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What does it feel like to kiss someone?

I'm a forever khhv and I want to hurt
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Are you ftm?
it feels wonderful
Wish I knew. I wonder what it feels like to hold hands with someone you like
Depends on how you do it.
Pecks on the forehead or cheek? Sweet, Nothing much. Like headpats.
French kissing with a bit of grinding? So good, imo. Feeling another person's tongue is weird at first, but it's exciting to see how much you can change the sensations you both feel by switching movements up, Plus, it's hot to test if you can make the other person moan or gasp, and for how long you can go without fucking. It's like a little game.

>remember reading about uterine transplants in males when I went through my 4chan debate phase 3 years ago
>everyone was saying it was sheer delusion and that males and females are just too different
>do some research
>the medical consensus generally seems to be that it's probably possible, but will require a modified procedure
>we are 90% sure the modified procedure will work
>but not 100%, so we're gonna need to do animal trials
>"oh. well, no-one cares so that's probably that."

>ffw to the other day
>someone posting about how uterine transplants to males are biologically impossible
>decide to pull up old links
>oh shit, there's more now
>...they're doing the animal research
>...they haven't tested pregnancy yet, but so far the actual procedure works
>...the rats even have periods now

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I dunno if i'd want someone else's vag, I mean it's not like a heart or other transplant where the recipient 100% needs a new organ to survive, just seems kind of creepy. Maybe if it was grown from stem cell or something??
girl speak for yourself i will steal it from jk rowling as she sleeps i want to give birth to my husband’s children so bad. we can literally become cis who CARES
People with hearts translplants remember things and acquire likes their donor had. I wonder if this will be similar?

I have to agree. If they could synthesize everything from my own genome then implant it that would be way more preferable than getting somebody else's.
That's retarded no they don't.

i feel so lonely
how do u guys cope with lonliness
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i only really talk to two people ever, not even to the people i live with. i dont know how to feel less hollow, whenever i get high or anything its like a comfortable misery
it is so nasty. i think it works best with smaller shit like mflb pax ect cuz it cooks it better but honestly it was ok with bigger vape leftovers. just never try with with salvia lmao
you're cuter <3
I guess there's a lot of us. Do you want to start a motorcycle gang?

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Zoey Alexandria Voice Actor The Unknown Death Zoey Alexandria Wendorf Dead by Daylight Obituary : Transgender Woman and YouTuber Dies.
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nigger, I am a repressor too, when AI gives me a full female body I will keep the biggest dick ever. Then I will ask it to identify you from this post and I will hunt you down and rape you and cum inside you and because I've been augmented by AI it will also cause you to have a baby and you will feel my baby inside you growing and you will be happy.
Also I was going to learn to draw but each time I go to /ic/ the doom posting there gets to me and I put it off.
i was studying the blade sounding mf
Troon the fuck out before your a sad old rapper you can be yourself and not a goonsult

You're aware of that right?
Lol don't threaten me with a good time.
>Also I was going to learn to draw but each time I go to /ic/ the doom posting there gets to me and I put it off.
/ic/ is quite literally unusable and has been for the last 5 years. Just so you know though all the jaded permabegs and AI pajeets want you to not draw. Getting you to say "fuck this i dont got the ligament/asian genes" is the whole point.
It's okay to experience childish joy. It's okay to be excited about the things you draw even if you aren't perfect, etc etc. /ic/ is just full of terminally online demoralized niggers that just want to make each other more demoralized.

You do need a community for learning though and your best bets are either a traditional drawing atelier IRL or some online community that isn't absolutely insuffrable which will take you time to find but it is worth it.

>Fuck the elites
Weird how quickly everyone glosses over how the political and societal left were the ones pushing covid jabs, not some vague group of "elites".

>People that wanted to do good, do the right thing, would end up dead. And vicous psychopaths would flourish.
Oh, fuck off. Those same people ridiculed, ostracized, and made it their personal mission to punish anyone seeking a moderate approach by contacting their employers and student bodies. There was no intent to "do" good, just to feel good through budget fascism and believing anything else is pandering to the same kind of narcissism that deflects all responsibility.

Most deaths could have been avoided if a basic level of critical thinking was applied. Everyone hates politicians and the economic 0.1% (despite the latter being overwhelmingly democrat), yet took a running leap at the opportunity to fall in line when told they'd be doing the "right" thing and would be "helping" because you're all desperately starved for relevancy and head-pats.

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What the title says. A guy rejected me upon finding out I am post op and said it’s because I can’t shit out kids from my gash. Next thing I know is that he is dating a pre-op trans woman who has a huge cock. Please don’t ever believe men when they say the reason is because we can’t shit out kids. That is NEVER the real reason. These bastards do it on purpose to make us feel crippled. Sometimes they can’t have kids themselves or they are not interested in having kids, but they’ll use that excuse if you are old or ugly or fat or trans
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Trannies are for fun, but long term you need someone who can carry your children
yup they wanna make it sound like its your fault instead of theirs.

