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I’m a heterosexual man who likes reading lesbian romance stories and reading lesbian hentai, and I self-insert as the lesbian characters when I do so. For whatever reason I don’t get as easily invested in heterosexual romance stories and heterosexual hentai than Yuri, why is that?
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I do include myself in my fantasies, when I read Yuri I imagine myself as a woman engaged in the romantic or sexual relationships that in Yuri. Additionally, Yuri acts as a kind of inspiration for my daydreams, where I again imagine myself as a woman in a relationship with another woman.

This might be related but recently I also became interested in genderswap fiction, even the heterosexual genderswap fiction where a man is magically transformed into a woman and has a relationship with his man best friend, and I always imagine myself as the woman in those relationships. And this is while me having no sexual attraction to men, I just like the idea of me being a woman.

To be honest I would rather be a woman than a man, one of the reasons is because I would much rather be a mother than a father.
>heterosexual genderswap fiction where a man is magically transformed into a woman and has a relationship with his man best friend, and I always imagine myself as the woman in those relationships.
starting to get pretty gay there buddy
I’m not sexually attracted to men, I just fantasied numerous times about being a mother married to a man whom I have children with.
I'd say do not transition, maybe you're repressing your feminine side more than you should be, and use this as an outlet. Have you ever had a gf? You're probably using yuri as escapism for your romantic feelings. Why exactly do you not want to be a father? Why does it even matter? Just have a pretty relationship with a girl you like and you'll probably be happy.

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I’m a 28 year old firefighter. My gf is 26, she’s a nurse. We’ve had some issues prior because my libido is higher. Ultimately I decided to just stop whining and jerk off before bed or run more. Thing is, now I’m starting to have episodes where I’m restless in bed and it’s waking her up. Originally she said she didn’t want to fuck me beacuse she didn’t want to feel like “an object or tool for you to use when you’re stressed or need to rest”. Now, she’s saying she’d rather fuck me than have me keep her up. I’m autistic so this kinda doesn’t make sense to me, why was it bad for me to ask when I needed a shag to sleep but now it’s fine when she’s loosing sleep over it? I don’t know bros. I’m used to staying up so I’m not really bothered. Been overall just doing my thing. Anyway, some solutions I figured are sleeping on the floor or zapping my libido with an SSRI. Any other actionable solutions? Don’t suggest divorce or whatever, too expensive. Thanks
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youre getting cucked
>My gf is a nurse
my condolences
Sorry, I don't take advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between your and you're
You were only jealous because you can’t let yourself be vulnerable like that with anyone and it makes you irrationally upset.

I think a relationship should be mutually tender and caring.
This is sweet and cute, this is precious and ideal and is a moment of this man showing care and women become more high pitched when experiencing attraction. There’s a silliness that expresses wonder and joy at such a simple action of care.

The idea of needing to be hyper-serious and overly mature for adults is retarded. Being playful and silly and indulging in mutual care is sweet. Look at any old couple that enjoys being together after 50 years, they have great senses of humor and vulnerability between one another and do silly things that last a lifetime.
Most stable answer in the room.

She’s probably feeling ashamed she can’t provide you with what you need due to her emotional insecurity. She may feel unsafe to be vulnerable with you. The repeated inability she felt to have sex and your responses lead me to believe you were very strong with your requests. That’s why she said she doesn’t want to just be an object for your desires.

Take her out for an adventure she’s never done, but has always wanted to do. Look at her interests and hobbies and actively seek out her as a person. Don’t expect sex during this time. She will want to have sex with you, naturally, when you treat her like a person more than just your wife.

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>The idea of needing to be hyper-serious and overly mature for adults is retarded. Being playful and silly and indulging in mutual care is sweet. Look at any old couple that enjoys being together after 50 years, they have great senses of humor and vulnerability between one another and do silly things that last a lifetime.
i wasn't complaining i like being silly/goofy with her we have fun batnz. and it's really cute when she gets all high pitched. we had a fight and i didn't see her this weekend and i missed her a lot.

