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what do people mean when they say "tranny voice"? what is it about a voice that makes you able to clock it?

as opposed to just a masculine/nasally sounding woman's voice
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The worst tranny voice is a mix between autist and flamer. Think of a really autistic flamer and there ya go
and how do I fix that? I have it bad
It really boils down to raising your pitch ceiling. There are resources on YouTube to train your voice. Download an app that tracks pitch. What you're going to do is find a target pitch. It has to be higher than your normal male average, but a bit lower than your comfortable high note.
Train to use your voice around that average, going a couple of notes higher and a couple notes lower. If you manage to talk comfortably at the higher end of your range, you can start gradually raising your average, again making sure to fluctuate a couple notes higher and lower.

Focus on having melody and pitch fluctuations instead of trying to talk at the highest pitch you can. You'll sound more clocky surr but also more natural.

It's the difference between sounding like a twink and sounding like an autistic robot
It’s more about pitch floor than pitch ceiling. It’s how low you DON’T go.

Stay above 140hz, and with the right resonance you’ll sound feminine even without feminine intonations and cadences as long as your vocal fold mass is soft but not breathy

Pretty much this.
okay i'll try this. part of my problem is when i was initially voice training i had an e-bf and he reinforced my higher pitch by saying "omg you sound so cute and passing today babe!!" (clueless)
my voice sits around 230hz and ik my resonance is fine but i'm really bad with emoting or sounding melodious so thanks for the tips

I'm at a new low. I've been looking for dick on fucking Reddit. I've never been so humiliated in my life, someone please put me out of my misery.
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where you at?
too bad im in yurp, good luck :c
>too bad im in yurp
Damn I want some eurodick rn

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desperately needed thread. the girls yearn to be clicker trained

no picrel so here's a random hell portal I found
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>not really like any of this matters since you’re stuck until that bet expires
Arf in the meantime my brain is genuinely fried so it's no big deal.

>eventually you wouldn’t even need clicks to add barks to every post you make,
Terrifying, but also hot. Woof woof. If I keep being instructed to bark every post, it might just become habit anyway.
god clicks are so good bark! not sure how i ever lived without this form of validation woof woof its just soo good bark! bark!
I really want to be a slave to the clicks... I kinda already am for (You)s ruff! Woof woof woof.
bow wow you really want attention dont you, just begging for some to respond and tell you what to do woof
break >~< that's so hot

A statement from jarl balls rough of whiteran skrim

"Attention people of Skyrim, it has come to my attention that alfreak stormcock hates the cockwenches, bundles of sticks,men of the sea and members of the long bacon coven, ive decided to side with the empire to prevent ulfric from hurting boymoders"

He further goes on to say

"Im definitely not a chaser, although i can attest to ulfric being one albeit a racist transphobic chaser who craves elven gock from a group im not allowed to mention for political reasons bc we've sided with the empire, remember side with the empire and you can protect yourself from the stormcucks queerphobic laws, thank you"
P.s do not use ancient nordic or dwemer tire irons to hurt minorities

Why do trannies worship eating disorders (anamoding and fatmaxing)?
Probably because trans women have a tendency to adopt stereotypical superficial indicators of femininity and in current cultures thinness is one such indicator.

Just American things

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post tummy :3
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Of course there are blood fetishists, but from my experience, they are a minority, even in these threads (as I am also in them). Granted they are vocal, but it's usually like 1-2 guys in these threads doing the same comments

Pretty much most guys who are into broken trannies are savior complex idiots like me. It's quite easy to see when you are looking into these threads, even though people post anonymous, by writing style you can often figure out who is who
i simply don't care to entertain this convo. this is ridiculous. i don't remember the latest two cutting threads i saw lately using the image in >>35743376 to be able to cite them as a source, even though i never opened them. this is ignoring all the cutting threads i've seen over the years of a tranny just putting her fresh scars on the catalog, or writing in a diary or painting using her blood, which i would never be able to find. but i do remember how to find a single cutting thread in recent memory:
six (6) replies. one (1) calls it "cute". one (1) criticizes it for being "mid" (encouraging). two (2) encourage cutting names, and only two (2) replies bother saying it's a bad habit, and one of them was me. you are delusional, and while i am not a fan of using "schizo" as an ad hominem, occam's razor dictates that it is simply not possible for your grasping at straws narrative to be more plausible than people opening cutting threads and outright identifying as "liking" cutting because they want the person to stop cutting. cope. not responding to you anymore (obviously)
lol. yeah. I don't talk to them at all anymore.

