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Are these "Target-exclusive" Bandai Stranger Things figures any good? They seem to be sold online for a decent price, and my local Dollarama has them and they're selling them for $5 each. I could get one of every figure tonight if I wanted my local store has dozens, especially if I could sell them for $30+ each
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>are these 5poa shit toys any good?
I don't know, I don't play with toys so that's why I am asking you.
Is there a Demogorgon? That could be fun.
There is, but it's a build-a-figure.
I find it odd if you have to ask if toys that do nothing are any good, especially if you'll do nothing with them. Unless they're scalper fodder, you're just wasting money even at the bargain you just mentioned since you apparently don't even want them

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Recent announcements and updates
>Robot Toys (Metagate) Legends Bumblebee and Cheetor
>Lucky Cat Legends Nemesis and SG BB Prime
>Magnificent Mecha MPM SG BB Prime
>Rising Force Legends Menasor
>Iron Factory Orion Pax (white)
>Mechanic toys Legends Broadside
>Jingong (Metagate) MPM Drift KO
>Cyber Era MPM Drift OSKO
>Bingotoys Windblade and Shockwave
>Unique Toys Abominus and Springer
>Planet X Trypticon
>Iron Factory Ultra Magnus
>XTB Ultra Magnus.

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You make the pupils a slightly lighter color to show line of sight.

Bonus is that you only have to have it visible in close ups to the face and it doesn't look like they have exposed optics.
I wasn’t aware there was a monster truck MPM
Yeah no, that just looks awful
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So, the shitty toon look that in HD makes them look like they're gems or their optics are specks of light in a wash of red/cyan light?

You realize it would look like this to most people?
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hahah the mouth and lack of readable expression somehow reminds me of the dullsurprise.jpg days.

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why licensing video game characters into action figure is rare as finding a diamond in a pond
just like pic related, its almost 10 years ago that this came out as a Kickstarter and it has not aged fine as a figure, especially with the chinese bodies you can find on aliexpress and customs that you can make for much cheaper, since the figure costed a whopping 150 $ and if you missed it then bye bye
why no toy company ever touch something smaller like Hotline Miami or Furi since the license cost much cheaper

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>filled the bath with warm water and pleasant foam
>sat down with candles in a cozy atmosphere
>playing with top tier shark toy
>tfw i'm 36
tell your batthub stories. Did you have any batthub fun lately?
What is your favorite bath tub toy? Have any recommendations?

What is better and more fun? Ships and boats or sea monsters?
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The blue one
I used to bath with Gali

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Previous thread: >>10954256

Did you order anmything?

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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This is sad Zatlit. There hasn't been discussion here in four days. You lost. It's over.
I don't think that guy has been here in weeks neca bitch. Are you ever not on here? You seem to live a sad life lol
those hips kill it
If this was the Haslab Rider it would have been funded
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The hips are what make it amazing.

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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

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You might want to get off the Internet when you think someone's trolling you by saying use property safety equipment with toxic material. you're either retarded or a bot
>still no work posted
I am a different anon who has a resin question. I occasionally buy cheap lil resin printed "kits" and since I'm not painting em, I just use my nippers to clip off the flash then snap em together. Is there any danger of harmful-sized particles being created from a pair of nippers?

Seriously asking. Sorry if it's a dumb question.
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>Is there any danger of harmful-sized particles being created from a pair of nippers
No. Resin is not some magical miasma-releasing substance. If you cut a piece of it with a knife or a nipper, you just get 2 pieces of it instead of 1.
If you grind or sand or pulverize it into tiny bits, they can get airborne and you can inhale them and then they can possibly stay in your lungs and do damage. But the same can happen if you pulverize metal or plastic or glass or stone. As a rule, don't breathe in dust of any kind and you'll be fine.
Rad. Last question, I'm using a decent-ish pair of Tamiya nippers to trim my resin pieces. Good idea, bad idea? Am I in danger of ruining them?

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What happens to shelf-warmers that can't even sell at places like Ollie's and other discount stores? What is the final resting place for toys like these?
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disney's pegwarmers exist for reasons outside issues of simple supply and demand.
They don't need to make a profit or break even because they're financially rewarded by gigantic investment firms for behaving this way, and the investment firms giving out blank checks for pushing nigger faggots on everyone are doing it to destroy and divide white culture since we're the only ones with empathy enough to attempt to genocide them for the greater good.
Yea, l'd love a pile of cheap plain clothed FBI bodies. Drop some extra heads on ema d you get generic good guy mooks for your villains to bully. Sadly stores by me never get good discounts like that.
>What is the final resting place for toys like these?
If it's Canada, they'll eventually wind up on the toy wall at your local Dollarama being sold for $5
funko slop

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Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>10951232

>Archived Threads:

>Helpful Links:

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You're not in /pol/ we aren't offended by drag queen or pronoms here
That's Ru's thing
>where's her g3 doll ?
I keep wondering the same, I feel like something should have leaked by now
Disappointed that they didn't really commit to the dragon thing and like actually make the doll a dragon monster, instead just doing dragon accessories

Previously: >>10969796

-Marvel Legends Retro Carnage solicited (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Warbird announced (pre- order May 9th, Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk announced (no pre-order date, Pulse Exclusive)

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Casual FILTH. I didn't think he'd get another figure beyond the BAF and the variant of the BAF. The other two were are pack-ins that I didn't really want, but now I have them.
He didn't get another figure, it's the same figure.

Yes, with a different size box. Try to keep up pal. You're the Drake of this argument lmao
>Looking for pizza anon?