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Living in a walkup in Tribeca and ive had the exterminators in twice. It's a shitty student size pad just for while I finish my degree. The roaches just keep coming back in small numbers no matter what. Most of the people in the building have them too and have stopped giving a fuck. This filmschool jackass was just like "welcome to NY" when I expressed how stressed I was about roach infestations.

Should I just resign myself to the fact that they're living in my walls? I try to keep the place as tidy as possible but I still get them maybe twice a week. I'm basically the guy in Joes apartment for real.
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5/7 places I've lived in NYC had some combination of roaches, mice, or bed bugs. landlords are obligated to make an attempt to get rid of them, like getting pest control come by once each year. but that's usually not enough because the buildings are so close together, you get re-infestation pretty quickly. the best you can do is set roach traps everywhere. there are some poison treatment that they'll eat and take back to the nest causing the others to die as well. do try to get the landlord to bring in pest control if they're not already doing so
>"welcome to NY"
sadly this is how it goes
You're never going to get rid of them because while you are apartment may be clean other places nearby aren't.
If your neighbors have them, you have them. Always. The best you can do is caulk all cracks and crevices in your home, keep it clean and food packed away, and use bait traps like roach motels and the gel to keep them in check. You could consult your local laws regarding tenancy and contact a local tenant advocate board if they're legally required to address those kinds of pests, but most municipalities only regulate actually dangerous pests, where roaches and even bed bugs just don't qualify. Slumlords gonna slum. They know you don't have better options, so they don't care.
>Most of the people in the building have them too and have stopped giving a fuck.
they're bugmen
Manhattan has roaches. That's life. Trump Tower has roaches. You can keep killing gthem, but they are no respecters of doorways, and if they're anywhere in the building, they'll quickly be everywhere in the building.

Enjoy living in Tribeca instead of some midwest state college dorm, an accept what goes with it.

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Git gud nigger

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19M, I've been on 4chan for around a year browsing this board +/pol, /biz, /fit I have become completely addicted to this website, I browse this website for hours and constantly keep multiple threads open to later read. Aside from my 4chan addiction I do these things

> Procrastinate

> Addicted to junk food/eating out ever since I got this new job at work I tend to eat at plaza down the street ( sonic or five guys) yes I know horrible choices, but even then when I'm not at work I get the urge to get up and drive down to sonic to buy food, I have the urge right now ffs

> Waste too much on my phone ex. listening to music, podcast, Instagram, youtube I know It sounds retarded but I just keep on doing it. So far I've deleted all my social media apps except for youtube

> Also major porn addiction for 6+ years now

How do I fix myself? What drastic measures should I take? ( No meds or therapy bs plz)

Days and weeks go by and I don't accomplish any of my goals ( gym, guitar, studying)

I want to cultivate self discipline I want to get rid of these shit habits and stop being a lazy fuck
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>No meds or therapy bs plz)
Sorry bud but it ain't gonna work without that. If you don't want meds try taking supplements like magnesium, zinc vitamin b, complex, vitamin c, lithium orotate etc, they all aid in the formation of neurotransmitters and can potentially fix underlying neurotransmitters deficiencies you might have.
Trust me I tried it a thousand times to implement 'drastic measures' but it doesn't work if you have adhd.
Fuck I was trying to avoid using meds, Im planning on enlisting soon and I’m pretty sure those will disqualify me. Any way to get those meds illegally?
You can get anything you want illegally, in the darknet. But I'm not too familiar maybe download tor browser and look on hidden wiki, stores should be enlisted there. But you will need bitcoin for that. It's all a whole procedure. Maybe ask a friend if he can go larp to a doctor who prescribes him Adderall and or Ritalin try both of them as they can have different effects. But first try vitamins, zinc magnesium, b complex etc. and see how far you get with that. Enlisted in the military? Try calling them anonymily and ask about the adhd thing to make sure.
You can still do all those things, your problem is you prioritize that over the shit you have to get done.
Create a reward system like in a video game, complete task a to get reward b.
Spend the next 5 years locked in and learning and leave the rest to God, the rest, everything. Career, future, family, your entire body, your entire thoughts, your entire feeling because you could be feeling anything else. Not enough guys yet who are open about avoiding online negativity so get ready if the responsibility falls to you. Seriously, horrible spirits are wanting to know everything that you do, checking up on you and yum yum instant energy drain.
When they said "Give your life to Jesus Christ", this is what it actually means.