That's men for you

That's why you never exclusively date only one dude, is not exclusive unless its discussed. you should also be dating a huge dong chad by now desu
sure but that doesnt mean op isnt crippled.
so are trannies but at least cis women can bear my children
I love and am attracted to men but when you transbians make these posts saying the fact of the matter it just makes me happy you have to deal with foids. and that those cis men will end up divorced paying child support and miserable

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decided to detransition.

shoulders are too big.
spirit and soul are male.
interests are male.
i'm almost exclusively gynephilic and a top
I belong as a man
i also intent to leave this world in the 15 of june.

any tips?
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you shouldn't have called anyone
the losers have arrived
its apparent shes is much pain and there no cure, shes a top if she breeds therell be more trannies, its better this way anon. Be sensible for a second instead of trying to save every life.
You were born in the wrong body, and I'm sorry for that, I don't know you but I think you have a kind spirit, do what is best for your mind, if I had the chance I would kiss each of your cuts and give you a hug, I'm sorry you feel that way. From my point of view you don't pass, but you are still beautiful.
Camo has a huge hog. A bwc. You can't deprive the world of that giant she-shlong

qott - Do you love america?
qott 2 - does the great outdoors call to you?

previous- >>35654327
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> picrel
Mmm yes daddy give me money so I can get big cock sucking lips ;3
thank you!! imma drop trip again soon after this methinks i just thought talking about this was better with my secure trip
i wish you luck with your diet! just don't fully starve yourself because it has a good chance of hurting more than helping. i'd recommend going to the gym to shed extra weight, i don't think you'll build muscle if you have a caloric deficit, though.
where do all the cool ftms hang out online? is there any specific fandoms/communities or are they just kinda scattered everywhere
there are so many spaces online that are predominantly mtf but i cant think of any place that's the same for ftms
Since FtMs are transsexual they generally just get treatment and move on, and as typical men they don’t wind up concentrated in specific hobbies or fandoms as that’s generally only something that happens when said activity is particularly stimulating to a specific mental illness shared by a group.

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott 1: are you into feet? if so, what's your favorite thing about them?
qott 2: how would you feel about dating a girl who had a foot fetish?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35642016
discord: https://discord.gg/hrbygddw
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she's so cute when she's drunk
no problem insteadnof being a bunch of incel counts it'd be nice if yall would he helpful about this. where do I find one and how to approach them
What about that is cute? The simulation and them thinking it's reality and then taking it away? It was really scary to think about it afterwards...
instead of being a bunch of incel cunts*

see this is what I'm talking about tho. trying to chase a twink hon and make them feel loved and hot. which is what they normally cry about wanting. but when I try to find one they're all scared or missing.
this here is what's cute!!
>people thinking that they're a real person and then taking away their freedom was just too eerie for me to bear

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What do trannies wear in bed when sleeping?
As a hot chaser for me it's #10
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1, 4 or 19
depending on how warm it is
during summer mostly 4 or 19
who tf sleeps with a bra? that hurts
2 or 12
what does it mean if i wear this?

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Its getting warm outside again and Im so jealous of all these big titty sluts and upset I can never look like them. I walk around campus and see these bimbos wearing croptops and tops that you can see most of thier boobs while I just wear a hoodie and suffer. Its almost like they want people to stare at their tits, I wish I had big tits so other girls are jealous of me but no I had to be an troon.
Anons what is wrong with me ?
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I prefer no tits / small tits because you can get away with publicly wearing much sexier/sluttier clothes than breeding mares of large mammarian variety.
>I wish I had big tits so other girls are jealous of me but no I had to be an troon

what's stopping you tho, in 2024 transgirls are putting cis girls to shame
You should get BA bbg
ur a gross AGP misogynist
show off your perfect a cups

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I dont understand why i have to be alone while everyone else gets to be happy and have their lives fufilled with money, sex or whatever while i have to toil being alone and a freak.... are half asian/white transwomen that repulsive to other transwomen? why do i have to constantly have everyone elses' happiness shoved in my face while i rot by myself.........
its so weird bros how when someone says they a halfie u kno it's white guy with an asian lady. rancid pairing of 2 fucks trying to out fetishize the other because they failed with their own race o.0

anyway no hate but ur the product of that disgusting marriage of filth lol. almost as dirty as a nigger
What you said doesn’t really matter. Do you pass or not?

Keep seething ricecel
hm what color of Asian? I like Filipino or darker shades.
people hugbox me too much i am fucking ugly
if you truly are ugly, you know how the dating game is for ugly people. i don’t need to explain. however, I’ve seen ugly people make it before so. if you’re desperate for love, keep trying because once you give up. That’s when it ends. Or get used to being alone. but, most people are naturally social animals and not schizoids. so, that probably won’t work. Anyways, good luck. Happy hunting

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Reminder that all chasers are gay reppers
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nah it's just posting style seems different
hope you doing well :3
I might die this month if this counts as good.
I am just being fully myself instead of worrying about performing for the masses.
>fully myself

cause of (possible) death?

