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How do I become "charismatic and engaging"? I try to be a good listener but I find that my responses are pretty boring and I hardly have anything engaging to talk about with normies.
The first step (all of this is my opinion) is being comfortable. So conversation flows naturally. If you're anxious it tends to cloud your mind and even distract you
another thing to consider is that so-called introverted people are often unusual. for me, for example, regular conversation seems incredibly pointless. so i really struggle to jump in and maintain the flow of pointless conversation. but if i start talking about what i want they would think im an autist. i assume you can relate
I find that a good conversation starter is something that you both hate. If it’s raining for example, talk about how you hate the weather and, in my experience at least, people will generally be a little more open to talking. People just like talking about stuff they hate more than stuff they like, especially with new people. I saw a study about that around once but I can’t be bothered to find it.
Just keep in mind people remember how you made them feel, if nothing else.
So you might want to focus on something positive instead of doom and gloom, but I agree it's easier to start a conversation that way.

So i've got these opium poppies in my garden and the thought of processing them into opium is intriguing me. I have been warned it's extremely addictive by people who i can't imagine know a lot about it. Is it really that bad?

seeing as I only have a handful of plants I don't think i can produce a whole lot more than one time use, so I won't be repeating it again anytime soon, which I imagine should mitigate the risk of addiction. Is this a stupid idea? Is the high worth the hassle?
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Just so you know when you extract opium you are, criminally speaking, manufacturing a schedule I controlled substance. Compared to buying it which is only possession of a Schedule I.

Just Shrek some Opium nigga. I have access to Opium. also perc 30s
the high is not worth the hassle for many. it can become super important in people lives

also the physical addiction of opium sap is complex. lots of addictive molecules. various opiate molecules

its something you cant undo. eolling dice scenario

but it will definitely be enjoyable
>its something you cant undo.
yea is it really that bad? if i just produce enough for a one time use will I be in the gutter lookin for a dealer to sell me black tar heroin 30 minutes after i come down?
you guys are both fucking retarded.
>"Bro don't do opium you'll get addicted! you can't become un addicted!"
>"bro you'll become physically addicted!!"

I used to snort lots of Heroin when I was 16. I'd just snory some casually. I binged it for a week and then didn't touch any for months. no addiction like those cucks said. no physical dependence or withdrawals. I snorted meth a month ago cuz I found some leftovers from last year. snorted it then moved on. its called recreational drug use. Are you going to magically become addicted to porn if you stroke it? no, its called self control. addiction is a choice and I fucking HATE addicts, they give us recreational users a bad rep.

fear mongering bullshit. Bro don't have sex you'll get aids!!! bro don't smoke cigs you'll get cancer!! bro don't jerk off your whole life you'll regret it in 50 years when all your friends are old demented bastards mourning the loss of their wife while you're chilling off the opiates and happy!!

No, drinking opium or smoking it once isn't magically going to get you addicted unless you're that fucking pathetic that you get addicted to Opium, an opiate infamous for being mild. Heroin way better.

Addiction is when you are mentally weak. Dependence is just when you are physically dependent, like withdrawals. are people prescribed Xanax to take every day "addicts"? no, they are just dependent. If they were cut off their script suddenly they would have a grand mal seizure and die but they are not addicted to the drugs. if I buy a gram of meth and I plan to snort 10mg a day till it runs out, am I an "addict" for doing meth every day? no, you fucking loser.
opium isnt as bad as heroin no. not even close. but it is euphoric nonetheless and does cause dependency and withdrawal symptoms if taken at a certain rate

i would think youll be ok messing around every few months or whatever. drinking tea doesnt have the same euphoric thrill as snuffing heroin or whatever

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I feel like I come across as doing better than I actually am. I have a good job for my age and go to the gym semi regularly. Am not ugly. I just have such a hard time getting passed adhd and a lack of motivation. I spend too much time playing games and scrolling. My spaces aren't clean and I never meet any goals, I don't have a gf, or move forward. How can I get past this?
I don't know man. I just stopped waiting for the stars to align and started doing shit I knew I needed to do. It used to be I was overwhelmed because it's like I would think about everything I needed to do all at once, but once I started doing things step by step in my head and following through with those steps, it really helped. I also started going on walks at night so I could get exercise and think about things. I realized I wasn't setting time aside for thinking and trying to go over everything and figure things out. Just sitting there and not thinking helped me out too. I would just look at things and take deep breaths. I think I stressed myself out as because I thought I needed to be and do so much more, but I was wrong. I live a below average life, and that's ok with me. I'm a nobody and I like being a nobody. I just read and play videogames on the weekends only and eat healthy and have one day I don't and I exercise and go for walks and I just keep it all simple. One step at a time, no need to rush. Also, it helps to keep your area clean rather than have a cleaning day.
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Picrel detox and meditation.
You're addicted to junk media. Willpower wont work youll need to look past the veil and see into it as an addiction, the motive behind the addiction and the trap it sets for you. Allen carr has a good book on it.

