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Previous: >>35511744
Itsa mirror
bad timing bap
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someone teach me how to practice anatomy without having a meltdown. i really need to get better at drawing more than portrait shit
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DND related stuff
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Suck my balls
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erm just like do it duh

you could keep "petting the line" (chicken scratching) until you have a silhouette of a body that looks accurate, and then do a second draft on top where you actually establish the anatomy, and then final lines

or just draw a bunch of gingerbread men til the proportions look right
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losing a friend
got me fighting back tears in the club rn
hugging you xxx
Lol i wonder how this retard draws
Don't do this
Read an anatomy book. Have confidence in your strokes.
>teach me how ... without having a meltdown.
last thing i drew
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Is this good enough for a mothers day gift?
I feel like its missing something, but I can't quite put my finger on it
>inb4 the lighting is a mess
I am aware
I think it's nice!
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Bump while i try to make pallets for a drawing
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you didn't draw this
i literally did
last year
ok, i believe you. but it's not like i had a time frame for when it was drawn. but if you said "just now" or something i would've said you were full of shit

i wouldn't even have replied over the obvious eyebrow-raising subject matter were it not for people editing the "boy" to say "nigger", edit the diaper to be soiled, and put it on the catalog every so often. was that version and are those posts made by you?
lmao only ones i saw were "i <3 nigger poop" and the fruit one

i posted the og image only like 3 or 4 times around the time i made it and mostly in replies and i think once as a thread and never made any edits to it by myself so all variations you seeing are people creativity
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Drew this thing inspired by that "handsome husband" boymoder comic some time ago because I thought the boymoder was expressive and cute and made my pooner version of it.
i feel i recognize your artstyle. did you draw a sad looking girl once? i know that's generic, but i feel i see it used as a reaction image every so often
To my knowledge nothing I've ever drawn and posted here has gotten that much traction, but I'm curious to see what yoi're talking about... maybe I did draw it and forget about it
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fuck. i will never be able to find it. i am not an artist, so pls no bully. i think she might've had a smile instead of a frown, but i feel i remember the worried eyebrows. i remember thinking she looked a bit chubby, sorta. i remember the thick lines and minimalist artstyle. if this doesn't ring a bell i really don't think i can find it, but if i see it again, i'll save it and post it one of these art threads for archival, and say posting just in case it's yours
I'm fairly sure you're thinking of handsome husband
I can't interrogate google into showing it to me for the life of me but you're probably thinking of the comic that the original poster was trying to mimic lol.
oh, i guess that makes sense, cause i wasn't familair with the boymoder comic in question
i don't have confidence in my strokes. i have read tons of anatomy books and 9/10 times they make me feel retarded. there's a lot of talk about 'feeling' the action and the flow and i do not understand how to do that. i'm not good with abstract thought
i just worry i'll do this and never actuslly branch out. like i'll never take the traininh wheels off
Read stonehouse's anatomy book
>just worry i'll do this and never actuslly branch out
I literally dont think ygmi
Youre acting like you need someone to hold your hand through the process. Why wouldn't you branch out? Cuz you dont actually like drawing lol. Stick to the cartoons
>uninspired amateur literally begging for new ways to understand anatomy
So persuasive. Ostrich behavior.
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That's not what I said, i said that specific advice (Chicken scratching, drawing blobs) will not improve your sense of anatomy at all. If you want to learn the human form, you study it, you don't bang your head against a wall until you get it right. You need to do observational studies. Even if you don't read a book, try drawing your hand, your friends, any person doing anything. Don't scribble and hope you suddenly learn something new.
You think Im saying to think of anatomy inside your head and then just draw what you make up?

Theyre saying they try to study bodies but cant. Ive been there eith proportions not lining up throughout the whole figure. So dont do that, draw the form, shapes, negative space. Dont think about the proportions or obsess on the dimension at all, you aren't there yet. You need to spit out a bunch of forms and very quickly you will start gaining an understanding of what's accurate and whats not. Also I would never recommend starting with straight up anatomy books, you wont understand the why. Copy Renaissance art or maybe just animes with food full figure art if thats what inspires you.
>or just draw a bunch of gingerbread men til the proportions look right
Draw stick figures until it looks right instead of analyzing human proportions and applying it >>>Pin the tail on the donkey, bro
>"petting the line" (chicken scratching) until you have a silhouette of a body that looks accurate
Just scribble until it looks right instead of focusing on the overall form of the human body and trying to understand how it generally behaves

