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Positivity time. How did you find your current bf? Give tips and tricks. Tell us your story!

I'm tired of only seeing negativity...
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Opposite direction, but I met my gf through a mutual friend from /soc/ of all places. I just treated her like a normal person/friend and helped her through a pretty rough time. We ended up falling for each other, living far away is hard but we try and see each other whenever we can.
I'm a cis guy and she's trans, if it wasn't clear.
grindr . he is my sweet love
I have a bf who I have been with for almost the entirety of my transition. We are still going strong, AND we have threesomes. It rocks. I love him.
literally found one walking around outside but we broke up because he was gay
>a tranny

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desperately needed thread. the girls yearn to be clicker trained

no picrel so here's a random hell portal I found
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bow wow you really want attention dont you, just begging for some to respond and tell you what to do woof
break >~< that's so hot
pls pls pls pls pls I need more training woof ;o;
Yeah, it being hot is what's keeping me tethered arf ruff ruff.

Yes arf ;-; I need the attention... I want it to work so badly woof woof.

Yeah, hopefully a trainer comes to thread again soon...
Pathetic puppies don't deserve clicks, not even for barks

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I advice all reppers to read this, it might help you out a lot:


Anyway IWNBAW sneed and dilate
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Underrated comment
I am going to tyler rex
>implying i'm not just manmoding
>Hit the gym, dont underestimate how well endorphins can better your mood
>get a haircut that fits your likes, its fine to have shoulder length hair
>Get a job that forces you to work outside and gets you more in touch with your inner man
>Eat healthier, take supplements like vitamin D, magnesium, zinc

Hes been saying and posting this kinda shit for months i swear he reps like a manchester utd fan at the premier league


What are your letters and level of cleanliness?

Bi cis male, keep my place clean but it can be a bit disorganized sometimes.
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I'm vigilant about food and trash, but sometimes I'm too lazy to put my shit back where it belongs.

People who enjoy cleaning horrific messes are a rare breed. Seeing a room like pic related, I'd vomit in my mouth and leave.
mtf trash goblin
I don't own much so I'd have to try hard to leave things out of place. I guess I'm privileged that way.
As expected

I am very depressed and constantly buying new tech, books, and random odds and ends to try and fill the void. It works for short bursts.
>mtf trans, very messy
>only time I feel a need to clean immediately is when I smell something
>bf ftm is a clean freak
>over years we averaged on our cleanness level
>also I pay for cleaning service every other week
>and bought a dishwasher

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As a trans girl, it's sad to see our community often viewed as fetishistic or degenerate. We should combat this way of thinking and show the world the diverse, beautiful reality of transgender individuals. How can we work together to reshape these perceptions and foster understanding and acceptance among normal people?
I think it’s actually a self fulfilling prophecy. Because we are so often unfairly maligned, people in the community often don’t set a standard of behavior because we know we’ll be seen as perverted regardless. People latch on to this perception, and confirmation bias does the rest. Itt cherrypicked twitter screenshots of hons being overtly sexual.

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What would you do if this happened to you?
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this person is the living embodiment of a fart
[spoiler]Yes, I know there's actually an episode about that[/spoiler]
that episode was so bad and boring. Felt like he wanted to make a trans episode for some reason but didnt know what to write at all
thankfully my drs have been cool and ask what my new name is when i have to go to like urgent care because i'm not fat and they know what hrt tits look like.
I hate how british people speak

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>be me
>realize you could buy oral lidocaine on campus
>what if I inject it
>just werks
>plan to inject my singular ball with cacl dissolved in ethyl alcohol until I kill them
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will do follow-ups whenever possible. honestly, I just want to prove a point and nuke my T, bone density and get depressed beyond belief.
>appalling how a future doctor could be this retarded
yes, I agree It's genuinely an awful Idea but what do I have to lose, I have nothing left. I've also read every possible account on CaCl injections on eunuch archives, If you don't end up with some in your scrotum you're pretty much fine..besides the pain for days ig
if ur actually a med fag you should be able to do a proper diy orchi on yourself with a little practice.
It's not that simple, I've already tried before and almost bled out to death. I fucked the ligation part up, I'm only a second year student what do you expect. I ended up in a looney bin for a month and had every single device I own confiscated by the police.
Injections just seem like a better choice in my current situation and hey since I've got rid of one ball the first time when I tried the DIY orchi I only have one left to btfo
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We Are Soldiers Without Borders, Our Purpose Defined By The Era We Live In.

Do trans women seriously think straight men fuck them?
You stupid faggots, men who told you that they are "LE STRAIGHT" usually fucks only trannies with dicks, femboys, twinks etc and probably didn't touched cis woman in their life.
All men who fuck trannies are gay at worst, and bisexual at best.
I can only understand you are straight if tranny had SRS, but if not, are trans women with dicks really that delusional that they think straight man would be fine with dick?

