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Why are the Japanese so good at making toys?
If you think about it we always look forward to what will be released from Japan, not from the US or Europe
I want to order this, but all they show are a fully custom painted one or cg renders. I'm no artists, so my kits get left unpainted, or maybe matte coated if they're too shiny. Need to know what this will look like.
Already preordered. Might get a 2nd one even just to repaint.
Anon...it's a fully black figure. For your level of expertise it would be enough if you drown him in a brown wash for a half a minute and let it dry. If you want him to be shiny like in OP just drybrush a bit. You don't even need to paint it and if you fuck up you can just start over without conequences.
i've preordered future trunks and first guts. never preordering shf again
Because Japan makes the toy and then sets the price. Western countries set the price then make the figure to meet or fall under that price.
Yeah, the shf armor is incredibly fragile. I have it and it's the worst figure I own. Tons of people seem to have broken joints already. I'm actually afraid to touch it.
this looks fragile as shit
this looks sturdy as fuck
>Western countries set the price then make the figure

They can't make shit, they sit on their ass and write essays about badass a stupid fucking marvel legend is because of that six inch epic posing skill.
I'd still prefer to see it first. Like will the bandage on the sword be white, will the eye on the helmet be red? will there be any decals?

I've bought kits before that have ended up looking pretty cheap after i've assembled them. For the price I want know know that this will look good next to other Berserk figures and not stand out.
Make your own if you can't decide.
>The "Dragon Koroshi," a large sword that exceeds his height, and his eyes, which shine asymmetrically, are reproduced with painted parts.
>can only buy 3
Does any other website let me order more than 3 or do I have to go around each fucking site?
oh neat. hopefully the real product has the same sheen as the cg model. It's annoying buying things when you don't know what they look like.
I want this to be good so desperately. Please don't fuck it up Max Factory.
>When obsession has become so strong it overrides your ability to think straight or write cognitive sentences
Sounds like you have a epic chungus wholesome coomer moment there athena
Wonder how tall this guy would be.
185mm I think it said.
Sounds like it'd have to be a seven inch build to look just right in a display.
Yep 3 is max for most websites to avoid scaplers. Good luck buying them everywhere and paying for shipping multiple times
It's not the figuarts.
Yeah. Looks like it will be storm scale as opposed to figma/figuarts.