This leads to slower, if any, progress.
Drawing every day will, eventually, lead to progress. But imagine drawing a shoe every day without ever even trying to look at a picture of one, or understanding what a foot generally looks like first.
>you wont understand the why
>Copy Renaissance art or maybe just animes with food full figure art if thats what inspires you.
Copy literally anything that looks human instead of guessing until it looks Ok, I agree.
You aren't appreciating your audience. You are a poor teacher as well as a poor communicator.
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I'd love to see you post your art now, sensei
Youre punching far above your weight class
I'm far from perfect, I barely consider myself low int, but considering we are talking about >>35751910 I'd say this is Ok. I'm not fighting anyone I'm trying to give advice (Which is literally to study something that you want to learn, lol)
Youd be great at teaching yourself and thats about it. Besides that, you apparently havent taught yourself much.
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if you want to learn how to draw people better, look at a person, and try to draw them.
If you find yourself struggling to draw hands, look at some hands.
If you wish you could draw birds, draw some birds you see.
As your skill improves, and you teach yourself to draw what you see, rather than what you imagine, you can begin to understand the forms of the objects you are trying to draw. If you want to refine your skills, you can look at material that explains to you, and shows you, the inner mechanisms behind what you're drawing.
If you feel overwhelmed by literature, simply trying to replicate what you see- be it a cartoon you like, or a real thing, will guide you.
Anyone can learn to draw!
these are really good anon. you have really nice form in your characters because you do have the anatomy learned. you should draw each limb as a 3d shape in space to lay those on top of and your form + flow of line will work perfectly
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I hope these mere doodles will suffice
wow i did not intend to start a debate, i apologize.
i'll look into it
i do enjoy drawing i just have bipolar disorder unironically and can get pretty doomerish when something isn't going the way i want it to. i have a hard time remembering it's okay to make mistakes and really was just wondering if anyone has advice for curbing negative or self destructive thoughts when trying to improve one's craft
i guess what this boils down to is i get extremely overwhelmed when trying to do figure drawing. the pressure of doing it quickly feels like too much and i never really know where to start. i don't know how to divide my focus between understanding exactly what i'm doing and doing it quickly. picrel is what i usually crank out. i know i usually stop at the legs and feet and hands bc i'm not as confident in drawing that stuff and want to avoid the negative emotions, but i also know i won't get better until i fuck up over and over again and accept that that's the only way i'll improve.
like i draw a lot of this bc i enjoy it and i've gotten confident about it but i can't just draw titties all day. i gotta draw the rest yknow?
Im the second reply and the gingerbread suggestion anon. Part of why I wrote that was to make it easier and more fun for you because I can tell youre really good but it is just a mental/emotional block.

Why do you want to be fast? You can if you want, but its also okay to be slow, whatever works for you.

Have you taken a figure study class? Youre supposed to have fun with it and try multiple exercises like I described. Gestures, continuous line, blocking, these help you engage with drawing in new, fun and interesting ways.
Yep. Its okay to not draw the feet. If you want to start learning, do what I said with the gingerbread technique. Draw the outline and keep refining it, or block it in and define the negative space.
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might as well post here, last thing I did
I am saving this up on my computah because it's actually great, love love love
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Michael Mattesi's book "Force" and the Vilppu Drawing Manual are books i can highly vouch for with figure drawing. Anatomy For Sculptors is neat too and goes into more detail about the specific parts of the body. i wouldnt bother with that until you have construction down tho.

aside from that, idk, just obsesses with all the little ways parts of the body relate to each other. i rly recommend video refs in addition to static shots btw, i find them helpful in better seeing how gravity effects everything.
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I did this a few days ago. I've been listening to a lot of Frances Forever recently and wanted to draw the character on the cover from one of their latest releases 'Baby Bangs'.
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Every time I feel bad about being a repressor I open this thread and see all the beg art that gets posted and tell myself that this is where I'd be if I drew less and spent time on trooning.
good for you for being threatened enough by an innocuous art thread to bring your cope high horse baggage into it to feel better about yourself
Only fat bitches don't post their work
fat girls are the best, though
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real real
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i take offense to your hate for chicken scratching. i love it too much. its my lifeblood. we love it in MY household (of one)
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I chicken scratch too, it's a drug I don't recommend.
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some less detailed and older art ive done, but more dynamic than most of the stuff i do
Awesome as always
https://magma.com/d/fmkWOiPxRS bump
Are you the person that makes these drawings. I’ve seen multiple in this style & I dig it, esp the one with the sun and the moon, do you have a tumblr or something
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A little goober
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ywah im the person who makes them. i think you’re thinking of this one!! im @F3MC3LSL4Y3R on twitter!!
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It’s a clown world for when I was repressing
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wat do u think
i made this after my ex groped me
DMT trip
Cracked pieces anon, holy shit you're creative
I'm a fan of this style
I like it, I'm sure your mum would appreciate it
T^T the stars were so beautiful anon..
https://magma.com/d/3yzZwXm6QY new
What time do you usually do these?
There's a server if you want to be notified https://discord.gg/dvjBaF6B
put a dildo in the hands instead
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You're not gonna believe this
ya i've only seen the bottom right panel i think. but i thought it was facing the other way