Wanting to know if the Retro Carded ML is worth the scalper pricing on EB? Also if anyone knows if it will handle head swaps easily with, for example, the unmasked Tobey from the NWH carded ML figure?
>hasbro: announces new packaging plans for 2024
>dumb faggot retard online: what about this toy from 2014

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When they showed this zombie cobra commander off in the gi joe concept vault back in 2012 i was so hyped but alas, it never got released. Im still bitter the modern 3.75 joe line just doesnt exist anymore too
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They had a painted prototype and everything, but we never saw it release.
The insect bricks. Beag never. Venetta, never. The line died just as it was hitting the road.
Yeah they did a small wwe line. The Kane was pretty cool.
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>"And then they (almost) all got released by GSC instead - THE END"
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LGB Stainz Edition
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HO, because there was barely any French rolling stock and buildings available back when I started the hobby in the early 2000s, and it was a Christmas gift that started it all (a Jouef starter kit).
There's more choice today in N (and it's a more sensible choice in my opinion, for a more realistic layout in a smaller space, it's also less costly in general), but it was not before the 2010s I think that manufacturers really started releasing models in N (and not repainted German models). Still way less choice than HO today, and a huge used market for HO too.
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>How's the scale these days anon? I used to main N a number of years ago and would agree it felt a lot more relaxed.

I think it's in a good place right now. Quality N scale models are now cheaper than equivalent quality HO models, and selection is getting a lot better. I'd kill for more new steam engines (like a new N-scale Dreyfuss Hudson), but since I mostly model PRR in steam I at least have a better selection than most to work with.
Based frog poster
>I literally have no room
>LGB Stainz
No clue, but I still wish my mom had not given away my tin train toys from when I was a kid, particularly since it wasn't like we lacked storage space at home while I was away at school.

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At most you are going to pay $88 to have this shipped at Japanese sites.
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Only idiots buy from bbts.
>At most you are going to pay $88
1. Not everyone lives in burgerland
2. Taxes and customs exist
3. Shipping fees increase every month the figure is delayed
Very true, I buy from BBTS. But where else can I bundle McFarlane slop with NECAs and imports. To buy from import sites you basically have to be all in on imports because they aren't going to sell me my delicious domestic slop.
This figure is an outlier for how cheap it is on amiami. Most other snail shell figures are like double
True, I can get discounted Mezco that didn't sell well and get overpriced McFarts that didn't sell well, all from one vendor that's not a bald billionaire.

Bakugan gen 3 is probably completely done at this point.
With the near complete second season of the show still without a green light, and year 2 toys reportedly getting destroyed, I think it’s pretty safe to say it’s over

On the 7th, spin master will publish their investor Q1 sheet. If Bakugan isn’t on it, then I think it’s officially over.

It’s not like we didn’t see this coming, G3 has kinda sucked ass and nobody is buying it.
Do you think we can expect a G4 after this? Is Bakugan no longer an evergreen brand?
Bakugan is a brand that proved it can be succesful if done right. G2 made lots of money, G1 was a juggernaut, it made like 2 billion in sales the first year, thats insane for something new. I am sure they will reboot it again, they need to see what was wrong and make something more akin to G1 but with stronger toys like G2. Perhaps the live acrion film they planned years ago could help the brand. I bought a lot of G3 on sale so I am fine with it going away, I got what I wanted mostly. But I hope they bring it back.

I do wonder where will SM focus, since they have a lot of Playstation brands toylines set to release this year, because they might shift their focus on the videogame action figure market.

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anybody preordered this?
I always blamed myself not buying that old PS4 edition that came with a slot you had to put your Phone in (but now im glad because the app was removed from store)

this diecast one with built in working programs and radio sounds so cool

However if you didnt preorder before April 2017 - it will be shipped in 2025...what the fuck
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Wand Company is handling the actual manufacture of the Pip Boy. They've released 2 different Pip Boys that didn't suck, one a kit, one pre-built

I would be concerned about weight because it's die cast and the prior ones were both plastic to my knowledge. The issues from that could be weight, denting, rusting, but yeah, I'm taking that gamble because Wand's overpriced but does pretty good work in general. The fact this has a legit screen makes me hope the community cracks it open and makes it hackable.
It wouldn't fit on my arm because I weigh 400 pounds. If you see someone actually managing to wear it they aren't a true rpg fan.
The fallout 76 collectors edition came with a power armor helmet that got recalled due to mold in the straps.

this was after the "canvas bag" was made of nylon and they got busted lying claiming a canvas shortage, but a month or two prior at an influencer event they were handing out... you guessed it, canvas bags to the streamers.
That was the Nuka Cola helmet, not the one that came with the collectors edition. It was through GameStop, they canceled all the pre orders for the whole mold thing so they never went out. They then later sold “refurbished” versions of the helmet for like half price. I picked it up at the time, it’s not bad.
the fallout 4 pipboy was garbage.
the "model kit" pipboy that was released with fallout 76 was so much better

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Preorder date is 5/8

Iron Spider (Reissue)
Lunagaron Armor Set (Monster Hunter)
Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Spider-Man Ver.2.0 (Reissue)
Buzz Lightyear Ver.1.5 (Reissue)
Supergirl (DC)
Jessie Ver.1.5 (Toy Story)
Stitch (Reissue)
Shigaraki Tomura (My Hero Academia)

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I guess all you can do is stop putting the full weight of a figure on one clear plastic peg
>stop using it as intended
holy cope
Just cut my finger and actually drew blood swapping endeavors head lol
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fuckin' kek

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