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why did i have to be a woman???

this is the only thing i want
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sure everyone has imperfections, but life as a gay man will still always be better than living as a miserable woman
Ok but you realize being a guy getting a boyfriend is a fucking nightmare to the point giving up completely is more likely? It's not like being a girl dating a guy, there are powerful social pressures against the very foundation of dating another dude. Furthermore, even if you do find a guy who is willing to date you and by some miracle you're emotionally compatible now you both need to sort through the awful baggage of being a gay dude in this shit hole and if your baggage doesn't match the relationship ends there. This is completely putting aside open relationship shit, the rampancy of drug use in the gay community, the wild objectification of one another that possibly exceeds the objectification of women in hetero dynamics, and all the other normal relationship crap that can crop up (cheating, drifting apart, changing as people, I could go on.)

It's cool if you like Yaoi and stuff, and it's cool if you're a transman, but if you genuinely want to trans your gender because you think dating a dude as a dude will be IRL yaoi you are being delusional. Like, if I (a man) outwardly asserted I am attracted to a man to his face there is a high probability in most parts of the world that I would be met with physical assault. It's not like yaoi.
You know that you can be a dyke right?
can't you just like cut your hair? Guys IRL who look like the picture would turn 19 eventually, start to bloat out, bald and get very hairy. People here who are AMAB legit take estrogen to be like the pic
Is female transgenderism just a flimsy cover for pedophilia? Why though? Most adult women can just get a job at the local school if they want access to boys and society will heap praise upon them if they follow through on it. Afabs can literally get away with murder and then point to their breasts and vaginas and society will forgive them or even say "there's nothing to forgive" I hate women so much it's unreal

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>Let's see
>'height....6'3..wait! 6'1... no! 5'11" haha'. I'm gonna make a tall perfect human female. Mogs most of other females, but still ideal enough for men. I get plan for this.
>skin color, hair color, eye color, nipple color? Fuck it. randomize! Got white, ginger, blue & pink; that's sufficient enough. She can dye her hair in later life.
>....oh and make her waist narrow, hip wide, torso medium. I love guitar shaped body.
>Also make her hard to get fat, and easy to get muscle. Make her strong & athletic female. Yes, can see this going well. Can't wait for her to perform like a good ballerina & boxer
>'traits...uh...mild autism, purgatory between tomboy & feminine, but full of empathy, ultra conscious, high IQ EQ ABCQetc. also be a quiet person. She'll be a reserved woman that make others pay for underestimating her.
>Hobby: Loves cooking, housekeeping, parenting, mechanic work. She should be also competent in babysitting, repairing cars, and baking cakes. Uh, almost forget programming! this is very essential for her future.
>Life goal: monogamous marriage trophy wife. Also bonus for being disposed for education, she'll be a great entrepreneur housewife.
>Perfect! Savefile_tradwife_the_greatest_anonette_ever.hmn
>Open Savefile_tradwife_the_greatest_anonette_ever.hmn
>Run project IRL-#0101Earth
>starting point? Let's put him in this rich young rich successful family here. He'll get a good starting position to grow.
>him? NO!!! Last setting from previous save was big hairy swarthy penis. Forgot to switch his sex from male to female
>Never mind, just apply hotfix patch on him with doctor medicating him female hormones. And carefully nurtured as the plan goes. She'll be fixed a decade later into a gorgeous girl, gracious model, exceptionally talented and successful wife. She'll thank me for her perfect fate.
>All is good, created in my image and goes along with the plan.
meds now, this doesnt happen you fucking chuddette. nothing is random, everything is planned. YOU ARE INSANE TAKE YOUR FUCKING MEDICATIONS AND NO I DO NOT MEAN HRT
Brb posting this to reddit and earning mad reddibux

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I sometimes get really tuned on and sexually frustrated and when I'm in this state I get a super strong urge to start taking Estrogen
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at least 4mg or 6mg a day
how does it make you feel?
like a little slut because iwnbam
... kinda hot ngl

