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Does anybody here do DoorDash for money? Would you recommend it?
if you speak English fluently you automatically have a leg up in tips, but it's a slog, there are a bunch of youtube videos about actual money numbers. target wealthy single 20-30 year old areas of the city though
You mean those who do this barely speak English? Is that common?
These guys have a honeymoon period where you can make decent income at the start but it will gradually die out. The money is dependent on your market and how well you know it. You will have to complete with your “coworkers” don’t forget that. And there will be periods where you basically make no income so prepare for that. You are using your vehicle so you gotta make sure you save for repairs, expenses, and definitely taxes cause you’ll owe a lot if you don’t write down your expenses. Generally, Uber gives you more bang for the buck then door dash ever could, but I do think having a room mate, living with parents, or overall being well off in terms of housing is necessary before embarking in this endeavor. But all sorts of people make it work, just my opinion.
Yes lots of immigrants who can't understand and don't even bother to use Google Translate. So people will tip them less, and be more generous when your turn comes around.
Wealthy people generally don’t tip more or at all. But there seems to be a rise of stigma on tips in general across the U.S that even lower income individuals aren’t tipping as much anymore. Times are rough
You know the ironic part is the customer service for doordash is all asians that barely speak english.
No, I have a real job.
No kidding about that honeymoon period. It was great for the first few deliveries but then the orders kept getting sparse and shitty.

You be dashing for 8 hours a day but only active for 1 hour.
It's extremely unprofitable for most people unless you can do your own automotive maintenance: it should be considered a mostly last-ditch emergency move where you BOTH
>need more money right the fuck now, and
>need to have a car right now
badly enough that you'll happily destroy your car to extract what remains of its use value and resale value without giving the vehicle up.

The secret is that gig driving only LOOKS profitable in the short term. The profit mostly comes from the fact that when you start, you have unspent resources to burn through which you haven't exhausted yet, which you and other retards don't factor in as an expense on their balance sheet. When you do your accounting honestly, gig driving is ONLY profitable if it would be profitable to, TODAY, rebuy your current car at current market rates, then for the remainder of its lifetime, gig drive it until it was effectively destroyed. This is because the car is a starting asset which you're effectively "spending" through as you drive it, which you need to be accounting for, and because there's an opportunity cost to you driving gig economy in the first place since instead of doing gigwork, you could've just sold your car at that purchase price and pocketed the cash immediately.

If you can't justify buying your current car to use it for gig driving, OR purchasing some new vehicle and profitably driving it until it's paid-in-full for the same purpose, it's not a profitable activity: you're either bad at accounting (many such cases!) or just converting the remains of your car into short-term spendable cash.

People underestimate how fast you destroy a car gig driving, too. Most cars have a useful lifetime of about 200,000 miles. If you're full-time driving for these services, you'll easily be driving 200-500 miles a day - go 30-60 miles an hour for 8 hours and you're there. Your car will be hitting that mileage milestone within 1-4 years at this pace. If you're not a mechanic, steer clear.
Work as pizza delivery driver in a nice area. You'll make more money that way
>car maintenance
fuck that shit I'm on a fucking electric scooter
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This is exactly the kind of retardation I mean: the same principles apply to scooters, you STILL need to account for depreciation against the scooter's lifetime value over its useful mileage to accurately gauge if it's profitable.

A scooter company at https://www.voi.com/blog/third-party-report-confirms-that-vois-electric-scooters-will-last-for-many-years-to-come reports you get about 6529KM out of an electric scooter, which is about 4000 miles.

This is likely an optimistic number, given they rent scooters and want cities to support them, but take it as true for now. Assuming you are going a decently safe but extremely conservative 10 miles an hour, that's only 400 hours before the thing is toast - assuming you work 40 hour weeks, you'll get about 3 useful months out of one scooter. High quality professional-tier electric scooters will run you 450-700 bucks, meaning your annual outlay's expected to be something like 1800-2800 bucks a year on replacement scooters.

I'm not convinced you're getting a substantially better deal at those prices than you would with a used car, frankly: the car will last several years, and the used car at least has the advantage that it's a full-ass car: It's useful for all the things a car is, you'll lose a lot of income on the scooter because you'll constantly be needing to recharge it, you'll likely often end up having to walk it up steep hills it can't climb, carrying food on it will be challenging, inconvenient, and unsafe, having only two wheels means it has a very bad single point of failure (drive over some broken hobo beer glass, congrats, you're done making money today and will be ubering home), bad weather like rain preventing you from working, and the physical risk of being on a scooter versus in a protective metal shell.

Scooters don't magically make accounting stop working, they have the same problems but worse.
one of the few smart people on this website, congrats
There's people making $300 a day with their scooters. It's all about being in the right market.
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I find this number highly suspect. Assuming you have to work 8-12 hours to make that, this is a $25-37.5 hourly wage.

Having used these services in a major city, on a 30 buck order of food? Even with a 5 buck tip, I've never had a delivery arrive faster than 30 minutes, even splurging by being a lazy fuck ordering at fast-food places where the food is literally ready instantly. Even at maximum throughput, this suggests the best you're going to do as a dasher is 2-3 orders an hour, tops, probably overwhelmingly 2.