I'm out.
Bigger is better, Todd McFarlane is right.
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holy shit yes
I wasn't planning on getting it but now I am
exact it's shit
Yes the figuarts is shit. We know.
Yeah, we know model kits are shit just pathetic attention whores who doesn't buy toys thinks these are good because they think be a contrarian is good.
Post your guts
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looks hot as fuck!
with a message ofcourse and don't forget the date :)
this looks miles better than the OP one
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as someone who actually owns the figure I can't wait for the model kit. The shf is abhorrent and full of engineering gore. See that arm? It's about to snap. Also notice how everyone is using the kneeling position? It's because it will collapse on itself after a while otherwise.
sure, when you post your toys and model kits with a message
samefagging shitposter exposed
>August the 5th
are you from the future?
Thanks for letting us know anon. I just checked the shf thread an people seem to agree that it's garbage >>10982355
Also looks like it's just some mentally ill shill who can't cope with being called out LOL
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checked, also he doesn't buy toys, he's a pathetic attention whore trying to start console wars
>using other peoples pictures
holy shit you are one massive faggot
Yeah, shf has the worst schizos. This troon has been shitposting the same garbage for years and doesn't even own toys himself.
shf just can't make toys it seems
Only post I trust in this thread.
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Date format in the US makes zero sense anon.
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Thanks for letting us know. Just preordered thanks to your post.
1. Japan is hyper autistic and perfectionistic about everything.
2. Japanese toys are aimed at wealthy adult collectors not kids. Western toys are slowly adopting the same strategy but they haven't caught up yet.
Isn't it funny that the retard who keeps saying that people don't but toys, doesn't buy toys himself?
You the guy who had to contact amico?
maybe I should resell my shf guts and get this one instead....
yeah he always uses other peoples pictures. Even the SHF thread is making fun of this retard. He gets banned like daily.
I thought I would like this liney textured look but after seeing OP, smooth armor is the way to go. This armor is already so complex and layered, adding all that texture just makes it a visual overload. The engineering and tolerances are also not good. I am hoping the light weight of the model kit makes it a better prospect for posing.
the proportions are also the right size. Especially the helmet isn't as small as on the shf. I'm looking forward to see some repaints honestl. It's definitely the best gut we'll get in a while.
That isn't your pic.
They are not being bogged down by sjw “culture”
That’s really it
I mean just look at this one
>”a story about some mercenary in some white country and no brown people, but then brown people attack and started genociding white people, and then a very Uber white guy comes to save white people and kills brown people”
Now is this the story? No. But sjw will see it as that, and either guts going to come out as negro, or Griffith, or kushans going to turn white. And call it a “massive success” while at the same time deliberately produce shitty ugly toys because they genuinely hate the ip and its fans because “how dare the story lacks diversity and how dare people like it”
Look at state of magic (not toy sure, but is influenced by the same horseshit) and look how they take a look at lotr, said it’s not diverse, turn all the bad people white and all good people black.
Or look at state of 40k
Japanese don’t shit on their modern legends.
And so their toys are higher quality , because they want to satisfy their customers, instead of teaching them a lesson.
Except guts and the kushan are teaming up now. White and brown unite to take down aryan oppressors. Art imitating life at its best.
lol ye, teaming with what’s LEFT of Kushan, after what Griffith(and their own king) did to them.
That’s the issue though. Until they get to THAT part, they need to show a lot of “brown man bad and oppressor” thing, and that won’t go through with sjws, would it?
As on your picture, or as you were numbers, you start with the base, the biggest number
Is hobby-genki com a trustworthy shop? Buying from the eu
>PLAMATEA Guts Berserker...
>Regular price¥7,500.00 -21%Price¥5,925.00
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>Is hobby-genki com a trustworthy shop?
Thanks bro.
No problem nigga. Just a headsup, their CS is slow sometimes. Ive ordered from them for 3ish years and only had like 2/3 issues with CS being slow/miscommunication. the miscom happened recently and it was quickly solved and they handled it on their end.
they are trash with reissues

just go for it to pre order stuff doe
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I still have this dude sitting in my HLJ warehouse..... I guess I might be able to re-sell it for more than I paid?
I feel like just delivering your shit doesn't make you a "trustworthy shop".

The real test is what they will do for you if you have an actual problem with your order like serious QC(missing part/fucked paint/duplicate parts,etc) or shipping damage. If they won't help you out with replacement parts or return shipping, they are not "good".
>>The real test is what they will do for you if you have an actual problem with your order like serious QC(missing part/fucked paint/duplicate parts,etc) or shipping damage.
I slightly mentioned it here >>10985232, basically they shipped me the wrong item and i let them know but yes that is also a valid point.
They asked me to ship the wrong item back with their prepaid label AND they shipped me the item via express mail at the same time. I sent them an email saying that i'll ship the item a week later than expected due to irl shit and they were cool with it.
Other anons got replacement qc shit from them before. Shipping damage though, i read that if it's a fucked box than youre outta luck, damage ditem during shipping they got your back.
get rid of it asap
I seriously hope nobody will ever trust shf shills ever again after this embarrassment
This was the smartest post that would be in the thread before it even got going.

Back before brand unification between Hasbro and Takara, Takara did this to some degree. Same toys (usually) but they'd go the extra mile on painted detail, so the price of a deluxe there would bounce around while it was a fixed $12 or $16 or whatever dollars here. Made Hasbro's offerings look like knockoffs half the time. Especially when Takara would go all the way with improved molds or additional accessories.