I have had brain fog for ~4 years and tried to fix it, but so far no success. Typical shit: exhaustion, lack of concentration, zoning out, hard to process information, awful short-term memory, etc.

I am looking for advice on not how to fix the brain fog, but how to deal with zoning out.
I can't say my activities get interrupted by it, but when I zone out, I do things on autopilot. No active thinking. I'm doing my thing but I'm not here, I'm far away somewhere in my thoughts, flying here and there, kind of feels like saliva drooling retard mode. Then I snap back to reality, I return to my body, and I start focusing on what's in front of me. 10 seconds pass and I already zone out. Because of it, my short-term memory is really bad, if I raise something to remember, I will instantly forget it the moment I zone out. 2 times I have forgotten to turn off the stove because I was preoccupied with my thoughts. The next step is to get hit by a car while busy wandering thoughts.

Any advice on how to deal with it? Meditation? have not practiced it a lot though.
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Quit being a fag and log off king
i feel the exact same way, but what's helped me personally was consistently working out and eating healthier. i recommend you try doing that for a month or two to see how you feel. it didn't completely cure me but it's helped a little.
Get a blood test, take multi vitamins, take vitamin D, B12, K2, and magnesium. Hydrate, get some sun, exercise. Get off your phone and read books. Meditate. Sleep well. If it doesn't turn around in 4 weeks see a psych about it.
Hi everyone, OP here
Just to make things more clear, I have tried:
Working out and jogging
Good sleeping schedule
Cutting caffeine, I do not consume caffeine after 3 pm, Only one cup per day, max 2, or to compare, double espresso shot max per day.

Decent diet, but it's not amazing, I do eat white flour products from time to time but use brown rice and buckwheat. I try to include vegetables, cook my meals, doing a great job avoiding ultra-processed foods, and no sodas, FUCK SODA DRINKS.

Blood tests - had vit D deficiency, raised to normal levels, and the most recent test results stated everything was great. So good levels of D, B12, Iron. Urine crystal clear. No abnormal shit with liver or thyroid. Did some hormone tests but don't remember which, but I know that my testosterone levels are in the normal zone.

Ain't going to happen chief

I do feel lethargic/apathetic/lazy from time to time, but it was worse when I was overstimulated with gayming. Recently I have made a consistent habit (or got addicted) of jogging.. If I read books, usually it's fine, but sometimes I start reading on autopilot, I progress through words, but I don't remember anything since I was thinking too hard about random shit.

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This is some good info, thanks

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How do I get 7.6 million views on a single Reddit post?
What is the secret?
I must know this. I must achieve this.
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Try the opposite of his post
Jerk off 500 times every single day
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>Yikes that's hecking cringerino! We need to unpack this.
press F5 couple of million times
maybe let a bot do it for you if feel lazy

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Why the fuck did I pick a STEM field when I have the most obvious case of non medicated ADHD
Should I just give up?
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Perhaps it is a skill issue, but my point for OP was that the ADHD and one's experience with the major are uncorrelated.
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>that fairy handwriting
Very feminine
Think it's over for you
mechanical engineering
thanks :)
why? what is the correlation??

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I'm just curious, when girls get together and get catty or gossip about or bully one another, which of the following insults do they consider the most damaging, fat, ugly or slutty?

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For context I broke up with my ex who i had been friends with for about 4 years around 2 years ago. I always had plans for getting a good job, studying and having a family but with her I felt more "free" since I had more experience/connection with her. Ever since it ended it feels like the only girl i'm going to be in a relationship with is someone that I can sort of tolerate just to get by while i focus on my career etc. It's probably normal to feel this way and also probably unreasonable to some extent but I do believe the way your first relationship pans out determines how the rest go somewhat. A lot of what I experienced with her shaped my personality and the things i like to do as well so that probably strengthens it
yes sorta. its obviously an imprinted memory. but people are able to find a similar connection
No such thing as a "first" love. It is either your love, or a whore. If you didn't kill yourself within a week of breaking up then you did not love her.
Why'd you break up? Sounds like you want her back
we met based on a similar interest and the thing that made it work wasnt that we had a lot in common, in fact if anything we were kind of like the opposites of each other but we had an incredibly good chemistry together as in we could talk for hours about basically anything and somehow not get bored, just really enjoyed each other's company

eventually after like a year she just did a complete 180 and revealed a ton of shit i didnt know and became a completely different person i had to be super careful around. i really didnt like hanging out with her then because she was incredibly emotionally fragile and the exact opposite of the person i had been crushing on but i wanted to believe deep down she was still the girl i loved hanging out with even though i knew deep down that wasnt the case