How do I find the right hobby ?
I tried music , painting, skating and singing
and I suck in all of those
then I thought maybe I could be good at something like chess or cooking
again the best I could do is master the basics
i am 27 and so far I am good for nothing
how do people find the right hobby that they're good at without wasting too much time or money ?
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you are doing something wrong. maybe get an iq test just in case, but one of those should have worked. in fact all of them except maybe singing should be something you can just practice and get better at.
maybe you do not have the motivation, but you cannot just be bad at them, that is not how humans work with skills one can practice. unless you have a brain problemb hence the iq test.
maybe learn how to learn/practice? there are lots of books and youtube vids on that.
also how can anyone be bad at cooking. your mouth literall adapted to cooked food. no human can be this retarded and still able to form normal sentences. you are lying. follow a recipe for fucks sake.
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Origami. Not joking.
It's literally the perfect hobby.
- low skill
- impressive result
- cheap, fancy origami papers are unnecessary
- free and great tutorials on youtube, can last you a lifetime
- meditative
- each model doesn't take that much time (avoid retarded advanced models with scales, details, etc. that requires glue, wet-folding, fancy papers)
I like Jo Nakashima's penguin.
You don't need to quantify it. I'm sure you can tell apart a painting done by a low skilled artist or a beginner, and a painting done by a skilled painter.
You get good at something by consistently putting time into doing it, and trusting that as a human with a functioning brain you will gradually get better at it, as humans with functioning brains generally do.
But painting skill is quantifiable. Experience, knowledge, judgment. All of these culminate in artistic expression.
quantifiable means to be measureable with numbers. how does that work with artistic expression? that was the worst example to pick.
you could have said you could measure how accurate the lines are, how fast you can draw, how much you have painted, how much money you can make with the art. but you went with experience, knowledge, judgement and artistic expression. all of these things are good example for things you cannot put into an excel spreadsheet. congrats.

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How do I tell my fiancee to give me some time alone in a way that she will actually respect? She's hovering around me 24/7, which while initally cute, is starting to drain me. I can't have 30 minutes to myself without her coming up to me and demanding cuddles or interaction, or just loudly telling me stuff. When I try to game, she'll say she'll leave me alone, and then sit on the couch next to me and read out pinterest shit to me. When I say I want some me-time and take a bath she'll walk in after ten minutes asking if I need anything. When I put on headphones and try to read while she cooks something she'll burn herself on the stove (Or pretend to) so I'm emotionally invested and have to run over. Today I wanted to play some vidya, and the instant the menu booted up she loudly yelled for me from the bedroom to help her make the bed (Something that we take turns in and is a fucking one-person job). I even called her out on it now, but she just said "Okay, I'll give you some space" and then went on to sulk and be pissy until I cuddled her and told her it's okay, she then told me "I just don't know what to do, it feels like you're not letting me in". Which would be valid if I emotionally shut her out, but I don't, I just want to have 30-60 minutes to myself without interruption or her trying to show me shit or talking to me.
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haha your post is honestly might as well be bait. Imagine #1 actually having a girlfriend on /adv/ aside from that complain about the most stupid mundane teenager bullshit that you don't know how to talk to her about it like its some crazy social problem?

You're a fucking pathetic shell of a man if this is a problem you can't just simply figure out yourself by maybe thinking 1 second longer or having a functional girlfriend.

10/10 bait or you're every incels worst nightmare.

either way kill yourself immediately
I literally stated in the OP how I have talked to her about it, and was met with passive aggressive sulking and continued interrptions. Instead of outright talking to me all the time she will now agree to let me be for a bit and then within 5 minutes loudly "hurt" herself by walking into something, read out shit from her phone for me or loudly start a videocall with her friends while I'm in the room.
My best advice is honestly fuck her senseless or something you need to put the fear of god in her because clearly whatever she is doing to you is a cry for help or she is not satisfied in her life or in you.