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why do weed and anal go so well together? it's like some forbidden occult ritual, that's how good it feels.
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relaxes the muscles to make it easier to receive
smell over powers the smell of poopy buttholes
try candy flipping during sex, weed is trash
weed just gives me a headache and then i get sad and transphobic for days after
my butthole is NOT poopy after cleaning
>take the time to roll a joint / pack a bowl
>don’t take the time to clean ya booty
That’s just bad prioritization

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I haven't had sex in a year since I broke up with my ex I've genuinely been considering going on Grindr to get some relief

Is this a bad idea? I know it won't be like sex with a loved one but I need some dick....
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desu I stopped using them because after match.com bought every dating app and shitified them finding legit dates is a pain in the ass. From my experience I had the best luck with bumble (got a bf on there for a bit) and hinge (no bf but had a few decent dates.)

Tinder is the big one but most people on there aren't very serious. The city you live in also will strongly affect your success at finding a partner regardless of which app you download. (hell download all of them if you want)

Honestly gay dating is hellish, it's no wonder people just give up on it all. It's like a big fucking circle leading back to grindr or celibacy.
i've been considering this too for the same reason but i've also never gotten an std or sti and don't rly wanna start. ugh -.-
It really isn't that bad. Have a bit of a screening process, always use a condom and be direct about your wants. Hooking up is a fun way to meet new people and have a good nut. Though the thrill of meeting new people should be the main focus, since the sex can really vary in quality with hookups. Sometimes shit is amazing, sometimes you wonder if the other person has ever fucked before.
i hate being a pent up faggot

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How lucky or unlucky am I to have a cis gf with a force fem fetish?
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you must be really lucky… it would be a nightmare. there are no biofem chasers… no girl would want us except for really slutty self hating bi TERFs… they all want ovaries…
my gf is a cis Les man hater-lite but not a TERF, does that count?

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>tfw you will never be a goth coded collage IT bitch who grows up and find love and takes her wife to live in the countriside and becomes a cottagecore mother to 3 children
Being born a moid is my curse to bare.
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>ywn be goth who takes an architecture and civic engineering degree with a few millions in inheritance and lives in your tiny stubby neogothic cottage with your wife and 3 striplings
How is a girl going to have kids with another girl?
Very carefully
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Things really changed for Gen Z. Long gone are the days of the Fedora Atheist. Of the HSTS claiming to believe in God to show they're true trans.
Now is the day of the Atheist HSTS. If you're religious you're officially male-brained!

Full article:
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kek i meant to say mormans
Being "disaffiliated from religion" doesn't mean atheist. This is specifically about Christian church attendance. Ask these women if they're spiritual, let's see what the answer is.
>This didnt happen during any of the recessions we have had in the last 70 years and it wont happen now
this one won't be like those. it will be apocalyptic. the economic pyramid is based on belief things will be better in future. but it won't when viable resources are ending, when Earth becomes hostile for life, when corporations take everything from people who already tasted a better life.
>Only women believe in God for real.
They don't, they believe whatever their father or bf/husband does
It will be even lower

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what do people mean when they say "tranny voice"? what is it about a voice that makes you able to clock it?

as opposed to just a masculine/nasally sounding woman's voice
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The worst tranny voice is a mix between autist and flamer. Think of a really autistic flamer and there ya go
and how do I fix that? I have it bad
It really boils down to raising your pitch ceiling. There are resources on YouTube to train your voice. Download an app that tracks pitch. What you're going to do is find a target pitch. It has to be higher than your normal male average, but a bit lower than your comfortable high note.
Train to use your voice around that average, going a couple of notes higher and a couple notes lower. If you manage to talk comfortably at the higher end of your range, you can start gradually raising your average, again making sure to fluctuate a couple notes higher and lower.

Focus on having melody and pitch fluctuations instead of trying to talk at the highest pitch you can. You'll sound more clocky surr but also more natural.