after a while things got more "calm" (best way to describe it) and eventually i confessed and that was honestly when our relationship was at it's most peaceful since it was like finally getting together with a childhood friend. We'd sometimes just lay in bed together all day and it was just us since we both didnt really know anybody else

then after a while it started back but i was more supportive and tried my best to calm her down but her episodes would start randomly and sometimes i thought she was doing it on purpose. I think she was a very attention starved person to the post where she was addicted because it was implied her parents/friends neglected her. it got to the point where she tried suicide multiple times but she refused to go to therapy and i couldnt deal with it anymore. it didnt help either because one of my other friends at the time who was also friends with her mocked me for trying to help her (that's a whole nother story)
First love doesn’t fuck you up for the rest of your life no. You get to an age where you realise your first “love” wasn’t love at all, it was just two retards drunk with youth who tried to make a crude dopamine high mimicry of love and it failed, as expected.

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So the amazing weekend that I had planned with my bf fell apart because his wife snooped through his phone and she saw our messages. She blew up my phone screaming at me and blubbering, calling me an evil whore and a homewrecker. I put so much effort into preparing for a whole weekend with him, mentally, emotionally, physically and it all went to shit! I was devastated to say the least. I have been contemplating so many things this week. I feel like I'm choosing between staying with my bf, which is painful right now, and breaking it off, which would be monumentally painful. I love this man. He is the best sex I've ever had. Yet, I struggle because I know my worth. I know I deserve more than what he can give me. I was with bf because it worked and because I like my freedom too. I have no guilt for the situation. I just wish last weekend never happened. Yet here we are. How do I stay strong through all of this?
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Pics or it didn’t happen, faggot.
You a whorible person you deserve all the bad things I'm happy when people like you get caught and pay. next
His wife is gorgeous, actually. I couldn't help but look up her Facebook profile and I was surprised he'd want to have anything to do with me when she's so beautiful. I realized later that he liked me because I was more attentive to his feelings and needs and that made our connection was stronger.

Of course I believe it. Nobody gets up in the morning wanting to be evil.
Post the pics, RP fag. Screenshots and receipts or it didn’t happen.
well thats just not true, plenty of people wake up with evil intent. but your statement was oddly 3rd person so i think that you are being disingenuous

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The "I don't want to kill myself cause my mom will be sad" is now fading. I'm scared and happy at the same time? I've been testing the door and belt way. Seems like my mind doesn't really fight back to this method. Debating now where to do it when my mind is fully made up about it, but Where's a good location? motel? Home is out of the question.
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You did not consent to be born. Tell your mom to give you allowance money for Heroin and to let you be a leech. fuck the 9-5 rat race. If she says no then do whatever you want but you are kinda selfish if you don't ask for drugs to stay alive. thats what I did when I was suicidal and now decades later I just pretend I'm still depressed so I keep getting drug money and shelter so I don't have to kill myself as I get kicked out.
Suffering to individuals who reproduce in this shitty world is a good thing lol
Shut the fuck up, pussy. The world revolves around OP, as he did not consent to being born. if he is not happy, and via reason evaluation knows he never will be, then why shouldn't he end it?

they said "Get a job or you're kicked out" I said I'm killing myself in 3 days I said I was just kidding and then I really did it.
>I said I'm killing myself in 3 days I said I was just kidding and then I really did it.

What the fuck do they have Wi-Fi in the underworld? Are you using a ghost phone to post here, ghost-anon?
if I am Rigor Mortis I am dead. if I am manual breathing via a machine for a day I am dead. if I am not breathing cuz the Hydromorphone and Vodka combo I am dead.

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In the Bay Area?

In desperate need of cash and work asap because I'm also technically dying but don't qualify for disability.
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lol, american health system is so fucked.
hope you get reincarnated as european.
I had a great experience so far with it.
Why are you not eligible for https://edd.ca.gov/en/disability/disability_insurance
Why don't you work for fast food?
Somehow I can never land a Fast Food job no matter where I apply, not sure because my experience or lack thereof.
Wanted to move there to at least mitigate the need to worry about whether or not I'll have the money to take care of my health.
You can't move to Europe, you need a visa, and you won't be able to get health care there without insurance, which you have to pay for. If you can't get a fast food job it's probably because you come off as lazy.

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Is 5’10 (179 cm) heightcel height? Am I fucked? I can’t keep up with the psyops anymore.
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completely fine. can't you just google height stats for your country? above average would be more than enough.
your social skills would be the limiting factor for you anyway, as you are on 4chan.
Height doesnt matter in real life. Maybe online because people are more shallow there but i've seen couples in public who are shorter than you and they're happy together
You know there are priests and monks living the most content lives possible in deep spiritual contemplation, completely separate from women and society. And here you are on a mongolian basket weaving forum agonizing over the approval of women and 2 inches you will never see.
too short for dating apps if you aren't handsome, normal height irl
Don't worry OP.
5'10 is tall enough not to be short. You're fine.