Assuming most people tip around the same 5-7 buck level (I suspect it's lower as dashers complain a lot online about poor tips, but the internet's negatively biased so who knows?), that's like 10-14 bucks an hour, plus whatever vig the app kicks your way on the order. It's not impossible that the app's kicking you $11-15 bucks an hour for client servicing. Given threads like https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/13s83gf/how_much_does_a_doordasher_make_in_a_week_minus/ which suggests the app is only kicking you 2-3 bucks a ride, my suspicion is more likely you're quoting the number you made on your best day ever where you got a massive out-of-band tip from an anomalously generous benefactor, and the rest of the time your hourly was probably closer to 14-18 bucks an hour, which is roughly in line with other unskilled labor like fast food these days.

Assuming you can get consistent hours at literally any other gainful employ, you probably should, because this envelope math suggests even working fast food is on an hourly basis likely more profitable than dashing - even before accounting paying for your car or scooter's depreciation,
Bro I think you need to get off your computer lol
Can't gotta depreciate the price of my computer over the 20 seconds of googling it took to call him a retard.
Brain depreciation
Not as good as it was, still very workable if you set it up right. Stack up for a venture and enjoy freedom. Your car is going to act up so have faith in the Lord.
The Lord isn't real though.
I only do it for the 2 for 1 deals

Tips are for degenerate faggots. Make money off the assigned delivery fee. If the fee isn't enough, don't deliver for them. If everyone stops being entitled cunts and does that then supply will go down to a point the fee has to go up until it's "enough". See how this shit actually works? Kys
>Tips are for degenerate faggots.
Interesting take
Its not about tips, if you speak English and do uber/doordash etc, you are more likely to get the orders right and thus won't be left poor ratings, which will hinder your ability to get jobs assigned to you. I use lyft which is basically uber and I can't tell you how many times I get an immigrant that just doesnt even bother to pull into my driveway to take me someplace and makes me walk out to the street, or takes some crappy route even though I tell them explicitly they should be going the other way (because they dont even understand) etc. If you speak the language of people using the app, You'll be better off. Immigrants aren't using these apps because its cheaper on the whole to get a crappy used car t or bag of rice han to pay for each ride/meal delivery plus tip
>Make money off the assigned delivery fee. If the fee isn't enough, don't deliver for them
Enjoy getting down ranked and getting no jobs and making no money then I guess
I think scooters and bikes work if you live in a big city like New York or Los Angeles, everything is closer and you don’t have to spend time behind traffic, but everywhere else, cars are much better.


2023 was strange, every single holiday was dead in my area, I used to be able get to $100 in 4 or less easily every other year. And the rest of the year? Yup, 10+ hours on the road, but only an hour making money.>>31266950

I speak English well, and for door dash it definitely is about the tips. Here’s a great example for the people saying “more wage (per hours) the gig the goods” in this case, if door dash was required to pay more, which they recently have been both in Seattle and cali, they have no choice but to pull the “losses” from drivers. But before any of this happening, door dash has been consistently decreasing the base pay for all drivers in order to achieve more profits. It’s the same for many businesses out there, they’ve been pulling this shit for years, this is why I ignore these guys every time they bring the point up. Best yes, here in 2024 and the years before that, the money solely came from tips. There was enough fluctuations back then where you could get away taking crap orders but everyone now is being shunned into less tipping and you deal with endless videos of dashers acting like animals that it’s hard to blame them.
The higher the wages the higher the goods

Small typo
You can get away being an immigrant with door dash, there is very little contact with the customer.

The the award of doing a good job is futile in door dash, there is very bad saturation in all markets that getting good ratings just puts you in the chance of getting a good order, you still will have to deal with low ball orders and making endless losses and no profits.
I have my own house so I'd rather do something like Rover. Is this app profitable at all?
Uber and DoorDash are doomed to fail. They've raised their fees and less people are using them because of that.

The gravy train is ending.
Uber Eats
"Uber" is such a stupid word
Last week I had a customer that gave me a $40 fucking dollar tip on an order that took me 20 minutes to complete.

That was probably the best order I've ever had on door dash.
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I did it for two months most recently in between jobs (it took seriously 25 days to get into orientation on my current job). here's some tips
>Use multiple apps, I used Uber and DoorDash, just pause one while doing the other
>You can absolutely make $1,000+ a week but it'll burn you out
>You will learn when you want to deliver, when the best time is, what the best restaurants are at what time, etc. if you pay attention
>Sign up for any extra services they offer you. I made a lot of money and way better tips doing the "shop and pay" fake instacart grocery shopping Uber Eats offered me
>Do not do rideshare - exactly 1 vomit will spiral your life into hell and it's more likely than you think "im not even sick bro" BLARGHP
The way I did it was I'd turn on my apps and work 7-10 doing breakfast stuff, go home for an hour, do lunch 11-3, then go home again, and if I felt it go back out 5-7 (I don't like driving in the dark, hard to see house numbers, etc.)
Do not bother with the bullshit that is "acceptance rating", do not ever feel like you need to take an order or are penalized by not taking one - only pick orders that make financial sense to you as presented - depending on your area and gas prices $1/mi. is usually a decent tip.
I can give more info if needed.
Ngl I wouldn't tell anyone that they can make a proper living on it, at least not where I live (very small city, kind of out in the sticks). However, it is definitely a legitimate way to make some extra money if you are strapped for cash. I used it while I was between jobs and it did really help.
Does Uber still work for you? I haven't seen a fucking uber eats order in about two weeks now.
Good to know. I live in Cincinnati, so fingers crossed.
Good tip on the acceptance rating. Mine is at like 26% as we speak.