Another reason I think Japan makes better toys is because this stuff wasn't so stigmatized over there. Up until Bazinga Man became a popular meme, being into this stuff was nerdy and nerdy was uncool. So people associated toys with children and since there's still some of that Victorian era "children aren't people" mindset around, they didn't really have to be that good to be considered good enough.
Wow the head is bad .... and that paint? SHF really can't make toys it seems.
I'm not gonna pretend Bandai is shit at everything. Their last few years of Kamen Rider SHFs have generally been quite good. But 9/10 times they drop the fucking ball when it comes to anime. They must have some guys there with tenure or something, because they keep churning out these shit-ass products and nothing seems to improve. You'd think a company as huge as Bandai would kick them to the curb after a few figures fail and hire someone better.
As a non-American, every other measurement is listed with increasing granularity. I.e. boulders to pebbles. So Americans unironically say the date right, despite using the atrocious Fahrenheit system for temperature.
I actually was about to post when the thread was made how ugly the figure looks from afar on the shelf. It's just way too dark. Up close not a looker either but from afar it's a complete blob. If not for the cape you wouldn't even be able to make out what it was exactly. Glad to see he noticed it too. The color choice was horrible. They should have taken a different black for sure. The wash on the otherhand is a complete insult to any fan. This was the most expensive shf I've ever bought and probably the last.
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Even with a white background completely featureless. I seriously hope nobody buys this anymore
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Here's a bit more light. It should be easier to make out. Either way he's really shit just too black.
Kek, I should do this with my Mafex Batman.
Figmachads I kneel...
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You better not miss the redditors in the shf thread having another melty
A bit more light and 2 more pixels, how generous of you anon
>pose arms out to make them look gappier
>take neck guard off
>push neck up
>take cloak off
masterfully played
My dude, it's a just a mid figure at best. Even at a lower price point it'd be mid but at the high price point it's unforgivable. The anatomy is just shit. Reminds me of some early SHF Rider stuff where the anatomy just sucked ass then they got new versions later that looked fantastic.

Bandai did not care. They wanted to milk Berserk due to the timing of the authors death.
>release q2 2025
LOL why solicit preorders that far in advance? maybe 6 month from release would be reasonable
Depends on the toy category. For example fashion dolls, Japanese ones (Licca, Jenny) suck. Awful flat faces, limited articulation, and all look the same. American ones (Rainbow High, LOL OMG, Monster High) are superior
Looks like the s.h. redditors deleted the only good post in their thread because it hurt their feelings again. God what a shit general.
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whoops didn't post it
>non American dating format
Fuck off with that nonsense
I like the look of the figma more, even got a free extra dragonslayer but it cant articulate worth shit.
Got a cloth cape for it too. Any modding guide to make the figma articulation better?
>plays in background
Isn't it crazy how shit the shf berserk figures were? What is going on at bandai?
Like I've been saying, someone (or someones) in their anime division must have tenure or some shit. They keep churning out absurdly shitty anime figures and yet nobody fires them from this incredibly desirable job at one of the biggest toy companies in the world.
Japanese rarely fire people from their company, it's more profitable to shovel them around the whole corpo rather than just get rid of them.
And then their sales go down the drain
Is he sticking one leg up in the air?
I just glanced over to the shelf with my Figma Berserker Armour (the second release with the blood wash) and god damn am I happier than ever that I own one.
I’ll expand on that. Besides the fact that toys and collectibles are marketed in a different fashion, culturally Japan has a long history of making extremely high-quality curiosities for adults. During the Meiji era, metalworkers responded to the declining demand for weapons and armour by producing okimono, beautifully-crafted metal statues of animals, insects, crustaceans and mythical creatures. The very best, jizai okimono, were fully articulated using a complex system of pins and hinges. In many respects they’re an antique precursor to the highly-articulated and meticulously-engineered collectibles we’ve become used to buying from Japan in the modern age.
Still fucking goated.
Ngl this look like a Batman figure from that distance, and that's due to the cape.

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