maybe i've seen a four panel comic version of this before, formatted like a square. but i haven't seen a boymoder version before
Yeah there was one where she was in a car, and maybe a few more
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it's my favourite comic, it's honestly a mood in a kind of inscrutable way
based and disco elysium pilled
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we're bumping
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try to sculpt as realistic of a face as u can just dial it in so u have an innate knowledge of how they work from all angles
reminds me of life is strange very nice
i love the way the color blocking doesnt interfere with the negative space much these r crazy
>>35813500 >>35813767
Draw skeletons to practice propertions. Look at fat and muscle structures for the rest.
i love this sm
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finished this today
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don't shoot the messenger
arms body legs flesh skin bone sinew
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are you polish?
i know a ftm nigga with an artstyle thats eerily similar to yours
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cute. also single-handedly carrying this thread
nah anon the actual artists carry these threads I just bump it with my silly doodles
don't be so hard on yourself. i mean, i'm not an artist, so i can't validate you in any contextual way. but your "doodles" are far beyond what i would expect a doodle to be. gotta keep the expectations low, i guess, lest anyone see you at your full power. your creativity and passion is appreciated!
this is literally as good as art needs to be
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wowowowowo papież mentioned
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She's a recurring character
I just forgot that jp2 was mentioned in yours drawings
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>go on a holiday
>do lots of sketches
>wow i feel great about my art
>get home
>wow my art is shit and i want to kill myself
how do i ever defeat these feelings of inadequacy
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for the record, i'm the one who called your puppy cute earlier, and i'm not the same one who called your human and seal cute, lmao
ty :)
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I feel like I haven't grown as an artist since highschool.
I still only know how to observe after years.
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love the tummy
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I know it sucks but I like it
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i like it, too
mor body horror
more yume nikki-esque shit
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lil doodle of izutsumi
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it looks good. edgy like my old art
i'm >>35883148 btw
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what was it?
Uldis Zarins_ Sandis Kondrats - Anatomy for Sculptors, Understanding the Human Figure (2014, Exonicus LLC)
good good
i will spread
you will all be me
and i will be you
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decided to do a little experimental doodle
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idk if i posted this before, made this in mspaint a little while ago
i looks pretty but i think more volume on the top would add alot, both in terms of anatomy and balance of the picture as a whole
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after 20 years, even though i realize this was the obvious reference, i just saw someone repost it in a thread that was deleted instantly >>35916799, and felt the need to mention here what your own reference was:

i also found a lossless version of the original comic the last panel was from (but with the caption removed, for some reason). the kym article has the version with the caption, but it's lossy:
in hindsight i just got confused, and the kym version is actually lossless; it's just that my addon that expands images on hover (imagus) doesn't fetch the lossless version if i hover over the thumbnail on the article
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did you know in The Sims 2, you can draw your own shit and have your sims paint it, so long as it was under 1mb?
picrel is a wip i just want to share my autistic obsession with one of the only malebrained sims games. that i may or may not be learning how to use milkshape for
draw her as kane from time magazine plox
a who now, google shows me nothing
>malebrained sims games
You make me sad, gloves.
This image is kino, you're a modern day toulouse-lautrec anon, though I bet you're above 5ft and won't die of syphilis.
I love this one
i can never seem to make fabric this lifelike, what is your secret anon?
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I don't think so but thanks lol
Idk I just draw. Funny thing is that i draw clothes somewhat infrequently. Repetition I guess. But i don't think it's that good, that was a study anyways so it doesn't really reflect how well i handle folds when I have a picture to reference
the key to drawing clothing is paying attention to folds and points of tension. if you can find a pdf or images of the burne hogarth books on drawing clothes you could get alot from just looking at those images.
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not polish but am ftm so my art style basically clocked me. its over
I've seen this artstyle alot, did you use to be a tumblr user?
i did use tumblr for a long time but never posted my art there lol. i guess i need to work on my style so i dont perpetuate ftm stereotypes
That your art posted? I like, please share your blog.