both angles seem make sense to me. I know saviour complex and masochists that revel in the actual self inflicted pain of it all.
Are you hetero, single and in the EU? :)
responding to myself, but i found the cutting threads using that OP pic anyway >>35678507 >>35704475 >>35722745. still not interested in sifting through these threads as if it is in any way possible for anon's weird identifying as "liking" cutting but not wanting the person to cut anymore narrative to be common, or at all predominant. again, this is ignoring all the cutting threads that have come and gone. not in the mood for this

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Every Friday night I go on a daddy-daughter date with my dad so I pretend to be his girlfriend the entire time. Is this weird?
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Incest posting has been a thing on /tttt/ for like a decade
Well this post has been up for half a day, show us the Twitter and/or Reddit post.
would be too obvious to post it right away
Consenting adult incest is based and should be spread far and wide.

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daily reminder that enjoying anal is malebrained because women don't have prostates
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speculative theories and unproven hypothesis
You're acting like fucking ancient retards who thought uterus moved around women's bodies. The state of female healthcare is still abysmal thanks to idiots such as yourself. You're a waste of oxygen.
I'm a woman and I have a prostate

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You're finally awake! That fall looked real bad.
What are you talking about?

Get up, Anon, we're retaking Jerusalem!
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>Verily needst thou recognize that thou damned art
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i ask thee sir, trobar clus or trobar leu? that is the true question of our time back home in the frankish lands
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>cursed to masculinise until i die
My fantasies usually involve being a jihadist in the 2010s but sure crusader larp works too I guess

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Do you believe in Total Puppygirl Death?
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puppygirls are cringe and need to grow the fuck up
t. passing mentally stable mtf
>be on the anonymous website
>"wtf people are acting cringe?"
even when not on 4chan, i see puppygirls yapping on about their shit on twitter and discord and im fucking sick of it
that's how you know they're real puppygirls.
dont kill them but maybe disable the part of their brains that know what dogs are or relate to the dogs

I'm a terf. But realistically looking, I see my picrel (mtf) as a member of my sex. If I call this person male, I would be true schizophreniac.
I see her as a fellow woman, she even have female parts. I would like to hang out with her, have a nice drink, go shopping etc. I guess I'm not actually transphobic, I just hate to see hons calling themselves women.
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>male stomach, big head, wide tranny boobs
doesn’t pass at all, terf card revoked
troons can not see mockery without thinking the person is mad, shocker LOL
> But realistically looking, I see my picrel (mtf) as a member of my sex
>picrel doesnt pass
bro is not a terf
Congrats, you’re also not a feminist

It is annoying that non-binary in the west just means girl with a short hair cut and piercings. It should be reserved for those with modified sex traits that don't do a full surgical transition.
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India and Pakistan allow for eunuch as sex on IDs. Which I think is incredibly based.
Literally though. People will be like "I'm NoN bInArY" and then just be short haired girls. Where is the androgyny? Where is the masculinity? Why are you calling your binary as fuck self nonbinary? The pixie cut isn't a gender, Kai!
the problem is ugly or unaesthetic people
if people where good the world wouldnt need labels
>it’s annoying that I’m rabidly sexist
Yes, it is.
Nonbinaries don't OWE you androgyny!

(probably because people don't readily sort others into a 3rd category and are actively clocking for F or M)

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Previous: >>35511744
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don't shoot the messenger
arms body legs flesh skin bone sinew
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are you polish?
i know a ftm nigga with an artstyle thats eerily similar to yours

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Hello /tttt/
Do you think, by chance, your childhood trauma(not even sexual any kind of trauma)
has pushed you to find "the real you" in the other gender?
Often CT causes disassociation and people rarely ever find themselves. So becoming trans to combat those feelings of emptiness make sense.
I’ve thought about it a lot, but ultimately I don’t think so. Not because of any proof, but just because I have things like picking at my skin that are maladaptive behaviors, and it doesn’t feel like those. There’s an innocence to it somehow.
But if it is, I say the same to that that I do to the idea of being gay being from getting molested. If there’s some kind of mechanism in the human brain that trips and allows them to still experience love and joy and whatever else instead of shutting down psychologically, then it’s beautiful and one of the vanishingly few mercies of a sick and evil universe.

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Anybody else trying to quit booze here? How do you get over the cravings? I constantly want to drink happy juice but i am broke and need to pick
I'd say just give up on being a tranny. That'll save you in the long run.
I managed to quit by just being broke. The worst of my abstinences was held back by weed an nicotine pouches.

T. Ex alcoholic mtf
I'm trying weed but it's a different feeling to alcohol idk

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