Straights vomit at dick. Real straights, not the man who fucks femboys and call it totally straight sex. I don't even have anything against trannies I just don't understand how naive and retarded they can be. They would go for a "straight" man just becuse he told them he is straight to fuck them, and they completely ignore his actions before. Why is it so hard to understand? Straights vomit at dick.
That's why they only fuck cis and srs trans women.
I don't have anything against you, but holy shit, you are delusional as fuck if you think this.
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>People are past the point of caring about the sanctity of muh gender roles
There's an epidemic of guys doing patently gay stuff while desperately clinging onto the straight identity exactly because they care about gender roles
It's so weird to me. Imagine being a gay man fucking another man and call it straight because of "muh le gender roles".
It sounds so disgusting and crazy.
>Bisexual man = [ATTRACTED] TO [BOTH].
I would say there is a second type of bisexual man who is not repulsed/disgusted by dick but not attracted to it either, they're probably the most feasible closest thing the average tranny can get to straight guys
If he is fine with dick and pussy he is bisexual. No need to make "second type of bisexual".
>By definition, if they are AMAB who fuck another AMAB is gay, maybe bisexual if another AMAB fucked AFAB before.
Yeah but that makes it sound like they actively seek out other dudes instead of being attracted to femininity but not caring if they're a dude. They're not attracted to the dude, but instead a hole attached to a feminine appearance. And the whole clearly defined straight/gay branding falls apart when most people are just some degree of bi depending on the situation (such as a $20 bill).

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earlier i talked to this trans girl im getting somewhat close with and we did talk about doing *stuff* together, but today she talked about wanting to fuck a pussy and stuff and it made me feel rlly bad about not having one ;w;
like she said she wants to thrust into a girl and kiss her and stuff and i said she can do that with a trans girl aswell and she said its not the same thing ): its over....
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>is the natural evolved entry point for your feminine penis into a woman better than a hole you SHIT from
Yeah fucking obviously anon
i literally cried after she said that
Yup there are horror stories from when it wasn't so good, but tech has gotten better
sauce? it's still rubbish, probably
Ass is amazing.
It's tight, warm, deep and induces moaning, everything a pp wants!

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>young adult gay incel freak
>decide to troon out for fun
>know I'm not a woman, it kind of bothers me
>don't voice train since I feel like a man and trying to speak in a feminine voice feels 'foreign'
>similar reaction to having a more feminine skin texture, it does not feel like 'me'
>however, my progress has been pretty good
Should I just continue? I don't have reverse dysphoria or anything as far as I can tell. Would being a woman make my life easier? Since I'm just dying to suck cock it's not like I will ever have children.
I am extremely malebrained, interested in things like philosophy and I relate a lot to incel memes.
I would never admit this to anyone else. I feel like I am editing my own personality as I go. I truly don't have a real "me" (or if I had one, it's long gone by now) and I just edit myself according to the situation.
Estrogen has brought back the bit of hair that I lost.
Should I just continue? I know Reddithons and psychiatrists would seethe if they knew, but I'm very good at lying.
Try to figure yourself out as you go. You may drop hrt if you feel the changes are not the ones you want
I don't mind breast growth. I guess in a way I am an MtFtT (male to female to tomboy), because I don't really care about presenting male other than not being expected to be masculine (I don't care about cars, fighting or fishing)
I haven't even started laser because I don't really care I think. I grew out my facial hair once or twice and it was laughable at how shit it looked, so I never did that again
Overall my main problem is that I FEEL male. I didn't get laser because I was afraid that maybe I'm going to regret that.

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living vicariously through each other edition
Why don’t you all just start a suicide cult
We can commit lover’s suicide together before we turn 30 <3

Nothingburger as it stands, but the moment this gets RT'd by Rowling or suchlike, it'll hit 100K easily and DIY gets debated in parliament. Get stockpiling.

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i wish that it worked that way but you know that it expires right? you'd only really be able to "stockpile" a year's worth or so before running out
Raws last a long time
No no no they do not, stop stockpiling now
isn't it already banned in the sense that operating a pharmacy without a license is surely not legal? (yes I know you say you order estrogen for your research and not for the treatment of any medical condition or the use on humans...)
the anti-DIY stuff is heating up, bad shit is dead ahead

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QOTT: How /fa/ are you? also post your hardest fit
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Damn this is really sweet ty, day improoved
i feel too mentally mind broken to go back to society
Sexy perky titties
I'm trying to get them cut off because I can't take one more summer with them attached.

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It's getting pretty obvious that Rowling isn't transphobic but she just hates the transbian rapehons with anime pfp's.
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Imagine being a pizza crust, seeing another bite get taken out, and banking on the hope that you'll be thrown out. Riiight, at least I'm not a pepperoni.

Damn I want pizza.
Terf is a word your kind uses to categorise women as an "other" you can collectively beat on.
actually the word I use to categorise women is women. and the term I use to categorise others is non binary. hope this helps.
And yet I bet if a woman disagrees with you you'd call them a terf. Anything that feeds your big strong male ego, ma'am
>Being beautiful makes people treat you better.

Why do you think the British government is working so hard to ban transition

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