Your too blog please.

R. Crumb vibes.

It looks like they are drinking a bottle of motor oil.

Don't use mirror tricks, draw the entire image.
you'd understand if you've played it, other malebrained sims games involve the sims 1 and bustin' out, of which i've played both as well
>very cruel, basically encouraged to torture your sims unlike later games
>majority of TS2 players post-TS4 are amab
>very challenging, requires skill
>mental breakdown feature
>dysgenic furries appear when your sim has critical social failure
>mean-spirited chance cards and social interactions; scrapped 'mr monster' chance card
i usually draw at a 3/4 angle and only use the mirror tool when i'm doing a portrait. i typically only mirror it for the first few sketch stages before doing it by hand for the final work or later sketches. picrel is from january
Lol yeah, I was also thinking of that when I made the comic
I suppose it's a fusion of those two things
Yeah I just assumed that the site influenced your style
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did a little color challenge
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ooh, I'll try it next time
You only make me sadder with each passing post. Especially when accompanied by your art.
Missing a quality frame, that’s it.
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Saving the thread
I like the lighting on the pants
This is nice, it's not very detailed or rendered but still manages to have a good texture on the fins and stuff
Big fan of this flowy style of sketching and blocking out sections on the limbs here
cute fesh
Don’t fuck him tommy
Does anyone have a request for a boymoder drawing?
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yes! i know i had at least two over the past few weeks, but i forgot one of them. fuck

boymoder version of this please, unless the perspective is too hard (t. doesn't know shit about drawing)
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I get bored very quickly so I don't do lots of details usually lol
glad the texture still reads well

thank ya
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Hated every single second of making this because I had to reverse engineer and fix the pose. 10/10 would do it again and would in fact recommend

Hope you like it!
very good!!! but i will say it looks like she's wearing a diaper
marvelous :3
I thought the same thing lmao that why tired to fix the pose lol
fuck off, let me draw in peace
Idk how to draw but i was watching robert budd dwyer blow his brains out and thought i'd take a shot at drawing it

It looks a little abstract (shit) and messy but uhh that's partially because the only art i've been looking at recently is stuff by ville kallio, ralph steadman and gerald scarfe
also just because i'm shit at drawing and haven't drawn anything in like 2 years

any tips for actually trying to draw stuff would be appreciated

also what are your favourite artists anons?
i wanna know what kinda stuff this board's into

i quite like goya, francis bacon, peter ondreička, carp matthew and the people i mentioned above
the covers for simplicissimus and the ny times are quite cool also imo
what do you guys think?
The only problem with this is the unconnected lines but it's really kino!
Get into drawing porn, or copy porn that you watch. It helped me when I was younger in understanding the placement of body parts.
this unironically is what made me stop coping and accept myself as trans, I drew myself as a guy and felt disgusted at the size of my hands, my build, the slimness of my neck in comparison...
aww thank youu
i probably should've connected the lines, yeah, but i'm incredibly lazy and it was like 3am when i drew this
tysmm for the input :D
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My art sucks donkey nuts so i went into beepbox for fun
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Hello from /m/, I do 3d art to pay for my HRT
oh cool!
well, you're very good at it, I must say.
that's insanely impressive.

this thread's incredibly dead so I shouldn't be bumping it but still...
great model!
I'm surprised it's not reached bump limit yet actually
it's nearly been up for 3 weeks
i need to stop getting filtered by blender
holy gigabased
bumping the epic thread
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I drew this today.
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would eat
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made this gif out of boredom, happy pride everyone!
I love your drawing!
thank you! i'm glad people like it. the stickers were my gf's idea hehe
I need to play this game again.
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i am very sane i am very sane
do this but in the style of Saturn eating his son
might try tomorrow lol
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Very unfinished
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Sick as fuck
I like this one
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almost month old art gen! :3c
here's a random animation
Thats really cool, 3d stuff looks like a ton of fun
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Absolutely hate the new sticky
Drew wizard
I dont understand why tumblr gaydens get so mad about the pooner stuff. I can't process them with the lens that this creature is supposed to be a human nonetheless an ftm
Also, gaydens do not get mad about pooner shit, most pooner images are by poons lmao.
can you draw this character making lines of coke with a toys-r-us gift card and then snorting it?
>I dont understand why tumblr gaydens get so mad about the pooner stuff. I can't process them with the lens that this creature is supposed to be a human nonetheless an ftm
It's because they unironically style themselves with every one of the stereotypes it's depicted having.
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drugs are bad
ok this is deep...
i like it
belly button
so real, me fr
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lol i fucked up the 196 stupid ass bunny
Trust the bumpanon, you don't have to do that
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I should really learn watercolor in a much or technical sense
I did, it was one bump away from getting archived.
not in the case of those three bumps, at least. none of them were longer than an hour since the last bump. this board isn't that fast. right now the last thread on the board was last bump 3h13m ago
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I want to believe the vanishing bumps are scripted because it happens throughout the night
it's not, lmao. for weeks i was just woke up on my own, but then my (mild) ocd got the better of me, and i started setting an alarm. i only recently started setting two alarms cause of a meme i saw a few weeks ago:

