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Moving out to Oregon for a job: near the cesspool called Portland. Any suggestions on places to hike for someone who has never been in the NW.
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A little far out from Portland, but Wallowa-Whitman National Forest is worth the drive in my opinion.
Everything around Mt Hood is amazing. Just live there for a year and explore it. You'll keep finding new trails. If you can get to Multnomah on a less crowded day, I would say it's worth the visit.

Eagle creek is a great one.
The Columbia gorge
This >>2725914
The McKenzie Pass, Camp Sherman, and Three Sisters
Newberry National Volcanic Monument.

If you want to go really far out go out east, to the Ochoco National Forest, and Malheur National Forest.
There is also JPacific Crest Trail which is a part of The Triple Crown of Hiking.
You also have crater lake, but I like Newberry better.

Don't fore get Washington got some nice hiking too.
All the good trails are in California and Washington, Oregon is both full and ugly
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Let me guess you never been out of the Portland area?
You couldn't be further from the truth:
California has 250 people per square mile
Washington has 118 people per square mile
Oregon has 44 people per square mile
What good places are there in Washington? Partially worried about the presence of Brown Bears so are there any over there?
I’m curious about Oregon as well, specifically the eastern part of the state, in the rain shadow of the Cascades. The mountains are nice, but there has to be stuff going on in the desert, right?

Pretty much everywhere in California is two hours or less from a city of 300k people. There are way too many people.
Same but around Seattle. Any recs?
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I said we are full, alright? Plenty of space elsewhere.
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Nope, there are chuds out there and its hard to pick up my fent
Is that the Big Obsidian Flow at Newberry?
3 sisters
Mount Saint Helens is a simple walk up mountain, get a good look at the caldera.
the coast/beach is pretty desolate in areas...very unique hiking imo...I miss the west coast...
Can someone tell me why the communist state of Oregon is not allowing me to enter the Big Obsidian Flow park unless it's between June - Late Fall?
>>> if anyone has any tips on where to park to avoid said communism, let me know
It the fed, the park roads memorial day.
You can always part your vehicle near one of the east side trail and hike up and in.
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Find a camping spot off china hat road, and hike in.
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highly highly recommend Lost Lake Butte
I went and did the bike trail around Newbury Craters back in 2018. Don't forget to take in the the obsidian flow on the access road on the way up.
Lincoln City has a really nice beach with 24/7 access and you can light fires.
I just bought land in Christmas Valley lol.
Has anyone hiked Mount Saint Helens? I have a few questions about the park.
- Can you in the crater where the explosion happened? I know its still "active" but is there any danger or rules against doing it.
- Is there snow on top of the mountain all year around? Just need to know if I need crampons or microspikes.
Cove palisades
>Cove palisades
Lake Billy Chinook is okay, The only thing worth seeing is the Metolius Balancing Rocks.
>Can you in the crater where the explosion happened?
No it is illegal

>Is there snow on top of the mountain all year around?
No. It will be gone by some time in July or August.
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Off topic, but does anyone know any good beginner caving spots in Oregon. Want to get into that hobby but don't know where to start.
Arnold Ice Cave.
Lava River Cave
Skylight Cave
Redmond Caves
Fort Rock Cave
Derrick Cave
Boyd Cave

Sea Lion Caves, Skeleton Cave, Oregon Caves, and Newberry are all tour lead I believe.
Climbing requires a permit that's a pain to get, but spots open up on short notice as people give them up. Even if you can't summit there are amazing hikes all around the mountain. It's one of my favorite places.
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Echo Lake might be my favorite hike anywhere
Correct. The PNW is overated garbage stick to California or the East coast.
You're the reason we can't have nice things.
Why would I tell a non local?
There's no communism out here in Portland, just identity-obsessed shit libs.
Did you really? I work there
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I am not a fag, and I don't live in partland like you do.
Ah yes some guy on the internet doesn't want me in their state, I guess I have to listen to him.
It's a long way out from Portland, but the Rogue River Trail is probably the best trail in southern Oregon (starting just outside Grants Pass and going basically all the way to the coast). The weather during the summer is similar to northern California so it's very comfortable. It's also a world-class whitewater rapids area.
Only worth going on an off day. Especially when the trail narrows, it's not fun having to hug the rock wall cause some man shaped like a bowling ball is taking up the whole path.
I doubt anyone wants to live in Portland. If only there were high paying jobs less than an hour away from work: ow wait, that's basically anyone in Colorado.
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Olympic is top tier, but overcrowded. Cascades are worth the drive. I recommend any trail overlooking the Skagit River. The prominence of the mountains around make the view breathtaking.
Beacon Rock is like an hour drive away in Washington. They've got some pretty neato rock formations.

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