I dunno about those shop and pay orders. I've only done them for door dash. And unless the order is for 1 item, it ended up being less than minimum wage for the time I spent finding stuff and calling the customer looking for substitutions.

We're talking $5 an hour. But then again I've only done a handful of these.
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Don't do it for DoorDash. Uber pays way better, at least in my market. DoorDash I average $16-20 before expenses, but if you know how to work Uber and what threshold the company starts to hide tips (ex. in my area any trip over "$8.15" is hidden, so if you see this exact number it usually means a little more - biggest tip I got was $50 for 10 minutes of work and 2 miles).
I unironically use DoorDash to eat free food. Go to an area you don't usually, check the DD order and see if it's what you want, accept and go to the location and wait in the parking lot 10 minutes. Go in and pick up the order and then hit "order taking too long" and unassign it. Fuck DoorDash.
See if Grubhub or Spark are in your area as well, anon.
The door dash app just screwed me over.

Without me knowing it, while I was in the middle of delivering an order, my fucking data ran out. I was like what the fuck?

I couldn't use the app at all, I had to fucking call support help to me complete the order. Fucking give me directions and shit.

Then I had to buy a data refill for my phone. $10 bucks for 1GB. I thought this problem was fixed. Actually, I thought it was me that had used the data, probably browsing couple sites yesterday. Or an error with my phone provider.

Nope. Guess what. It happened again. Next order, mother fucking DoorDash app used up ALL OF THAT ONE GIGABYTE.

This time I realized it was the door dash app when I looked at Android's thing that shows which app is using data.

I made $24 this morning, but ended up having to spend $20 to refill my data.

So all that fucking work for nothing.

I complained to support and all they could tell me was basically oh well.

I am seriously thinking of applying to Walmart.
Honestly any job is better than uber if you're in it for the money
Ain't that the truth.

And to top it off both those customers gave me attitude for their stuff being late.

At least at Walmart I will get PAID for getting customers that treat me like shit.

I did these orders for fucking free.

Now I understand why those cashiers at the counters of those restaurants look down on us when we go pickup those orders. Because doing these gig apps is for idiots.
>I unironically use DoorDash to eat free food. Go to an area you don't usually, check the DD order and see if it's what you want, accept and go to the location and wait in the parking lot 10 minutes. Go in and pick up the order and then hit "order taking too long" and unassign it. Fuck DoorDash.
LMAO so this is why when I went to pickup an order at outback steakhouse today, the girl made me take my and had to physically see me click confirm be fore she handed me the food.

See if Grubhub or Spark are in your area as well, anon.
I've been on grubhub's waitlist for over a month now. Never heard of spark. I'll look into that.
Doordash always says it's busy in my city's downtown area when it's like fucking 2am in the morning. Who the fuck is ordering food at 2am in the morning?

I can't confirm if it's actually possible to get orders at 2am because I'm always at home trying to sleep. And also I live outside the downtown zone so I can't dash there to see if I would get any orders.
I would not recommend, I am in a bit of dire straights at the moment so I am doing it 1-2 hours a day to attempt to keep mileage low on my vehicle in the meantime and it is just not worth it.
>Hoping a real job comes through soon.

No. All I hear are that the tips are shit so the companies jack up the service charges till nobody wants to pay for a delivery anymore. Expect these companies to drop delivery services in the future. Find job security elsewhere.

Its ok bro, we got $3000 machines to browse facebook on, play minecraft on then call people faggots on 4chan. We accounted for this.
I learned an expensive lesson yesterday. And that is to always use the data limiter on your phone.

From now on I'll only allow 30MB of data to be used at a time. Increasing each time the limit is reached.

$3000? I'm jealous. I only have a $1500 laptop.
Are those hot zones that doordash and uber show on the map actual hot zones or are they just fucking with us?

When I go to these hot zones, nothing happens.
Based skeptical autist.
Dammit. I keep seeing other dashers getting orders here in downtown.

How in the fuck do these bastards keep getting orders? When I ask them they don't wanna tell me. Like it's some guarded secret.

Is it the acceptance rate?
I am starting to wonder if it is the acceptance rate.

I heard you need 70% to get platinum status or something. Then that's when you supposedly start getting the good orders. And you get to dash whenever the hell you want.

But ya gotta do the shit orders as well. Which is what I have been rejecting.

My current acceptance rate is 26%. Let's see if I can get it up to 70%.

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