which is useful, cause sometimes i'm retarded and swipe sleep instead of snooze. the closest the thread got to falling off the board was within 10 away (eyeballing it) because of that. also this post >>35954388 scared the shit out of me, and made me have to do math and shit to make sure it wasn't the case. i REALLY thought it was, and was gonna say something, before i realized i just deleted the bump too quickly for archiveofsins.com to fetch, but archived.moe showed i didn't miss a bump. i always bump as soon as the thread reaches the bottom three rows of threads on my arbitrary browser resolution that shows nine threads per row on the catalog (bottom row varies per amount, for whatever reason). sometimes a bit early or later if i woke up to do it. so no, i'm just a NEET. my birthday's late july though, and being a NEET is embarrassing, so i'll try to stop being a NEET then

people have said they're grateful i bump the thread. some people have drawn for the first time in a while only cause the thread were here. but i know when more spontanous draw threads have showed up even since i started bumping the main one, it always gets more traffic, so it's clearly a double-edged sword. again, i won't be doing this forever, though, so, it is what it is. forgive my text post (i am not an artist)
Thank you for your service
another request, could you draw her as a nerd emoji?
you think you maybe you have the catalog sorted by "last reply" instead of "bump order"? deleted posts still resets the bump order, which you wouldn't be able to see if so. you bumped it from page 6, but looking at the "last reply" order, it would've looked like it were 10 minutes away from falling off the board
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I can probably do that next
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not the original requester, but based asf
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Its a loathing all the art I do sort of week.
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I wish MS Paint defaulted to the pencil instead of the brush cause the brush fucks up the fill tool
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Looks wonderful, thanks!
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omg that's soooo good what
it's so pretty i love it
All this as shown me is that "you people" all lack talent and artistic skills. These drawings all suck.
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can we see some of yours then
(i'll admit some of these suck tbf but what did you expect from this board on this site?)
I know this is probably bait but
I think
are pretty much all unobjectionably great.
And yeah, if these drawings are so bad, where are your masterpieces?
i was trying not to comment on it again, but that last drawing always makes my eyes start welling up. am i just a bitch?

>can we see some of yours then
>where are your masterpieces?
Food analogy.
>what did you expect from this board on this site?)
At least someone to be decent.
>Food analogy.
this is definitely bait then but what do you class as decent?
I don't need to be a chef, to tell you that the food you served me tastes like shit.
>bait then but what do you class as decent?
Not the poorly conceived scribbles here.
>>bait then but what do you class as decent?
>Not the poorly conceived scribbles here.
this is just such a pathetic "reply" that you don't even deserve the (You). but i am giving you one anyway. hope you enjoyed shitting on an art thread, unprovoked, for no reason
>I don't need to be a chef, to tell you that the food you served me tastes like shit.
no one "served" you anything you self-entitled illiterate retard. wtf kind of reply was "food analogy" anyway???? is that supposed to be a virtue signalling dog whistle that you're parroting something you picked up from somewhere? you are so fucking embarrassing. hope you learn develop original thoughts for once, eventually
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yeah okay then
basically what i suspected
that was not really necessary but i hope you feel happy now
what i don't really get is why you felt the need to do that though
if putting others down makes you feel better about yourself, that's pretty sad but i hope one day you have the self confidence or assurance that you don't need to do that
if it doesn't, then i don't understand the point in posting that
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Hand studies cuz we need more images
the hair and shading sorta reminds me of kresimir zimonic's animations

