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So I'm in the UK looking for a Dragapult select figure and the only ones I can find are from US ebay sellers, most of which not specifying a shipping cost to me.
After messaging some asking for shipping costs it seems most use this 'ebay international shipping program' where they send the package to ebay and have no idea how much ebay will actually charge me once they send it.
Anyone got any experience with this? The dragapult figure costs ~$30 and I don't want to get raped by a shipping cost of more than the figure itself, that I can't even see until I've actually bought the product
You will get raped by shipping costs. eBay shipping is expensive and slow. I'm in New Zealand, I don't get charged less than $50usd anymore. Ordinary postal services are faster and cheaper, around $24-35usd. I imagine things won't be better in the UK.
Shame, but expected as much, thanks for replying

As I understand it you can't send toys from the US to the UK via eBay's international shipping program. You will need to persuade the seller to send it to you via another carrier, which probably means they'll have to update the listing so you can choose this option.
I have used the Global Shipping Program a few times from U.S. ebay sellers, to Australia. Sometimes, if you really want the thing, you just have to eat it. That's the reality of limited distribution & lazy sellers. They get indemnity from the GSP that they don't get from USPS, and it's because of shady buyers who've fucked them in the past that they have no trust or willingness to take risks. I get it. And I get your position, because I've been there.

Tl;dr - if you really want the thing, buy it; you will forget the shipping pain and enjoy the thing down the track. Don't make a habit of it & it won't be the end of you.

There have been several lengthy discussions about this on ebay's community forum. Here's one:


The short version is that as a result of post-Brexit changes, the UK government now requires certain categories of goods to be accompanied by a declaration that they meet UK standards when they are imported into the UK. When goods are imported through ebay's international shipping program, ebay will be responsible for providing this declaration. They seem to have decided there's no easy way for them to do this, so they've suspended shipping goods to the UK in all the affected categories (one of which is toys).

Does anyone else wait a bit to open a new figure? If i went and bought something in store, no, but sometimes, I save something to open for a rainy day as a little hit of dopamine. Extends the excitement, i guess. Anyone else do this or am i just bizarre.
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>don't open the figure
>Not checking for QC problems
>When you finally open it you have 2 left feet and the store won't do shit because you waited too long

Ive had wfc jetfire for almost 4 years, still un opened. Ive had black zarak for 2 years, still unopened. Those are the oldest ive got that i intend to open. What am i waiting for? Im waiting till i find my 'home', i do not want to pack them up again.
This happened to me with the Figuarts Hit. I waited a long ass time and its wrists blew up when I swapped the hands twice.
If its any consolation I think thats an issue with a ton of people's Hits. Mine are whitening from minimum use and I've heard stories of people who have them break whilst he's posed up on a shelf without them even touching him
Nigger go back.
Everyone know the OPENINGS IMAGE of any thread is the most important part.
if you post a picture that you know people don’t like, you gonna get a lot of attention, but don’t be surprised if the attention addresses your picture instead of your topic.

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Are Power Rangers toys saved after six years of ineptitude, or has the damage been done?
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If Cosmic Fury is Dino Fury season 3, Zeo is MMPR season 4. They're both direct continuations which start in the middle of an existing conflict.
>How many completed teams did we actually get in the Lighting Collection?
MMPR (plus Ninja and Metallic Armor sets)
In Space
Lost Galaxy
Dino Thunder
SPD A-Squad

SPD (only missing Kat and Nova, which were one-off appearances)


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Zeo didn't start of in the middle of a conflict but at the aftermath of one. Then sets up a new conflict and new status quo. None of this "my mum had secretly been a villain" or "how cool, the blue ranger from like 28 years ago is back" bullshit.
Zeo also aired only a year after the movie. That was when the show was popular enough to have multiple full-length seasons. That time is over.
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It's strange that episodes of Cosmic Fury aren't on either of the PR official youtube channels. Or that only like 3 toys were produced with the Cosmic Fury brand. Toys that you can't find on Hasbro's site.
Hell, you can't even find the amazon exclusive Megazord on that amazon.com anymore. It's probably going to be valuable someday.
>pic related, 3 top results you get when you search "Cosmic Fury" on amazon
>None of this "my mum had secretly been a villain" or "how cool, the blue ranger from like 28 years ago is back" bullshit.
You're right, Zeo started with "Zedd and Rita destroyed the Command Center" and "We just spent a bunch of time gathering the Zeo Crystal" and "We lost our powers and now what are we going to do?"