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Survey for transwomen of /tttt/ who are on HRT. I'm interested to see if boymoding (manmoding, whatever you want to call it) is linked to self-hatred.
>1. Are you boymoding right now? Are you girlmoding?
>2. How did you experience trying on women's clothes or makeup for the first time? How do you experience it now?
>3. Would you say you hate yourself?
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>1. Are you boymoding right now?
boymoding, i get gendered female fairly often still but i cant come out and girlmode for many reasons especially since my voice training is not going well i just sound like a fag
>2. How did you experience trying on women's clothes
my older sister made me crossdress when i was like 8 and she was 17 i think. i liked it though and even after my dad found out and scolded us for it i would do it in private.
>or makeup
i was probably like 13 i had a scar on my cheek from an injury and covered it up and then after that i got more interested in it and was into scene shit and started wearing eyeliner and sometimes concealer or tinted moisturizer depending on what i could get my hands on at the time
>How do you experience it now?
i still wear eyeliner only mostly since my skin is a lot clearer now and i dye my hair pitch black. i think the emo look distracts from hrt changes a lot at least no one ive known for a while is onto me really since ive had this look more or less for years pre hrt
>3. Would you say you hate yourself?
not really im too avoidant to think about anything that would make me hate myself long enough to actually hate myself
also i recommend choosing a place that you go regularly, like a gym or the grocery store, and commiting to always wearing at least light makeup whenever you go. it's a good way to force yourself to practice (because it is just a lot of practice to get good at it. it's really not about talent or creativity or anything) and it's a good way to turn it into a routine which is how you learn to be consistent and quick about it
okay i will do that
i don't leave my apartment regularly now that classes are over
1. I Pass but tomboy mode. present androgynously cause I like it and always thought masculine women were something to envy. girly girls are dime a dozen whatever. a woman proud of herself and not beholden to societal expectations and not afraid to be themselves is based.
2. I guess I'm half agp and half hsts. I've always had dysphoria but never really got sexually aroused by acting feminine. I just always was faggy and naturally feminine, so to me it was nice to feel pretty and most importantly desirable to men. guys that tell me I'm cute and stuff make me feel very good and I like acting out traditional gender roles when I'm with them
3. Not really no. I hate that I was born male but also think mlm is the peak of human relationships. wlm and wlw will just never have the level of intimacy, sex, trust, etc. that amab x amab will no matter what they say or argue there is no friendship as strong as brotherhood among men and women will even say that. when 2 men love each other its as sexy as it is a deep emotional bond assuming they're emotionally mature enough to be open about it. a lot of men aren't in touch with their emotions but the ones that are basically have life good. every advantage in society, no chance of random pregnancies, if they're sexually responsible and use protection they get to fuck and they're good to go, they have few close friends and lovers but the ones they do have are deep in their hearts and ones they'd fight and die for, etc etc. while I wish I was a cis woman ideally I'm much happier being a tranny than say a gayden who will never understand any of those things no matter how much they try or how close they get to understanding it. just like I'll never understand the fear and sisterhood of cis women. I can get close. I can be stealth and experience a life very similar but don't have the upbringing or trauma or social pressure quite like they do. close but not it

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Yes I'm ftm. Yes I love transwomen. Yes every night I close my eyes and imagine a beautiful transgender goddess holding me in her arms. Yes trans girls make my heart flutter. No I'm not tired of making this exact thread.
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Cool! Why not address the post tho?
Because it's stupid lol
least obvious MtT LARP
Stop raiding places you don’t belong faggot
Im ftm cope and seethe retard
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t. 5’8ftm

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What are you supposed to do if you can't have a family and you're too old to aimlessly fool around with friends because they all have kids now? What am I working to get promotions for? A nicer car? A better apartment?

>t. 30 year old homo (bi fag really but I'm not eligible for women)
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I love how I am treated like this, except I have been working for the past 15 years and my job is fixing broken infrastructure.
Thank you for your work.
It's insane how some people only see value on shitting out a bunch of kids and if you don't do that then nothing else matters. Maybe I'm wired wrong or something but I just don't see it that way at all. Gross little rat family with 10 kids compared to someone childless that's maintaining society?
I mean one it’s a natural biological thing. Second, having kids is commonly pushed by society, parents, religion, etc.
What happens when a person who feels the need to reproduce and is groomed to do it? They have kids. It’s a nobrainer

Hell, I’m affected by it. I get this biological calling often. It’s kinda like Hinamizawa Syndrome where I hear Oyashiras footsteps

Find other people who don't have kids to fool around with, travel the world, work your way into a job you actually enjoy. You don't have to chase stupid material status symbols, and with no kids, you can focus 100% on your own fulfillment. It's pretty comfy. Everyone is jealous of the two gays with a dog/cat or two and no financial struggles bc double income no kids.

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