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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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What is your favorite color of Azalea?
Have you seen any wildflowers of note this Spring so far?
I personally love a deep dark purple Azalea but I haven't found one in bloom so far. This is Cinnabar and it caught my eye from 20 feet away.
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Some kind of Milkwort
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Yellow Thistle. Common, sort of a trash plant but still always crazy looking to me.
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>blocks your path

>I live in New England, birthplace of faggot ass Lyme Disease, ticks are everywhere innawoods
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth, never want that shit again

I bought a pair of $100 pants from Duluth that were branded as "no bug/tick" which according to the label is some proprietary Permethrin infusion.
>catch tick
>put it on pants
>watch it walk all over for several minutes, completely unbothered by the "kills bugs and ticks guaranteed!" pants
>return pants because they clearly do not fucking work

So were these pants just trash? Or is Permethrin ineffective?

What is the best way to protect from these little fuckers? Between hiking, mushrooming, and camping i'm off trail at least 75% of the time essentially bushwhacking through trees and brush.
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Permethrin and deet would both be a bad idea to use around pets. Picaridin may be a better choice for you; it isn't specifcially made to be used ON pets, but presumably it's safe to be used AROUND them.
I do 99% of my hiking and bushwhacking in two of the worst states for ticks. I treat my boots/trailrunners, socks, and pants (from the thigh down) with permethrin 3-4x a year:

>Memorial Day
>4th of July
>Labor Day

and recently around St. Patty's Day because winter doesn't last as long anymore. I have only gotten two ticks, ever:

>on my hand in the fall (I flicked it off right away)
>on my leg in the summer (I pulled it out in the bathroom that night)

I did not wear my permethrin-treated pants or shoes when I dislodged that second tick from my leg because it was an impromptu hike. I have never had a tick crawl up me otherwise.
Essential oil blends like cedarwood are beneficial. Since I started using them I noticed an absolute reduction of attached ticks and a 50% reduction in ticks at all.
I just sat down,after mowing the lawn,and found two of them on me.Kinda surprised,since I was on a riding mower.This is getting very tiresome.
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I just found one on my leg, assuming its from a hike i did yesterday afternoon (so roughly 24 hours later)

hoping i caught it early enough and no fucking lyme


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Homestead General /hsg/
> Biochar Edition
> Thread #07

Talk gardening, farming, livestock, beekeeping, building, electricity and plumbing, earthworks, waterworks, permaculture, raising children, market gardening, selling produce, barter, home economics, composting, mulching, pest control, diet, health.
Anything relevant to living on site, making a home out of the land.

Old Thread: >>2676468
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I'd be on the more optimistic side of actual homesteaders and those that dream of homesteading.
You've got several anons ITT posting pics of things they grow, one on two acres.
I'm sitting in the tropics planting trees for the last two years.
If you're in the americas, honey bees are an invasive species.
dogs killed my last rooster. I’m in city limits so would have trouble if I stay up and shoot the fucker but I built a big ass trap for it. Also putting in for a suppressor for my 22LR.
Avenge the cock, Anon. The blood of hounds must nourish your garden.
Xylitol is a water soluble natural sweetener which is completely safe for human consumption (and quite sweet) however it's extremely poisonous for dogs, as little as 0.5g per kilogram of dog's body mass will usually cause acute liver failure, higher doses practically guarantee death.

You have been abducted by aliens and they are telling You that you are going to be dropped onto an uninhabited planet with an Earthlike atmosphere and and an ecosystem identical to the pacific northwest.

they have given you a set of thrirteen empty boxes whose interiors is 1 foot tall 2 feet wide and 8 feet long, you may request anything you want for on the planet and you have a weight limit of 35 pounds each (not including the box itself) you will not be leaving the planet, no rescue is coming

One box will come with you the other 12 will arrive in six month intervals

What do you pack?
How do you pack it?
Which do you take with you initially?
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I rape the aliens
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Dead Thread
hypothetically speaking could i bring a girlfriend
a girl would fit in the box
Initial Box (35 lbs):

Folding Tent (5 lbs): Provides immediate shelter.
Water Purification Tablets (1 lb): Makes water safe to drink.
First-Aid Kit (5 lbs): Essential for medical emergencies.
Multi-tool (2 lbs): Versatile tool for repairs and basic construction.
Fishing Line, Hooks, and Sinkers (2 lbs): Enables catching food.
Metal Pot (3 lbs): For cooking and boiling water.
Fire Starter Kit (2 lbs): Flint and steel or lighter for fire creation.
Seeds (5 lbs): Choose fast-growing vegetables and herbs for immediate planting.
Waterproof Notebook & Pencil (1 lb): For documentation and planning.