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Best way to fix this?
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Or maybe you just need to get with the times, grandpa.
It's 8 fucking dollars just get one and shut the fuck up nigga
Follow the conversation anon, how the hell do you think I'm OP? No reading comprehension whatsoever.
Get a job.
I’m on a fixed income with my retirement as I suspect most Necaboomers do

Which toy line has the best community AND makers/designers who enjoy connecting with the fandom?
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>"hey are you going to actually release characters that we want like *insert popular mario or sonic character*
>"we here at jakks do believe in providing for our fans with the best quality-" *nothing of note and basically just a nice cooperate way of saying idk*
that's what all of those retarded Q&As were like.
half of their figures are shit and they have god awful distribution.
Kotobukiya's mecha musume franchises but strictly within the borders of Japan
Yeah, they’ve done a lot better lately. Especially with Haslabs,
I need to move
who cares, stop looking for "community" in your consumerism bubble and go make real friends.

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Previous Thread: >>10946823

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog
>http://www.goodsmile.info/en/products/category/figma (no longer updated)

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

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Honestly not big into love live, but I like some char designs and I enjoyed the first season of Nijigasaki (didn't like the 2nd), which of course, they skipped out on making figma of. Dropped Superstar.
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I'm still coping they didn't even try with these and just make the boring Superstar ones.
Imagine a meaty Emma and/or a petite Rina fig.
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GSC page is under maintenance and i can't update the OP, i'll try again in around 12 hours
WHERE IS SHE? no but seriously should emmi come in the end of the month?
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next one

DC has the best villains
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It’s the only toy of him with that costume
Who can draw this
Any of these for sale? That ares is cool
dang that colossus is terrible
It was fun, didnt love the art style but i enjoyed the show.

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With or without sex and it doesnt have to be a part of the same site like with jr and next. With the hamster games they developed then deleted and wasted so much time and money on we couldve gotten a game with guns, death, crimes, robbery, drugs, grand theft auto, sex with webkinz shop owners or webkinz x webkinz sex to create baby pet hybrids. New shops like an X Shop Instead of WSHOP. People would still be playing that unlike the hamster and jr games they got rid of.
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autism is a hell of a drug, part of the side effects are critically poor grammar skills.
I mean they talk about webkinz in every post so it’s not that hard.
please rewrite using half the words

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Want to sell some old school lego, wanted to know if there any other sites other then ebay etc.
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>i need my own special thread for my own special question
theres a secret place to sell your legos, but you have to go play in traffic to find it
Mercari is pretty reliable, similar to eBay
Not in my experience, mercari is more flaky
in my country there is the gypsy market

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I found this crazy thing while searching the website.
Can you feel the charm here??
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How much and where can I get it? Tell me, NOW!
woah! all his sites seem to be down, I can only find a few pics on this old tfw thread
where can I find more?
see >>10969369
RIP to a legend

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I bought some old O-ring gi joe figures off ebay but one in particular has a loose as fuck wobbly O ring so i wanna replace it. What type of O ring from the hardware store should i get?

Pic semi related
Generally, #8 for '82-'84, #9 for '85-'94. I hear #10 will work, too.
How is it semi related?
I would guess those are o-ring sizes, personally I think o-ring figures are for gays those, so please think through you decision here.
it's drill instructor*

Previously: >>10977490

-Marvel Legends Retro Venom announced (Walmart Exclusive Summer 2024 pre-order)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carnage solicited (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Warbird announced (pre- order May 9th, Target Exclusive)

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It's just a basic buck with minimal paint though. What can be said other than it exists.
New Thread:

If you didn't use autofill you wouldn't have successfully bought Carol anyway.
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What happens to shelf-warmers that can't even sell at places like Ollie's and other discount stores? What is the final resting place for toys like these?
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Haha. Figured.
I know nothing about this character but there's some decent accessories in there anyways.
>What if there's like 3 people in the world who wouldn't mind it,
Then they should buy it.
Turns out Crimson Commander is a pedo

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