:** Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help you become more aware of your emotions and manage them effectively.

3. **Find Positive Outlets:** Engage in activities that bring you joy or help you relax, whether it's exercising, spending time in nature, pursuing a hobby, or socializing with supportive friends.

4. **Challenge Negative Thoughts:** Try to reframe your perspective on situations and focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the negatives.

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Thanks, chat gpt.
chatgpt fails the turing test
Story behind op Pic
Just balance it better sometimes OP. Are you never happy? I'm angry and cynical about a bunch of things too, but I'm able to dumb it down sometimes and be stupidly happpppyyyyyyy

Great song btw

So just think less, but not SO much that you become part of the toxic positivity crowd

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I'm currently doing No Contact and I have watched a lot on youtube in the psychology of what an ex goes through. You have these dating coaches and they admit it isn't always the case that they come back, but it often happens. I'm just curious to hear about you guys' experiences.
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Yes, after about a year, became sexual sending nudes and sexting, ended up that she wanted to get back together. I rejected, all that stopped.
what no pussy does to a mfer. also why it felt like such a slap in the face, they always do it after trying to get gfs and failing
every year we randomly send a pic from where we’re currently living (both travel a lot) and response is always “thats awesome” this has been going on 5 years. im married to a girl 16 years younger than her and with kids, and 100x wealthier, and she’s still a fucking loser probably. so i half do it to spite her, half do it because i still love her
please be nice and have a kind heart
They usually come back but the more well-adjusted ones will realize it's hopeless and give up. Meanwhile you could have exes contacting you for years. There are a couple who get desperate for a response and it breaks my heart, but it would break me more to talk to them, so eh.

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Will our life fade in the shadow of greater beings?
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>4chan fags think my heartfelt speech was a copy pasta
>kills thyself
Honestly with how the very worst of people's lives is more and more commonly being recorded and displayed for all to see, maybe it would be a mercy to be forgotten
Become unforgettable. Write books. Create art. Use your powers to the fullest. Everyone is capable of greatness anon.

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