Box 2 (6 Months): Heavy-duty tarp, rope, saw, axe (shelter improvements & tool creation).
Box 3: Water filtration system, water storage containers (long-term water security).

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Anon inadvertently creates the Squats from 40K.
What a fucking legend.

Heading here next week to peakbag and enjoy some solitude, was wondering if any /out/ anons had any additional recommendations for some smaller hikes/caves things to explore close to I25 or I10 in TX and NM

Current itinerary:
OML + Emory and South Rim in BBNP
Guadalupe Peak + Carlsbad NP
Sierra Blanca + White Sands NP
Organ Needle
Chicoma Mountain
Wheeler Peak
Rent a vehicle that's a 4x4 to experience all of that area has to offer. Also drink lots of water. Get prepared for 0 humidity.
I did my geology field camp over there
check out Gila National Forest

When does it stop becoming camping and become “eating food outside”
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We will run you through with our tent poles and roast you over a small fire . Pedo
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I dont camp anymore since i bought a house innawoods
I just set up my camping stuff and do all the things in the yard then go sleep inside
About to doze off to the peacful chirps of frogs trying to get laid from the comfort of my bed
You're the one fucking children, anon.
It gets that way if you pitch in a shit spot with nothing to explore. Personally I like mountains and lakes because those two features have the most interesting things to find.
It was really nice of you to lend your comfortable bed to the frogs! I hope they do get laid. Tadpoles are super chill.

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how hardcore are you?
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She's morphing into the vegan cunt from tiktok
there's yards and there's yards anon. there are reasons to have big areas of grass, sure you need a place for kids to run around or to sit out with a beer or whatever, but when you get to picrel it's just unnecessarily harmful for minimum aesthetic value. there is nearly always a middle ground between a perfectly manicured 3'' swath and "foot-high weeds and grass filled with ticks and burrs", and usually it's both cheaper and looks better than the alternatives (while also being better for nature).

conservation is not just something the government and NGOs are responsible for. if you understood how harmful lawns can be I think you would probably feel the same as I do.

he doesnt know what paths are
so what happened to the tree after she left
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How would you have felt at the end of your hike if your pack were under 15lbs?
>my pack is a lot heavier than that

Yeah, but how would you have felt if it were that light?
>But it’s not that light. I don’t understand the question.

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I don't know how to use a compass. I cannot read a paper map. I only use my phone.
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>it's only one part of the process
Am I the only one around here who knows what "crash course" means
That was not a crash course, that was one little tid bit of a larger process.

>how drive car?
>there's the gas pedal

How about we stop assuming everyone is fucking retarded and give the necessary info instead of just enough to get someone confidently lost
If you're going to use a map with your compass use it right, skipping magnetic declination can kick you off course significantly over a few km.
Unless your aiming for broadly "over there"
>stop assuming everyone is retarded
>he said, in a thread full of retards who can't read
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Not euro
I am translating from french, where the term makes sense. Thanks now I know how to call this in anglo.

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theres a mountain about 3 kms away from where i live and there are always tons of rabbits there.
maybe im autistic or something but i think it would be really cool to try hunt them only using primitive tools/weapons (nothing more advanced than a bow, and thats already pushing it).
has anyone tried it? or tried rabbit hunting in general? im just looking to get a couple every few weeks or so, nothing too crazy
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Rabbits were introduced and are invasive. Set snare everywhere and don't feel bad at all. Sure, use a bow or whatever but murder as many as you can m8.
He seems to be in Australia--they're invasive there. He shouldn't sport hunt: he should sport genocide.
Invasive species are a meme
Your opinions are a meme.
See my experience with rabbits is that they don't require any stalking or waiting. They are literally bozos of the animal world. You just walk through the woods, look for open grassy spots, catch a glimpse of their tails and then take your shot. They will alert on you and just sit there and look at you half the time. You'll probably be less than 30 yards from them alot of the time.

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Is pepper spray any good against wolves or dogs?

What can you do about wild boars?