You need to nip this shit in the BUD or i can guarantee you will not stay long in this relationship.
Bro your relationship sounds terrible what an ignorant and rude girl. I would have believed if you said 24 months but not 24 years old. Total crybaby. People like that need to feel the immanent dread on their skin she won't learn by just talking. She is used to getting pampered.
>How do I get this person to respect my boundaries
I really am talking to fucking teenagers here

>Took all your advice, got a haircu fitting my face and head, grew a beard that I take care of
>Started working out and going out
>Have my own hobbies, like fishing, light sports, cars
>Went to a shrink and therapist
>Still no gf

Still, women online lose interest/find better options after talking to me, even if we go out together, it leads nowhere after one date.
Even if we get to cuddling while watching netflix, I still can't get sex, even if I openly say I want it, etc.
Literally NO HOPE FOR ME, women probably smell my autism, it's repulsive to them, it dries them up completely.
I bet the next advice would be

>Work on your personality
Because normies will NEVER admit it's over for men like me. So here's my advice, fellow incels: DON'T TRY.
If you have to try, it's over.
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>zoomers lmao
Which part of >31M didn't you get? Also what other option really do I have... To try and talk to a girl IRL is impossible.
First, because they don't go out, Everywhere I go, I only see couples, families with kids, old people and lonely men on their own.
They also don't go out to meet men like me, they go out to meet with their groups of friends and do stuff with them. At least where I live.
If I would be approaching women asking them if they want to be my gf, I would get obliterated, make everyone feel cringy and achieve nothing.

Women ONLY find boyfriends online nowadays. If you can't succeed there, you can't do it anywhere, 2/3 of 18-29 single men is telling.
IF, IIIIIIF! a woman would be giving me major signals while I was doing WHATEVER, then yes, sure, it may work. But I never go that.
Also, to add to that, I will say that women give me no SOIs, on the contrary. They look away when I try to make eye contact with them IRL,
they go around me, if I say HI to them, they speed up, etc.
>women online lose interest/find better options after talking to me
Im backtracking, you claim to have done well until reaching this point and it may be good to look into this.
WDYM? Okay I can look int othis: My autism and looks are enough to be of low value. EOT.

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I have a crush on my gfs older Chinese aunt.

She's married to another Asian man, and he's absent from most of her days as they sorta of live separately. They have no kids.

Anyway, I met her for the first time last weekend on Mother's day when we were dropping off a gift for her. She looked directly to me and asked if we wanted to have a visit inside. Her husband wasn't home.

That evening, she texted my gf telling her to tell me thank you for the visit. Maybe she feels it too.

How do I approach this without ruining everyone's lives? I think about her every day, and have been losing hours of sleep from this the past 3 days alone. Do older, mature Chinese women like to be romantically charmed? What are some plausible deniability type of excuses for me to see her again. I only have her address, no number.
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>How do I approach this without ruining everyone's lives?
By not approaching it at all for a start. You may as well have asked
>How do I approach this landmine without blowing my legs off?
By not approaching it to begin with ffs
good analogy
it's a shame you, my moral advisors, are recommending this course of inaction. I know her and I could have so much fun together. And I thought it would've given her horny shivers every time she thought about going forward, especially cus she probably wont be around in 20-30 years.
You're not a main character and your life isn't an episode of School Days.

Realistically the only way this might work would be if the aunt knew for a fact you wanted to fuck her. Then, maybe if she has a bad fight with her husband, she might consider a hookup.
Motherfucker you already have a GF, save some pussy for us

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I have developed a fetish for women with dicks. Not trans women, mind you, this is purely fantasy of natal women with penises in addition to vaginas. But now I can hardly get off to anything else. This is a dead end for anything I could do IRL.
So how do I dispose of this? Will detoxing from porn achieve this? I don't know, the fantasy of having a gf with a dick seems too great to ever be matched by actual sexuality...
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Honestly I think I've just got to quit all porn and masturbation at this point
What gooning does to a mf