(like this kinda)
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based and cool
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waoow prettyyy
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Sum 1 drew this for me on /ic/, sob. I need to get better.
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heres two images i did over the weekend
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Neat. The second one is giving Animorphs/A Wrinkle in Time cover art mashup in the best way possible.
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i think of myself like this cat (?)
salad fingers
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chaser or cis male

i dunno what the fuck you are to be honest. if you said non binary it'd be one of the rare cases where i believe you

cis male + on the spectrum

cis male

mtf, the but extremely malebrained yuri consumer late transitioner NEET type


AFAB, if pooner is one of the "ugh im a femboy :3" types.
From what I know about the people you replied to, literally every one of these is wrong. Quite impressive.
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I was working an art show this past weekend in Brooklyn it was cool but expensive :/ made decent money saw a lot of mustachioed women, a lot of mtfs wearing Amazon egorl outfits that didn’t fit, anyway here’s a pic or two :/
>I also ripped open the thighs of my leggings and I’m glad they’re huge and it wasn’t noticeable with mh shirt over top of the rip but still it was lame
that isnt possible, sorry.
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Little slimes guys
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Same mold but different painting effects , also talked to the president of marusan, he’s really nice
I’m gonna eat these motherfuckers >:3
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But they’ve been through sooo much D:
>big guys in the back are rotocasted by hand standing at about 9”, mold is huge and is awful to work, they’re also candy coated
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I’m gonna bump this
>the two different sharks I made
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Cute sharks walking 0:
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i recognize that meme! interesting to go above and beyond and draw the whole arm yourself
draw her doing cocaine
>>36051519 >>36060946
also, unrelated, but after wakarimasen went down, we lost the ability to do three-character searches on /tttt/ archives. so naming the thread "art thread" rather than "draw thread" or something is unfortunate in that way. but i know the drawgen streak the threads were on got interrupted by a more spontaneous art thread that got more traffic and replaced drawgen. also, "art" is a broader term that "draw". so idk. you win some, you lose some
Is this the longest a thread has ever stayed up for on this board?
maybe not. i saw an anon the other day say >>36090917
>when i first started coming here i could make a post wait 24 hours and then self bump my post off last page
>and how long ago was that
>like 2015
if true, it wouldn't have taken much to keep threads up for longer. even if the board sped up during certain parts of the day, idk how much faster it could get compared to 24 hours for threads to die at its slowest
yoooo these are sick afff did u design them also?
it was way busier in like 2018-2020 then now. its true everyone is namefagging in gens and single threads are all (you)bait
Longest in last 5 or so years then, maybe. This thread took insane amount of autism and topic that didn't attract much posts.
if you wanna see more of my "work" (get it, cause i'm a NEET), i also bumped the thread of the dev who made https://tranners.lol/:

it lasted from april 6th to 30th (23 days). but i guess she died or something, so this thread gets my full attention
wow! well if it is, i'm glad to have been a part of it
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I did give it, here was one I did for Christmas of her last dog
Turned out a lot nicer
Everything else I do is either portraits(god I miss them they are so easy) or shitty furfaggotry art
>a lot nicer
ooo i dunno, i rly liked the first one too
your knowledge of dog anatomy is weirdly accurate and i <3 the colour palate
now that i think of it though, i think i prefer >>35758507 maybe
>3 days and 20+ bumps with no other posts inbetween
Top kek, I never got to your levels, but I've had obsessions similar to this with some generals. That's why I'm observing this thread. Thanks for teaching me bump and delete technique, I thought about doing that but hadn't tested it before. Now please get good night's sleep.
Well I had references, when you have that its just drawing what you see.
the only advice i can give is that when bumping two threads at once, sometimes you exhaust the delete limit "Error: You cannot delete posts this often.", so i had to bump using my mobile data if i wanted to delete it. but the problem is that even when forcing the desktop site (i tried), for whatever reason, 4chan can still tell you're posting from mobile (maybe cause i only tried on my mobile data, and those are flagged?), and on mobile (again, for whatever reason) the cooldown to delete your post is 10 minutes rather than the 60 seconds on desktop. if you try to delete it sooner, it returns a bogus error ("Something went wrong.") unless you're on the desktop site. but i've learned that you can check if you've exhausted the deletion limit by trying to delete posts that aren't your own (or your own posts as long as the deletion would fail cause it's over 30 minutes old), since it would return "Error: You cannot delete a post this old.", and the act of checking doesn't count toward your deletion limit. of course, if you're only bumping a single thread, this board is slow enough where you don't have to worry about the deletion limit (idk exactly how many posts you have to delete in which time frame to trigger it, nor how long the cooldown lasts). but just saying

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