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>The World of Bionicle
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with Bionicle
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2

Previous thread: >>10955070
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That would be quite nice and I'm sure possible, but I have very little experience with micro scale dioramas. Might try one day.
Too small desu
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at least use good minis in your pic
Nah thats symbolically sound
The reason Bionicle is so strong is that it channels symbolic truth that exists universally in all mythic stories
It's that too. Symbols aren't only 1 thing. Think about Fire and all the things it symbolizes
Man imagine getting people like THAT nto Bionicle. Might turn the tides away from the mongrel dogs of the American Empire (troons) from Bionicle.

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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

Previous Slag: >>10992380
462 replies and 89 images omitted. Click here to view.
Doesn't deconfirm new tooling but I suspect they think the cassettes are justification enough for the price point, a bit lame.
In Hasbro's mind the cassettes are still battlemasters, so they inflated the price proportionally
Like how Flamewar's price was bumped up because she came with Fireglide(?)
I wonder if that alternate Thundertron will actually be sold at a standard leader price.
Is that part 5 Jojo
Yeah, breaking it down with the usual math a voyager plus a deluxe plus a battle master for leader price sound like a better bargain than normal

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non collector here

i opened up both a bigbadtoystore and ebay account for my nephew last year on his 10th birthday so that he could buy a couple of action figures for himself each month as a treat for doing well in school etc

it started off being +-$100 worth of purchases from him for the first few months (star wars, marvel, mcfarlane toys) but over the last 5 months ive been getting about $500 worth of charges off my account EACH MONTH. shipment notifications from fucking hong kong and japan. i didn't address it because i have been in and out of hospital and very distracted

today his mother (my sister) sent me pic related. that was our fathers cupboard which nobody ever touched or went into - the little kid has been hiding what he's buying from all of us in there. this is just one of 6 different places he's hidden these toys (garage, under his bed, shed in garden)

is this an addiction? do any of you have this problem? should i intervene and/or close his account?

I don't know what to do because for kids, action figures are literally all they got going but it seems insane to be spending almost 10s of thousands of dollars on toys???
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based nephew, you should let him keep them as a reward for good taste
Compulsive lying is a sign of conduct disorder, which evolves into sociopathy into adults. He knew what he was doing was wrong since he hid it, which is bad sign. Definitely close the account and get this kid to counseling ASAP.
a kid lying about spending money on toys is bad but linking it to sociopathy seems a bit much
>but muh pile of steaming loot.
Tell him he misused your kindness and that you're closing the account. If you want to reward him with a figure once in a while, do so yourself. Ask him what he'd like and how he's been doing in school and various other aspects of his life. If he's earned it then go ahead and get him something. Otherwise tell him to try harder next time.

Considering he's 10 years old some of his selection is interesting. You seem like a good uncle and I hope you have the cash to be not be overly effected by his purchases. Still don't be taken advantage of. Try not to be harsh with him and let him know he should try to pass on such kindness later in life.

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(Previous thread: >>10954300)
Welcome to the /40kg/!
Tyranids confirmed and up for preorder! We eating good, boys.
>Thread Question
What old, pre-Primaris models would you like to see as a figure, even if there's no chance of it actually happening? Bonus points for metal. I'd love to see a JT Pedro Kantor myself.
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What exactly am i gatekeeping?
You guys just get super butthurt over me criticizing the toyline being out of scale and then get angry when i catch you guys not knowing anything about the series the toyline is based on.

Catching your stupid lies isn't gatekeeping and I've never said people can't enjoy their Joytoy figures.
It's your low self esteem that make you take criticism about the shitty efforts a brand makes as a personal insult.
No point in even replying, the schizo would just make up what was said, or ignore what he can't fantasize away.
Mental illness.
many such cases
How do you guys zenithil prime if you paint parts separately?
I'm sure there is a Warhammer tabletop thread somewhere. this one is for toys

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Been getting into kinnikuman lately, are these old figures by romando any good?
For what they are, sure, but what you see is what you get. Romando also has the best variety. There's the SH Figuarts line which has some fairly good depth as well. With a new series coming, who knows, maybe some more is coming.
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how about the EX subline? they look like they have better proportions and articulation

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Unpainted shiny plastic has never looked and will never look acceptable. Joints not withstanding.
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if you're eating your fucking toys you deserve to choke and die, kids are so fucking stupid and theyre going to grow into equally fucking stupid adults so best to thin out the retards early.
Well, first of all, they look delicious but I agree. Really, I think you’d have to be just as stupid to buy them in the first place. You might as well get your kids some jacks and a ball or something they can actually play with.
When have they ever been ABS, aside from maybe some of Bandai's model kits? I would wager that like 95% of the Stormtroopers out there are PVC.
You can play with crazy bones. Millennial kids were more creative than Gen-Z and Alpha kids who grew up with an endless supply of mindless media consoomption.
God these were so good. You don’t need painted toys if you have shiny variant plastic that looks kinda like you can chew it.

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So yesterday I ordered something from BBTS for the first time and realized they have shit I missed out on for forever and was looking out for on ebay the whole time. So I want to compile a list of proper and trusted import online shops for the future on top of maybe other tips and recommendations and what to look out for when importing.

Do you mind sharing your favourite sites? Until now I exclusively preordered on amiami...
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>Amiami likes to slap you with the additional fees AFTER you've already committed
Unless your Australian, no Amiami does not charge "fees" besides the shipping. This tells me that your either lying or you've never shopped from Amico let alone any import shops. I'm going to assume your a burgermutt just like me and from my years of purchases from Amiami, I've never encountered any of those "fees" you've mentioned.
Look anon, I know that shopping from a chinaman website is sooo scary and your in soo love with your eaglebux that you refuse to take advantage of the yen conversion. But in the end of the day, your paying more with domestic shops.