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>be bipolar 1
>in and out of psych units for 5 years (6 times total)
>depressed 24/7
>dont take jew pills
>take pills

im so tired of this, why cant i just have a normal brain ffs.
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No one in my family has it and have never tried lithium but im going to bring it up next appointment with my dr.
Ask him to start you on a low dose. Your doctor might claim that it is subtherapeutic but insist on it. Are you currently manic or just depressed how often do you have manic episodes what medication have they tried with you?
Currently depressed i have manic episodes like once a year. Been having once a year for the past 5 -6 years. Ive been on Depekote, Risperedal, Vraylar each in different times and only once at a time. Now im taking risperdal
lithium is pure magic for bipolar type 1.
I would advise against antipsychotics for bipolar maintenance if possible, too many side effects especially long term you might know. Do you get manic if you don't take meds? Really look into Cutler chelation this could potentially help you.

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Does anybody here do DoorDash for money? Would you recommend it?
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Ngl I wouldn't tell anyone that they can make a proper living on it, at least not where I live (very small city, kind of out in the sticks). However, it is definitely a legitimate way to make some extra money if you are strapped for cash. I used it while I was between jobs and it did really help.
Does Uber still work for you? I haven't seen a fucking uber eats order in about two weeks now.
Good to know. I live in Cincinnati, so fingers crossed.
Good tip on the acceptance rating. Mine is at like 26% as we speak.

I dunno about those shop and pay orders. I've only done them for door dash. And unless the order is for 1 item, it ended up being less than minimum wage for the time I spent finding stuff and calling the customer looking for substitutions.

We're talking $5 an hour. But then again I've only done a handful of these.
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Don't do it for DoorDash. Uber pays way better, at least in my market. DoorDash I average $16-20 before expenses, but if you know how to work Uber and what threshold the company starts to hide tips (ex. in my area any trip over "$8.15" is hidden, so if you see this exact number it usually means a little more - biggest tip I got was $50 for 10 minutes of work and 2 miles).
I unironically use DoorDash to eat free food. Go to an area you don't usually, check the DD order and see if it's what you want, accept and go to the location and wait in the parking lot 10 minutes. Go in and pick up the order and then hit "order taking too long" and unassign it. Fuck DoorDash.
See if Grubhub or Spark are in your area as well, anon.

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Is it weird that as a 32 year old virgin I still expect my first girlfriend to be in her mid 20s at least? I don't want a past her prime traumatized used up woman with baggage.
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Not at all. I'm a mate selection realist. Unfortunately feelings get hurt when men and women are coldly honest about what we prefer.
Then you are not gonna make it.
Expectations are fine but what are you doing to get these 20s girls anon? 30 and 20 pairings are not uncommon and being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of but they ain’t gonna drop in your lap.
I've known guys in their 30s that get young virgins but they were all normalfags that lost their virginity at 14.
It's not weird and perfectly reasonable.

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>36 years old
>own home(mortgage,cheap)
>no gf,wife,kids or friends
>depression and anxiety problems, mostly the anxiety
>feel really stuck

What do I do?

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One of the reasons I am always unlucky with women is because I am usually attracted to girls out of my league (and therefore is not attracted to me). This causes me to ignore women I am not typically attracted to. I'm not a "chad" or anything, I'm a 4/10 lookswise but me being 6 feet and not overweight probably makes me around a 5/10. I feel like such a jackass because of this. How do I lower my standards to accept other average looking people?
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OP here and I don’t know. Don’t think anyone has ever found ne attractive and no one has ever flirted with me. Women talking to me doesn’t really indicate anything though. I don’t have any women friends, however.
I agree with >>31269086 please go touch grass before it's too late. You have terminal porn brain.
You are gay and fear not being able to perform sexually, so you never date women with the real goal to have sex. So you rationalize your homosexuality with this "high standard" mumbo jumbo.
You’re right. I haven’t watched in a couple days but its definitely a contributor. I watch because I hate myself and I’m extremely lonely so the dopamine helps.

Holy projection
I am so proud of you. This is not patronizing, I am genuinely proud of you and I want you to live an amazing life.

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