How about beavers?
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>I relentlessly mock the use of pepper spray for bears
Why? its def worked for some people. better than nothing.
It probably works for predatory attacks because predators seek easy kills.
But for defensive encounters, particularly if cubs are involved its next to useless.
I think a large body of the research on it was it simply being deployed on false charges
are you a tree?
>defensive encounters, particularly if cubs are involved its next to useless
This guy got attacked by a sow with 2 cubs. bear spray saved his life
Why would you fight beavers?

Currently assembling my at home and outdoors first aid kit. What is essential gear that I need to have? Or are there any preassembled kits that y'all reccomend that aren't just fancy band aid packs?

I'm already getting tourniquets and cpr masks (I know CPR doesn't use mouth to mouth but mouth to mouth is used after Heimmlich and other forms do respiratory arrest) and I'm also getting big ass scissors of course.
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Where'd you get the bag? I've been looking for something similar to put my homemade kit in.
I'd add medical tape and get rid of the bandaids if you're already going to be carrying gauze.
Also some vinyl gloves are nice if you're administering first aid on someone else.
This but minus the part about getting rid of the bandaids. I wouldn't pack a shitload mind you, but having a dozen or so adds almost 0 bulk/weight and makes it so you don't have to immediately dip into your medical tape and gauze for small nicks and cuts. Hell, throw a few in some of your pockets and you'll be good for a while assuming you arent accident prone
>n Finland they sell a viper bite kit in the pharmacy ... Although nowadays they do not recommend it because some people have a false belief in the viper bite pills negating the effects of the viper venom.
I'd say the main reason they don't recommend it nowadays is because there's very little evidence that it helps at all.
Treating snake bites with corticosteroids is essentially a Scandinavian eccentricity (maybe Italian too) and it's not generally recommended elsewhere in the world. The snake bite toxidrome may have an inflammatory element but that is not what causes most of the actual harm. Morbidity associated with snake bites in Europe and the US is primarily a result of cytotoxins which directly attack cells and tissue around the site of the bite, and hemotoxins which fuck with blood clotting. Neither of these pathways will be significantly affected by hydrocortisone.

On the other hand, 3x50mg pills aren't going to take up much space in your pack so if you feel more comfortable carrying them then go right ahead.

>Anyone think this "first aid kit" stuff is retarded?
No. Not at all.
If you fuck up with your knife or a hatchet or if you just fall down a fucking cliff then it's entirely possible for you to bleed out well before anyone responds to your PLB. A tourniquet, gauze and a good bandage could very well keep you alive long enough for help to arrive. Similarly, being able to effectively splint a fracture might be the difference between making it to shelter or back to the trailhead vs freezing to death in the rain.
At the other end of the spectrum, carrying band-aids and gauze can let you treat minor cuts, burns and blisters well enough that you can continue hiking rather than calling your trip quits 3 days in because you slipped while filleting a fish. Anti-diarrhea meds and oral rehydration solution are the same, they're not going to save your life but they can save your enjoyment of the trip.
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Here is my medkit.
It contains the following:
>1x Cederroth 4-in-1 bloodstopper (can be used as a pressure bandage for larger wounds, burn dressing, for securing the splint on to a limb or as a protective dressing for less serious wounds
>2x Cederroth 4-in-1 bloodstopper mini (same but smaller, and also usable on fingers, toes or palms of hand)
>50ml of 80% etanol for cleaning up wounds
>a couple wound wipes
>an assortment of different bandaids
>medical tape
>triangular bandage
>medication (imodium, ibuprofen, paracetamol, caffein, snake bite tablets, allergy meds and allergy eyedrops)
>one roll of gauze, wound compress pads
>bic lighter
>space blanket
>nitrile gloves

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Moving out to Oregon for a job: near the cesspool called Portland. Any suggestions on places to hike for someone who has never been in the NW.
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highly highly recommend Lost Lake Butte
I went and did the bike trail around Newbury Craters back in 2018. Don't forget to take in the the obsidian flow on the access road on the way up.
Lincoln City has a really nice beach with 24/7 access and you can light fires.
I just bought land in Christmas Valley lol.
Has anyone hiked Mount Saint Helens? I have a few questions about the park.
- Can you in the crater where the explosion happened? I know its still "active" but is there any danger or rules against doing it.
- Is there snow on top of the mountain all year around? Just need to know if I need crampons or microspikes.

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