>b-but muh customer support
I had issues when amiami sent defective products and they replaced it with no issue. They even paid for the shipping.

>but muh pile of sh-loot
true, I'll give you that, but you can group items(preowned, new, preorders) within the same month and they can give you a shipping estimate if you contact them.

Then use surface mail, sure it's slow, but you weren't going to get the figure quick anyways if you were taking full advantage of BBTS's loot system.
>if you were taking full advantage of BBTS's loot system.
>just slap up your shit and use that oh so special pile of loot bbts service thats one hell of an epic win

Jesus Fucking Christ you americans are retarded
>Unless your Australian
And even if that's the case, BBTS are going to charge you GST too. And that's GST on top of their import price gouge. Fuck our govt.
>t. Ausfag who buys jap shit from japland and burger shit from burgerland.

Why are the Japanese so good at making toys?
If you think about it we always look forward to what will be released from Japan, not from the US or Europe
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I just glanced over to the shelf with my Figma Berserker Armour (the second release with the blood wash) and god damn am I happier than ever that I own one.
I’ll expand on that. Besides the fact that toys and collectibles are marketed in a different fashion, culturally Japan has a long history of making extremely high-quality curiosities for adults. During the Meiji era, metalworkers responded to the declining demand for weapons and armour by producing okimono, beautifully-crafted metal statues of animals, insects, crustaceans and mythical creatures. The very best, jizai okimono, were fully articulated using a complex system of pins and hinges. In many respects they’re an antique precursor to the highly-articulated and meticulously-engineered collectibles we’ve become used to buying from Japan in the modern age.
Still fucking goated.
Ngl this look like a Batman figure from that distance, and that's due to the cape.

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>Get back to the reservation, Leo!
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Why are you samefagging again Cockhead? You already got banned for it once.
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Another pic of the gun sights. These pieces must be extremely rare. They're small and easily loseable, and they're not documented in the directions, the arwork, nor in the pics of the prototype on the box. And I feel like there's no good documentation on the vintage vehicles or figures. Even reviews on youtube are sort of hard to come by.
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Rear pic showing the little cooler

I got news for you, you're talking to multiple people, and I've not been banned.
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He gets REAL mad when you call him out on it. lol

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You all doing a great job at proving dudes original comment true in that is total and that the people in are also basically
I mean he tried and is still trying to attempt a coup by getting courts to say America has a king. The guys rant was unneeded and fueled by anger however, and makes him look unhinged.
They finally had a big fight about what was happening in the Facebook group and then it all got deleted and the mod made a long post saying never to bring it up again. Facebook mods are such gay little whiney faggots, I hope they get the AIDS they deserve.
Who cares about Boss Fight Studios? Meesa wanna hear about Boss Nass Studios!
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So, a lefty retard screwed over another SUPER lefty retard... ...I dunno'... ...hard to care, seeing how far off the deep end Erik is there, politically. Was never a fan of the Vitruvian Hacks... GOOD idea, shit execution. Bought 3 or so, was not impressed, never went back.
Liked the quality in the Bucky O'Hare figures.
But, like pedo Hasbro, Disney, ...I'm not going to support a lefty company.

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*is everything wrong with the fig community in you're path*
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>is everything wrong with the fig community in you're path
Then I don't wanna be right. His updates are addictive.
What's the advice about broken toys?
Zat died kek
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Nah, he's been shit posting here the past few days.

What is you favorite MOC, it does not have to be Lego.
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Well, yes, I wasn't exactly denying anything or trying to make any kind of generational quip or so forth. I haven't seen a lot of James Bond movies but what I did get to see snippets of on TV as a kid seemed quite entertaining. I simply haven't put as much time into watching James Bond as other things I thought were cool. Now that you mention it it also makes it easier to tell the driver's side is the right in the OP pic, I was having a hard time telling who the driver was thanks to the darkness of the windscreen.
It's an Aston Martin with skiis from James Bond.

I'm an actual zoomer (zillenial? I'm 27) but I think it's a bit too obscure to make the call purely by generation, JB's cultural footprint is big but IMO arguably not as out and out massive as something like Terminator or Aliens or Star Wars. Maybe that's my yankeeism speaking but while I could instantly recognize some JB stuff or references this isn't one of them.
this thread is fuckin ded
Is that a young Jang?
Probably before that fateful day on highway 237…

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Let’s share some of our favorite gross out toy lines, new and old. This is the type of stuff I enjoy collecting the most so it’s near and dear to my heart.
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That's just hot though
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>These are all terribly stupid. What’s the point? These won’t look good in any display. Looks like stuff you’d find in a bin at a thrift store.

I dont remember to have seen that madball in the 80s comics or in the 80s cartoons. Is new?

These little GUYs are released.


What is a Nendoroid, you may ask?

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Guide/Product release info found here:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>SG-1 nendo
Don't you already have a Funko for that?

Probably bought an entire stock and can't resell them, anyway it's legit.
I haven't the slightest clue what to mail them that won't make them cancel it on the grounds I'm breaking the rules.
And I have no other card, only this blocked credit, a debit, and a prepaid that hasn't been activated yet (will be in 18 or so hours).
I use debit Visa card when buying from AmiAmi (last time in January) and it works just fine.
This one is ordered from Goodsmile itself, I haven't used ami for nendos before.
Who blacklisted Goodsmile and why

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Looks like last one fell off the catalog.
Post your toys doing cool and fun things.
Lets have some fun!
I'll start it off.
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The cape could use some work, but otherwise it's a great representation of our heroes of Democracy.
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a lower angle would sell this much better

or perhaps same angle but a wider lens in brought in closer to really choose a focal point for the composition
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