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>work all day, come home too tired to do anything
>on days off, stare at screens all day and game
all of my friends/old schoolmates are getting married, furthering their careers, etc. while i'm still living with my parents and working a part time janitorial job. i want a career, i want a passion, but i have no innate talents or skills, and i've been largely apathetic to everything these past 4 years. i can't help but feel like i'm throwing the "best years" of my life away. time is running out and i need to make a decision on what to do with my life.
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Bro thats life. Most people who work don't want to do shit when they get off work. You can go back to school part time but that will eat up ur days off.
>How do you work all day if your job is part-time?
i work ~8 hour work days. the usual times are 7-4, 5-2, and 1-9:30. i'm supposed to only work 4 days a week but since we're understaffed 5 days isn't uncommon.
>Passion begins with curiosity: What would you like to know more about? If you are genuinely incurious then that's the problem you need to work on before anything else.
i am pretty incurious, unintelligent, but also disinterested. it's like i have to force myself to be interested in something, which in turn makes me resent that thing. naturally, i gravitate towards video games. not sure if i'm actually interested in video games or i just play them because i have no motivation and it's easy to sit there and turn off my brain. i appreciate this reply though.
i don't have any strong interests in anything, but you are correct in assuming how i am. are career counselors expensive, have you met with one before? what's it like?
anhedonia would describe how i feel pretty well. i am skeptical of "professional help", because it seems the only 'solutions' to my problems would either be medication (expensive, bad side effects, possible neurotoxicity, etc.) or therapy, which i would not find very helpful. and from what i've seen online it seems a lot of therapists are pretty shitty at their job, or only caring about a paycheck.
Your instinct to avoid medication is correct. Actual therapy would help you, though.

If you can set aside a few thousand $ then they could fix you in six months. Therapy is very much a "you get what you pay for" kind of thing. Most people skimp, and get bad results. You don't need someone with a phd, but get someone who has done anhedonia cases for 10 years.
not op but what do you mean when you say they will "fix" you?
15 years ago when I was in middle school my parents thought I was autistic because I had no friends. they took me to get tested and apparently the only concern noted was "anhedonia". I've lived like this for almost my entire life; what could I expect from a few months of therapy?
They could bring back the life enjoyment you used to have when you were younger.

Whatever you were doing while "not having friends" will have been an emotional dampening/stupefaction mechanism. The point of therapy is to find out why you were doing it. Answers often come from unexpected directions.

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How do I accept the fact that I’m not good enough to get a gf
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I’ve had dating apps for 3+ years, went on one date which didn’t go annywhere and fucked some other bitch. That’s it. Luckily I’ve pretty much formulated a plan for the next 10 years of my life
i agree with your statement, it's true that being pessimistic and overdosing on blackpills leads to nowhere
however, disregarding the fact that you, for some reason, have to improove to achieve something other people don't (and, in some situations, are worse in 1 or more aspects), the real problem begins when you have done the improovement, even going far and beyond the necessary, yet your situation remains exactly the same
that's when the real horror begins
>how do i cope
By doing funner things. jerking off. or Playing Rust off Xanax or something; you can play high stress PvP games without being on edge

You can wait for a slut to settle later if you're stupid or you can just accept that God's Plan wasn't for you to fuck women. That is assuming you're able to find happiness. If, at your core, you wanted a gf then you will never find happiness. if that is the case then just respawn blud but if you aren't a pussy you'll realize lots of drugs and porn is better.

If you die in a car crash you can just start doing MDMA or Vodka or Tobacco weed or Flubromazolam or Heroin again in your next life when you respawn. in moderation those can be very safe. If you die in a car crash you can't find that same individual again.

it is possible to manipulate your oxytocin receptors without drugs anyways. If you aren't happy sober, drugs won't magically make you happy unless you learn to appreciate them.

Not sure why you'd want to actually love someone anyways. Not like you can put your wife in a ball that fits in your pocket for while you are at work so that nothing awful happens to her while you aren't there to protect her. Obviously God's Plan was not to fall in love if he gave free will to murderers too because if you're in love with someone and they die then you commit suicide. if you don't then you didn't love them.
You’re not brave enough yo talk to enough women to get a gf. Go out expecting to get rejections, and be pleased about it.

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Feeling kinda confused about why I keep thinking of this girl that I haven't talked to in three years. We had this whole summer love thing that ended on good terms. I thought I would forget about her after a few months but I still think of her everyday. It feels unhealthy, what do I do?
step 1) kill yourself
that's all i've got
Make new memories. She already has.
>She already has
memories of chad's BWC no less
I'm sure she's had some experiences since, but I know she still thinks of me. At this point I would be happy to forget about her and stop thinking about her.

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