It's the difference between sounding like a twink and sounding like an autistic robot
It’s more about pitch floor than pitch ceiling. It’s how low you DON’T go.

Stay above 140hz, and with the right resonance you’ll sound feminine even without feminine intonations and cadences as long as your vocal fold mass is soft but not breathy

Pretty much this.
okay i'll try this. part of my problem is when i was initially voice training i had an e-bf and he reinforced my higher pitch by saying "omg you sound so cute and passing today babe!!" (clueless)
my voice sits around 230hz and ik my resonance is fine but i'm really bad with emoting or sounding melodious so thanks for the tips

A statement from jarl balls rough of whiteran skrim

"Attention people of Skyrim, it has come to my attention that alfreak stormcock hates the cockwenches, bundles of sticks,men of the sea and members of the long bacon coven, ive decided to side with the empire to prevent ulfric from hurting boymoders"

He further goes on to say

"Im definitely not a chaser, although i can attest to ulfric being one albeit a racist transphobic chaser who craves elven gock from a group im not allowed to mention for political reasons bc we've sided with the empire, remember side with the empire and you can protect yourself from the stormcucks queerphobic laws, thank you"
P.s do not use ancient nordic or dwemer tire irons to hurt minorities

Why do trannies worship eating disorders (anamoding and fatmaxing)?
Probably because trans women have a tendency to adopt stereotypical superficial indicators of femininity and in current cultures thinness is one such indicator.

Just American things

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Every Friday night I go on a daddy-daughter date with my dad so I pretend to be his girlfriend the entire time. Is this weird?
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Incest posting has been a thing on /tttt/ for like a decade
Well this post has been up for half a day, show us the Twitter and/or Reddit post.
would be too obvious to post it right away
Consenting adult incest is based and should be spread far and wide.

I'm a terf. But realistically looking, I see my picrel (mtf) as a member of my sex. If I call this person male, I would be true schizophreniac.
I see her as a fellow woman, she even have female parts. I would like to hang out with her, have a nice drink, go shopping etc. I guess I'm not actually transphobic, I just hate to see hons calling themselves women.
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>male stomach, big head, wide tranny boobs
doesn’t pass at all, terf card revoked
troons can not see mockery without thinking the person is mad, shocker LOL
> But realistically looking, I see my picrel (mtf) as a member of my sex
>picrel doesnt pass
bro is not a terf
Congrats, you’re also not a feminist

It is annoying that non-binary in the west just means girl with a short hair cut and piercings. It should be reserved for those with modified sex traits that don't do a full surgical transition.
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India and Pakistan allow for eunuch as sex on IDs. Which I think is incredibly based.
Literally though. People will be like "I'm NoN bInArY" and then just be short haired girls. Where is the androgyny? Where is the masculinity? Why are you calling your binary as fuck self nonbinary? The pixie cut isn't a gender, Kai!
the problem is ugly or unaesthetic people
if people where good the world wouldnt need labels
>it’s annoying that I’m rabidly sexist
Yes, it is.
Nonbinaries don't OWE you androgyny!

(probably because people don't readily sort others into a 3rd category and are actively clocking for F or M)

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Hello /tttt/
Do you think, by chance, your childhood trauma(not even sexual any kind of trauma)
has pushed you to find "the real you" in the other gender?
Often CT causes disassociation and people rarely ever find themselves. So becoming trans to combat those feelings of emptiness make sense.
I’ve thought about it a lot, but ultimately I don’t think so. Not because of any proof, but just because I have things like picking at my skin that are maladaptive behaviors, and it doesn’t feel like those. There’s an innocence to it somehow.
But if it is, I say the same to that that I do to the idea of being gay being from getting molested. If there’s some kind of mechanism in the human brain that trips and allows them to still experience love and joy and whatever else instead of shutting down psychologically, then it’s beautiful and one of the vanishingly few mercies of a sick and evil universe.

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